Quote# 52890
Twelve Myths of Modern Science
As a biochemist, I have concluded that the greatest hoaxes perpetrated by the contemporary scientific establishment are:
1. Evolution.
Never observed, and therefore not capable of being classed as proper science.
2. Old Earth theory.
In spite of the Word of God, and all the geological evidence, the Establishment tries to convince us the earth is billions of years old in order to justify their theory of evolution.
3. Heliocentrism.
Watch the sun. Observe it with your eyes, and trust your instincts. And now tell me the earth is hurtling past the sun at close to the speed of light.
4. Solid Earth theory.
Disproved by geologists in Siberia in 2002. Findings covered up by the Establishment.
5. Existence of the Higgs Particle.
Entirely speculative. Based on theory, not proper science. Disgraceful, self-serving excuse for money-draining experiment in Geneva which jeopardises the future of mankind.
6. Vaccination.
So let's get this straight... to stop someone getting a disease you inject it straight into their bloodstream??? Yeah, WHATEVER!
7. Moon Landings.
Yip - look at the photos and see 'astronauts' leap out of their own shadows!!! In other photos, apparently flags can cast shadows but 'astronauts' can't!!!!!
8. Moon determines tides.
This particular myth was spread to science to boost the pagan cult of the moon god, which stems from the ancient belief that the moon had some sort of magical power. It is a light in the sky given by God as a gift to mankind - nothing more, nothing less.
9. Smoking causes cancer .
How the drug corporations love this one!!! An opportunity to make megabucks through the marketing of anti-addiction drugs!!! Odd that for centuries the Red Indians used tobacco to fight colds and flus... ie. it was a HEALTH BENEFIT not a HEALTH RISK. But apparently western 'science' knows best.
10. Satellites
Atheists mock Christians for believing in young earth creationism - yet these very same people believe there are thousands of little metal boxes buzzing over the earth communicating signals to computers everywhere!!!! Think about this rationally, folks. If something is put into outer space, it will float away. It will not simply hover above the earth. What a stupid and nonsensical idea!!
11. Psychiatry
A money-earning fad for the pharmaceutical industry and for failed 'doctors'. Psychiatry kills, simple as that. ALL PSYCHIATRISTS ARE BREAKING THE HYPOCRATIC OATH.
12. Global Warming
How could we forget this one? This is pure junk science. Thirty years ago scientists were telling us we were about to enter a new ice age, and now apparently the earth's temperature is rocketing!!!! What utter nonsense. Almighty God determines the temperature of this planet, and the only 'global warming' it will experience will come when he decides to burn it all in an almighty fireball, just like He says He will in the Bible.
Garvan Ellison,
The Garvanian 160 Comments [11/22/2008 4:32:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: sandman