Quote# 25524

I do beleive from the ranks of a Democrat or an actual Socialist will come the Anti-Christ.

Billnew, Christian Forums 23 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 25525

[the poster is commenting on the first scene with the Taunting French Guard in Monty Python and the Holy Grail]

Note the Satanic significance of the scene and the hand gestures used by Cleese. The whole thing reeks of Masonic signs, gestures and secret messages to unstable members of the audience. it is no secret that both Graham Chadman and Terri JOnes were notorios gays. John Cleese and Terri Gillam drug users and alcoholic. They are wrecks of human beings and unchristian.

merseygroup, YouTube 53 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Alena

Quote# 25528

A) How do you know it is a detrimental genetic defect and not a future benefit?

B) Stem cell research currently involves injuring eggs with needles. These injuries go on to have a major negative impact on the growth of the eggs. This will be demonstrated by the advent of the Beast, a child created with a needle (see "sword" in Revelation 12) who will rule the world with evil.

Gottservant, ChristianForums 25 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: EnemyPartyII

Quote# 25530

[Emphasis added]

On the other hand, the standardized tests (both placement and end-of-grade) are constantly being 'dumbed-down' so as to allow those in the public schools to feel like they are succeding. In the real world, many end up becomming people who do not have the common sense to get out of a city which is below sea level and in the path of a catagory 5 hurricane (New Orleans).

We have already addressed the Biblical admonshments from the Word of God to the parents to train their children. But then, if the Word of God admonishes you to do something, do you really care?

ImaSaved1 (Bro. Randy), Teens4Christ 33 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25531

I really could go on and on, but I will not. The bottom line is that the publik skools are failing in every way. Yes, there are some who train their children who do a poor job of it. I know some. They are in the minority of the homeschoolers. By contrast, those who excel in the publik skools are in the minority.

I will agree with you and Mrs. Debbie. There is an annoying spelling problem here. Other than the occasional typo or mistake, there are some who seem to use shorthand, or who just do not take the time and effort to try to spell correctly. This shows that they are lazy! It is also a very poor testimony. They need to do a better job with their spelling and grammar.

Conversely, Sarai, it is not your job to point out every little minuscule error you can find. I am certain that you have not been promoted to the job of Holy Spirit and you are not an authority in my life.

ImaSaved1 (Bro. Randy), Teens4Christ 38 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25533

[Regarding Jesus and the Rapture.]

I don't know about you, but I'm blushin' like a bride! My betrothed is coming soon and I long for his embrace!!!

AbidingInHim, Rapture Ready 56 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 25535

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who corupts a child should be put to death at once. This is more than just political corectness, it's about their souls. If they grow up with those kind of ideas in their heads, it will be hard , if not imposible to lead them to Christ. God loves children, and let's not forget that one of the reasons he destroyed Israel was beaucose they sacrificed their kids. What those people are doing is they are sacrificing those kid's minds to Satan. An I for one, don't want to be in their shoes when God will ask them what they've done. We need to stop with the whole christian tolerance and start percecuting those who corupt the minds of kids. I'm all for locking them in concentration camps. Anyone who keeps a child from comming to Christ and having his sins washed doesn't deserve to live!

[original emphasis]

kaiba, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Talulah

Quote# 25538

There are a lot of Christians in the US. Up till now we have laid fairly low and kept quiet about a lot but like it or not we still make up a vast majority, at least in this country.

JN4OldSchool, Church of Google 27 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 25541

Facts - human facts - no I do not go on those. I take God at his word. So if he says something I dont question it but trust the speaker as true.

[email protected]jesusneverexisted.com Hate Mail 27 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: RoseThorns

Quote# 25542

read your web site and I am very concerned about something. I consider myself a good Christian and I have read the Bible many times (not like some of the so-called Christians people who post to your web site and just yell and say stupid things). So I am familiar with most parts of the Bible but in no place that I have seen is there any reference to pasta or a being that resembles your flying spaghetti monster. God created man, and man created pasta, but if it was any different than that there would be a reference in the Bible. So I am worried that perhaps your religion is not based on real evidence that God wrote. Please feel free to write back to me and I will be glad to discuss this with you if you like.

cinta, FSM hate mail 40 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 25543

I would like to point out something..

Man created Pasta.. therefore how does something that man created create man.. confused much?? yer ur stupid beliefs make no sense (notice i do not say religion)

I am a Christian.. I love being a Christian.. but i am not forcing anyone around me to be a Christian..

Soething else.. there is actual HISTORICAL evidence that Jesus existed.. do u have any historical NOT scientiffic evidence that ur monster spag-bol thing exists.. I THINK NOT!!

I am a scientist.. science sometimes lies!!! i would like to see a FULL SCIENTIFFIC REPORT on how u carried out ur research published on this site.. this includes.. hypothosis, abstract, method, results and conclusion..

Liz, FSM hate mail 64 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 25545

[There are those of us who make $100 donations each month to Planned Parenthood.

A dozen people making $100 donations each month is $14,400/year.

And the reason we do this is because we know so-called "abstinence education" doesn't work -- and we know that for a FACT (even if it isn't a "Republican fact") here in Texas because "abstinence only" education has given us the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the country (and the highest rates of reported STDs).]

Untrue. Teenagers having sex has given you the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the country (if that's true)

MachZer0, Christian Forums 34 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 25546

i really think u shud change the website name cos its rude to christians ... how do u noe Jesus never existed there is such thing called the Bible!!!!!!!!!!.

[email protected]jesusneverexisted.com Hate Mail 52 Comments [5/22/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: RoseThorns

Quote# 25458

I would definately love to go to this college I believe that this college is the type of college that everyone should want to go to. Ilove the fact that they believe in no hand holding and that girls shouldn't have to dress in a manner that shames them. The King James bible is the best bible to read from and only people who want to live for themselves and not for God would disagree with that. A true christian on a mission for God would not mind going to this college or church and living right and as close to the King James Bible as possible. The Bible was written as a road map for actual christians so people who want to do what they want to do and not do what God would like them to do would not understand the King James Bible, and it is not because of the way it is written it is because many people are too busy living a life of sin and are too busy to pick up the Bible and ask God to open their minds and hearts to the gospel of God so that they may understand what the Bible is saying.

Christain on a Mission, FACTNet 21 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25460

If you ask me, that settles the question right there. I support the Bible, and I don’t want my children learning about Heliocentrism in school. I think this doctrine encourages atheism, Darwinism, and anti-Americanism. I don’t want my tax dollars going to finance this kind of false science. It’s complete rot, and I hope that those of us who come to realize this can ultimately prevail against its propogation amongst OUR children with the money from OUR salaries.

Sisyphus, Blogs4Brownback 50 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Aoshi

Quote# 25462

[When asked to supply a GOOD reason to believe in a god]

I can supply u with a bunch of good reasons.

1.He's real and deserves all the praise and glory
2.He gives us peace. (If we ask for it)
3.If u don't, u'll send urself 2 hell. That can't be 2 pleasant.
4.If u do, u'll go to Heaven and get to see Him face to face in all His glory.
5.He loves us soooo much.

That enough for you? Cuz I have more.

Jen, Yahoo! Answers- Religion and Spirituality 46 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: RoseThorns

Quote# 25463

Trust no one -- not unbelievers or those who even appear to be strong Christians. You never know.

Disciple, Teens-4-Christ 46 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 25464

we arent born illogical...atheism is illogical.....all this does not just come from chance...peace

snow3585, YouTube 15 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25466


If you are for one of them you can't be against the other two. Because it would be self-contradiction.

F*L*O*Y*D, Myspace 55 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25467

Kent, Jo, you know this already but STAY STRONG. We pray for you and we are still spreading your DVDs down here, showing people about evolution and the effects are quite something. I am not the only one down here either. We will spread the Word. At work, I have already been warned about “religious intolerance” for defending God (responding to Catholics blaspheming) but I will keep on at it, regardless.

Mattwerk, CSE blogs 7 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25468

I believe that we may live to see the New World Order (unless we are raptured first). There are countless individuals that have professed themselves to be God just within the last few decades. There are signs of the world becoming increasingly corrupt almost every day here in New Jersey. Yesterday we had three “incidents” involving threats of violance in New Jersey schools. About three days ago we had a terrorist threat against Fort Dix (where I happen to work). It is almost impossible to get a permit to possess a handgun in NJ. More restrictive laws about everything are passed every day. Not long ago our former governer resigned his position and went public that he is gay. He left his wife, moved in with his gay lover, and now he is working towards becoming an Episcopalian minister because homosexuality is okay in that religion. Every time I go to the mall and see seven year-old girls wearing “bootie shorts”, tube tops, and loads of makeup I feel nauseated. The country is plagued with sin. It won’t be long before God has had enough.

We are living in a world where our precious little girls are being trained from the age of five that they are nothing more than objects of pleasure for men. Christians are ridiculed and very discriminated against. Schools are no longer safe. We are surrounded by violence and strict governmental control.

Jersey Girl, CSE blogs 34 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25469


I’ve been wanting to say for a long time, that one of the reasons you’re in jail is to become “street smart” and toughen up inwardly instead of just being head smart. Trials give you growth to become more well-rounded in areas that you’ve been lacking. It’s getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing the reality of life, as hard as it is. That way you can better relate to bikers and lower-class citizens who make up the majority of the population, and they can relate to you.

billhicks, CSE blogs 21 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25470

In South Africa we otherwise have the Charismatics (message is strong but rock music is used, take whatever Bible (per)version you want, dubious healing practices), the extra-Charismatics (just plain bad), the Anglicans (Catholics in disguise, they even have Mass!), the Baptists (not even comparable with (Southern) Baptists in the USA), Lutherans (dubious doctrine), Dutch Reformed (although very high-and-mighty and most go to show off to their neighbours, but are ecumenial and compromise), “African” (Christian, until they start with evil ancestral beliefs) and then of course all the cults and sects with their “churches”. Not one will even investigate the evil, pagan Catholic practises such as Easter, Christmas, Lent, let alone do something about it (money spinners). Not one will use the KJV. So, basically you have a choice between an ecumenial HELL, or you do it yourself among fellow Christians who are strong enough to have seen the same. Sadly, not that many around. Our nearest God-fearing, KJV-wielding church is probably in America.

mattwerk, CSE blogs 33 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25471

[re: Hovind's imprisonment]

This looks like scenerios in communist countries in those days, when christians brother were accussed of something that makes them appear like law breakers, thereby justifying their being sentenced to 10years or more in prison & later the wife will be sentenced as well & the family find it hard to know where they are being held. As soon as the family know where they are being held, they are moved again, untill the family leaves all in the hands of the Lord. Is this tending towards the same style. This would only make it clearer that brother Kent Hovind’s major offence might be for standing against the religion of those who believe there is no God.
In that case, our Lord is more than able to sustain his servant brother Kent Hovind….the rest of us who still believe in God, should prepare for the coming persecution as well…..

Sade Tennyson, CSE blogs 28 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 25472

She was confused about Creation, he converted her to Evolution, leaving her more confused, but more worryingly, doubting the Word when it comes to Creation. And you know, once you have “reason” to doubt part of the Bible, what is stopping you to doubt any other miracle or unthinkable feat that our Lord has achieved? (like our former Methodist minister, who believes Jonah wasn’t swallowed by a fish, it’s a fairy tale!)

Mattwerk, CSE blogs 27 Comments [5/21/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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