Quote# 25087
So, a young father is watching his little daughter sitting in the garden.
Then, he notices that she is staring intently at one spot, and goes to see what she is watching. There are 2 spiders, mating.
She asks "What are they doing, daddy?"
"They are making little spiders." He says.
"What kind of spider is the one on top, daddy?"
"It's a daddy longlegs." honey.
"And the one on the bottom is a mommy longlegs?"
"No. It's a daddy longlegs, too."
She watches for another moment, thinking.
Then, she jumps up and stomps the spiders into oblivion, and says...."They may get away with that in California and Massachusetts, but they sure as hell don't get away with it here in Texas!"
Free Republic 66 Comments [5/9/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Praetyre