Quote# 37233

This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?

Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, NARTH 35 Comments [4/4/2008 9:19:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: L

Quote# 37238

[When asked why salamanders can regrow body parts but humans can't]

I'm not convinced humans can't. Heck, we regenerate things all the time: muscle, skin, brain, bone, even spinal columns to some degree, etc. Granted we are not as capable of regeneration as we might like to be, but maybe we just haven't yet learned how to do it. Maybe regeneration takes belief, for example. But if a doctor tells a paraplegic that he'll never walk again, why in the world would he ever believe otherwise? It's the same with cancer. We all know the placebo effect is real, yet doctors insist on giving cancer patients death sentences by saying things like "I'm sorry but you've only got 6 months to live." Well gee wiz, doc....thanks for giving people absolutely no hope.

It may or may not be the same with regeneration in humans. Of course the scientific community would never test such a thing.

Supersport, Talk Rational 66 Comments [4/4/2008 7:11:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Wolfhound

Quote# 37231

abortion needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. and if some women need to die than so be it.

antianarchy, DeviantArt 59 Comments [4/4/2008 5:30:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Sayna

Quote# 37228

Please note that Hovind did not break the law. He was charged with "structuring" his financial withdrawals in such a way as to "evade" the law requiring reporting of transactions of over $10,000.
Suppose you were pulled over for going 55 miles and hour in a 55 zone. The officer says, "I have clocked you everyday for a month going 55, so I am stopping you for speeding. I know you were purposely going 55 to avoid going over the speed limit. So since you were "structuring" your driving habits to deliberately "evade" the speeding regulations, I am going to give you a ticket."
What has our country come to?

Alaina et. al., Free Hovind 51 Comments [4/4/2008 4:27:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 37223

I dont want to see a Godless human holding political office in this country either... Unfortunately, they already do hold the highest offices concievable. Along with satanists.

Soulfree2008, YouTube 46 Comments [4/4/2008 2:54:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: SkinnySlim22

Quote# 37227

The Justice Department Inspector General is investigating whether Monica Goodling -- a key player in the U.S. Attorney scandal -- fired a career department attorney in late 2006 "because of rumors that she is a lesbian." Despite the fact that the attorney, Leslie Hagen, "received the highest possible ratings for her work," several people interviewed said "they came away with the impression that" she was fired "because of the talk about her sexual orientation." NPR areports that Goodling, who had served as senior counsel to Alberto Gonzales, "had a particular interest in Hagen's duties." One Republican source said, "To some people, that's [homosexuality] even worse than being a Democrat."

Monica Goodling, Center for American Progress 25 Comments [4/4/2008 2:52:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 37225

"As a Muslim, I must support my Muslim brothers and sisters, I must have hatred to everything that is not Muslim."

Anjem Choudary, Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished 40 Comments [4/4/2008 2:51:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 37218

Some have ridiculed the size of the school [Patriot Bible University]. If Harvard offers a Ph.D. degree program with only 3 or 4 students (this happens at many schools- sometimes with only 1 student), does the small number automatically mean they are not "earning their degree" or that they are attending a "diploma mill" school? Of course not! Nearly all schools offer classes by correspondence.

Kent Hovind, The Dissertation Kent Hovind Doesn't Want You to Read 52 Comments [4/4/2008 1:01:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 37217

["No one gets to be the final authority on God's word."]

Is that a moral absolute you are trying to assert? Unfortunately, according to your own "nobody has the right" logic, you don't have the right to tell me I am not the final authority on God's word.

Eli, Fundie Watch 28 Comments [4/4/2008 6:44:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 37213

A Christian Life is impossible without Jesus Christ. Notice the word CHRISTIAN. We call ourselves CHRISTIAN alright... but try taking the word CHRIST away from CHRISTIAN.

CHRISTIAN - CHRIST IAN. So what does IAN mean? IAN means


julius uy, fanfiction.net 65 Comments [4/4/2008 6:20:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 37212

[This is part of a "Questions for God" list. Question 5: "Why are their so many conflicting religions? Did you make man so screwed up that he cannot hear the 'true' word of God... yours? <Further questioning snipped.>"]

Why so many religions??? Because human beings need to fill that void in the sou. That's proof that God is real... the moment Adam and Eve sinned, they lost that communion with God and we inherited that void in our soul... Religion won't save you is created by men to reach God, the same when men tried to reach God with the Tower of Babel, only jesus will save you... Christianity is not a religion, it's is a lifestlye... All religions will end up in hell all of them! Satan is behind all religions. I hope this will make sense for you later. I will answer more questions...

Juan U Kuchimpos, Ethical Atheist 29 Comments [4/4/2008 4:32:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 37208

The writers of Star Wars are "New Age" people.

See my 6th point at least. They are against the President of the U.S.

In the most recent episode of Star Wars the Jedi would like to:

1. Destroy the Republic. This Republic is like the Republic of the United States of America. To the writers of Star Wars our Republic is corrupt.

1. Destroy the Emperor, who is representative to the writers as President Bush.

2. To the writers of Star Wars, the Emperor, like President Bush, wants to keep the "evil war" going. Forget the killings in the Sadaam regime, the persecution of Taliban, or the horrible beheadings by these Muslim Radical Fundamentalists! Stop the war.

3. They would like to destroy the Senate, which is now under the power of the Emperor. Just like the Senate of the U.S. is controled by the Republicans, forget the fact that the 55 Republicans were elected by the vote of the people of the U.S.! To the writers the Senate is the evil Republicans.

4. Master Wadu [sic], (or whatever the guy's name is), wants to kill the emperor rather then allow the courts to decide his fate. The Democrats won't even allow the Senate to vote on Court Nominations. The writers think the Liberal Supreme Court is a bunch of Conservatives...that really is wild, what a bunch of nuts!

5. The telling point is when Obi Won Kenobi lands on the lava planet to kill Anakyn Skywalker, who has become Darth Vader b-4 the mask. Anakyn says, "If you are not for me you are my enemy." This is close to a quote by the President, worse it is close to a quote by the Lord Jesus Christ! Obi Won Kenobi says, "Only the Sith, (the lords of the Dark side), believe in absolutes."

This typifies the ideas of New Age and our present "relative" viewpoint that nothing is wrong nothing is right. There are truths to a person who believes in this world viewpoint! Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes unto the Father but by Me." John 14:6. The Bible is the Inerrant Word of God, Infallible, and Inspired. There are truths! There is the right way and there is the wrong way! There are absolute values!

Also, just remember, there is only one Liberal section of a party that like to kill their "younglings" and that is the Liberal Democrats! You just knew I would get to that abortion issue didn't you?

Erich, Factnet 62 Comments [4/4/2008 4:31:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 37207

While the idea of creation via the Flying Spaghetti Monster may seem ridiculous, modern Darwinist dogma is even more ridiculous in saying the universe came into existence out of nothing. To put it in mathematical terms, nobody multiplied by nothing equals everything.

If Congress is to give no precedence to one religion over another, let’s make sure the Church of Darwin is treated no differently.

Josh Hayes, The Crossville Chronicle 43 Comments [4/4/2008 4:07:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Gadren

Quote# 37209

Scientific evidence such as polytstrate fossil (fossilised trees going through many rock layers), are evidence for a rapid burial by a catastrophic flood... a tree trunk would not stand around for millions of years waiting to be buried, it would decay quickly.

This is strong scientific evidence against evolution (which says these layers took millions of years to form)
and strong scientific evidence for creation (which says a world wide flood occurred during the days of Noah, as described in the biblical book of Genesis.


Let's teach our children the truth.
Let's teach our children scientific facts, and if the facts are in accord with the Bible, ... let's tell our children the truth.

JoeU, Telegraph.co.uk 41 Comments [4/4/2008 3:40:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Captain Janeway

Quote# 37224


I'm gay. Because of something out of my control, I have been subjected to torture, mainly from those who would call them selves 'christian.

Because of this I have suffered beatings, verbal and emotional abuse, and have read research in to those famous 'quotes' from the bible just so I know in my heart that what the abusers say isn't true.

I'm not going to label you all as bashers and haters, but instead will ask you, as collective christians, what you would say to my abusers, who have caused me to have regular panic attacks, suffer nightmares on a daily basis, and live a life of solitude, away from family and friends.

And what would you say to me? Am I a victim, or did I deserve all of this?)

Hey Buchanan , welcome to the forum

I would explain a little science. (very general mind you)

Some of who we are comes from Genes and heredity. However some genes develop from memories. People who have negative memories when they are younger of abusive fathers are more likely to turn gay as these genes are turned on by bad memories. People who associate with chronic liars are exposed to lieing and genes may turn on to make them prone to lieing. In the same way if a person is loved they will develop memory Genes that will develop and make them prone to be a loving person.

The reason that people are gay is indirectly because satan has abused them. But the solution is not by bashing , i would tell those christians that the solution is to expose them to the love of God and let God do the rest. People who are gay just need to have good memories of God and christians loving them , and if it needs to happen God will give gay poeple a conviction to change if that is what needs to happen.

I think the most important thing is that christians should try not to be offended but instead look over anything that offends and try to love. Offense is the bait of satan

Hope none of this was offensive to anyone

goli, Worldwide Christians Online 60 Comments [4/4/2008 3:00:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 37202

(How the film "Horton Hears A Who", slams homeschooling)

The main "evil" character is the kangaroo - a narrow-minded, controlling homeschooling mom who wants to destroy Horton and his new found friends because of it's threat to the way things are in their jungle society.
Horton is a teacher of jungle kids - fun and silly.
Kangaroo's son asks sadly from her pouch "Mom, why can't I play with the other kids?" and she explains to the other moms
that she "Pouch-schools" and is portrayed as a narrow-minded, cold, controlling fanatic who is constantly telling her son to "go to his room" as she shoves his head down into her pouch and tells him continually that whatever is happening doesn't concern him. She goes to a vulture to have Horton and his little world of friends destroyed - when discussing what to do for payment, the vulture wants her son in exchange for doing what she asks. Her son is frightened and looks
to her for protection - she shuts him up and tells him "I'm thinking about it..." It is very clear that her motives throughout the film were not done out of love for her child, but out of a desperate need to control ideas and keep the authority/tradition of her world from being threatened. My husband and I both felt that it was far from subtle against homeschooling - the negative stereotypes of homeschoolers were sprinkled throughout. I don't know what's better -
to boycott it or see it and write a letter to the movie producers. I wanted to write this because I would have liked to have known what was in it before seeing it.
God bless you all in your last few months of the school year.

Denny 272, Rapture Ready 36 Comments [4/4/2008 2:40:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 37198

[A mysogynist fundamentalist. Bold font mine, since it is just the essence of this entire webpage.]

...women are masters at getting out of work through an ingenious barrage of endless elaborate excuses, and the creation of bizarre schedules while coming in whenever “they damn well feel like it”...This creates the inevitable situation wherein women leave all of their work for the men in the company to do on top of their own. Men have the crushing load of responsibility for their own work as well as the women’s. Women’s very presence in the workplace is completely artificial in that is so utterly dependent on men.

reality2008, Blogspot.com 43 Comments [4/4/2008 1:15:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: 1Burning Stake

Quote# 37203

What about the Catholic priests who are pedophiles, why are you ignoring them?]
That is nothing but a myth created by the enemies of the church.

Suecianus, http://christianforums.com 41 Comments [4/4/2008 12:24:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 37200

(in response to a question on homeschooling history material for an 8 year old)

We like the Mystery of History [url=http://www.themysteryofhistory.com/i...ain_header.jpg[/url]

Here's what we like about it:

1. It is Christ-centered
2. It is Chronological
3. It is self-contained. (No outside books we need to borrow or buy)
4. It is easily adaptable to use with all children's abilities
5. It is budget friendly
6. It can be used as broadly or as in-depth in scope as you want without getting bogged down in any particular areas

Here's what we don't like about it:

1. It's not finished yet - it is only two volumes so far
2. It dates the creation as around 5000BC and we personally believe it is around 4000BC

Green Darner, Rapture Ready 36 Comments [4/4/2008 12:18:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 37193

My husband and I were having breakfast this morning at IHOP, and I was just looking out the window watching people going to and fro without a care in the world. A thought popped into my head and I looked at DH and said "Isn't it strange that we are of the generation that is in the end times?" He just looked at me and shook his head yes!! He's not a Watchman like I am, although he is a Christian, and you can imagine how much I fill him in on everything. But, why ISN'T he a Watchman too? Why ISN'T he as interested or maybe you could say "obsessed" with wanting to know. I think it has to do with how the Holy Spirit leads us.

1angel4u, RaptureReady 43 Comments [4/3/2008 11:55:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 37201

(Another homeschooling response)

I haven't been using history so much this year. My kid was resistant to being homeschooled, so I started out with strictly stuff she would be more interested in, then worked other subjects in with it as this year went on. I'll probably not add history until next year.

She has been reading Genesis though, so I guess that's sort of history.

Mezuzas, Rapture Ready 52 Comments [4/3/2008 11:40:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Khaine

Quote# 37199

All you liberals think the same. With all your books, you don't recognize a great leader when you see one. Iraq War is making the country safer because Ben Ladin and the other are there like hornets. And they would be here if not for the war. Sure some people die, but it's war, dummy. Saddam Insane attacked us on 911 and now you guys want to coddle him and read him his rights. I am not rich, but I know that God made Bush president for a reason, and that is to make the country better for us. You guys are just mad that you didn't get elected and didn't win. I still have my W sticker on my bumper.

Brandy Lewis, History News Network 62 Comments [4/3/2008 11:35:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Seamus D

Quote# 37192

I don't know about the rest of you but sometimes I literally have to force myself to think of something else!

It's like I get so excited about the rapture I think I'm going to jump out of my skin, my heart starts to race, and I cannot concentrate on another thing. For example I will be brushing my teeth and thinking about the brush falling into the sink because we'll be gone. It's as if I have to tell myself, "Calm down Ashley!"

Can't help it but my heart is already there and now I'm wanting my body to join it!
How much longer, Lord, shall we wait

Ashley, RaptureReady 75 Comments [4/3/2008 9:59:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 37167

Christians Dd you know that Muslims pray to a stone, 5 times a day. They are true Pagans?
There are 5 pillars of Islam

one is to pilgrimage

during the pilgrimage they say you are to kiss and rub the stone


you wontfind a single verse where God or Christ instruct you to bow to a stone


King Crusader, Y! Answers 42 Comments [4/3/2008 9:56:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Mike

Quote# 37190

Am I the only one who sees the hidden 666 in this logo?

ElijahFalling, Christian Forums 135 Comments [4/3/2008 9:16:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
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