Quote# 22344

We allowed our daughter to be a cheerleader because -
It was at an IFB school.
There was no dancing.
Culottes were worn.
Old fashioned cheerleading took place - yells and stomping of feet and clapping of hands.
There was no hip movement or sensual behavior.
Hand and foot movements wer crisp and precise - could not be mistaken for dancing.

Mrs Debbie, Teens-4-Christ 59 Comments [3/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Heather

Quote# 22257

[why Kent Hovind really went to jail]

He didn't want his hard earned tax dollars going to support the religion of evolution being taught in schools.

Michael Wright (Timmins High And Vocational School), facebook 29 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 22258

"Haha, where to begin. Evolution says that things get better over time. Wrong, things get worse, if you leave a new car outside for a few years, even just a few months, it will rust, and get worse. Also, in order for evolution to occur on the levels macro evolution talks about, it would require a gain of genetic information, which is scientifically impossible. And micro evolution on a large scale is also no explaination for macro evolution, micro evolution loses parts of the genitic code to change the creature. Such as breeding to small dogs to remove the genetic information of a larger dog in each. You can breed all you want, but there are limits."

Michael Wright(Timmins High And Vocational School), facebook 31 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 22262

There are two key facts in the documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle, one of which I knew and the other I just suspected, but now it is confirmed.

1) The climate models that the UN-controlled trash scientists use are only as good as the assumptions made in using them or building them. We all knew that.

2) The very first assumption that the UN-controlled trash scientists make is that human-produced CO2 is causing global warming. That's understandable because the UN Charter that established the IPCC specifically requires that the IPCC produce "evidence" that human activities are causing global warming and the UN has provided billions of dollars of grants to trash scientists who are willing to provide that "evidence."

However, by starting with the above assumption as the prime assumption, all the other assumptions become invalid because the UN-controlled trash scientists never even consider the FACT that increased solar activity is the cause of global warming. If the UN-controlled trash scientists included increased solar activity as one of their assumptions, that assumption would overwhelm the climate models and render their prime assumption that human-produced CO2 is causing global warming as completely invalid.

Naturalized-Texan, Free Conservatives 15 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22264

It took me years to figure out, praise be to The Spirit of God, that man's "peace" is a BAD thing. When I was younger, I used to thing about all the drive toward world peace and thought to myself "what is so wrong with that?". As the years have passed, I see plenty wrong with that. Our desire for "peace" has lead to the evil and intolerance we are dealing with today. "Peace" means telling Israel to surrender it's covenant land to murderers. "Peace" means condoning terrible sexual practices, which has lead to skyrocketing depression, disease, and death all over the world. All this "peace" is going to be the end of us! There is only Jesus. I can not wait for the day His peace reigns supreme!

Windy T, Rapture Alert 25 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22265

Personally, I believe many of the trolls who come here are not atheists, as they claim, but really are sad little child-like people who know they are in rebellion to God and are miserable because of it. I believe you come to this site because there is something deep inside you that yearns to know the truth, yet you squelch that yearning and turn back to the world. Truly, I have pity for you.

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 37 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22266

[The Virus Of Faith and Richard Dawkins.]

You know, all I kept thinking was how sorry that man is going to be someday.

While he was talking I looked into his eyes, and I couldn't help but think about what those eyes of his would see someday when he died. What would they see first? Darkness? Would they see and understand what was happening to him? Would he recognize hell immediately? Would he know immediately where he was, or would he be confused? How soon will he feel regret for his disbelief? How soon will he feel like a fool for denying God? Will it be quickly? Will he know quickly, and understand, sadly and horrifyingly, what his eternity will be like? Or will he still resist? Will he curse God in that darkness, or will he beg for forgiveness and a second chance?

I just feel sad for him. It's like watching a dead man walking - a man with no hope and no future.

A.Rachel, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22267

[Re: Are there any Christians here willing to die or kill for their beliefs?]

This may sound funny, but I would do both... I have a bit different take then most though because I was trained to kill... but if it came right down to protecting the faith, my family yeah i would go all the way... If Christianity became illegal and was punishable by death, you better believe when whoever came to break up the church would be in harms way... That is hard truth that not many people are willing to man up to... doing think Jesus would have been down? check out Luke 22:35 or 36 i believe. Jesus tells the disciples to by swords...

Neolights, CARM 23 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22269

[Christians: would you be willing to...kill...]

Only if they won't convert to my religion!

J. Sloan, CARM 41 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22270

from a spiritual perspective society would be CLEANSED of it's impurities. Why do you think God ordered Joshua to kill all the men, women, and children of the land. It's not because God is bad, but rather ALL deserve to die, and the land which was given to the israelites had to be PURGED of its spiritual impurities.

You want to know why the war in Iraq is dragging, because we're fighting it according to our MODERN-DAY sensibilities about death, instead of wiping the land clean and purging the land just as they did in ancient times. ..

Royal_Priest, CARM 34 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 22271

Al Gore's film is not about Science, it is about AGENDA!


Al Gore is a refuted liar and a fraud, and James Hansen gives away the roots of his own bias, or ideological bent.

If Al Gore was giving a recipe for making toast - he forgot the bread!

Richbee, CARM 21 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22272

I have seen two instances of demonization ("Demon possession" is an unfortunate KJV mistranslation).

One was a mid teens gal who's total personality, and appearence suddenly changed and she became wild and uncontrollable after a meeting until Samuel Thomas (who was the speaker that evening in the Sidney, Ohio FGBMFI meeting) came out in the Holiday inn parking lot and ministered deliverance to her. SInce my AoG youth group was there at the meeting they all watched it too, and afterwards we went to her house and called the blood of Jesus through it since we had the sense of the presence of the demonic there also. I lost my position as Youth leader because of that one - the AOG in '74 chose NOT to believe that there was demonic activity in rural Ohio. One of the gals in the youth group discovered that she could "feel" demonic presence in her hands (they became ice cold and sweaty).

The other one was the sister of one of the folks in the Celina AoG church, about 1976, who was being driven to suicide by a totally dominating spirit of fear. As a last resort, the pastor and the member got her over and ministered deliverance. The church member prayed exclusively in tongues and decribed the "pushing" sensation against the demonic entity, and a great "holy anger" focused on it - AND the lifting of the burden when the thing left. The sister was immediately "O.K." but had a week of so of shadows with nothing to cast 'em, things moving in her house, and her piano playing by itself, which she opposed in Jesus' name - and now as of 3 years ago (2003) she was still "delivered" and without oppression.

Bob Carabbio, CARM 28 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22274

[in response to information that homosexuality exists in nature.]

i would like to know where you heard it and have any proof, as i have heard it aswell but never shown proof.

also who isnt to say animals cant make a choice like that?

Cigaro, Madden Mania - Soap Box 20 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22276

$10,000 U.S. is being offered to the first person who can overturn the perfect proof for God of the Bible.

The reason for this offer is to show that, still, no agnostic/atheist can find fault with the Proof. In the work world, if someone offers you $10,000 to perform a task, most who seek employment needing the work would do the work, but the atheist/agnostic does not when it comes to their faith because their's is blind faith. It would be an impossible task. In the work world, the non-believer would have been fired, how much more in God's design?

All previous attempts have been removed, because they all had some flaw. Only new arguments will be allowed.

The only stipulation is the challenger must present his or her case at Biblocality Forums in this thread.

Oh, by the way, if you get crass and abusive, you're banned. This includes nicknames, emails, self-declarations, being ignorant (belligerent), and lying on the 18 questions at registration also found under "Edit Profile". If there is no love, then all your efforts are in vain stemming from self.

Churchwork, Biblocality 1226 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 22277

I remember a few years ago as the gay movement was getting started, one sneering person said directly to the news camera words to the effect that 'they would get our kids'.........
God forgive me, I didn't think either of our countries would let that happen!
How I pray for Jesus' soon return.

annet, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22279

Atheist=Communists like Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong
Muslim=Extremists like Osama, Hussein ect.
Pagans=Murderers and sacrifices
Christianity preaches of love and peace and compassion! YOU CANNOT seriously believe that any Christian (TRUE CHRISTIAN) would hurt anyone.

Mikey, Myspace 61 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 22280

Two things, there are plenty of reasons to believe in God demosntrated within the context of the Bible. Also why do we need a reason to have a reason to believe in self evident truths? Thats the point. They're self evidently true. We don't need a reason to believe in them. But, thats not to say, we don't HAVE reasons to believe in them. This is where your confusion is coming in I believe.

caseypowell, carm 28 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22281

Science isn't everything FYI. Science can't even prove this statement exists!

caseypowell, carm 57 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22286

I think I would be a very very effective president, and my policies though radical, would create a better economy, and a better way-of-life both here and abroad for all american citizens. I would not rule to be liked, I would rule to make this a better country. And to the other poster, yes it would be somewhat of a dictatorship. I agree. I would change the constitution to increase the presidential term of office from 4 years to maximum 25 years, arguing that 4 years is not enough nor sufficient in todays global economy and ever-changing world. With increased poverty, increased violence, increased technology, and increased demands for resources, I would argue that 4 years actually undermines any realistic effort a president has to bring about change. Even 8 years is not enough. And my argument would sell. We need some level of dictatorship/imperialism to wake us up (so long as it is the right type of dictatorship), because FREEDOM has put us to sleep and made us weak in understanding what it means to have a NATION and to be a citizen within that nation, abiding by certain National laws.

Royal_Priest, CARM 49 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22288

I have a question for you filthy Athiest trash: if we evolved from apes like Charles Darwin said, then that would mean that people and monkeys are the same species, right? Well, if people and monkeys are the same species, then why can't a human impregnate a monkey, or vice-versa? there really is NO scientific evidence of evolution. no one has ever uncovered fossils of things in the middle of their evolutionary state. Also, atheism seems to me like a cult. you all believe everything in the 'Origin of Species' as if it's the Bible. You all believe every word Charles Darwin said, in fact, it seems that you all worship him. You all say we have no minds of our own, because we follow the Holy Bible, and we worship God and Jesus, but tell me, why do you believe everything in the origin of species, or as i like to call it, the SATANIC BIBLE?

James, Myspace 66 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 22291

How is it not rational to believe in an unseen force that is moral and just ,and that being created all things for his pleasure?

angryamerican, hannity 51 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22292

If they teach you doctrines that are in any way contrary to the Word of God, even though it may seem that they have Scripture supporting their position, then be warned. I can twist Scripture to support abortion, sodomites and many other things.

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 58 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Scotty

Quote# 22293

The Bible is true! EVERYTHING the Bible says is true. It all happened. Saul was a real person who persecuted Christians, but then he became a Christian and a follower of Jesus and got his name changed to Paul. Science often contradicts the Bible. If scientists would use real science, then it wouldn't contradict the Bible.

Mistwraith, Petshub 35 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22295

At the point of marriage, the man becomes the head of a new home. Ladies, in God’s order, are always subject to someone. I’m sorry ladies, but that is God’s rule. A lady will always be under her parents (specifically her father) or her husband. At this point in the wedding, the father will give his daughter to her future husband. If, up to this point, the girl has given her affection or loyalty to anyone other than her parents and the Lord, she has defrauded them.

Bro. Randy, T-4-c 92 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22296

Dan found out about a birthday gift that Sue was planning to give him – a kiss. Later that night, he asked for his birthday present and she gave it to him. A few minutes later, Anne and Dan sat in the back seat of a car watching Sue and Mark in a passionate embrace. Now several years later, three of the four have had illegitimate children, two of the four have already been married and divorced, three of the four have been heavily involved in drugs and alcohol. And one still struggles to this day with her walk with God. Was all of this the result of the one kiss? No, not completely, but the one kiss was a match dropped in a sea of gasoline that was the unrestrained emotions of four teenagers.

Bro. Randy, T-4-c 27 Comments [3/20/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3