Quote# 26964
Number of universities founded in the name of Christianity:
Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, The College of William and Mary, Notre Dame, Georgetown etc etc etc etc
In fact, Christianity INVENTED the idea of a university. Without Christianity, universities would not exist.
Number of universities founded in the name of atheism:
Verdict: Christianity wins hands down
Number of hospitals founded in the name of Christianity:
Too many to count. Look at the name of hospitals in this country, if you remove all of that have words like 'Saint', 'Presbyterian', 'Christian', 'Sacred Heart' etc, you would have very few left.
In fact, the very idea of a hospital is an invention of Christianity
Number of hospitals founded in the name of atheism:
Verdict: Christianity triumphs yet again
[Submitter's Note: There were some other stupid comments, I selected only a few which I thought were the worst...]
The Catholic Message Board 52 Comments [7/5/2007 1:59:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: (H9)