Quote# 22090

Gay? Vegetarian? You're not Natural!

Humans are the top of the food chain. We are omnivorous and designed by nature to be male or female in gender so as we can reproduce and create more humans and, there-by, propogate the species.

EVERYTHING else is a scientific or biological abnormality, period.

Any questions?

EL KABONG, Myspace 54 Comments [3/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 22091

Becausehelives : I wonder which side the evilushionist were descended from apes, there mother or father's?

GloryBound : Rumor has it they were inbred. To hear them talk, one must wonder if perhaps there is more to it than just rumor.

Becausehelives and GloryBound, CARM 15 Comments [3/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 22093

You seem to think of God as something partial like ourselves. But God is being itself, truth itself, goodness itself, beauty itself. Man's response to such a being could only be one of worship. If we do not worship such a being, we betray our own nature, since, to be fully human, we have to love beauty, goodness, and truth. God does not need our worship; he "demands" it because He knows we can only be happy if we embrace truth, beauty, and goodness.

Christopher Zehnder, California Catholic Daily 24 Comments [3/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 22094

<supersport cunningly refutes the theory of plate tectonics>

I, of course, believe God Created the world in 6 days. One of the greatest questions creationists are faced with is how the animals spread out across the world after Noah's ark came to a rest.

Of course nobody knows what happened...but I think with a little investigation, one can put some pieces together that make a little sense.

Is it possible that the world was created much smaller than it is today? Is it possible that there were no oceans? Is it possible that, instead there were "fountains of the deep?" Is it possible that at some point the earth cracked open and these flood waters came pouring out?

Is it possible that the earth grew much like a balloon expands? Is it possible that when the ark came down that the continents were still one land mass, only to separate later?

<his proof>


supersport, CARM 35 Comments [3/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ninja Monkey

Quote# 22003

atheists astoud me. They have violated every law of logic i can think of in an attempt to undermine and destroy the basic concept of God. But the most amainzing this that they would even deny the basic deftion of God that has been around since before the middle ages; that God is necessary and eteranl.
Most of them don't even know what necessary means but there they plugging away, "God can't be necessary, whatever that is." Most of them think it means "there can't be a world unless "a god" created it. So they don't even understand the basic concept of necessry/contingency you try to expalni it to them and just argue with it as though "you are not trying to expalin anything I know everything I know God can't exist cause I don't like him."

they voilaet the law of non contradiction

violate the law of excluded middle

Occam's razor which they don't understand (totally stupid to think this Presit came up with an argument againt God and they dont' even know what Occams razor says, they think it means "take the simplest idea.")

It's a complete destruction of civilization. Atheism has killed knowelde and destroyed the basis of learnign and litteracy.

B.H.Streeter, CARM 54 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22004

Already the protests both for and against it have begun, but state Sen. Fred Smith, R-Johnston, said that there's one thing people need to keep in mind when discussing the Defense of Marriage bill introduced last month in the Senate.

"Those people who want to say this bill is against gay people, that is not a correct statement," Smith said. "We can talk about a lot of other relationships (it affects). We can talk about a man and two women, a man and five women, a man and a child or a man and a dog.

"That bill says nothing but that marriage is between one man and one woman."

Fred Smith, NC Senator, Goldsboro News-Argus 20 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: amyg113

Quote# 22005

[why are christians so quick to give over the public school system to satan?]

It's already his...

always was. There are two kingdoms at war with each other. Please...know your enemy. Satan is the prince of this world's systems. This world is not our home. The church is of the Kingdom of God. So much of our troubles are due to being decieved...underestimating the influence and his 'haunts' within the world. Be wise.

Secondly....education is about discipleship. Who do you want discipling your children?

Thirdly...they are children...at the most vulnerable, innocent times of their lives. They need protecting!

Another thing about the Enemy of our souls...he also loves our children! He seeks to destroy their innocence, their beauty, their souls. Satan is a baby killer, a child-molester, a murderer of the innocent. Don't ever forget that! He roams around, seeking those he may devour. Parents are their children's 'guardians'. So...guard them. It's your job.

Mrsflib, CARM 25 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22006

I was called by God to homeschool. I fee sick to my stomach just thinking about sending them into that horrible enviorment. You go to public school and hear the "bad" stuff you just get used to it. It's like being seared by a hot iron. After awhile it becomes the "norm". Every single day my children learn about Jesus and theology. Can't get any better than that!!

toadfoot, CARM 44 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22008

Atheist deny the existence of God because to admit that he exist ...... WHICH ENDEED HE DOES AND HE DOES NOT NEED THEM TO BELIEVE IN HIM TO EXSIST......Then they will have to accept that they are headed to hell and are neither in control of their lives nor are they their own God...another words they won't be able to do whatever they want to anymore because there is a price to pay for all their sins....its a simple case of self denial to continue to do what they want to...

Just My Opinion, Yahoo! Answers 32 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22010

i dont like atheists.. they are like devil worshippers in a way..

which is soo not cool.

jacqueline, Yahoo!Answers 47 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Missa

Quote# 22011

Evolution is a THEORY.
Big Bang is a THEORY.
Creationism was a THEORY before we invented radio-telescopes to measure the date of our universe.

Paddy, Google Video comments 28 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Øyvind

Quote# 22012

Really, cause God loves everyone, so what god are you talking about?

We have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion!

Get your sword, put on your armor, pick up your cross, raise the banner, shout your Battle Cry, an follow Jesus. Go to battlecry.com to join!

Songwriter20, Deviantart 34 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22016

Evolutionism, Darwin...the attempt to prove that God lied and thus is not worth worshipping.

Evolutionism, Dawkins... The attempt to prove God does not exist and that life came by accident.

Creation, The bible...The scientific and rational theory that someone superior to humans created the universe and everything in it.

warriorprince1010, YouTube comments 31 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22017

That sounds more consistent to me. If a voice tells me to kill my son, I should do it, whatever the consequences for me or my son, I can trust god. So hearing the voice of god is like a command, overruling whatever I believe is wrong or right.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god

Pandora, CARM 67 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 22018

Creationists agree with evolutionists about natural selection and adaptation. This has been observed. However, any creationist with any sort of biology or zoology background will be able to tell you that natural selection, speciation, and adaption are quite different from evolution.

Andy Blair, Facebook 33 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 22023

Darwins theory was disproved. at my WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, we discussed it. Darwin disproved his theory on his death bed thank you very much.

Rebecca Freeman, facebook 47 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jeremiah

Quote# 22024

["Some examples that religious folk have had trouble with over the years:

The earth moves.
Germs cause disease.
The earth is quite old."]

Oh, two can play this game: Some examples that irreligious folk have had trouble with over the years:

killing political opponents is wrong.
killing inconvenient friends is is wrong.
killing religious people is wrong.

The most famous atheists of all time, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung. and Pol Pot murdered more people than all the religious wars in history. Get out your calculator. Get out your history book. Add it up.

cookcounty, Free Republic 25 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22025

There seems to be a lot of people who are drawn to the same sex. God does not condone same sex activities. He never has nor will He ever. Homosexualality is a sin. Many people claim they are born being gay and that is not so. Being gay is a learned emotion. Feeling gay is not wrong but to act out the act is.

Jesus was not gay, nor did he have a wife. God instructs us to remain single if we are strong enough. Yet there are people who are not strong enough and are allowed to marry. God allows us to be married and have sex with one person of the opposite sex.

Being gay or acting out in a homosexual act is not natural, it is a sin. People can make up whatever excuse they want to in order to make them selves feel better about what they are doing, but it is still a sin. It is better just not to have sex at all. Look at all the diseases that result in dirty sex.

There is no such thing as a gay right, there are only human rights, other wise your practicing reverse descrimination.

We are all sinners, repent for the time is drawing near and it will be too late.

BELLNOTEBOOK, AOL Message Boards 41 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22027

["..posts the creationist, using his computer, taking his medicine, driving his car. All the fruits of scientists who (thankfully) didn't share his petrified, stunted imagination and curiosity."]

You see, it's ignorant, bigoted, and frankly empty-headed talk like that that causes me to have no respect for evolutionists. You realise that the foundations of modern science were lain by "creationists", right? You realise that evolution has virtually no impact on like 90% of our science, even much of the biotechnology fields, eh? Further, there's a good argument to be made that the reason biological sciences lagged behind the physical sciences (being called "the retarded child of the sciences" by Michael Crichton back in the '70s) is because they were hobbled by an overreliance on evolution - mainly because bioscientists tended to force everything through the lens of evolution instead of simply letting the observable, empirical science speak for itself.

Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus, Free Republic 17 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22028

["I said, in the case of a conflict between a well established observation and a religious text."]

Therein lies the rub, however. Evolution is not a "well-established observation". Evolution rests on circumstantial evidences from which it is deduced as an explanation. Neither evolution nor creation are, by their very nature, subject to empirical, verifiable, repeatable experimentation. To the extent that generational variation has occurred, it has been within type, not between type. We've simply no experimental evidence that fish become frogs become lizards.

["I have yet to see a single instance where scientists and religious folk duked it out over something and the religious folk were shown to be right. It's never, not once, happened."]

False, I've seen it happen. Back in the early 1990s, the hard-core, literal 7-day creationists like Duane Gish and Gary Parker were routinely engaged on university campuses across the country to debate with evolutionist professors, usually but not always on the university's staff. The creationists would crush the evolutionists most of the time. It happened here at the university where I got my degree (i.e. empirical observation). It was after several rounds of this that the evolutionists began the "we won't debate them because that will just given them undeserved credibility" line.

Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus, Free Republic 23 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22029

[Excerpted from an article titled "The Theocratic Agenda Is Heading for a Statehouse Near You."]

In Kentucky, lawmakers will consider HR 4, a resolution that calls on Congress to pass a bill designed to make it harder for people to bring church-state lawsuits into the federal courts.

A similar but even more extreme measure is pending in Arizona. Sen. Karen Johnson, a Republican from Mesa, is sponsoring a bill that would bar state courts from being able to intervene in any cases that challenge "the acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty or government."

The bill, SCR 1026, is of dubious constitutionality. Nevertheless, Johnson insists she is serious. She told the Arizona Daily Star, "But we're supposed to have religion in everything -- the opportunity to have religion in everything. I want religion in government, I want my government to have a faith-based perspective."

Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson, R-Mesa, AlterNet 16 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 22032


* Every Christian should be a Creationist.
* Creationism is at least as defensible as Macroevolutionism from a scientific standpoint.
* Macroevolution requires at least as much religion as Creationism.
* The primary reason Macroevolution is so popular is because it is the dominant viewpoint of the origin of life presented to the populace, and not because it is grounded in good science or common sense.
* Both Creationists and Macroevolutionists can be smart, competent scientists.
* Creationists should know about at least the basic tenets of Macroevolution. You should know your opponent. Ignorance is rarely becoming.
* Similarly, it would be good for Macroevolutionists to know about Creationism, and not receive all their information on Creationism secondhand from anti-Creationism-biased sources.
* Macroevolution is an inherently racist doctrine, even if individual Macroevolutionists do not wish to be racist. If there were races which evolved, one race would be the smartest, one the strongest, etc. There are NO races of humanity. There is one human race, and it is imperative that all Christians, even those who insist on being Macroevolutionists, agree with this. Christ died to save Christ's family, the family of Man.
* The origin of Man explains why Man needs a Savior. This is why Christians should be adamantly Creationist, and is also why atheists are just as adamantly anti-Creationist.

JediMasterPikachu, Free Republic 26 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22033


* Effort should be made to remove all reasons for abortion.
* Abortions should be completely banned, except in very rare cases when both people are probable to die (and even then, it should be up to the family. It could be analogous to if you're in a car on autopilot and you can't change your course and a guy in a similar car is heading straight at you. However, you also have a rocket propelled grenade and can blow the other guy away to save your life. Otherwise, you both will probably die. You would still be killing another human in manslaughter, but it would be somewhat understandable. Again, very rare cases. Abortion for practically any other thing is clearly bad.
* Support adult (including umbilical cord) stem cell research; oppose embryonic stem cell research.
* Unless all embryos made in an IVF procedure are used, some children are murdered.
* Research should be made into birthing tanks. This could lead to the end of all abortions.
* A supposed "right to choose" most definitely does not supersede a human's right to life--once God has given that privilege to that human.
* As life is a gift from God--and God still is the owner of that life--euthanasia is also bad. Human creatures do not have the right to take any life that is not theirs--including "their" life (the life God gave them)--unless it is for reasons of self-defense.

The only human who had the right to take a life for non-self-defense reasons was Christ. God had the right to take God's own life as a sacrifice to pay for the lives all human creatures. Just as God had the power to rise again so that all human creatures can rise again.
* As for children with huge "defects:" God has a reason for everything which comes to pass--it isn't for human creatures to contest God's decisions why God chose for some people to have extreme autism, downs syndrome, physical deformities, etc. God chose to give those human creatures life, and their lives are equal in value to every other human creature.

JediMasterPikachu, Free Republic 42 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 22035

(In response to members who enjoyed the movie "300".)

It was Christ who singlehandedly "jump started" humanity back to life...not some gang of skirt wearing, pagan worshipping, cavemen from Greece...

The Ascetic Crusader, Christianforums 50 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 22036

God gave mankind the free will to choose. We can choose to believe are not believe. Everything that happens God controls. We see the very small picture, God has the complete order plan that he wrote. God will use our emenies to get his plan working. 9/11 was part of his plan. Those that died didn't die in vain. It got us into a war, were the Christan words could be brought to the middle east. Think of how many souls are being saved everyday from the pit of hell. That is what God wants.

Ranger_b, Military.com 23 Comments [3/13/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1