Quote# 23354

Fag is not homophobic, i do not hate gays. Kinda like how pollock is not racist or bigoted because it is a derogatory word for polish people.

Duke, Myspace 53 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: clemsecon

Quote# 23356

[You can't prove. The most you can do is explain how your interpretation of the bible leads you to believe they are wrong.]

The same could be said about evolution, physics, chemistry, or any other science that most accept as fact.

jawsmetroid, Christian Forums 15 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 23357

I am watching The History Channel: Banned From the Bible II" right now; explaining feminism rooting back to Genisis, with Adam's first wife Lilith, who was "equal" because he and she were made both from the same dust.
Adam gets frustraited because his wife will not submit. She will not lay under him and will not obey him. Essentially, she is the first feminist.
She leaves Adam and goes to the highest peak in the garden of Eden. She yells God's name in Hebrew (which was not supposed to be pronounced in Hebrew) and grows wings, flying into heaven and forsaken Adam.
God sees this and is angry. He tells three angels to go back to Adam or else she will be banished from the Garden, becoming a demon and watching 100 of her own children die each day for the rest of eternity. She chooses the latter, and becomes the demon who kills infants, unborn children, and molesting. (She is the demon feminist of abortion!)
God saw that Adam was alone, which was not good. To ensure that his new wife would submit, God made Eve from Adam's very own rib; making her his own.
In conclusion, feminism is the root of many evils, you see, it just is not the way.

.miss butte county., Myspace 68 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23358

Has anyone heard of Linux? It’s a new kind of Windows, but it’s free. I’ve read up on it, and it seems that it’s created and supported by ultra-liberals. Its creator, Richard Stallman, is even a satanist.

They call themselves “hackers”, and their aim is to destroy every big company, everything that is conservative. I can’t tolerate this sort of persecution. The LORD himself was a conservative and he was nailed to a tree for it. It won’t be long before all of us are crucified too if Linux succeeds.

Baptist Ben, BaptistBen 72 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 23359

A site called FSTDT (Fundies say the Darnedest Things) was recently brought to my attention. A bunch of homosexual pot-smoking liberals have decided to persecute Christians again. It’s only a matter of time before they persecute me.

I hate these liberals because they are calling us Christians “Fundies”, because we stand up for Christ the truth. If you are not with us, you suffer in hell forever. I am torn because part of me is genuinely concerned for these misguided souls, and part of me is thinking that they’ll get what they deserve.

We’re not going to let up. Watering down the truth with homosexual anti-Christian Liberal lies doesn’t make it false. If children learn the false religion of Evilutionism in their schools instead of the truth of Creation, they will burn. These Liberal Satanists are hoping this will happen.

BaptistBen, BaptistBen 102 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Tom

Quote# 23360

Why can’t you deluded people understand this? The modern dating methods are a huge load. If you fossilize something then date it, you’ll get a date going back millions of years. Tree ring dating is useless too. The tree couldn’t possibly know how long a year is.

There’s also the problem with moon dust. There’s not enough dust on the moon for the universe to be billions of years old.

The burden of proof is on the claimant. Right now, since all evidence points to a young Earth and absolutely no evidence points to Evilutionism, you’d better ante up or shut up, satanist fools.

You need to believe in Christ the LORD. If you don’t, when the Rapture comes, you’ll all be sorry.

Baptist Ben, BaptistBen 65 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 23361

[In response to why those that do not know of God go to Hell]

It does not matter whether someone is in the buckle of the Bible belt or the darkest corner of Africa, the glory of God is still evident to them. The very heavens declare it.

Bro. Randy, teens-4-christ 39 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: WestWind

Quote# 23362

‘I remember having a conversation with Pope John Paul at lunch,’ he says, ‘and we were talking about the situation in Europe, and a colleague was saying that things were quite good in Britain and it was very tolerant, very happy, etc., and I said to John Paul: "Holy Father, I don’t agree. What we Christians need in Britain is a little more persecution." Yes! The point being that Christianity is always going to be swimming against the tide.’

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, The Spectator 16 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 23363

The British public are a bunch of pansies. Why should we expect their armed forces to be any different? What a difference that 25 years can make.

oldbetang, Christian Forums 67 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23365

In a discussion about Dan Barker's "Easter Challenge", a wonderful example of hand-waving.

Quote: "Oh, well that just sorts it all out then.

Or perhaps, you could actually take a stab at solving the Easter Challenge? It's really only a problem for inerrantists."

What's to solve? There are no contraditions.

MikeMcK, Christian Forums 9 Comments [4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Captain Yesterday

Quote# 23299

You know whats weird? Our youth pastor has just had us start a 13 week sexual purity sunday school because he feels that people grades 6-12 are being attacked and I kind of blew him off. Not anymore. I believe him

onfire4him, Christian Teen Forum 48 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23300

hhhhmmm yes lots of bad things have came out of the us but there has always been underage sex and affairs and gays and such don'y use America as a scapegoat even though most of the world seems americanized well partly.

Prestmackine, Christian Teen Forum 25 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 23301

Gay people are at best a biologicial error. Doesn't matter if it is by choice or some type of gene defect. It is against every law of nature. And don't tell me about some a-sexual bug or germ or such. We are supposed to be a bit above them. I suppose however, if you wish to consider yourself the same level as bugs and such then I suppose that is ok. Still don't want you raising kids or pretending to be normal by getting married. Gays are sickos and deep down every gay person knows it.

bedderthnU, Netscape.com 34 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Infected

Quote# 23307

My friend Mark told me his Chinese friend Peter invited him to lunch at his house last week.

Inside Peter's house, he saw pictures of frogs and dogs hanged on the wall. Peter told him he had to do ancestor worship (which is a common Chinese practice) before lunch.
He felt curious and asked, "Where are the pictures of your ancestors ? I can't see any except pictures of ugly frogs and dogs ?" Suddenly, Peter got furious and said how dare he insult his ancestors.

Later, Mark found out that Peter believed that the ancestor of his father's father was a frog, the ancestor of his father's mother a dog, the ancestor of his mother's father an ant and the ancestor of his mother's mother a mosquito.

tomc, Christian Forums 48 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 23308

These guys are stealing their scripts from actual events going on in Senator Lugar's office at Indianapolis. They seem to have the impression that they all work for God. In reality, the one that they all work for and worship at the top of the "pyramid" is satan.

b9keith, Youtube 11 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Brian

Quote# 23309

[If you were out walking and on the ground somewhere you found a flat, roundish sort of thing with hard shiny skin and a large bit of hard, transparent skin on one side and behind the transparent skin you saw two in-axis flagella turning about the center of the transparent skin at different but clearly related rates and regularly crossing over some markings in a roughly circular pattern on the tissue backing the transparent skin and on one side of the transparent skin there was another shorter flagellum spinning quite quickly in a stuttering motion and the thing was making a regular clucking sound, what would you conclude?]

I'd probably conclude that the object was designed by an intelligent designer.

worldview, IIDB 39 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Vicious Love

Quote# 23310

If I were President the first thing that I would do is outlaw abortion. Secondly, I would promote the use of the death penalty.

Marksman, T4c 62 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 23311

(Supersport explains how animals in the wild never get sick. From three different comments in the thread)

Darwin, why do you think animals in the wild don't get diabetes? Why do they not get alzheimers? Why do they not get MS or or lupus or Depression? Why do they not get cancer? Why is it that dogs and cats start coming down with diseases such as cancer and diabetes only after they are in captivity....only after humans care for them and vaccinate them and give them all kinds of drugs, and processed food?

why is that?

[Mind-boggingly stupid statement. Animals in the wild do get various illnesses, but they don't usually survive long enough for us to find them while they are convalescing in a den or a nest, because they either starve or get eaten. In the wild getting sick is close to a death sentence.]

No they don't. Please show me where animals in the wild get diabetes, for example.

supersport, CARM 34 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 23312

It seems all you Nephilim smoked yourselves retarded. You're all coming out of the woodwork now, because the heat is on. Not only is Whiterider putting the heat on you, but he's been training warriors to enter into the fray as well. You guys just can't stand that. How God is using Whiterider to teach us to be 'giant slayers'?

You can't stand our heritage, can you. You know what, my shoes are getting pretty dirty right now, and they need a good "boot licking".

I always like seeing you guys scurrying to keep things hidden. I'm in the middle of a couple of people who say - that RH- stuff is just hype and wrong.

You guys are just a bunch of insignificant, stupid, retarded individuals. Do you think for one moment you guys can start a war with God and win, a being you live and move and have your being in. You lost the first day this war started!

Repent now, and God can let you live!

GoodNewsJournalist, The Resistance Manifesto 54 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 23314

You're for Jesus Christ, or you are not for him. That immediately makes you an Anti-Christ.

Choose this day, but choose wisely.

GoodNewsJournalist, The Resistance Manifesto 31 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23316

(Supersport's take on nationalized medicine and charity)

I'm not against helping people who truly need help. The problem is there is no such thing as a "free" anything. I don't know about your country but THIS country promises its citizens JUSTICE. Justice means you get out of life what you put into it....in otherwords no free lunches.

I don't believe in free lunches unless you are starving. If you are starving you should not look to the government. There are thousands churches in this country that will feed you directly or point you to the food banks they stock. Then after you get some food in your stomach you can GO GET A *******G JOB!!!

supersport, CARM 23 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 23318

Feminism=the great evil of the modern era!

The U.S. birth rate has plummeted from 3.9 children per woman in 1960 to 2 per woman; marriage has declined by one third; the divorce rate has doubled since 1960; and more than half of all first-born children in the United States are conceived or born out of wedlock. Studies have shown that female fertility starts to decline after age 26 and drops rapidly after age 30. The point is that many women are valuing career and work over marriage early in their lives, and it should be troublesome to all women when the facts show that fertility declines rapidly around the age when many of them start to think about marriage and children.

George Bush, Myspace 16 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23319

Overpopulation is a lie. Perhaps in China and Japan, screw them. America has forests everywhere. We have lots of breeding room around here.

Plus, any overpopulation is not due to over breeding, it is due to a lack of major wars. the Gulf war is so minor historically speaking. the loss of a couple of thousand peeps? Big deal.

George Bush, Myspace 29 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23322

Hmm, I don't seem to have anyone who can tell me how women's rights have helped the family unit. I guess I won. Ha Ha.

George Bush, Myspace 24 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 23324

[Why won't God heal amputees?]

I'm sure God COULD if He wanted to, but why? Many people I know who are disabled have faith stronger than I do, simply because they must depend on God more than the average person would have to. If they were healed, they might lose that strength. Everything happens for a reason, and God gave them that disability for a specific reason, even if we can't see what it is with our human frailities

gatorgal1985, LiveJournal 38 Comments [4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Fili