Quote# 38729

"As a nation, America is under the curse of God, even now." That ominous slam at America came from Pastor John Hagee, whose endorsement Republican presidential candidate John McCain sought, secured, and recently affirmed to ABC News that he is "glad to have."

...If McCain did not know of Hagee's belief that God is against America, he should have: Hagee's pronouncement of God's "curse" and "doom" on our nation was not a passing comment. It was a major theme of Hagee's book, Day of Deception (1997).

...According to Hagee, in the case of curses humans speak against each other, "[if] you are not protected by the blood of Christ that curse will stick. It can follow you and your family for generations." The implication is that Christianity alone confers special protection against curses, which slide off Christians but stick to people of all other faiths and beliefs. In a later book, Hagee has described a terrible, permanent divine curse upon Jews for worshiping idols. To work and to sweat, explains Hagee, are the curses of men while menstruation and childbearing are curses of women.

There are many curses that afflict individuals, some of them unsurprising - incest and thievery incur divine penalty, but other curses Hagee describes seem better placed in the Medieval Era than the post-Enlightenment age. The poor may be cursed simply because they're poor; divine curses can extend for four generations so that Americans can be cursed for the deeds of their great-great grandparents and disobedient children can be cursed for rebelliousness.

...If America and most Americans are cursed, there's one person who, according to John Hagee, isn't at all cursed, doomed or damned: John Hagee. In a 2002 BBC interview Hagee declared he knows the future with absolute certainty and the good pastor has repeatedly stated his certainty of going to Heaven.

John Hagee, Propeller.com 35 Comments [5/5/2008 7:48:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 38718

[after explaining why even qualified women should not be able to serve because men expect that women can't be qualified...]

I would argue that the presence of atheists in the military is vulnerable to that very same argument. Never mind the question of whether an atheist can feel any genuine loyalty to a Christian nation, given that he rejects the core principles on which our nation was built; never mind the unlikelihood that someone who denies an afterlife would sacrifice his own life for any reason, instead of cutting and running like John Kerry; never mind the fact that atheism correlates with all manner of other moral degeneracies - "[Those w]ho changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections [...] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful..." (Romans 1:25-31) - and so speaks to the moral character of the soldier; the simple fact is that we are a Christian nation with a Christian army, and our soldiers' strength and willingness to sacrifice their lives for the good of the United States and their fellow soldiers comes, in large part, from their Christian faith. An atheist cannot, by definition, share in that faith or that culture; he cannot pray with his troops or empathize with their worries and inmost beliefs; and how can a Christian soldier trust his life to someone who, the Bible makes clear, is hated by God and condemned to Hell? How can a Christian trust the leadership of someone who refuses to be led by God?

ithaqua, the volokh comspiracy 43 Comments [5/5/2008 7:36:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Joe-Bob

Quote# 38741

[Nevada quakes]

Do you know what I so love about all of this?

I love how Almighty God baffles the experts!
The same thing happened in 2004 when Florida was hit by 4 hurricanes. God proved the "experts" so wrong with all 4 hurricanes. Everything they predicted with such confidence, didn't pan out anything like they had said. The "experts" were left [scratching head emoticon]

This is how it's been since we entered the year 2000. With GOD proving mans wisdom and technology WRONG. God is in control! And I just absolutely love it!

Glory, Rapture Ready 33 Comments [5/5/2008 7:34:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 38738

Now I am speaking to you, fathers. If you isolate yourself in a room and indulge in pornography, you are not sick; you are evil. You are having intercourse with a computer, or with the pages of a publication. In effect you are having an erotic experience with the editor—probably another man. While you are fanaticizing with that commercially produced image, know that there are thousands of others engaged in eroticism with the same image, at the same time as you. You are part of a disgusting group of perverts, all piled onto the same image together. And somewhere there is a sexually dysfunctional editor enjoying the extent of his erotic powers.

Michael Pearl, No Greater Joy 74 Comments [5/5/2008 3:22:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 38733

what would you take as evidence?

>peer reviewed research.

saying what...showing what. Since when does science do such experiments on the mind? They hate the mind, remember? They try to hide it.....there will never be any such studies because Big science is full of frauds and crooks.

guzman, Christian Forums 32 Comments [5/5/2008 3:20:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 38722

You must create a social circle for your children. It may be limited to just one or two other families who share your world-view, for you can be sure that when a handful of teenagers get together, at least one of them is going to introduce corruption to the others. We never allowed our children to stay overnight with other kids. When they wanted to go down to the local church on Saturday night to skate, Mike went with them. We never allowed them to go to parties unless one of us was there. We created our own fun that was far more exciting than the church gatherings. They never felt they were missing anything

Mike and Debi Pearl, No Greater Joy 69 Comments [5/5/2008 1:17:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Isi

Quote# 38721

[Note: You should really check out the main website; fundie parents' guide to the evil world]

Recently we got PBS, Public Broadcasting Service. It’s a relatively clean, commercial free, government station that comes in free over the air with a lot of nature shows and some great programs for kids, but I’ve noticed an underlying tone in some of the kids’ shows. It’s not always out front, but it’s always there. It’s like a strange worldwide conspiracy. It’s the religion of tolerance. It’s one of the things the Muslims hate so much about us. It started as a snowball, but has become an avalanche. It’s constantly smothering the flame of truth, to the point where we become a lukewarm television-preacher society, incapable of standing up in a crowd of people and declaring that there is only one God and one way to him.

...their main agenda isn’t really freedom of choice or right to push their so-called gay lifestyle onto our children, but it is the slow, persistent neutering of the truth that almost makes it unrecognizable. Fellow Christians, the world would like nothing better than for us to feel guilty about boldly standing up and saying that God is the only God and that He hates sin and is not tolerant of it. We are strangers and pilgrims in this world, but clearly not of it, so let’s guard our minds from the world’s influence, especially the developing minds of our children.

Gabriel Pearl, No Greater Joy 38 Comments [5/5/2008 1:17:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Isi

Quote# 38712

According to evolutionary theory, comets are supposed to be the same age as the solar system, about five billion years. Yet each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it loses so much of its material that it could not survive much longer than about 100,000 years. Many comets have typical maximum ages (on this basis) of 10,000 years.


evolutionists' problem, since according to evolutionary theory the Kuiper Belt would quickly become exhausted if there were no Oort cloud to supply it.

0iyoufools, Youtube 51 Comments [5/5/2008 12:03:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Bob Dole

Quote# 38726

The reason why I threw out logic is because people think it is the bastion of secularism when in reality it is a religious belief unto itself.

Mailpouch, World of Warcraft Off-Topic Discussion 54 Comments [5/5/2008 5:21:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Michael

Quote# 38735

Variation happens. Variation is not evolution.

jinx72, imdb 31 Comments [5/5/2008 3:48:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: J-Hay

Quote# 38699

The biblical worldview makes sense of science; secular worldviews do not.

Jason Lisle, Answers in Genesis 48 Comments [5/5/2008 12:43:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: LazyJones

Quote# 38681

Atheists want freedom. They want to live their life the way they want to live it, and this is how they define happiness. This freedom costs them everything, but they refuse to see the expense. Like an alcoholic bum pushing a shopping cart down the street, they want what they want when they want it no matter if it is destroying their life or not. In one case it’s the freedom to get loaded any time of the day or night, in the other it’s to do whatever sin they want, often sexual in nature or centering on abortion or rebelling against societal mores, and doing so without guilt.

But is that really freedom? Is it freedom to be turned loose to do whatever you will when no matter what you do in that state leads to your destruction? In the case of sexual sin there is the inevitable destruction of human relationships. In the case of abortion there is the guilt of child murder; in the case of rebelling against societal norms there is the lack of success that invariably follows. Think about it: unless you can clearly see exactly what the future will be, how can you handle freedom? That’s no different than dashing barefoot into a strange building full of furniture and turning out the lights so you can be free to run wherever you want.

Far better than freedom un-distilled is finding a leader who does know the future, is of superior moral character, is infinitely wise, can never die, and when you do die, he can bring you into life with him. Better to purchase such leadership with your unrestrained freedom than to long for the freedom to jump off a cliff just to see how it feels on the way down.

Better than freedom is following Christ. Who can dispute this?

Edward Gordon, Christian Cross Talk 68 Comments [5/4/2008 7:26:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 38717

In response to the cloud rat being "rediscovered" after not being seen for 112 years:

well all this shows is how scientists jump to conclusions....the weather may be a tad warmer for a couple years and its global warming they say....now they find animals they thought were extinct or almost extinct...how come scientists arent claiming that God is recreating these animals

ricsow2, AOL News Comment Board 47 Comments [5/4/2008 7:23:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Deanna

Quote# 38684

Stop assuming that the bible is not on the same level as scientific explanations.

Ininja2000, GameFAQs 70 Comments [5/4/2008 6:15:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Angus

Quote# 38706

On morality without God

"If you're an atheist, and you think I should be an atheist too, then the burden of proof is on you to prove that I shouldn't put a bullet through your head. And your answer had better be perfectly and thoroughly rational, too, 'cause I don't believe in giant teacups and invisible unicorns."

_nate_, student religion forum 71 Comments [5/4/2008 6:15:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: neo

Quote# 38663

Actually with all due respect , you're actually the one who lacks knowledge . SO what your saying about evolution is you evolved from dirt or nothing , is that what your saying ? since evolution believes that everything started from nothing , I would really like to know where you got your complex DNA . I mean especially since something cannot come from nothing. Infact I would really like you to explain how everything got its specific DNA structures and how everything works in harmony as it does. Maybe you can explain how in just your ear alone there are hundreds of differnt parts that all work toghther that allow you to hear. Maybe you can explain how any of these things that are alive to day and how they could of just appeared out of no where.

The one is correct that stated darwin used primitive biology and now todays microbiology proves that darwins theory isnt correct. The problem is darwins theory has been driven down so many peoples throats they are trying to make it fit todays evidence and it doesnt work. There are way to many things that disprove it.

Oh and by the way the article was incorrect the evolution in schools was challenged in court several years ago in florida and lost.

Its about time that someone in the govt stood up for whats right and put God back in the classrooms.

A concerned person, Topix 34 Comments [5/4/2008 6:15:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By:

Quote# 38697

# [The] Third [problem with Darwinism], which I think is overwhelming, and just sort of blows the whole theory of Random Mutation out of the water, is, at least, let me say, raises big questions, that is. Assuming it all did happen by Random Mutation and Natural Selection, where did the laws of gravity come from. Where did the laws of thermodynamics come from? Where did the laws of motion and, of heat come from? Where, I guess that's the same as thermodynamics. Where did all these laws, that make it possible for the universe to function, where did they all come from? Why isn't all just chaos and everything collapsing in on itself and killing everything?

Ben Stein, http://www.coloradoconfidential.com 75 Comments [5/4/2008 5:35:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Ian

Quote# 38686

The sister says that she loves a Muslim man. We say: it is not appropriate for a Muslim woman to fall into the trap of nonsensical emotions and forbidden relationships into which others fall. The love which people hear about and read about is one of the dazzling tricks of the Shaytaan, and it usually happens with regard to things that Allaah has forbidden. If a man finds that he likes a girl, the only option he has is to ask her guardian (walee) for permission to marry her.

Islam Q&A, Islam Q&A 36 Comments [5/4/2008 5:30:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Dave

Quote# 38702

Last Wensday I was getting ready to leave my house and go to youth when I got a text message. All it said was to make sure to bring my bible. The number or a name didn't show up but I asumed it was my youth minister, since he complains when we don't bring our bibles. Neways, I got to church and asked if he had text ne1 else and he hadn't. When he came in I asked him why he only text me..and he said he didn't.

I'm sure there is a reasonable explaination for this text, but Idc. I like to joke and say it was God reminding me via text messaging. I'm sure God has to have texting, how else is he going to get a hold of ne1.

BrittanyB, Christian Teen Forums 78 Comments [5/4/2008 4:37:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Silortan

Quote# 38701

[America is languishing in basic scientific understanding behind most of the rest of the developed world. Doesn't that bother you?]

Yes, it does. The evolutionists (well, liberals in general) have had (almost all of) the schools for the last 70 years and this is the result. Don't blame us.

Collin Brendemuehl, EvolutionBlog 36 Comments [5/4/2008 4:33:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: stokesy

Quote# 38696

Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place- science leads you to killing people.

Ben Stein, http://www.tbn.org/ 49 Comments [5/4/2008 3:46:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ian

Quote# 38693

my brother's wife has a brother whose gay, and he and his boyfriend came for my nephews birthday party. i was upset when i saw they had been aloud to adopt two little boys. one of the men changed one of the boys diapers, and he actually touched the boys penis when putting on the lotion. that was not needed he should have put on rubber gloves or something. it must be terrible for those kids to have gay men touching their privates. i wouldn't be surprised if later they're arrested for molestation

olivery2k, this is why gays shouldn't adopt 61 Comments [5/4/2008 3:24:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 38670

Job is an Old Testament story, so it doesn't involve Christianity.

Rafe, Jack Comic Forum 43 Comments [5/4/2008 3:16:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Michael

Quote# 38671

regarding love marriages. i think it might have been extensively discussed in previous threads, but you should know love is not a factor to be considered for marriage. think about it, if you marry a person today because you fell in love with them, what will happen when that love fades after a few years? or months even? will it be divorce? insha Allah you will not be in that position. however please remember akhi, love is something you build over lifetime, maybe fast, maybe slow. And the "butterflies" that you feel for that person initially is not love. So insha Allah marry your wife for her deen. that is the most important. And it is upto Allah bring that "love" and mercy between the two of you. wasalamu aleykum

AhlaamYasmina, Ummah.com 24 Comments [5/4/2008 2:55:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Spanker Dave

Quote# 38658

Of course, nobody would be able to prove any cause and effect. But remember these words: Elevating a person like Hillary Clinton to the presidency of the United States will unleash hell in America in a way very few of us can even comprehend, let alone remedy.

David Kupelian, World Net Daily 40 Comments [5/4/2008 1:07:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Alex Novak