Quote# 36704
You may be a fundy atheist if....
25. You claim that evolution and the big bang are two entirely separate theories that explain different aspects of the universe, yet, in what school of learning can you find any real separation or distinction between the two?
31. You think that humans are products of chance but when it comes to human reason we can believe in logic! (Think about it !)
48. You are a person who absolutely believes that life came from nonlife, yet absolutely deny the possibility of anyone rising from the dead.
60. You insist that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", then claim that Jesus never existed.
78. You refuse to use the word "excruciating" because of its origins in describing the agonies of crucifixion. (ex crucis - "from the cross")
123. You're convinced that people only believe in God because they're afraid of going to hell...despite the fact that if there is no God, then there's probably no hell either
157. You think God was cruel for killing all of those innocent babies in the flood, and that Christians are cruel for opposing a woman's right to abort her baby
162. You spell America "AermiKKKa" and Christian "KKKristian
168. You have not seen "The Passion of the Christ," and you don’t know anyone who has seen it
180. You become upset when a Christian says that not everything in the Bible should be taken literally.
210. You insist on capitalizing "atheist"
264. You think eating bread and drinking wine is cannibalism
281. Last of all -- you write this website a letter which includes a rebuttal to the above listing!
Unnamed comic genius.,
Tektonics 85 Comments [3/25/2008 9:14:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Frank