Quote# 28798

What kinds of public policies do we evangelical Christians want to see take place in America today? A quick and by no means exhaustive list would include things like: a general prohibition of abortion; the allowance of prayer in public schools; the rejection of embryonic (not adult) stem-cell research; the Federal prohibition of homosexual marriage (either by law or by an admendment to the Constitution); further restrictions on pornography; a tightening of obscenity laws in movies and television; vigorous law enforcement against pedophiles both on the Internet and in the society at large; the replacement of sex education programs for students with abstinence-based programs; putting an end to the tyranny of Darwinian evolution teaching in public schools such that the flaws in evolutionary theory and creation science would at least get equal consideration; and stopping the Federal court system's twisting of the First Amendment to find some supposed "separation of Church and State" that in turn is used to remove all public expression of the Christian faith from American society.

Those of some of the things we want.

Peter J. Marshall, Free Republic 68 Comments [9/8/2007 8:29:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 28791

On fstdt...

This site is run by a bunch of sodomites who scour other Christian sites to find foder for their mockery of the gospel in the first place, then they rate it as to how "crazy" the statement sounds to them. They are trying to get a laugh at someone's expense because their own lives have little or no meaning, so they find their worth in "de humanizing" others.

Whiterider, Christian Forums 66 Comments [9/8/2007 8:29:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28794

[Referring to homosexuals and the gay agenda]

If they win, then Christianity and the Bible will be banned and conservative Christians will be imprisoned for our beliefs, because we won't give up preaching the gospel, especially the biblical position on sexuality. We are going to live in a thought police society. It will just like in Communist Russia. Also, the most rigid homosexual activists that specifically target Christian churches, organizations, and people is Soulforce led by notorious Mel White. I sincerely believe if Soulforce wins, then we could become a Communist nation. You know, White's secretary Kara Speltz embraces strong socialist ideologies but won't admit it.

sammy1980, CARM 41 Comments [9/8/2007 8:29:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 28795

As we get closer and closer to end times and the resurrection of the church, I expect we will see more and more evidence proving the myth of evolution.

ImaSaved1, Teens4Christ 50 Comments [9/8/2007 8:29:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Doc cc

Quote# 28639

Has anyone heard of incubus attacks?
Incubi are sex demons that attack women when they sleep. There is still proof of this happening even now. With stories of women even getting sexually attacked by demonic spirits when she is at the office typing up memos.

Sick of Life, Yahoo Answers 84 Comments [9/2/2007 1:35:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 28661

Dr. Henry Morris, a respected Christian / creationist, suggests that there were TEN TRILLION people alive before the flood. How many of them were saved from God's wrath and judgement? Eight.

Pastor Timothy Shumer, BA, MA, realhelpforteens 100 Comments [9/2/2007 1:34:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 28636

(Regarding an elementary school teacher's sex change operation over the summer)

A teacher is a role model, and should be, so someone having such an identity crisis that requires sex change operations, etc. wouldn't be a teacher I would want for my children.

Since it is a private school, I'd expect the school to not use the teacher, or lose my business. Public schools should get the best, most balanced people they can, so this shouldn't come up, and if it does, should let the teacher go. Contracts should include such controversial possibilities with a general clause. Since sex change operations are actually cosmetic, and don't truly change the sex of the person, it isn't sexual discrimination. The person with the identity crisis having the operation is surely being sexually discriminatory to the Nth degree.

djofraleigh, wral.com 48 Comments [9/1/2007 10:01:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 28626

I really have nothing against liberals as people; most are good people whom mean well. The problem is their love of an oppressive all-powerful federal government and their obedience to their ruling lunatic fringe. If they regain power we will have to reform our militias and bury some of our guns. Participating in a militia is a lot trouble, but it will have to be done, and burying guns is dangerous, they could always be found by children. And we may even have to kill some liberals. I don’t want to do any of the things especially kill people and especially my own countrymen.

freedomboy3, Perspectives.com 51 Comments [9/1/2007 9:52:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
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