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Quote# 29287

["Once again, the right wing confuses the scientific method of constant questioning and testing of theories against new information with outright dismissal of the theory."]

I am glad to see we are agreed it is just a theory. Not a fact as it is taught in public schools. And yes, IG I know the teachers still call it the theory of evolution, but any disagreement is met with ridicule. I will admit right now, I only have 4 examples from children in the SM school district. So maybe it is not as bad in other places.
One article handed out to my son last year said only religious zealots and poor, ignorant people from the south tended not to believe in evolution. I will try to find the paper and give out the name of the guiy who wrote it if I can. But this was handed out in class by the science teacher.
I do not advocate teaching religion in public schools, BTW. They can't teach math and reading very well so I sure do not want them teaching religious beliefs.

zenozac, The Kansas City Star 18 Comments [9/26/2007 8:00:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 29337

["Oh, and fyi: Ian Paisley is a known bigot and terrorism advocate. He actually condones bombing buildings and shooting people of other denominations. Not a great role model, bub."]

Of course, the world hates Paisley. Almost as much as the world hated Jesus. But anyway, I tell you what. You keep your religion out of our schools, and I will do the same. But until then, I will advocate for my religion to be taught along side your religion. Anyway, I am glad you read the bible. The Bible is not a book that you can read through once, and be done with. If you do that, it will seem foolish, but the more you study it, and compare scriptures you will realize there are not as many errors as you thought. Infact, there are none. If you TRULEY would like to go through the "errors" in the Bible, and TRULEY would like to know how I reconcile these "errors" yet STILL believe it to be infallible, I will start a topic, and you can start posting your favorite errors.

BigChrisFilm, FSTDT! Forums 30 Comments [9/26/2007 6:26:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jodie

Quote# 29304

Maybe Atheism is for the insecure, at least Religious people have some hope for the afterlife. Atheists believe that our lives are worthless and have no meaning.

AlbanianWolf , YouTube 48 Comments [9/26/2007 5:23:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Whiteshark

Quote# 29327

If evolution has occurred, then it must be a natural characteristic of all forms of life - including Homo sapiens. When a human mother
gives birth to the young of a superhuman species, I will believe
in evolution. Until then, nothing doing.

Geoffrey Smith , Is the world flat? Dunno... 39 Comments [9/26/2007 2:22:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 29303

If you have to think in literal terms vs spiritual you will miss the boat completly; the Bible is written correctly, less minor translation mistakes, that useually are corrected or debated by man; I personaly, know of none that have been proven to be 100% out there and false, even the 4 legged flying insect is possible (many species of animal life whent extinct leaving the door open), regardless of the deffenition of insect, which came much later than when the Bible was actually written.

scoutsout1, Military.com 28 Comments [9/26/2007 2:20:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29306

(Comparing the Terry Schiavo case to John Paul II's death in a thread regarding a news story alledging that the former Pope was actually "euthanized.")

The difference is that Terri Schiavo did not state that she wanted to die, and her husband was obviously ripping her off and doing everything he could to speed up her death so that he could run off with another woman. I view it as state-sanctioned murder. Also, there's a big difference between waiting a few extra days to insert a feeding tube, and denying all food, water, and life support. The reason Terry didn't respond and appeared to be "dying peacefully" is that she was doped up with enough drugs so even a healthy person couldn't have done anything. You notice the husband only allowed his own doctors to examine her, and the judge presiding over the whole thing had pulled the plug on one of his own relatives. It was totally rigged.

j0ndas, Fark 20 Comments [9/26/2007 2:19:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29317

My ministry spent a summer in Africa in 2005. There were alot of sick people in the villages we visited. For the most part, these people could not get medical help for their ailments. We healed at lest 300 people that summer through prayer and scripture-readings. On one occasion, a secular and self-proclaimed "compassionate" doctor was treating an AIDS-infected child. Even though he claims that he was servicing the village for free, his intentions were obviously sininister. He didn;t even once pray to God during the procedure. He even had the nerve to tell a few of my ministers to leave the hut. He would't even let them pray over the child and read verses from the Bible. Well, thankfully my ministers had the courage to drag the doctor out of the hut so that they could let God work His will.
Thank God they removed the doctor, because that child was miracoulously healed that very day!
My ministry will be going to South America this coming Spring. I'll keep you updated.

Pastor Martin Cretin, Foru.ms 56 Comments [9/26/2007 2:04:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 29326

The battle between evolution and creation is not between science and religion, but of two conflicting paradigms. Evolutionists claim that evolution is science and that creation is merely a fairy tale. Paradigm shifts are rarely quiet and smooth. Ask Galileo. His main problem was not with the Catholic church, but with professors that believed the earth was the center of the universe and did not move.

Evolution became popular before they knew what was inside a cell. Scientists thought that cells were just simple blocks that combined to make something complex. When they finally managed to crack one open and look inside they found the opposite was true.

Evolution is dead. However, its rotting corpse is still propped up by its followers to try and convince everyone that it is still alive and well. It is time to bury it and let creationism take over...

kdanley, Yahoo answers 34 Comments [9/26/2007 2:04:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Zipperback

Quote# 29307

(To another poster)

aw, quit being such a whiny fag :p
Gay people are the most put-upon, victimized, oppressed people in the world if you listen to the gay lobby.

There is absolutely ZERO down-side to coming out gay in the U.S., in fact it can gain you many 'rights' straight people don't have, plus you can pull the victim card anytime someone disagrees with you or denies anything you want, any law you support or oppose, any right you claim, in fact anything you want to change or to have not change. Gay people hold some of the highest offices, are some of the richest and most powerful, some of the biggest celebs and stars of music and movies and tv, etc etc etc. yet you still read tripe like the crap in the above post about how 'oppressed' they are, and if you dare disagree you are labeled 'homophobic'.

Its pretty much like that for any of the 'cult of victimhood' embraced by many members of many minority groups in this country. I, and a lot of other people, are pretty sick of it. The only thing that prejudices me against gay people is constantly having to read/hear about how oppressed they are. No one likes to hear constant whinging and complaining, while at the same time they enjoy perks and advantages straight people DON'T have. I say that the United States is the MOST TOLERANT country concerning gays in the world, proven by the fact the richest, most famous and most powerful gay people in the world live here by choice. And foreign gays come pouring in to become citizens.

You (self-described) queers don't even know what it is to be REALLY oppressed- move to Iran or Saudi Arabia if you want to find out.

docweasel, Fark 41 Comments [9/26/2007 1:58:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 29302

your post does not display understanding of what terrorists are versus what activists are.

abortion clinics are attacked because children are murdered there and the law temporarily allows it. The motivation is to stop murder.

terrorism seeks to murder and cause fear.

If you were informed and were actually educated to the level what is commonly accepted of "esquire" then you would have known the difference.

the attack upon abortion clinics seeks to stop the brutal murder of innocents.

If enforcing a belief that opposes cold blooded murder is to you a form of "terrorism" in that murderers are afraid their actions will be punished? Then youre a perfect candidate for the Taliban since your mindset fits in so well with their cause;

BradleyTS, Military.com 30 Comments [9/26/2007 1:22:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29299

The main problem you have with understanding creationism is that you are still looking at matter and the universe in three dimensions. Mathematics shows that there are at least 11 dimensions. This would explain how the universe is billions of years old, yet the earth is about ten thousand. You also need to explain how such precise organisms such as the brain could have evolved from nothing. If this were true, then an explosion at a lumber yard would create a three story house complete with deck and garage. I find it less far reaching on my imagination to accept an all powerful God, than a theory than cannot be duplicated in a test tube and is full of contradictions.

Robert Justice, Talk.origins Archive 35 Comments [9/26/2007 1:01:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29284

[Link requires login]
The constitution says nothing about equal rights you "ignorant prick"
America was founded on Christian principles. And those principles are against homosexual marriage.
Marriage is and always will be One man and one woman.

volcomsocom, MyResistance.net 31 Comments [9/25/2007 11:19:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 29322

[During Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia University]

Asked about executions of homosexuals in Iran, Ahmadinejad said the judiciary system executed violent criminals and high-level drug dealers, comparing them to microbes eliminated through medical treatment. Pressed specifically about punishment of homosexuals, he said: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

With the audience laughing derisively, he continued: "In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, The AP 33 Comments [9/25/2007 9:52:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Dave

Quote# 29321

[without using your Bible]

Without my Bible???

Trying to disarm me? That Bible is the only offensive Weapon mentioned in the arsenal against Satan in Ephesians 6.

It pwns more "scientists" and atheists per square mile, than Roundup pwns weeds.

AV1611VET, Foru.ms 53 Comments [9/25/2007 9:47:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 29283

men rule this planet and have for all of its existance. The only female who had a legion of warriors under complete control was cleopatra, but really she only gained power and broke other empires is through seduction, she basically whored herself out. men dont have to demean themselves like that to be powerful though

FireKicks, GameSpot 45 Comments [9/25/2007 9:11:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 29319

Isn't it true that AIDs got to America thanks to a Gay Journalist?

I know for sure that STD's transfer easily if you have lesbian sex. So, it is a health concern. The last thing we need is STD infected homosexuals.

I learned all of this in Science class today, just thought I'd share with you all.

TeenageRepublican, FreeConservatives 57 Comments [9/25/2007 8:53:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 29281

2 proofs that God exists?

1 - Pride - He resists the proud (those who do not need him or do not believe he even does exist) therefore they never have an experience with him.
2- Humility- Those who are humble (recognize they need one greater than themselves) he draws close to making himself known to them.

Our pride or humility proves the existance of God in that he is true to his word. Right?

markusbdarkus, Yahoo Answers 39 Comments [9/25/2007 8:47:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: QEDQED

Quote# 29320

Well, if we have more lockers, that will make it so much more of a problem. Gay men would just walk in the Gay locker room then Bow-Chica-Bow-Wow.

I just change in the stalls, because of all the gay freaks that want to do it with me.

TeenageRepublican, FreeConservatives 55 Comments [9/25/2007 7:44:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 29272

'am i a troll' lol

I'm a man with a computer. Giving my POV.

Sky-daddy? haha. that's rather blasphemous but I think amusing you actually think of it like that.

Which races are more 'ape-like'?

I'll say the MOST ape-like are the Australoid, and the Negroid races in Africa run a decent second.

If you look at the Cranial Index and Facial Angles they consistently test smaller in both index and facial angle (a physical measurement of intelligence) which is comprised of the x-axis being the ear to the nose and crossing it with the y-axis formed of the line or slope from the chin to the top of the forehead.

Also similar to most primate species the back of the skull hangs outward and is underdeveloped in the bottom whereas the Nordic racial type is pretty much straight with little indention in the back. Yes the skull shapes have differences and one well versed in Physical Anthropology can tell you the racial classification that whatever creature or being that owned that skull had without difficult examination.

Also there are other things you may have noticed and people sometimes draw links to them in popular culture. The fact of big hips/buttox (i dont mean to gravitate this into some kind of sexual / perverted thing) as well as the length of the appendages (legs, arms) in the Negroid race tends to suggest links to primates which often use their "arms" for mobility. Or creatures that are not perfectly bipedal.

Josh Barnhill, Atheist, Agnostic, and Non-Religious 35 Comments [9/25/2007 4:24:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 29300

[In response to a prayer request by a woman who left her verbally/emotionally abusive husband.]

I pray that the Lord will heal you and leaave you open to reconciling. Your marriage will be even sweeter having suffered the pain. I pray that you will see the Lords will in this situation.

BayouBeliever, Rapture Ready 42 Comments [9/25/2007 7:24:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 29278

THERE IS NO GAY DNA! HOMOSEXUALS ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD, AND ARE BOUND FOR HELL. In many cases, God has already turned them over to a reprobate mind. That means they CAN NEVER BE SAVED!

The Homo Song:

It’s not ok to be gay,
It’s not ok to be a homo
God didn’t make you that way,
His Word says it’s a big no-no.

It’s not ok to be gay,
It’s not ok to be perverted,
You need to be converted,

campusministry, CSE Blogs 47 Comments [9/25/2007 4:08:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 29253

We should give credit to the power of prayer

I am somewhat confused as to why people have a hard time acknowledging faith. The Sept. 15 News article, “Good luck or a minor miracle?” is a prime example. What will it take for skeptics to believe in miracles? The parting of the Red Sea again? A miracle is a miracle no matter how “minor.”

The Buffalo Bills gathered on the field and immediately prayed for Kevin Everett. Many of us prayed at home and abroad. That is the beginning of a miracle, and those of us who believe have no doubt that God has complete control of Everett’s recovery.

Yes, modern medicine is playing a role in his recovery, but who inspired man to create this modern medicine? God has complete control over everything we do, including the discovery of new medicines and medical procedures. Be humble and give credit where credit is due, not in man, but in our creator.

Man has become so wrapped up in self-righteousness that we have pushed God out of the picture. I applaud the staff and everyone who has taken care of Everett, for they are gifts from heaven. I encourage everyone to pray for his recovery, because miracles do happen.

Matthew LaPiana, The Buffalo News 40 Comments [9/25/2007 1:51:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Watcher

Quote# 29251

I'm not saying all of Black is bad; they certainly have talented singers in soul, jazz etc. and I adore a few such as Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong etc.. But why should White people be subjected to the brainless monkey chants - so much noise pollution is not good for the country.

And Latino/Spanish music simply makes me blood boil; I hear it all in supermarkets, entertainment plazas and now even, upscale restaurants for Pete's sake. I simply hate the "livin' la vida loca" brigade.

Nicolette, Yahoo Answers 40 Comments [9/24/2007 9:21:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 29268

Atheist's are so immoral and stupid. If you don't read the bible how will you ever enter the kingdom of heaven. Historically speaking jesus was perfect, he sacrificed his life so we could go to heaven. The devil was angry that day, he should be because the savior was born.

Note: Although religion has hold back science, intelligence and killed many people. They weren't true christian. You are all wrong, I am right, I am the christian.

Who needs reason, logic or evidence when you have gut feeling and god. Does god even need evidence? The anwser is no. I can feel I am right, I have exprienced god, theirfore he must be real. Stuff like the big bang, evolution and basic scientific knowledge is wrong, they haven't got evidence and they have been proven wrong.

Yeah, so you can either think or have the bible. Science is second to the bible and belife is good. Faith is good. Atheist are closed minded, theist are divine and saved by jesus.

wendylove, Dreamviews Forums 74 Comments [9/24/2007 4:20:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 29261

I remember sitting in my high school biology lab and listening to my teacher blaspheme my Lord by stating that we evolved from monkeys. When I heard such demon talk come out of her mouth, I immediately jumped out of seat and started throwing books and pencils across the room. After a minute of chaos and disturbed looks, I gave the punchline and explained that if we did indeed evolve from monkeys, then we ought to act like monkeys.

Pastor Martin, shoutlife.com 83 Comments [9/24/2007 4:20:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
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