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Quote# 35168

Here are some scientific facts declared in the Bible before discovered by man:
Atomic Fission —2 Peter 3:10
Ocean Currents — Ps. 8:8; Isaiah. 43:16
Hydrological cycle — Job 36:27 A 9:6
Jet Stream — Ecclesiastes 1:6-7
Dinosaurs —Job 40-41, Psalms 74:14
Innumerable stars — Genesis 15:5; Jeremiah 33:22

n/a, How Can That Be True? 49 Comments [2/19/2008 4:55:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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Quote# 35215

Fact No. 1 - God's existence can be proven. Life exists; therefore, God exists.

There are only two possibilities for life, evolution or God. Evolution, having been proven false, leaves the only other possibility for life -- God.

Fact No. 2 - Evolutionism is every bit a religion as any other religion. In fact, you were participating in the debate as evolutionism was proven to be a cult.

Fact No. 3 - Evolutionism is not based upon science. The theory takes underlying scientific discoveries and combines poor exegesis to postulate that all life originated from bacterium, which, itself, originated from a bolt of lightning into the primordial soup of chemicals. Yet, there is no observeable evidence to support such postulation nor can scientists duplicate the process in any means.

Fact No. 4 - Science has proven evolution false. The process of genus/species change has been labeled 'natural selection'. It has been proven that extinction would be impossible if 'natural selection' were true since all precursor species, including the bacterium, would also have to be extinct as well.

Fact No. 5 - Evolutionism is driven by the socialist left. Scientists know that evolution is an unproven theory. Yet, evolutionists refuse to acknowledge that it would be proper to teach the theory of evolution along side creation in public schools. Such a position is not scientific, but is driven by the leftists' hatred of Christianity and the religious right.

watchman_2, FACTnet 63 Comments [2/19/2008 4:51:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
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Quote# 35192

“The teaching of evolution works against the liberties we have in the United States, if a person believe[s] in evolution, he or she “has no rights,”

Merrill Keiser, Online Journal 62 Comments [2/19/2008 4:48:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 35188

TV LAND flippantly disrespects God and Christians

Send an email to TV Land president Larry Jones, letting him know you are offended that TV Land so easily disrespects Christians by belittling their faith.

The TV Land network has a new feature starting this Saturday (Feb. 16) called "OHMIGOD, That's so 80's weekend." The series features movies from the 1980's. "OHMIGOD" is an irreverent exclamation for "Oh, my God!"

The promotional ad is playing on the television broadcast and on their website at www.tvland.com. (WARNING: If you visit their website, the ad plays automatically.)

I can't tell you in words how offensive it is to listen to the advertisement for this new show as they must say "OHMIGOD" five times in 30 seconds.

Disrespect for Christians and God have gone on for some time with this phrase, but now we have a network that feels it appropriate to name an entire program series with this phrase.

Don Wildmon, American Family Association Action Allert 93 Comments [2/19/2008 4:47:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 35165

Do you remember hearing about a volcanic eruption in Washington State in 1980 called Mt. Saint Helens? After the eruption, scientists went into the area to measure the date of rocks thrown from the volcano. Guess what they found? When the rocks, formed from the magma thrown out by the volcano, were dated with carbon 14 dating, they were told that the rocks were millions of years old. The only problem was that the rocks had only formed just 20 years before. So how could they be extremely old when they just became rocks a few years before?

The problem is that carbon 14 dating does not take into account the thousands and thousands of catastrophes that happen year in and year out. Catastrophes like volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, tsunamis, fires, lightning, etc, all change the amount of carbon in material when that material encounters those catastrophes. Carbon is not released uniformly. So radio carbon dating is only good for a very few types of material and it never shows those materials to be more than thousands of years old.

n/a, How Can That Be True? 54 Comments [2/19/2008 3:21:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 35181

Our genes are similier to many animals but that does not prove we "evolved" from them. Seeing that there are no fossils of these creatures, they are now shifting to the genes thing. Which some are admitting that the similarities are only that.

And if Evolution exists then it would have to be continous. So what happen to the rest of the apes? Why have they not evolved? We use the apes to prove evolution, and yet they remain apes. Silly. No proof.

sugarhitman, IIDB 48 Comments [2/19/2008 3:20:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jack Bauer

Quote# 35179

I'm also coming to the conclusion -- through my own "science-less" investigation -- that cancer is not actually a "disease" at all. Sounds weird, but tumors are actually the body's defense mechanism that kicks into gear to surround the cells that are out of control. The formation of a tumor is actually a self-defense mechanism designed to control the spread of the problem...therefore when science cuts tumors out of people, they are actually causing the cancer to spread!

Supersport, CARM 67 Comments [2/19/2008 3:03:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Sidbob

Quote# 35156

Then can you tell me why the Founding Fathers based the way the Constitution was drafted on THEIR CHRISTIAN BELIEFS?!?!?This ignorant idea of separating church and state is nothing but a baseless arguement by the government members who don't want God in any aspect of our lives because it might restrict their evil inentions of ruling the human herd. When any person thinks God has nothing to do with politics, which govern us as a nation, they are about a yard off the mark. You don't have to go to chruch, pray, spout your feelings about it and try and cram it down everyone's neck, but to bleieve it in is not a bad thing; and if you had the capacity to think for yourself instead of believing what you're told like a mindless sheep you might be able to see that.

Ronna, Politico 49 Comments [2/18/2008 10:09:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 35167

[Trying to justify a reference to steel in a translation of a bible verse written before steel could be produced.]

Originally Posted by Job 20:24 --- written in 1520 BC
He shall flee from the iron weapon, and the bow of steel shall strike him through.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In the 4th century BC steel weapons like the Falcata were produced in the Iberian peninsula.

AV1611VET, Christian Forums 52 Comments [2/18/2008 8:48:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 35135

My husband, father and mother are saved, but they think I'm nuts. They hold to the "nobody knows for sure" standard. Today my mother told me that she is 'afraid' that a certain person will be elected president, and I just told her I'm not afraid of anything. Later we were shopping and she found a cute shirt that she thought I should have for NEXT Valentine's day. I smiled and said, "Let's wait and see if we're even here next year." She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, will you stop?" But yeah, everyone seems to think I'm *worried* about it and they can't seem to understand that I'm excited (and terribly obsessed with the idea).

RDY4HIM, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [2/18/2008 7:32:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 35125

You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them.

Pat Robertson, Quotes from the Religious Right 53 Comments [2/18/2008 6:27:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Neserit

Quote# 35108

If we have a gravitational field, than why doesnt man get pulled, or atleast influenced to bigger masses than ourselves? STRIKE ONE

If electricity were real, and we really had an electric potential of 200 volts from head to toe, why arn't we being zapped by lightning every living second? STRIKE TWO

Why do bacteria and viruses change and evolve by the scientists terms? It's because of God trying to punish the sinful, the scientists are the median between God giving his vengeance to the sinful, so when the scientists cure a so called disease God changes the structure so it can continue killing the sinned. STRIKE THREE

You can't even prove that God doesnt exist, look at Africa, they don't worship the Savior so they have famine thrust upon them

Vaus, World of Warcraft Off-Topic Discussion 92 Comments [2/18/2008 6:24:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 16
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Quote# 35130

[In a thread labeled "What you need to know about creation"]
1. Population statistics—If man appeared over one million years ago, the present world population would be thousands of times greater than it actually is. In fact, our entire galaxy could not provide the needed space for so many. The present world population is around 6 billion. Assuming the average life span to be 70 years and the average generation length to be 35 years, then starting with one family, the present world population would result in about 30 doublings. These doublings would carry us back in history from today to around 3500 B.C. This date is suggested by several creationist scientists to mark the time of the flood. Thus, the creation model dovetails beautifully with known world population statistics. But what of the evolutionary model? Dr. Henry Morris writes, “Now, if the first man appeared one million years ago, and these very conservative growth rates applied during that period, the world population would be at present 10 (27,000 zeros following) people. However, no more than 10 (with 100 zeros) people could be crammed into the known universe.”

(Scientific Creationism, Master Books, 1974, p. 154)

Lord Thomas Drake, CyberNations Forums 54 Comments [2/18/2008 5:52:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Hertzyscowicz

Quote# 35124

All ppl think they have the answer to something until their own science proves them wrong. Science is always discovering new things. If you'd ask a guy who lives by science if the heart had a brain a few years back, he'd say" NO..... I know this b.c of science" ...and now we know the heart has a brain!

haha...so science can only correct them

purnimacresent, Yahoo! Answers 68 Comments [2/18/2008 5:28:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 35107

[In a topic on sex-ed]
My DD is in the 8th grade in Montgomery County. DH and I discussed this issue and were greatly distressed about this class. It is horrible. They are shoving the homosexual agenda down our kids throats. My DD is a born again christian and we talked with her. She told me that she wanted to attend the class to share the truth. She said she will probably be the only person standing up for God. When they discuss homosexuality she will share that it is a sin and not normal. That people are not born homosexuals but are born sinners.

Praise God for giving me a DD that is bold for Christ.

ScoobyDoo, Rapture Ready 89 Comments [2/18/2008 8:56:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 35102

[about a report that Saudi Arabia has sentenced a 'Witch' to the death penalty]

Believe it or not, witchcraft is a serious problem in Pakistan; I believe in them completely and I think that they should be punished like this.
These types of cruel punishments have the biggest deterrence than any other punishment.

Raza, councilofexmuslims.com 71 Comments [2/18/2008 3:17:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Phedippedes

Quote# 35094

I go to church sometimes but I am not as religious as I would like to be. My niece is convinced that Obama is the anti christ. She quoted from the Bible different things about how people would act and how the anti christ would fool people....scary! I am not convinced ,but it is kind of strange how people are screaming at his rallies .. screaming they love him is kinda different! What do you all think? Could he be?????

Gallery, Chillicothe Gazette Message board. 57 Comments [2/17/2008 8:02:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: HeathenAngel

Quote# 35093

[after his relentless anti-evolution campaign, AV1611VET declares war on math]

Again: I do not have a problem with circular logic - none.

2 + 5 = 7 because 7 = 2 + 5.

AV1611VET, ChristianForums.com 79 Comments [2/17/2008 7:29:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 35091

God ordained the torture of Christ for our benefit. So that one day we may be so lucky as to see the kingdom of heaven. The torture of Christ on the cross came for a greater benefit. It saved all who profess faith in him.

Torture, if used to benefit the greater good and save American lives, isn't morally wrong. However, it should only be reserved for when it is known that a terrorist has information that would save American lives. We have to be very careful with the people we decide to waterboard, and so far the government has done it's job.

LonesomeTexan, Christianforums.com 66 Comments [2/17/2008 6:18:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 35055

The Kansas State High School Activities Association said referees reported that Michelle Campbell was preparing to officiate at St. Mary's Academy near Topeka on Feb. 2 when a school official insisted that Campbell could not call the game.

The reason given, according to the referees: Campbell, as a woman, could not be put in a position of authority over boys because of the academy's beliefs.

St Mary's Academy, AOL Sports 49 Comments [2/17/2008 6:17:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: somnium

Quote# 35067

[Post: Barne's & Nobles Christian booksection: A warning to Babes in Christ]

You all probably know this, but to the new babes in Christ, this is a warning.

The Barnes and Noble Bookstores has a Christian section, but it is filled with all kinds of authors, mostly false teachers and people from the far left field.

Brian McLaren's books are on B&N's bookshelves. So are Rob Bell's books. As well as Rick Warren's books.

Please, do not touch nor open these books. These books are bad news and it will shipwreck your faith in Christ.

FreeInHim, Rapture Ready 63 Comments [2/17/2008 6:16:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 35076

[In response to a 14 year old homosexual teenager being shot by a fellow schoolmate because of his sexual orientation]

Moral: Don't be gay.

horuhe, Christian Forums 103 Comments [2/17/2008 2:09:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Seth

Quote# 35042

As I have said before, I don't care if chimp DNA is 100% like ours --- we were created separate. I know you may not understand that, but if you're only looking at it scientifically, then you're not supposed to.

AV1611VET, Christian Forums 59 Comments [2/16/2008 4:46:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 35017

[this is several posts after the OP showed the size of the earth compared to the rest of the universe]

"I had no idea we were so small in comparison to the sun. I mean, i knew the sun was big.... didn't realize we were so small" --Lisababy

"Wow....that is awesome. I wonder if heaven is on one of those planets?" --His Always

"I doubt it all of the universe is infected with sin,It's cool to think about though." --DH1991

a gaggle of them, rapture ready 59 Comments [2/16/2008 12:05:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: blayz

Quote# 35024

[RE: The Epic of Gilgamesh is quite considerably older than the Bible. Just thought I'd point that one out]

This is true as far as a written account goes, and written holy scripture didn't come about until Moses.

But from Adam to Moses, biblical accounts were oral tradition.

The biblical account of a global flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh come from the same source...the early descendants of Noah.
The difference is: One gives full credit to God and the other does not.

prairiedog, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [2/15/2008 10:48:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
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