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Quote# 26442

People laughed at me when I was praying that Paris would become a Princess Diana figure and help those less fortunate. Well...my prayers worked. Paris told Barbara Walters that when she gets out of jail she is going to help breast cancer research and poor and sick children. Thank God!

Mark Dice, The Resistance Manifesto 41 Comments [6/15/2007 12:32:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 26443

Space Shuttles are normal planes.
A dummy is launched each time.
The real Space Shuttle takes off two hours from what is supposed to be the landing.

New Identities were given to what was supposed to be the Challenger crew, as the rocket exploded on launch in 1986.

The Columbia crash was staged to make the hoax credible.
There is only one more question to be answered:

1. What is the role of Russia in all of this?

I will answer this later, if nobody comes with the right answer.

BTW, you do know what the proof that all of the above is TRUE, right?

----- I have to post this now, because the latest "news" clearly show that the end of this Hoax is being staged right NOW! (1)
(1)NASA checks into potential hit on shuttleSensors on Atlantis’ wing edge set off; station spreads solar wings

MattMarr, SciForums.com 33 Comments [6/14/2007 11:29:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 26421

How do you know Jesus never mentioned it? He mentioned lots of things in a more general way, and not everything He said is recorded in the Gospels. John wrote that if everything He said and did were recorded in books there wouldn't be enough books in the world to hold it all. There were not many homosexuals around either, and it was common knowledge that it was forbidden. Homosexuals were executed then, so almost no one in Israel was misbehaving that way. There are several passages that allude to it though, that's what abominators are and they don't go to heaven. Homosexualism is depravity, and is forbidden. I can't help it if you don't want to believe it, it's true nevertheless, and you'll just have to deal with it.

("BLOC" then resumed copying and pasting "DIRTY FAGGOTS!" over and over again.)

BLOC, FSTDT Comments 55 Comments [6/14/2007 11:23:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 26423

# White Anglo-Saxons, the supreme race, are God's chosen people because they were created by God and are the descendants of the lost "12 Tribes of Israel."

# Jews of today are false Jews and not the chosen people; instead they are the offspring of Satan as a result of Eve mating with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Some preachers say Jews "must be killed."

# God will send another savior to restore the state of Israel to the rightful people; all others will be condemned.

# Nonwhites are soulless "mud people."

# Isolationism and segregation are required; socializing with Jews or people of other races is condemned.

# Interracial marriage, or mating with a non-white, is a sin.

# In some parishes, pastors call for the death penalty for homosexuals.

# Other religions gloss over the true meaning of the Bible, therefore assisting in the erosion of society's morals.

# The mass media, controlled by the Jews, further erode our society's moral standards.

Charles Jennings, RickRoss.com 61 Comments [6/14/2007 9:53:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Captain Janeway

Quote# 26433

Having a science backround[sic],(I'm a dentist and my husband an ophtalmologist[sic]) we are delighted to hear some good sense being presented. Most people don`t realize the bias that colors their thinking. They take whatever is being taught without invenstigating[sic] the facts. There is a great difference when it comes to facts, and evolution doesn't have any. It's not me who says it but Stephen Jay Gould who couldn't find a single proved fact about evolution among his collegues[sic]. We can't either. We christians[sic] risk our lives for our faith so we are accustomed to study the hard facts and the evidence. Our very lives depend on it. That is the difference. Please, please do investigate the hard facts of science and learn to discard the fairy tales. Respectfuly[sic], Claudia

Claudia Perfettti, Cincinnati.com Comments 52 Comments [6/14/2007 8:55:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: ForensicAtheist

Quote# 26427

Christians claim that Jesus will come again, at the end of human history. Two developments in physics suggest that human history will end in about fifty years: computer experts predict that computers will exceed human intelligence within fifty years, and the de-materialization mechanism can be used to make weapons that are to atomic bombs as atomic bombs are to spitballs. Such weapons and super-human computers would make human survival unlikely, and in his discussion of the Second Coming, Jesus said he would return when human would face a "Great Tribulation" of such magnitude that we would not survive without his direct intervention. We will face such a Great Tribulation within fifty years.

Frank Tipler, /The Physics of Christianity/ as quoted by Hemant Mehta 43 Comments [6/14/2007 8:55:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Chris Hallquist

Quote# 26432

For the poster in Australia who claims Flat Earth, et al is Biblical, please cite the Chapter and Verse of the King James Bible where this is said. Otherwise, quit attacking a Holy Book you obviously have never read. I'm happy to see the Museum, but I don't believe in dinosaurs, never have. It's pseudo-science. So is evolution and global warming. For the poster who said it's inconveivable for God to create the universe in 6 days, can you limit God? Long ago, man didn't believe flight was possible, and yet we fly today. So, just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it. It's all about Faith, and God can do anything.

MD Anderson, Cincinnati.com Comments 34 Comments [6/14/2007 8:55:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: ForensicAtheist

Quote# 26435

You are right in that the current persecution of Muslims is a practice round for the upcoming persecution on Christians which will mark the very end. Why? Because a status quo is being created in the name of the war on terror that religious beliefs must come second to man's rule of law. The idea is being established that it's okay to be a Muslim as long as your beliefs are in line with the laws of man-made governments, but if you're a fundamnetalist muslim, then you're out of line and can be classified as a terrorist. Next, they are going to do the same thing to the Christians. Say it's okay to practice "churchianity" in a peaceful way, but if you hold fundamentalist Christian beliefs and if your beliefs require you to resist the NWO and say no to RFID chips then you'll be classified as an extremist and held as an enemy combatant. All it's going to take is a false-flag terrorist attack on an RFID establishment blamed on fundamentalist or anti-NWO Christians.

SilentKoala, The Resistance Manifesto 24 Comments [6/14/2007 7:30:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 26441

That is actually a very good thing to be done to anyone. If everyone in the world who didn't know God were just locked in a jail cell for 30 days with nothing but a Bible, I'm convinced that the world would be a better place afterwards.

SilentKoala, The Resistance Manifesto 61 Comments [6/14/2007 3:53:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 26436

I'm not afraid of martyrdom in fact that's the way I hope to go. I've got a white robe all picked out!

SilentKoala, The Resistance Manifesto 50 Comments [6/13/2007 9:29:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 26409

It's God's desire that we get married and procreate. Child-less couples are not living as God intented and lare living for themselves. It's selfishness.

syntox, Christian Forums 69 Comments [6/13/2007 9:27:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 26407

[Just out of curiosity, if they discovered extraterrestial intelligence, would that disprove the bible?]

Great question...First, nothing will ever disprove the Bible...Ever! Second, the Bible doesn't really say that there aren't other worlds. I don't think that there are ET's but you never know. *Eerie music*

Tiffany09, Teens4Christ 42 Comments [6/13/2007 9:24:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 26420

Ah, but advocates of evolution are just as ignorant of history...There was no Earth before man.

The Bourgeosie Elite, NationStates 57 Comments [6/13/2007 6:49:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Witty Name Here

Quote# 26418

If Christ wasn't real, we would all be wearing turbins and women would be oppressed. Animals would have more rights than humans, and everyone would be a vegan. Babies could be killed anytime you wanted to in or out of the womb.

Good thing Christ holds this world together by His awesome power and love.

xceptionalguysd, sherdog.net 63 Comments [6/13/2007 5:49:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 26406

Atheism is promoted by the media as a non religion but lets break down atheistic beliefs and see through this LIE

Atheists have their satanic book (darwins origin of life)

With this satanic book of Darwins, atheists believe all sorts of crazy ideas mostly based on racism not facts,ie people come from monkeys,they believe a chicken comes from a T rex (atheism is a form of mental illness)

Atheists believe there is no God,they have no proof if God exists making atheism a satanic faith
Anton LeVay a vile lapdog who promoted Marylon Manson a rock star who named himself after a child molester
(charles Manson)
LeVay and his nutty rituals and hatred set up a faith system based on selfishness and greed,only atheists would follow such a vile man as LeVay.

fighter777 ,  The Resistance Forum 44 Comments [6/13/2007 2:19:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 26395

“In his new book, American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, Hedges insists that today’s evangelical Christians are good old-fashioned fascists and Nazis reborn.”
Another left-wing fascist liar. Hitler was a left-wing Democrat as all multi-killers of the 20th century have been. Hitler (7 to 15 million), Stalin (25 to 35 million), Pol Pot (1 to 5 million), Saddam (1 to 6 million) and the list of left-wing scum goes on and on. The left has been responsible for more killing and dictators than any group who believes in small government and freedom like the right of the Republican party.

YOUGOTIT, Free Republic 61 Comments [6/13/2007 2:02:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Praetyre

Quote# 26405

Hitler was an atheist warlock THE MEDIA ARE LIARS
(go to google type in "hitler thule society")

Hitler when he was an up and coming politician LIED about his satanic beliefs to gain power(like Bush)

fighter777, The Resistance Manifesto 53 Comments [6/13/2007 1:20:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 26398

What better way to show your faith and love and trust in God then to lay down your own child's life for Him? It's one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible.

Beatitude, http://forum.bodybuilding.com/forumdisplay.php?f=72 83 Comments [6/13/2007 7:57:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: AKR

Quote# 26386

obviously richard dawkins is stupid, the other day someone asked asked me "why i thought RNA retroviruses required reversed transcription of their genome and to give an example of viruses that don't" I answered instantaneously "god made it so" boom next question! Since i was born again i can answer any question 100 times faster than the first time i was born.

paricutin21, Youtube 71 Comments [6/12/2007 11:14:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 26359

On the gay issue. As I travel this country I see that almost half the so called educated men of this country under the age of 30 call them selves "metrosexuals". Now there is a lot of discussion on what that means and after meeting thousands of so called MS's here what I find they all have in common; they are gay men who either are too afraid to try sex with a dude or who's mother, wife or girl friend will not let them. Most are Opra deciples and spend twice as much time on the computer as they do outside.

jf23, Tennessean.com  41 Comments [6/12/2007 7:26:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 26362

Atheism is born from ignorance...the argument from ignorance...the "evidence causes something to become true" argument...these foolish atheists...there is no point in debating with an atheist at the end of the debate the atheist admits they can careless about what the actual truth is, they only care about what the current evidence indicates...these fools when will they learn...

VitalOne, IIDB 37 Comments [6/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 26349

Masturbation is a sin because a person consents in their own heart to take sexual gratification from impure thoughts. It is sinful to indulge in the sexual pleasure that is derived from the satisfaction of using one's imagination to FIXATE upon obscene images, or obscene actions, or forbidden sex. Lustfully fixating upon genitals, or sexual acts, is idolatry. This is called: the worship of obscenities. This is the sin of those addicted to pornography.

Groundhog, The resistance manifesto 45 Comments [6/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Archangel_Lucifer

Quote# 26351

Men and women both must put an end to feminism. If not, the world will resort back to the type of IDOLATRY in ancient times where women were worshipped as gods, in phallic practices where the vagina of the woman was also worshipped due to its ability to bring forth new life. God condemned this and all forms of idolatry, however the sickness of female worship still lingers among us to this day. I will tell you in closing, that men and women are indeed equal in nature as human beings. Christian men and women, in particular, are equal in Christ. But we are not equal in person or function, regardless of what the Constitution of the United States has to say

Royal_Priest, CARM 52 Comments [6/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 26314

I will quote a witch on this one,"I know who you are, You are a dark Lord who kills witches with their own magick." (referring to myself) I said, well your half right, but there is no way that I'm of the darkness.

Oh by the way Mr. "Know it all" I have more esoteric knowledge in my little finger than in all the occultist in the world combined. And the reason for that is, because I have a real God. A real BIG ANGRY GOD. A REAL BIG ANGRY GOD WHO IS ABOUT TO KILL EVERY OCCULTIST ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH IN ONE DAY IN FULFILMENT OF BIBLICAL PROPHECY KIND OF GOD.

whiterider, The Resistance Manifesto 73 Comments [6/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 26358

One more post from darcymayberry (from the same thread)

Sorry, but as a hearty Christian, I care a whole lot about where you're putting your genitals. I just want so badly for you to put your penis inside of a virginal vagina. Let's face it: penis does not belong in the anus, as that is an EXIT! Penis belongs inside of a vagina, however, since that is an ENTRANCE! Blood, urine and menstrual fluid does not EXIT through the vagina! If you've ever heard otherwise, then you're being duped by the Homosexual Agenda.

darcymayberry, www.youtube.com 93 Comments [6/11/2007 10:31:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
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