Quote# 54675
Okay, I know this may seem controversial if you've heard of the Westboro Baptist Church, but if you haven't heard of them, they're a church operating out of Topeka, Kansas. They achieved infamy by picketing the funerals of gays and U.S. soldiers with their main motto being "God Hates Fags." Now, I believe that Fred Phelps, love him and his tactics or hate him, is right in one aspect: God DOES hate fags. The Bible spells out exactly what God thinks of gays, so why the political correctness about it? I think every Christian ought to be expressing what an abomination it really is, after all, if the message is loud and shocking enough, perhaps more gays will convert, and make it to Heaven and NOT the lake of fire. I say the message of "God Hates Fags" shouldn't be demonized, what say you?
True, I disagree with his tactics. I don't agree that funerals should be picketed, but the controversial part is his message. That message is that homosexuality is an abomination, and those who practice it are abominations to God. I believe that gays should be placed in ex-gay camps, like drunks are placed in AA meetings. If their lifestyle persists, perhaps jailtime is in order. After all, AIDS doesn't spread itself, right?
Well, I'm just trying to toss out the best way possible to create a quick enough change in people. No one here wants them to go to Hell, I just think drastic measures could be taken, that's all.
Well how do you react knowing the state of the nation right now? YOU saw the gays invade that church, it was on the news. You know that babies are being slaughtered every day in abortion-mills. You know that militant atheists are teaching our children there is no God. This is a very grave state of affairs, and I for one am concerned.
RR 41 Comments [12/22/2008 6:15:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 6