Quote# 27081
The Social Worker At Your Door: 10 Helpful Hints
More and more frequently, homeschoolers are turned in on child abuse hotlines to social service agencies. Families who do not like homeschoolers can make an anonymous phone call to the child abuse hotline and fabricate abuse stories about homeschoolers. The social worker then has an obligation to investigate. Each state has a different policy for social workers, but generally they want to come into the family's home and speak with the children separately. To allow either of these to occur involves great risk to the family.
The homeschool parent, however, should be very cautious when an individual identifies himself as a social worker. In fact, there are several tips that a family should follow:
[The bulk of the article has been snipped, but here are some highlights.]
You do not have to let the social worker in your house without a warrant or court order, unless there is a true emergency in your home...
Inform your church, and put the investigation on your prayer chain. Over and over again, HSLDA has seen God deliver homeschoolers from this scary scenario.
Avoid potential situations which could lead to a child welfare investigation.
Do public relations with your immediate neighbors and acquaintances regarding the legality and success of homeschooling.
Do not spank children in public.
Do not spank someone else's child unless they are close Christian friends.
Avoid leaving young children at home alone, or in an automobile.
Baptist Online 32 Comments [7/10/2007 3:27:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 7