Quote# 22975

if u are saving christians life u really arent saving them it's just prolnging there trip to heaven so really it's not that great of a deed if u saved non christians life that would be more important cause they still have a chance to find christ

Stuart Gipson, facebook 22 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jeremiah

Quote# 22979

satan staff meeting:

Goal 1 : Get folks to just 'shack up', get birth control out there, legalize abortion


Goal 2: Get folks to accept sexual perversive acts such as homosexuality, increase liberalism so that any resistance is looked upon as intolerance


Goal 3: Get folks to accept pedophilia (then beastiality), it's easy to destroy a person in the young years, destroy them so that salvation becomes extremely difficult if not impossible

in progress

PlentyGroovy, Rapture Ready 37 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 22983

You know, the more I hear from these scientific, non-faithful, gurus the more I see a bunch of life, family and child destroying group of people who would rather continue killing babies, and call it a right to murder, all for the name sake of science. When all the while we are destroying generations within a years time.

You know the previews of 'Children of Men'? A new movie where every woman can not bear a child for like 20 years or so. And now a mother becomes pregnant and she is being hunted becasue she is pregnant. If we continue down the road of abortion for science I would not doubt that this would happen at some point... maybe during the Tribulation?!?!

JohnathanAmber, Tribulation Forces Network 19 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 22985

Atheism is not a rational conclusion, rather it's a psychological condition. You put God in the same category as twenty-footed ghosts. What would you think of someone who spends hours on end denouncing twenty-footed ghosts? If you truly beleived that God did not exist, why have you spent so much time typing over 1,346 posts about a non-existing being? What would you think of someone posting 1,346 messages dennouncing twenty-footed ghosts on a website devoted to those who did not beleive in twenty-footed ghosts? One would think that you are obsessed like the lady in the story..

The two reason the whole world is not a follower of Christ is because of ignorance, and the bad example of bad Christians..

Gab, RichardDawkins.net Forum 25 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 22987

In a free and democratic society, citizens have the right to vote for whatever cause they wish. You are an atheist because you don't like people who vote differently than you? You are an atheist because some people beleive that that abortion is the destruction of a new human being, and want to pass laws to protect the innocent?

You are an atheist because Christianity teaches that something is a sin? What does that have to do with the existence of a Creator?

Atheism is not a logical conclusion. It is a psychological condition..

Gab, RichardDawkins.net Forum 18 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 22989

[So Christians, what exactly is your idea of what awaits us Atheists in hell?]

To many look forward to the gnashing and the wailing and the endless sweating and leathery straps and chains and gargoyle babes with whips... I suspect hell just leaves you literally alone, nothing but proud of not kneeling, a little chilly or too warm, hungry, achy, annoyed, lonely but sick of everybody, sleepy, anxious and constantly needing to pee though you can go forever and it just makes it a hair worse everytime... Hell is bleak, not even offering the thrill of torture...

awediot, carm 58 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22993

So, let's summarize the reasoning here.

Evolution must be fake, because (among many other crazy reasons supplied) it does not accurately explain the fossil record.

And, in the same vein, the fossil record must be fake, because evolution cannot be explained by anything at all.

Is anyone else picturing a petulant child holding on to the last bits of the notion that there is indeed a Santa Claus?

Southpaw018, Fark 38 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jerry

Quote# 22866

I am a junior at Harvard Westlake

I haven't decided on becoming the President of the United States or being a comedian, both in which I would be the best.

Eeffoc is my code name

I enjoy surfing, lacrosse, proving people wrong, being right, driving my 05 Honda Pilot and the knowledge that I am smarter then 99% of everyone else.

Eeffoc's Take On
All women should look like Jessica Biel but act like June Cleaver. Being fat, ugly and a woman is not okay. The worst thing America has done was "liberate" ; women. Sure it was fun when they started to give it out like free samples at Costco in the 1960's but now we are left with evil women like Nancy Grace, Hillary Clinton and women who cuts open pregant women to steal their baby.
Feminism= Man Hate
Lesbians= Man Hate
Women Rights is not logical

Most immigrants are criminals who do not want to be American. They want to live in America because they hate their homeland. But the first thing they do when they get here is try to change America to reflect their homelands as much as possible. Then they demand amnesty and wave the Mexican flags. These people should be deported or sent to Iraq. If you lived in America for more then 20 years and still cannot speak English your ass has gots togo! Look at LAPD's most wanted and all but two people are immigrants. No Amnesty.

Liberals are no different then terrorists. Liberals want to the US to become vunerable to terrorist attacks and takeover so that they can do they same thing that liberal Devil Bush is doing- offer security for complete surrender of constitution. Why else would they be defend terrorists but not our soilders? Why else would they make it so that terrorists can sue soliders? Liberals should be executed.


The Following People Have Declared A "Jihad"(? ) And "Fawta"(? ) Agianest Me

eeffoc2, IMDb 84 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: offthepigs

Quote# 23012

Phelps praises homophobic crimes, including murder. When controversial Swedish minister Åke Green was convicted of inciting hatred of homosexuals following an anti-gay sermon, Phelps saw red and turned his attention to Sweden.

"You're doomed to spend eternity in hell," he said. "All you Swedes and your Swedish king and his family."

As part of the campaign Phelps launched the website God Hates Sweden , which attacks the royal family and delights in the loss of Swedish lives in the 2004 tsunami disaster.

Fred Phelps, The Local 36 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 23013

I just watched Mel Gibson's movie again and came away with a new thought: 2000 yeas ago we killed God physically trying to avoid the truth of the Gospel. Today, 2000 years later, the rational, intellectual community is trying to kill God again, only this time it is in a way that they believe is unresurrectable. God lives! Nothing that atheists can say or do will change that fact. God lives.

KCDAD, ChristianForums 42 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JustinGG

Quote# 23016

I would say it's our business in that it's an abomination in the eyes of God and we are to try to restrain evil not tolerate it or close our eyes to it. It's a perversion that has winded in way into the fabric of our society. The toleration and/or embracing of homosexuality is always the last step before the collapse of empires (read thru the falls of empires throughout history if you don't believe me), are we going to let ours be next? Oh yeah, we are already circling the drain.....

dramama, Rapture Ready 11 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Nickstr5

Quote# 23017

[Fundie's thoughts on Lawrence Vs. Texas]

I don't feel that way, we have those laws, no homosexual, bisexual, animal, transgender, pedophile, mother to child, ect marriage. Your sticking up for those who teach and promote this, and other vile behaviors, in schools.

Thats not privacy, thats an agenda. they are trying to make the law's to where sodomy, during rape, is not considered a rape, on boys and women.

Lexie, Rapture Ready 15 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Nickstr5

Quote# 23018

Read my sig...it's been my motto for years but I never realized that the brother had put it out long before I thought of it
There is nothing in our book, the Qur'an, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
Malcolm x

Te'Oma, Umma Forum 11 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 22864

[In what way do I need God?]

There will be no unbelievers in hell.

Lewis W, 123 Christian Forums 39 Comments [4/2/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 22865

atheistic faith herein never told that there are credible scientists who harbor significant skepticism towards Darwinism and even doubt that Darwinism creates a reasonable foundation for atheism?

Can the so-called intellectuals not see the deadly poisonous viper in the grass, the lawn of knowledge? Science is an ever changing field of expertise. Scripture is NEVER CHANGING, yet much of what was once considered absurd in scripture, has since been proven scientifically factual.

Glorybound, CARM 45 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 22869

i dont get people these days
goin around like its so hard to lower ones gaze
who'd even wanna look about wiv all these gays around
sodomy/blaspheny takin a new leap
and its getting a bit steep
the way they attacking our peeps
and at times its getting deep
but our stance we shall keep defending!!!!

IbnAbdulHakim, Islamic Board 31 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22872

[Title : Borat is Fraud and Pedophile.]

The hit comedy, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" should be renamed, "Borat: Pedophile Freak Who Jokes about Rape and Bestiality For Make Downfall of Society."

This movie is horrible in so many ways I have a hard time writing about it because I'd rather just forget about it. Aside from the film being a fraud in the sense that countless scenes were staged with actors while made to look like segments from candid camera, the low brow "humor" in "Borat" sinks to a new low. More on the hoaxed scenes later. I urge everyone who has not seen this movie to keep it that way. Save yourself and your stomach the trouble of witnessing some of the most satanic humor ever seen in theaters.

Some of the jokes include, but are not limited to: Borat enthusiastically joking about having sex with children as young as 10 years old. Borat joking about his mother being raped. Borat insulting Jews. Borat insulting Christianity. Scenes of Borat masturbating in public. A scene of Borat defecating in public. A Scene of Borat and his producer wrestling while completely naked while simulating sex acts. Borat showering with homosexuals who came to his hotel room with a rubber fist sex toy. And last and most disturbing, a scene where Borat is bragging about the size of his son's penis and shows a photo of him smiling and giving a thumbs up right in front of his fully nude son. That's right, the film includes simulated child porn with Borat's head just inches away from the supposed child's genitals while smiling. Most people in the theater loved it too.

It's unfortunate that none of these points were brought to light in the reviews because I could have saved myself 10 bucks and some visual images I'd rather have never seen at all. This comes as a great disappointment to this writer, because I had been a big fan of the Ali G and Borat characters played by Sacha Baron Cohen. In the past Cohen had been able to show how ignorant supposedly intelligent people were from top politicians like Newt Gingrich, to business executives and NBA stars, but sadly Borat has taken a turn for the worse in this mistake of a film.

Aside from satanic toilet humor and pedophilia being the center point of the film, it is also sad that most of the film is a fraud. Fans of Borat including myself (make that a former fan), expected to see Borat pull the wool over people's eyes in the typical candid camera style setup, but what the film contains are nothing more that staged scenes using actors. OK, a FEW of the scenes are legitimate, but most are completely scripted for the film. It would be funny if Borat was able to "punk" Pamela Anderson, but instead what we got was a pathetic acting attempt by Pamela which makes her work in Baywatch seem worthy of an Oscar. She was obviously "in on it" and so were half of the other people he supposedly "got."

I'm so mad I don't even want to write anymore about this piece of crap movie and the garbage and faked scenes in it. Borat is a fraud. A pedophile. A sick, sick individual, whose skill at comedy must have been left on the cutting room floor because it can't be found in this sorry excuse for a comedy.

Mark Dice, MySpace 51 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 22873

So if I can’t use God to determine or prove anything (because of ‘Circular Reasoning’), then you can’t use reason.
Meaning, if I believe something because God says so, then what’s wrong with that? You believe something because ‘reason’ tells you so, what’s the differance? We both believe that a ‘higher power” (God and Reason) determines what we know. Let’s both use that.

Brian Purkiss, Blog 27 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 22874

The reason why I did not debate about the spirit world were God is, because I thought that you atheist were stuck on an ape and a monkey, for almost one hundred years. I would be very happy to debate any of you at a school or some place. Years ago professors did not want for me to show up at the debate, in that school. So they sceduled a math test, for me during the same time. But the main thing that atheist don't realize is that if believers, that think scientific were to discuss, how spirits work, to the public, advanced knowledge might alert certain offices. In other words, there are believers that have super advanced knowledge in science. For example believers understand the unseen concept. While atheist don't. The U.S. has the stealth planes that are invisible to radar. Plus, I thought of ideas like cloth that reflects like a mirror, if it could be made. Even on star trek they talk of a cloaking device. So I guess that atheist do not understand alot of concepts, maybe you do not understand radio waves or anything unseen. I already know that you have no concept of electrons, protons, and neutrons speeding up or slowing down, in there movements,in atoms. But for me to be totaly honest, you know that the spirit world is real , because you are hiding what you really are. Or you are hiding what is in you. So quit trying to fight ones that are so much, much, much younger than you, and all of you should be ashamed of your selves. All of you are exposed now, because I saw your true leader and he might turn over a new leaf. I know that your next move is that you will state what am I getting at, and you are so much more predictable than me. Futher more, just because something happened to all of you very, very, very long ago does not mean, that you have to bring the whole world down. Maybe something can be worked out far after the debate, that is if you really want true peice everywhere. Also, that rationalist responce squad declaired a war, on all believers first. Only of word I also agree, which is civilized.

Corey M. Davis, The Thinker's Podium 28 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 22875

I can't wait to get off of this orb of filth! Our Creator, (whether or not anyone believes in one matters not to me) must regurgitate daily at what He sees. We only see in part, we could not handle the whole picture. There is an upside however, even if the reprobates don't believe it, there will be a day of reckoning! Sincerely, your friend, Patsy

Patsy, MySpace 46 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22877

Myspace.com is pretty much a tool of Satan. Have you noticed the kinds of pages that are here? After clicking through friends of friends I keep finding pages which look like advertisements for prostitutes. All a good time costs is a drink, and sometimes just sending an email. I see beautiful young girls with pictures of them getting waisted with thier friends, photos of them on their profiles of them in their underwear, and worse.


What a great place for stalkers and psychos. Open your entire life up to the entire world....photos...names...and all. Friends, families, pets, and hobbies. Lets face it, many on Myspace just enjoy the attention they get from complete strangers, or as Myspace calls them "Friends." Girls post photos of themselves in their underwear and guys post pictures with their shirts off. Some pictures I've seen here don't even show the person's face! They just post a picture of their boobs or their butt!


The guys and girls who are prostituting themselves out on Myspace are missing one thing. Love. Maybe a soul too, but most of them are just missing love. In place of being satisfied by that one special person to give them the attention and affection they need, they have turned to complete strangers, alcohol and drugs, and sexual promiscuity to fill the void in their souls. Its very sad. Come one, come all, and join The Resistance and find meaning in your life. Find a purpose that is not only worth living for, but is worth dying for. Stop trying to fill the black hole in your soul with hedonism and materialism. It hasn't worked so far for you, and it never will. Power to The Resistance!

Mark Dice, Myspace 46 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 22883

Rape has a conviction rate of 11% because the court doesn't know who to believe. Is she a real victim, or has she been brainwashed to hate men because of their natural abilities to dominate and become successful?

Patriarch Verlch, Patriarch Verlch: The Biggest Anti-Feminist Known to Man! 38 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 22886

People are crazy.
IT makes no sense to delve into their problems and to try to help them with them. It won't work. They simply will not accept good advice, nor will they make any effort to think rationally, once they are down the path of turmoil.

Thank GOD that Jesus is above that.
Thank GOD that He is the answer to crazy people, and the ANSWER that crazy people need to go to.

spinach, hannity 21 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 22887

The Whole idea of a little innocent girl in a dress, falling in love with "Pan" (the pagan god of sexual intercourse and rape), speaks volumes as to the intentions of the creators of such godless vile filth! You can bet that every pedophile in the world will want to see this movie. I realize that Pan's Labyrinth is not being put forth as a "Christian" film, as was NARNIA; however, it is more than coincidental in my opinion that BOTH films involve a little innocent girl and Pan (or "Tumnus" in NARNIA, who is unmistakably "Pan"). The common denominator in my opinion is Satan and pedophilia.

www.jesus-is-savior.com, Pan's Labyrinth, Satan, and Pedophilia! 37 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 22888

Satan shall defeat his enemies with peace.How very sad that the world is now in the throes of searching for peace and tollerance amongst men,when the true peace can only be found in Jesus Christ and the acceptance of his gift.I like the way you put that,so we may watch from the balcony of Heaven.

tammy, Rapture Alert 31 Comments [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4