Quote# 22033
* Effort should be made to remove all reasons for abortion.
* Abortions should be completely banned, except in very rare cases when both people are probable to die (and even then, it should be up to the family. It could be analogous to if you're in a car on autopilot and you can't change your course and a guy in a similar car is heading straight at you. However, you also have a rocket propelled grenade and can blow the other guy away to save your life. Otherwise, you both will probably die. You would still be killing another human in manslaughter, but it would be somewhat understandable. Again, very rare cases. Abortion for practically any other thing is clearly bad.
* Support adult (including umbilical cord) stem cell research; oppose embryonic stem cell research.
* Unless all embryos made in an IVF procedure are used, some children are murdered.
* Research should be made into birthing tanks. This could lead to the end of all abortions.
* A supposed "right to choose" most definitely does not supersede a human's right to life--once God has given that privilege to that human.
* As life is a gift from God--and God still is the owner of that life--euthanasia is also bad. Human creatures do not have the right to take any life that is not theirs--including "their" life (the life God gave them)--unless it is for reasons of self-defense.
The only human who had the right to take a life for non-self-defense reasons was Christ. God had the right to take God's own life as a sacrifice to pay for the lives all human creatures. Just as God had the power to rise again so that all human creatures can rise again.
* As for children with huge "defects:" God has a reason for everything which comes to pass--it isn't for human creatures to contest God's decisions why God chose for some people to have extreme autism, downs syndrome, physical deformities, etc. God chose to give those human creatures life, and their lives are equal in value to every other human creature.
Free Republic 42 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5