Quote# 29307
(To another poster)
aw, quit being such a whiny fag :p
Gay people are the most put-upon, victimized, oppressed people in the world if you listen to the gay lobby.
There is absolutely ZERO down-side to coming out gay in the U.S., in fact it can gain you many 'rights' straight people don't have, plus you can pull the victim card anytime someone disagrees with you or denies anything you want, any law you support or oppose, any right you claim, in fact anything you want to change or to have not change. Gay people hold some of the highest offices, are some of the richest and most powerful, some of the biggest celebs and stars of music and movies and tv, etc etc etc. yet you still read tripe like the crap in the above post about how 'oppressed' they are, and if you dare disagree you are labeled 'homophobic'.
Its pretty much like that for any of the 'cult of victimhood' embraced by many members of many minority groups in this country. I, and a lot of other people, are pretty sick of it. The only thing that prejudices me against gay people is constantly having to read/hear about how oppressed they are. No one likes to hear constant whinging and complaining, while at the same time they enjoy perks and advantages straight people DON'T have. I say that the United States is the MOST TOLERANT country concerning gays in the world, proven by the fact the richest, most famous and most powerful gay people in the world live here by choice. And foreign gays come pouring in to become citizens.
You (self-described) queers don't even know what it is to be REALLY oppressed- move to Iran or Saudi Arabia if you want to find out.
Fark 41 Comments [9/26/2007 1:58:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 10