Quote# 23645
300 "global warming" Spartans, Al Gore, Liberals and Islamist Extremism
Discuss this dramatic contrast:
* Liberals believe that anthropogenic global warming is real and Islamist extremism is a hoax.
* Conservatives believe that Islamist extremism is real and anthropogenic global warming is a hoax.
When the next post-9/11 attack of Islamist extremism occurs, as it surely will, who would you rather be standing behind: Al Gore, with his carbon offset certificate-shield raised high in one hand and his florescent-tube spear in the other, or a member of the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force?
Personally, I would feel safer protected by one genuine G.I. Joe than 300 Al Gores.
CARM 55 Comments [4/14/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5