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Quote# 25758

what DOES the God of Abraham have to do with anything? God has a Son now and the Jewish ways are no longer needed. it's called Christianity. Just b/c they cut pee pees back in king herod's day doesn't mean they still have to do that today. it's called, um, progress. Christianity has made lots of progress as well as the Jewish religion.

~Coquette~, Myspace 24 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 25759

Don't ferget the Creation deniers. A robust group with witch doctor origins. they believe in magic mutations.

coadie, CARM 29 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 25760

yeah it does RJ, homosexuals are 20 times more likely to rape a child, and a third of all sexual assaults against children are committed against boys by homosexuals, which are less than 1% of the male population. this is a fact. homosexuals frequently approach younger males, teens and children, to try to lure them into their perverse activities. this is one of the main reasons they want to do away with the age of consent, so that they can rape children and claim they 'consented'. they also want to adopt children for the same nefarious purpose, and also to have as 'trophies'. they're sick and should be shot, end of story.

Anonymous (Comment #246691), FSTDT Comments 38 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Man Called True

Quote# 25709

I am not ok with people burning in hell, that is why I pray for those who do not know Jesus- God is not ok with anyone going to hell either, that is why He sent His Son- God is love, but He is also holy and just. My dad was not a believer, and He passed away. Do you think I enjoy the fact that my dad is in hell, instead of heaven. NO NO NO . However because of God's holiness there has to be a payment for sin. Jesus lived the life, we should have lived, and died the death we should have died. I do have love for my fellow man that is why I pray others will come to know Jesus. By the way, I was a sinner too- and I am still not perfect, but I am covered by the blood of Jesus. Please do not take Christians as desiring that men and women go to hell, consider us compassionate for sharing the way that you won't.

AdoreHim, Yahoo Answers 25 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25712

Every single person in this life knows that there is a lot more to life here than what we see.
Every person has a spiritual side. You cannot escape that.
Every person at some time will face death.. and he will wonder what next.
Every person has a small inner voice that will always nag him, and he cannot get away from that..
You can say what you will.. it is still there.. and you scream at times to have an answer...!!
Oh yes, you can say what you will, just remember that we live here on this earth with 6 billion others, all who are going through experiences like us.
What is the meaning of life?
Why are we here?
Is there a Creator GOD?
All of these answers can be answered in the BIBLE.
By the way, the most read and sold book in the world in many forms. This book has survived many attempts to be destroyed, twisted, mis-translated, and even burned. Isn't it interesting that it survives? See the God and Creator has sent this road-map to let his creation know something about HIM... and the way to HIM.

Oh sure you may be afraid to read It.. that is ok..
Read It.
A good start would be ST. John.
Here we will find the ONE who came to earth to help.. and was reviled and eventually killed because He helped people and told the truth of what they were and what they were doing.
LIFE can only come from GOD.

Which again leads me back to abortion.. if I have a belief that God gives life, then how can I kill my baby that is within my body?

In the story about Jesus' birth.. what a perfect setup for abortion.!!
BUT HE WAS NOT aborted.

I am Victory67, Unbelief.org 21 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25713

(Evolution as a theory is not proven and I'll agree, but none the less it is a theory developed through scientific observations. There was nothing scientific about the development of creationalism or genesis.)

Actually that's untrue. Creation is a very viable scientific viewpoint, but the only problem is that it is a miraculous event and therefore those who debate it scientifically have to not only support it through the science of a young earth but also combat the theories to the contrary.

(So again when you debate this we are debating why we would teach evolution over creationalism in science class.)

I don't think you should because evolution is no more defensible from the evidence than you accuse creationism to be, especially when you combine it with atheism. If you are an atheist evolutionist explain the creation of the first cell? As an evolutionist explain how mutations lead towards dramatic changes?

Intelligent design explains things as they are. Species were created for the enviornments they now exist in and genetic variation creates a specialization within kinds that further specializes a species. Therefore mutations have limits and cannot transcend the type of animal they were begun in as indicated by the famous genetic experiment involving fruitflies.

baconbits, Naruto Forums 15 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25714

Foolishness is trying to disregard a system that works and replace it with one of communism, oops, I mean socialism. Atheist and liberals are trying to push political correctness on us in the disguise of equality, when people are in fact different. The left forgets that it was the religious who brought us the civil rights movement and the early feminist movement. They want to do something to make it seem like the liberals are for the rights of minorities by forcing quotas on businesses and collages, which in turn stagnate free enterprise and actually keep the minorities downtrodden. All this just to scam some votes off their “victims”.

Alien Syndrome, Fark 13 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Wabash

Quote# 25715

(Which would put even unfertilised eggs and skin cells on the same level of an adult human being. So to avoid ridiculous comparisons such as those, you'd have to value something like consciousness, or at least the level of consciousness than humans possess, more than simply being "human".)

Actually one would just have to define personhood as being a property of alive individuals of species of higher inteligence... wich acording to the very definiton of "individual" (an unfertilized egg isnt gonna grow on it's own as a full human being.. at least not on the real world.) would completely eliminate such ridiculous comparisons.

But if one would choose consciousness as the absolute consideration for personhood... then newborn humans are just fu%ed up... acording to the latest philosofical rumblings of peter singer and daniel dennet... they have no self consciousness... wich ultimately delimitates moral significance so...
let's just kill babies at will.

Ricardo, Secondhand Smoke Blog 7 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25716

I don't understand why lots of people nowadays like mocking Jesus..


Jesus was born before us more than 2000 years ago.

We never see Jesus, or even know him personally but we heard his existence from the bible and Jews' history.

But what is the benefit for us if we're mocking him because we do not accept his teaching?

God never pushes you to believe him, he gives you free will.
When some true christians or pastors commit sins, it's not always God's fault! Pastors/Christians are humans, they can make a mistake.

Satan influences a lot of people from believing God, Satan knows jesus more than us, he was ex-angel before the fallen, I know why some of us don't believe in supernatural things because we cannot see the spirits around us and we trap in physical body.

Also remember life is very short, someday we will see the real Jesus.

Master Scorpion, Naruto Forums 21 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25717

(I'm still finding it hard to understand why so many christians feel they have the right to define marriage for everyone, but feel as if we are imposing some horrible spell of death upon them by arguing that no one belief should be enforced on anyone and that everyone should be free to find their own meaning.)

Under the law everyone can't have their own definitions for a legal construct. Christians didn't start "defining" marriage until activitists started to redefine it.

(Apparently freedom and equality puts an undue burden on christian beliefs and those concepts should be removed from society. Then we can all conform and convert to christianity and obey the one true law.

Heil Jesus.)

Completely based on nothing but your own misinterpetation of our beliefs. What about the marriage of one man and one woman is against freedom? Marriage has to be defined as something, so by your logic what ever we call marriage we are discriminating on what anyone else wants to call marriage. If I make marriage between two people regardless of sex that discriminates against the polygamist, if I make it between people that discriminates the beastility freaks.

I wish everyone would convert to Christianity but when it comes to law we need to base this on common sense. Marriage has to be defined as something, and the onus is on you to explain why we need to change the definittion we've held for so long.

baconbits, Naruto Forums 9 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25718

(There is no right to life at the expense of someone else's body.)

There is no right for that innocent human being to be killied because of someone elses inconvenience.

(BTW, justified self-defense overrules the right to life of the infringer.)

A new word for the feutus "infringer" I'll add it to my list. Kill it in self-defense because the fetus is a "dangerous infringer". Very original HRG, What's next? Cookie Monster? Geeesh!

Nancy, CARM 15 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25720

Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur

If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.

The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.

There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.

In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?

scarlets79, CARM 21 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25721

Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur

If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.

The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.

There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.

In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?

scarlets79, CARM 26 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25724

(Referring to this museum - http://www.scienceagainstevolution.org/v6i3f.htm)

Tell me, where is the convincing case for Evolution?

And I quote:
"So, instead of the expected human family tree, there is a hole in a wall where a child can place his or her head and look at a mirror. The mirror shows the child at a birthday party with all his or her ape ancestors. Then the child is told that gIt was a great party, but only a few survived.h


F1Ace, CARM 7 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25728

The End of the World as We Know It

What with abortion as the birth control of choice and the low birth rates for white or european women, our world population is taking an incredible turn. In the near future, france, germany, and england will see the largest percentage of their population will be middle-eastern, asian, and carribean.

The U.S. is currently going through a browning as our hispanic population swells and our caucasian population shrinks.

The last bastions for the caucasion race is canada and scandinavia, but even those locations are not immune.

This will change many features of our current social constructs, particularly the economic, religious, and political.

Hang on, things are about to get really different.

What do you think about the pending changes this difference in growth rates will bring about?

EL KABONG, Myspace 57 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 25729


In speaking with a Christian today...SOMETHING was pointed out to me concerning Radical islam and those who practice killing in the name of their god. Apparently, this was prophesied by Jesus himself and COULD very well be a sign of the End times.

I WAS quoted this verse:

These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.
Jhn 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
Jhn 16:3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
Jhn 16:4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.

These words were spoken over 2,000 years ago when no Liberals existed to twist them and turn them into lies. Now, *IF one believes in a god they MUST take this seriously, because AS of now the U.S.> has *1* in *5* Muslims who feel suicide bombings are justified in the name of religion. AND perhaps it is time for liberals to SERIOUSLY examine their wretched souls.

purr-chase, The eBay Town Square 13 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 25730

Book of Genesis. You too easily dismiss this book. You should give it a try. One thing's for sure it wasn't written by wandering tribesmen in the desert. It could be the true history of earth, if you gave it a chance. I have some mathematical data on the Hebrew it was written in which demonstrates it was not possible for any human being to think it up. In fact all the computing power in the world would be needed to come up with what is written in it, and that might not be enough.

Ian McNaught, Creationism and Pseudoscience (Creationists' E-Mail Messages section) 34 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Laurel

Quote# 25731

{commenting on what he would do if he was in charge of Israel)

And if I were incharge there the question of palestinians would've been settled a long time by harsh military action, they tickle these people, when they should be wiping them out for all the blood shed they've caused.

undercoversierraconfederate, Yahoo Messenger 35 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 25732

David, welcome and thanks for jumping in!

I have a position here that is not liked very well at all. I believe that the girls, when they dress immodestly, set a trap for men. When that trap is sprung, the girl becomes somewhat responsible for the man's thoughts as though she had participated in the act of adultery.

Ladies, this is why it is so incredibly important that you dress modestly and do not call attention to your body! Your purity, your ABSOLUTE purity is a treasure you must save for your husband.


Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 58 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 25733

Well, first, there is a lot more in the way of poor character here than just a physical touch.

Second, if there is romantic touching outside of marriage, then they are fornicating, so they are all guilty!

Bro. Randy, Teens-4-Christ 33 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 25734

Your also not a virgin anymore if you break your hymen with a sex toy, or if someone breaks it with their finger, etc.

[what if you are a man and you have masterubated?]

I didn't say anything about masturbation.

I'm talking about sex toys and girls letting someone who isn't their husband touch them inappropriately.

raven55, Livejournal 46 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 25735

[Because some of us don't read the Bible literally?

Because some of us don't believe in a literal, six-day creation; or that a literal Adam and Eve just magically "appeared"?

Or that we don't believe that a 480-foot ziggurat fell somewhere in Mesopotamia and that's supposed the reason for the all the languages in the world?

Or we don't believe that water covered the earth to an altitude of 29,070 feet?

Did it ever occur to fundies that if there was enough moisture content in the atmosphere to condense to produce FIVE MILES of water, that the pressure of that atmospheric water would have crushed every living thing even before the Flood ever started?

Did it ever occur to fundies that if water rose to a depth of 29,070 feet, the top two and a half miles would have been solid ice and would never have melted?

You know what I think is sad? Fundies who leave their common sense, their ability to reason, their ability to distinguish between literal fact and metaphor on the the hat rack by the door and assume that since something is in the Bible, it has to be 100 percent, absolutely, infallibly, inerrantly, literally true -- and who insist that everybody MUST believe just as they do or those people are "not Christian".

Sad, sad, SAD.]

Yes it is sad that you try and put God things in the same place as man things.

I assume you believe that Christ was born of a virgin, but yet God couldn't do those other things?

I will again assume that you believe God raised Christ from the dead, but you can't believe He could have make man from dirt?

The Bible tells us that it hadn't rain on the earth before the flood. It says that a mist came up from the earth to water it, so that would mean the atmosphere was different then. So were those finding about the solid ice done from what we know now with the earth as it is after the flood or before?

At one time science thought the earth was flat, but as the Lord showed us more and more we now know it isn't. Science can't make dirt, but yet you think that the God that did couldn't have made Adam from it?

If a person by common sense can't believe those things than how can they believe that when they die they will be with the Lord? You know in a place that science doesn't know about, because the Lord hasn't shown us yet. You believe the Bible, I guess, that when the Lord returns that the dead in Christ will rise first and then those that remain will meet Him in the air? Or do you?

If it is to hard to believe God could do those other things how do you know He can do the once I mentioned? Do you believe that Jesus healed thousands of people when He was here? I will assume your answer is yes, so I will ask if He can make a man that was born blind see again by spitting in some dirt and rubbing it on his eyes then why couldn't He have taken dirt and made Adam?

I have common sense and I use it. I don't have a box for God tho. To believe that He can raise you from the dead, but couldn't have made you from the dirt, well common sense tells me by faith that He can do both those things and many more. The Bible tells us that Gods ways are not our ways, but yet we take what God has allowed man to know so far and try to answer God things with them. Sorry just doesn't make any kind of sense to me to do that.

Oh and by the way, why do you always make such statements like if you are conservative and fundamentalists you don't believe a person is a Christian if they don't do, say or believe this or that? As I said in another post you need to stop painting with such a broad brush, because all you're doing is showing you don't know as much as you would like people to believe you do.

The things you mentioned have nothing to do with salvation, so frankly, altho I find it strange that you can't believe God did what we are told He did if you at least believe the parts of the Bible that tell about what a person must do to be saved...................well thats all that really matters.

I am one of your conservative, fundamentalist, etc. etc., so maybe some here need to get the facts, as I was told to do by another poster, before assuming or stating things as facts that aren't. Just a thought.

savedandhappy1, Christian Forums 16 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: UberLutheran

Quote# 25736

[sex is a perfectly natural, healthy thing, and it doesn't turn you into a whore.]

It is natural and healthy, when you are married not with different partners. And, if premarital sex doesn't make you a whore what does? :/
Does it make you a saint? hehehaha. :)
Also, she said:
"sex can always be special, even AFTER your first time"
The first time is ALWAYS the best and most memorable.

Raven55, Livejournal 44 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 25737

About the kissing issue... I don't think I will till I'm engaged or at least planning on getting engaged. I think it is so sad how many girls throw their life away. Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more and more... until....

4-Given, CBH 42 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Stique

Quote# 25738

Once i was in my room at night and it was about 2 AM and all the lights were off and then i heard breathing next to me and it would not stop. Then i felt something blowing on my ear. And that went on for about 2 hours. And i turned on some Christian and i prayed and it went away.

Nanochip22, CBH 32 Comments [5/27/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Stique
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