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Quote# 27388

In short, if there is no hell, then Jesus lied. Jesus is God. God cannot lie. Jesus cannot lie. Hell exists. Enough said.

Wyatt, Rapture Ready 43 Comments [7/18/2007 9:09:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 27357


RICKY MUSE, onenewsnow 55 Comments [7/18/2007 8:14:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 27351

atheism forms these grand sweeping assumptions about all of reality based upon a tiny narrow sliver of sample. They assume there cant' be anything byeond this. They have a tinly little narrow band of the whole, just the part that we an examine first hand and directly. From that the pretend "O there cant' be anything else and there's no other wayt o learn about it, so we have to just pretend this is all there is."

Then they make more sweeping conclusions having never read theology so they vent abuot how they hate religious people and pat themselves on the back and believe they are so much smarter because their idoelogy is based upon a parolor tricks. They have grand ediface of pretense based upon no learning and no understanding and very very scant amount of data.

(1) mateirlism itself pretends to expailn all of reality, both the seen and the unseen

(2) the only way it can even pretend to do that is by cutting off 99% of the pie and saying "this little 1% is all there is. we know this because this is all we could could actually study by our limited method."

(3) They can't show why the universe is here or where it came from.

(4) can't explian concousness excetp by reducting it and pretending they have fathomed all about it because they know one thing, it has to be accessed through the brain. So they just pretend "that's all there is."

(5) they can't deny the 300 studies that show that religion is life trnasforming so they just ask a few limited trivial questions and pretend that they have "refutted" the study methology of 300 studies! 300!!!!! you haven't refutted one!!!

(5) they have no clue about transcendental signifiers. But they use them. they run their ideology by organizing principles but they can't figure out that this proves there must be a grand organizing princple that crates the universe.

(6) Religious experiences conform to the same epistemic criteia by which we judge all aspects of reality, but they totally ignore this fact and pretend it's not there.

after all this they say "there's no proof there's a God."

God is ontoglocally mandated by the power of modal opporaters!

Metacrock, CARM 42 Comments [7/18/2007 8:04:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 27383

[If this happened to you (God came to you and told you to find a homosexual and kill him), what would you do?]

While I find it hard to imagine that scenario you describe would happen, if it were confirmed through prayer, then for one to be obedient to God, one would have to be prepared to act.

NeTrips, Christian Forums 45 Comments [7/18/2007 8:02:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 27364

[Re: Fstdt.com]

I love how the people on that site literally spend time posting those quotes. They complain about us and look at them. There pathetic seriously theres no purpose in what they do. We don't need quotes to prove there ignorance there actions are all we need to hold them by.

Exile, The Resistance Manifesto 43 Comments [7/18/2007 8:02:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 27339

Uncyclopedia is a parody encyclopedia created in January 2005. It now has over 23,000 articles. Popular topics parodied include Global warming, Evolution and Creation, the Bush regime, Conservapedia, and popular culture. A recurring joke on the site is making up Oscar Wilde quotes as well as quotes by Chuck Norris, Captain Obvious, Kanye West, and Russian Reversals.

Uncyclopedia, despite being a parody of Wikipedia, supports much of the same material that Wikipedia does. They take an obviously liberal stance, and much of their humor is directed at Christian and Conservative values. In particular, their article on Conservapedia is composed mostly of hate speech, labelling Conservatives as "retards". In addition, they attack creationism via a "pro-creationist" article, which mocks creationism by phrases like "evolution will get you sent straight to hell" and "Darwin was a **** Satanist". At any rate, it is clear that Uncyclopedia hates Christians and creationism, and aims to destroy Conservativism.

n/a, Conservapedia 42 Comments [7/18/2007 6:42:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 27370

[Reply to a post saying Atheist don't persecute Christians]

You are talking about a conscious level persecussion. There are other forms of persecussion that are executed on a sub-conscious level, which most people don't even realize.

Driver, The Resistance Manifesto 45 Comments [7/18/2007 5:40:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 27382

Hey, Ive got another one that throws a curveball to the Darwinists (ie evolutionists)
The Bumble Bee, did you know that the Bumble Bee is not suposed to fly. The way it is constructed it is according to sientists to heavy to fly. They can't even explane it.

I guess God showed them.

But I definently think Evolution is stupid. (Now I do believe that God can change the genes of a specific animal or what have you. But I believe that it is God doing it and that it doesn't "just happen").

Like when I was in highschool, I had to watch a stupid video on how the earliest ansestor of multi cellular organisms was the sea spunge. Yea you read it right, a sea spunge, that non moving thing that just sits on the ocean floor created all this world, Hey, guess what, Shh, this is a secret. A SEA SPUNGE CAN ONLY CREATE ANOTHER SEA SPUNGE THROUGHT BREADING. The Idea that some how millions of years ago, some how the sea spung grew legs and walked off and turned into a fish is Crazy.

Well next time you watch Spunge Bob Square Pants, that's our earliest ansester, give me a break

Joshjefflawn, King James Bible Only 67 Comments [7/18/2007 5:40:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: MarylandBear

Quote# 27352

[Snip for brevity]

Rep.Keith Ellison, the first Afro American treasonist Communist Democrat Muslim from Minnesota to serve in Congress, you all remember him; Communist, treasonist, Demorcat Nancy Palosi swore him in on the Koran instead of the bible. Radical Muslim Ellison was back in the Muslim Capitol of the United States, Edina, Minnesota this week, speaking to a group of Atheists for Human Rights-group that opposes all 'authoritarian' religions. "You will always find this (Democrat) Muslim standing up for your right to be atheists all you want. This Democrat terroist supporter in Congress is nothing more than an evil treasonist who is WORKING for the subversion & overthrow of our government,& nation...

[unintelligible rant continues ad nauseum]

stanabobana, Military.com 24 Comments [7/18/2007 5:40:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 27359

Sorry majority rules in this country and Christians are the majority. Please take your seat now.

Tim , One News Now 39 Comments [7/18/2007 5:39:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: DJ

Quote# 27367

(Regarding a man getting a sex change operation)

This story is pitiful. God will certainly have the final say so about these people in the end. People doing sex changes like this are just in it for attention. They will get their attention for a little while, then God will have his say so about. I can promise you that it will not be in this "man's" favor.

One Good Dad, WRAL.com 32 Comments [7/18/2007 12:21:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 27380

So what creationists know but many people who call themselves scienctists don't know is:

1) That the earth was created out of water

Carico, CARM 49 Comments [7/18/2007 12:10:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 27319

Really, man, what a fucking asshole you are. In my recent post entitled "OT: If
I was God", I made an exception for a few RGP atheist fucks who I would allow to
make a last minute appeal and change of heart where I would cancel their flight
to eternal damnation. You were amongst the exceptions. Well guess what, Bill,
your flight has been rescheduled.

Now boarding, Flight 666 at Gate 1, direct Non-Stop, Vancouver, British
Columbia, straight to Hell.

So, the Popinjay God-List has been amended. If I were God, I would in no way
consider a last minute appeal from BillB, the resident king of the RGP atheist
fucks, and no matter how much he begged, I would not change my mind.

Into the fire with you!

-Rev. Popinjay

Rev. Popinjay, rec.gambling.poker 37 Comments [7/18/2007 12:07:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 27336

If you area satanist or an atheist post here so we can get you
banned and kicked off the board.
Lets make it easy for mark.

Myridon hope your the first to post.
Followed by Mabus,jebus and the 15 year old juliacaitlinn.
Come on have some guts post so we can get you booted.

Just so you know I love you all but I love the other members better!

For them we have to take out the trash.

Samurai, The Resistance Maniesto 20 Comments [7/17/2007 9:21:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 27331

The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, says, "After the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord"(4:18). This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that "animals" were included in whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they "began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish" (7:5,6). The Old Testament contains associated reference to genetic mutations, which developed among humans following this activity, including unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood and even lion-like features among men (2 Sam 21:20; 23:20).

What if, by corrupting the species barrier in which each creature was to recreate after its "own kind," Watchers had successfully mingled human-animal DNA and combined the hereditary traits of different species into a single new mutation? An entirely new being—Nephilim—might have suddenly possessed the combined intelligence and instincts (seeing, hearing, smelling, reacting to the environment) of several life forms and in ways unfamiliar to creation.

Will modern biotechnology resurrect Nephilim?

Thomas R Horn, News With Views 24 Comments [7/17/2007 9:17:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 27343

The Crusades were self defensive. And Islime is aligned with Nazism.

Praetyre, FSTDT! 125 Comments [7/17/2007 5:32:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ned Flanders

Quote# 27356

We have the idea that indoctrination is like the Chinese shoving bamboo up your fingernails or dropping a drop of water on your head until you say, 'Okay, Buddha is god'.

Becky Fischer ['Jesus Camp' leader], Christianity Today 38 Comments [7/17/2007 5:13:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Øyvind

Quote# 27309

Here is the link for the Hindu praying with/on Senate floor.....

Hindu prayer in Senate..

So I guess Muslim, Mormon, Witchcraft, voodoo, and any other crap we can fit in here....well, look at the bible, whenever the Israelites turned their backs on God, they went down hill!

steadman1972, Military.com 28 Comments [7/17/2007 4:52:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 27325

Marijuana is the Gateway Drug.

And Darwin is the Gateway Science.

First it's evolution. Then comes plate tectonics and the Big-Bang. Then
comes Athiesm. Then comes self-loathing and misanthropy, which leads to
elitism and superiority complexes. The resulting social ostracization leads
to homoeroticism and other perversions. The insatiable demand for money to
fund extravagances coupled with the sloth that accompanies the welfare check
creates a visceral hatred of capitalism. Finally, the abuser is no longer
able to feel for his country and multiculturalism takes over. The
transformation is complete.

I've seen it happen again and again.

Logos, talk.origins 68 Comments [7/17/2007 9:06:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 27332

I am standing waist-deep in the Pacific Ocean, both chilling and burning, indulging in the polite chit-chat beloved by vacationing Americans. A sweet elderly lady from Los Angeles is sitting on the rocks nearby, telling me dreamily about her son. "Is he your only child?" I ask. "Yes," she says. "Do you have a child back in England?" she asks. No, I say. Her face darkens. "You'd better start," she says. "The Muslims are breeding. Soon, they'll have the whole of Europe."

I am getting used to these moments – when gentle holiday geniality bleeds into... what? I lie on the beach with Hillary-Ann, a chatty, scatty 35-year-old Californian designer. As she explains the perils of Republican dating, my mind drifts, watching the gentle tide. When I hear her say, " Of course, we need to execute some of these people," I wake up. Who do we need to execute? She runs her fingers through the sand lazily. "A few of these prominent liberals who are trying to demoralise the country," she says. "Just take a couple of these anti-war people off to the gas chamber for treason to show, if you try to bring down America at a time of war, that's what you'll get." She squints at the sun and smiles. " Then things'll change."

I am travelling on a bright white cruise ship with two restaurants, five bars, a casino – and 500 readers of the National Review. Here, the Iraq war has been "an amazing success". Global warming is not happening. The solitary black person claims, "If the Ku Klux Klan supports equal rights, then God bless them." And I have nowhere to run.

From time to time, National Review – the bible of American conservatism – organises a cruise for its readers. I paid $1,200 to join them. The rules I imposed on myself were simple: If any of the conservative cruisers asked who I was, I answered honestly, telling them I was a journalist. Mostly, I just tried to blend in – and find out what American conservatives say when they think the rest of us aren't listening.

Johann Hari, The Independent 37 Comments [7/17/2007 8:33:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 27333

Why does Hollywood push complete lack of morals as a good thing? Call me an angry redneck or a Bible thumper if you must, but only a true fool could deny Batman Begins is a dirty liberal propaganda. The hero of the movie, Bruce Wayne, is a moral-less manwhore, who enjoys drinking, parties, and company of assorted sluts. Not to mention wasting his money on materialistic possessions, as opposed to using them to help the poor, as the Lord commands. Bruce Wayne is every bit as deplorable as Paris Hilton, yet we are asked to sympathize with this man? He is a socialite, which gets him points with the liberals that run Hollywood. Granted, he is redeemed somewhat by the fact that he is Batman, a selfless hero who protects the weak from evils of villany. However, Batman’s training comes from Ra’s Al Ghul, an anti-Christian Buddhist scum. What is the film’s message? Christians are weak, and only non-Christians can learn to become like Batman? Also, Batman takes on the shape of a demonic bat, which is unforgivable. Anybody else feels the same way?

Accept the Lord Christ as your savior my friends.

RepentYouFools, IMDb 58 Comments [7/17/2007 4:14:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 27321

As someone who has studied anatomy extensively I can tell you. You will never run out of things in the human body that points to God.

From the process of cellular regeneration to the process of death.

Anyone who has ever studied the body and looked at it logically knows this.

I personally don't know how evolution teaching has made it this far.

XXXXXXX, Fighting Fundamentalst Forums 38 Comments [7/17/2007 12:32:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jodie

Quote# 27279

Gay people are happy people. Gay people do not go around doing crap like that! Only homos and other assorted weirdos go around spreading their filth.

Wolfcounsel, FreeConervatives 23 Comments [7/17/2007 12:26:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 27285

[The whole thread is pretty much just...]

Originally Posted by DesertFox View Post
"First of all, their Quran does not mention Jerusalem even once, meaning their claim to Israel?s capital as their "third holiest" city is fraudulent and aimed at stealing the city from the Jews."

I want someone to show me a city in the Middle East that the Muslims DON'T call "holy." They pretty much worship land.

Or, more specifically, Muslims worship the acquisition of land. For example, Jerusalem only became more "holy" than the other "holy" land around it when the people they stole it from regained it.

In other words, the word "holy" means to Muslims what the word "coveted" means to Christians.

noncom, FreeConervatives 12 Comments [7/16/2007 10:26:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Abysses

Quote# 27287

[”It is usually a direct result of some statement which displays a lack of science eduction(sic)...”]
You cherry-pick those quotes that you find the most objectionable, but you have a tendency to ignore the bigger questions, or the more coherent statements.

For instance, what is the origin of life, from which all other life sprang?

Did only one organism start all present forms of life, from amoebae to whales? Or did several different primordial organisms form around the same time, spawning the diversity that is the hallmark of our world?

Is life still being spontaneously generated, or was that only possible a couple of billion years ago?

When most of life was extinguished during one or another extinction episode, did it all start over again from another primordial ooze, or did the few life-forms left over become the ancestors of all present life?

What type of evolution is responsible for the presence of non-living matter? Of energy? Of cosmic forces, etc?

Is it really possible for a species to become suited to its environment through a random process of mutation?

Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum. To believe that all that exists merely came about through some random process more than strains credulity, it rips it to shreds

Jim35, Free Republic 19 Comments [7/16/2007 10:23:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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