Quote# 39446

Some believe that the Antichrist will present himself to the world as an extraterrestrial. I think that's possible.

For whatever reason the idea that extraterrestrial life exists is being strongly promoted.

ALS6347, Rapture Ready 23 Comments [5/19/2008 12:41:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 39522

Therefore as long as the church is here, we will fight and we will win. Until we are taken at the rapture, we are the final authority over morality.

PeterSung, Rapture Ready 57 Comments [5/19/2008 12:35:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 39447

Most of the exponents and researchers in the fields related to Evolution depend on hefty donations from the rich and famous of this world.........most of these donors due to their lifestyle want to discredit God and His commandments because they are uncomfortable with both......so to humor these donors the scientists try hard to make this lie look like the truth

awaken.dawn, Yahoo!Answers 29 Comments [5/19/2008 12:04:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TheOutsider

Quote# 39493

Seashells on Mt Everest proving the flood is true, proving the Bible is true , proving creation is true, proving that you are wrong. if you are going to hang your eternal destiny on how old the world looks you are in big trouble. Me thinks you should investigate a bit more.

capnarlo, Yahoo Answers 37 Comments [5/18/2008 11:54:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: gorgeoustxwoman

Quote# 39487

Evolution, a phase


Evolution seems to be a phase that people, once they get into the real world, grow out of. They do immoral things at university and justify it to themselves by saying "well, I'm just an ape really". Hiding from the Christians, who might remind them otherwise.
To an extent I used to be like this at uni. Doing my own thing, not going to Church only when at home for Christmas.
Looking back I realise how silly I was. Molecule-to-man is a false doctrine that is not supported at all by credible evidence. No evidence from non-life to life without God. And living like you have apes in your ancestry is very selfish, very very selfish. These secular left students claim to care for others but spend much of their time in bars and in and out of each other's bedrooms. Little regard for others.
For many, evolution is just part of a phase, something people have to go through before they grow up.

Scarlets79, CARM 32 Comments [5/18/2008 11:52:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39459

(Responding to this article: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/05/15/fish-evolution-lake.html)

It actually proves more to the Creationist ideas. See, if evolution was right, then the adaptation would have take 'millions of years,' where in this case it took a matter of a decade. Also, it is not evolution when the DNA of the fish was changed due to the mutagens in the water from the pollution, and the protein information (armor plates on the fish) was disrupted by an outside allele.

I-AM-A-FISHER-OF-MEN, Gaia Online 26 Comments [5/18/2008 10:04:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Darth Wang

Quote# 39431

[OK so all I have to do is oppose abortion when it's done merely for the sake of convenience? You got a deal.]

That's 93% of abortions when you exclude rape and death of the mother. I don't think and other liberals would agree to ban 93% of abortions. I know liberals, and abortion is their most important ritual. :)

rush_limbaugh_sent_me, Fark 47 Comments [5/18/2008 9:55:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By:

Quote# 39464


Handle this demon like any other demon. Cast him OUT, in the name of Jesus. Go to a THESAURUS and look up DEPRESSION. All the names listed are names of demons. Cast them OUT too.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak, Demonbuster 47 Comments [5/18/2008 9:24:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 39449

[re: gay marriage in California]

The "separation of church and state" concept is a fabrication. I challenge ANYbody to prove otherwise. There is nowhere in the constitution of the United States that implies either explicitly or implicitly that religion and government should be strictly separated. What it DOES stat is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." If any implications are to be made, it would be not whether a religious institution exists or not, but exactly which particular religious institution would be in question. Moreover, morals are not necessarily governed by ANY established religion, but by the voice of the people based on their own individual consciences.

[Emphasis mine]

Only in the Northwest, The Bellingham Herald [Comments] 25 Comments [5/18/2008 9:13:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: WMDKitty

Quote# 39430

So the rednecks that lynched black people way back in the day were also for nuclear power, tax cuts, social security reform, etc? It appears to me that you are playing the race card here, guy. Back in the day, the majority of the racists were Democrats, as a greater majority of Democrats in Congress voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The only former KKK member in Congress is Robert Sheets Byrd, a prominent Democrat senator that has been praised by Kerry and other leftwing Democrats for his liberalism. To associate conservatism with the lynching of blacks is a smear and a transparent attempt to race-bait.

The racists that lynched black people find them sub-human....you and other liberals claim that fetuses are sub-human. Slave owners use to use private property rights to say they had the right to enslave other people, and abortionists use "women's rights" to say that they have the right to end the life of unborn children. In both cases, you have people asserting a right to do something that denies a true right, the right to be free and the right to life.

Freedom. :)

rush_limbaugh_sent_me, Fark 24 Comments [5/18/2008 6:49:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 39455

women gain knowledge through natural training, education, and life experiences. She learns what is readily received and endeavors to keep learning because she does not understand what she has already learned, and is trying to comprehend the knowledge she has acquired. This occurs because she is without depth of comprehension (that which enables a person to go beyond actual learning experiences and place things into proper perspective). Since she does not understand, and wants to do so, she proceeds with an unending search for what she cannot obtain in this life. Satan is working in her keeping her from doing what is productive for the eternal kingdom.

David C. Trosch, trosch.com 46 Comments [5/18/2008 6:39:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39483

[*Starlight*:What kind of evidence made you believe that evolution is false?]

Every aspect of this so called "evolution theory" is false.

[You didn't answer my question. What evidence convinced you to have such an opinion about evolution?]

I did answer your question friend.

Every aspect of the theory of evolution is false. Every aspect as in everything about it is false. That includes the so called "evidence".

mrguitar, CF 49 Comments [5/18/2008 3:39:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: TwilightDF

Quote# 39456

A woman must accept that man's depth of understanding is superior to her own. Does this mean that she does not have equal standing with man under God? No, she does enjoy equal association with God. But, in relationship to God she must fulfill, as man must fulfill, her duties, her obligations according to the will of God. No two people have identical challenges in life though they are often similar in nature.

David C. Trosch, trosch.com 33 Comments [5/18/2008 2:56:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 39444

The musical "Beauty and the Beast" made by atheist homosexual heathens at Walt Disney is designed to subtly create tolerance in the foolish american society for BESTIALITY ! 6/5/98

Robert T. Lee, The Ten Commandments 64 Comments [5/18/2008 9:12:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39468

Sadly but not surprisingly, the 'evolution of the horse' (allegedly the best transitions imagined),
this is still in every textbook and in museums and websites all over the place.. even though its been wrong all these years.. and I mean even Evolutionists themselves dismissed it as all wrong.

.. but it will still be in the books and museums because while its not 'true' it DOES convince many members of the public evolution is true.. and since evolution IS true then no harm done.

but yeah, what we have here are some different animals (and some are really just the same but different breeds, sizes),
then you just put them in some order of size and then say 'well somewhere, somehow, these evolved one into another.. because we imagine thats what happened"

I have put a ping pong ball, a golf ball and a baseball in my window and you can see that this is good evidence that baseballs evolved from ping pong balls.
I show you the transitional sequence so you know its true.

OriginalBigWhite, imdb 30 Comments [5/18/2008 9:11:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 39457

Unfortunately, all we have to do is look at the European countries that have sanctioned gay marriages to see where it will lead. In every one of them the marriage rate of heterosexual couples have declined drastically and the number of babies born out of wedlock (and therefore requiring tax-payer supported social services) have skyrocketed. As the institution is devalued, fewer are marrying and without stable families, the society as a whole will falter.

Unclaimed Treasure, RHJunior Comics Forum 56 Comments [5/18/2008 7:24:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39454

Women need to accept they have limitations even in the understanding of the language they so readily use. Quick and plausible speech should not be interpreted to mean that one has the ability to use language in proper context.

David C. Trosch, trosch.com 52 Comments [5/18/2008 6:23:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39426

[The sinister effects of growing up with Disney's "Pinnochio"]

The youth of the Pinocchio era are the leaders of our country, policies. legal systems and society today. And what, may I ask, happened to prayer in school? To the Ten Commandments in public places? To Christianity in general? Hasn't Satanism become an official "religion" today? And Paganism? And how might you suspect the separation of church and state, which is NOT in the Constitution but was rather a letter from an early president to a pastor promising no national religion, became a law of the land? Maybe this multi-level inference is not as far-fetched as you might think.

CAPAlert, CAPAlert 70 Comments [5/17/2008 10:57:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 39429

(Another winnar from the epic trainwreck thread)

I never suggested that we jail women for abortions. This is another kook liberal strawman. I suggest we make it illegal for physicians to perform abortions with the exception of rape, and strip physicians of their license to practice medicine if they do perform abortions after the practice has been banned. If you cut off the supply of abortion, there would be no reason to punish women for having abortions since they can't get one. And yes, I would prefer women to use a coat hanger to kill their fetus if they must have an abortion...let them do the bloody deed themselves if they are so convinced that the fetus isn't alive. Abortions should be non-existent except in the case of rape, and unsafe for the women that perform abortions themselves. :)

rush_limbaugh_sent_me, Fark 48 Comments [5/17/2008 10:50:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By:

Quote# 39405

Yeah, I feel like demons are constantly attacking me. I'm very depressed and paranoid. It has seemed to get worse in the last few weeks.

Jsmythe, Rapture Ready 52 Comments [5/17/2008 10:22:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Eileen

Quote# 39436

*gay marriage being legal in California*

I've signed numerous petitions on this issue. Evidently they were all ignored.
I think it's too late. There's nothing more we can do but pray for the Rapture at this point.

russ, California Supreme Court Supports Gay Marriage 50 Comments [5/17/2008 10:19:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39407

<<More fun from Cali!!>>

Call it what you want, you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality and until it's there I guess I'm racist. Guess what, it will never be there and I guess I'll always be racist but you'll always be an idiot

Amused Voter, Topix 39 Comments [5/17/2008 10:13:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39422

Pascal's Wager is an argument that Atheists like to attribute to Christians because it is easy to refute.

Zinger, Yahoo Answers 29 Comments [5/17/2008 9:48:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: CT

Quote# 39423

(From a news article):
The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.
The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures.

(Sing4Him says):
Can you see the Democrtas running with this? Not only are they out for the rights of gays, illegals, and what have you, but if any aliens landed and decided to live among us, I can see the Dems fighing for their...wait for it...
inalienable rights

Sing4Him, RaptureReady 59 Comments [5/17/2008 9:38:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 39415

[Show me what law the judges made. Post the exact wording of the law that was created when the judges made their decision.

You can't? Color me surprised.]

Geez, if you can't figure out *how* they created law, then there is no
hope for you at all. Of course with you DemonCraps, that's the only
way you can get some of your socialist agenda shoved down the throat
of America. You could *never* get some of your legislation passed so
you have to load the Courts with you faggot loving, NAMBLA members.

The phrase...

"does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or
withhold legal rights."

.... is legislation from the bench.

The law was M-F, not M-M or F-F. What's next? M-? or F-? or M-M-F-? or
M-f" or F-f? or M-m?

They had no 'legal right' until the Judges said so. That's legislating
from the bench.

ayatollah obama, Alt.politics.homosexuality 36 Comments [5/17/2008 9:21:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Dysperdis