Quote# 38329
You obviously have not experienced a lot of what I have.
One example. My oldest was 6 years old. She was lying in her bed, trying to go to sleep. Her newborn baby sister & I were in the baby's room, sitting in the rocking chair, baby screaming & I was trying to console and quiet the poor little thing.
As I sat there rocking, a "voice" speaks to me: "If you put that pillow over her face, she will stop crying." JUST AFTER THAT, my daughter walked into the room. She stood there, terrified, and said, "Mommy. Satan was in my closet & he told me to come in here and stab the baby to get her quiet."
You may say it was all imagined or coincedental.....I'm sure you have an answer for it. But, my 6 year old knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what was going on. Not because any parent or Sunday School teacher told her that Satan talks to little children from their closets.....but because children's minds are so much more uncluttered than ours minds. They often hear or see what is going on in the Supernatural realm much better than we do......because of their innocence.
If children are not made aware that their is a spiritual realm, they may tell their parents things that they see & hear and most likely, their words are merely dismissed as "juvenile talk."
I believe in a realm that we cannot see with human eyes......and I believe that children can make decisions about that realm all on their own. They're much more intelligent than we give them credit for, and they are much more spiritual than we give them credit for being.
Posted by Sharp Girl on April 20, 2008 - Sunday at 10:09 AM
Sharp Girl aka Kim,
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