Quote# 23357
I am watching The History Channel: Banned From the Bible II" right now; explaining feminism rooting back to Genisis, with Adam's first wife Lilith, who was "equal" because he and she were made both from the same dust.
Adam gets frustraited because his wife will not submit. She will not lay under him and will not obey him. Essentially, she is the first feminist.
She leaves Adam and goes to the highest peak in the garden of Eden. She yells God's name in Hebrew (which was not supposed to be pronounced in Hebrew) and grows wings, flying into heaven and forsaken Adam.
God sees this and is angry. He tells three angels to go back to Adam or else she will be banished from the Garden, becoming a demon and watching 100 of her own children die each day for the rest of eternity. She chooses the latter, and becomes the demon who kills infants, unborn children, and molesting. (She is the demon feminist of abortion!)
God saw that Adam was alone, which was not good. To ensure that his new wife would submit, God made Eve from Adam's very own rib; making her his own.
In conclusion, feminism is the root of many evils, you see, it just is not the way.
.miss butte county.,
Myspace 68 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen