Quote# 50101
For president, would you rather vote for an atheist, a gay-married man, or an evangelical christian?
the atheist: gets rid of all religious entities in the government (to actually become separated from church and state)
Ex. taking away "in god we trust" on currency, officiating the original pledge of allegiance ("god" wasn't inserted until the 1950s), etc
The gay-married man: establishes legality of gay marriage in all 50 states and promotes gay awareness in schools (aka that it isn't evil to be gay, that it is simply who some people are; also noting that it is not a myth or disease.)
The evangelical christian uses god metaphors in all that he does, does not support scientific research he believes is contradictory to the bible, and believes in creation, no global warming, and geocentric theories.
Better to be Right than Liberal : Anyone but the gays. Atheist are scary b/c they don't believe in a higher being, but gays are amoral.
The Christian.
Naomi : The Christian. This is a Christian nation, and beliefs among the minority should not enforce their beliefs on a mostly Christian nation.
What do you have against God anyway? Get some humilty.
Better to be Right than Liberal & Naomi,
Yahoo Answers 34 Comments [10/19/2008 7:20:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: J Arcenas