Quote# 38668

GOOD the government is not allowed to have a sponsored religion anyway.- evolution.

We have man, we have monkeys
If evolution is true then where are all the various stages of monkey men?
There are NONE. yea, yea we know billions and billions of years blah blah blah

Nice phony religion, that evolution is.

Just remember the next time you kiss your beloved that you are kissing pond scum slime from the primordial soup. NOT!

JRS, Topix 38 Comments [5/4/2008 12:58:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By:

Quote# 38731

(article on Glenn Beck's interview with Rep.-elect Keith Ellison)

May shame fall upon thy Moustache! Glenn Beck rules. He's honest, funny, and informative and he has a huge audience so apparently the majority of the country agress with the guy. While I realize you libs do not believe in the bible that founded the United States of America some of us still do and always will. We belive that when the God of our fathers said "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" he was serious about that. We have become a nation of many gods and many idols. Your trying to apease people that either want you and your country to convert to Islam or have you killed period no exceptions. History didnt start with you, go back and study a little history.

Anonymous, DownWithTyranny! 37 Comments [5/4/2008 6:34:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: J-Hay

Quote# 38723

I am learning, im learning that you tell me thats proof, but I still don't see it. showing me pics with evidence like swiss cheese isn't going to convince me. For example, I can give you a pic of a rabbit and a cat, thoses two breed together you get a cabbit, thats not evolution. and yes there are cabbits, look it up. Thats not evolution. It the same difference.

dean1003, Christian Forums 58 Comments [5/4/2008 6:28:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 38672

I read with interest your recent story about 23-year-old U.S. Army Specialist Jeremy Hall who calls himself an atheist and feels harassed because his superiors challenged him in his ability to lead people of faith in combat conditions.

This young man's convictions and character must be very weak if he had to resort to a lawsuit and a lawsuit in a time of war. Atheist means simply "no god." If he feels this is a fact, why argue? It should be moot to him.

I suspect, however, that this young man doubts his atheism and senses that there may indeed be a God with whom he must reckon with and the fight is not with his superiors but his heart in this matter.

We need military leaders at all levels who can respect the beliefs and convictions of the ones they lead. If, in the case of this young man, they profess no faith, respect them, too. We cannot, however, suspend any discussion of faith or our chaplaincies because of a small number of insecure atheist who should really say they are agnostic.

A dishonest atheist is just as annoying as a dishonest believer.

Walter Jackson, montgomery advertisor 43 Comments [5/3/2008 7:36:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Arrogant Atheist

Quote# 38653

Actually thats a load of shit. Those people who cut off heads aren't Muslims, those who kill Muslims aren't Muslims, even if theyw anna call themselves that, they aren;t accepted by other rational, real Muslism. And Islam is not anti? feminism- it says to worship the ground your mother walks on...real anti feminist.

Howver Jews have a habit of killign inncoent people.

MMPRfan, YouTube 47 Comments [5/3/2008 4:58:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jud

Quote# 38678

TUNIS, Tunisia, April 27 (UPI) -- A Tunisian family alleges their daughter was raped during a telephone conversation with a man, a lawyer for the family said.

The 30-year-old man said he never touched the young woman. But he acknowledged he heard her scream while they were "totally into" an erotic telephone conversation -- and that she reported bleeding, Al Arabiya reported.

Maha al-Metebaa, a lawyer representing the family, told the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabs the case needs careful investigation because of its unprecedented allegations. He said a medical examination had determined that the woman, 20, was no longer a virgin.

"The intercourse did take place with all its details but verbally only," he said. "The sexual act did not really happen because the physical proximity factor is not there, yet it happened because there is a direct physical impact – the loss of virginity."

Maha al-Metebaa, upi 71 Comments [5/3/2008 2:30:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: ixolite

Quote# 38647

My kids got taught the evolution crap then I taught them to think for themselves and they realize now God made it all.

Resolute Conservative, Freerepublic 62 Comments [5/3/2008 10:54:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 38646

Richard "Dick" Dawkins is the world's leading Darwinian Evangelist and he's been caught with his pants down committing the ultimate evolutionism no-no by admitting to Intelligent Design. It's hilarious how all Dawkins disciples are obsessed with blaming clever editing when the film was in constant motion.

The fact is that Dawkins has officially be busted for Felonious Cock Sucking while attempting to Swallow the Evidence!

Even Stein's critics agree Dawkins has forever disgraced himself!

CurtusLove, youtube 48 Comments [5/3/2008 10:46:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: jellobiafra79

Quote# 38617

[from a article about not abolishing the Blasphemy Laws]

This is not the beginning of a 'slippery slope'

Oh, yes it is! While most MPs were busy debating blasphemy last Thursday night, three of them slipped away to put down an Early Day Motion for disestablishment of the Church of England. The motion came out with the number 666. Is God trying to tell us something?

Steven Green, Christian Voice 36 Comments [5/3/2008 9:41:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Sean

Quote# 38657

Ok...let's plant the feet firmly on the ground and imagine what kind of changes Obama would initiate in America.

1. There will be more mosques and Islam will become dominant.
2. Racial tensions will increase.
3. Gays and abortionists will be given more rights.
4. Taxes will go sky high to subsidize special interests.
5. Christianity will undergo greater attack and laws will be passed that the Bible is hate speech.
6. Obama's pals will be appointed to his cabinet and include known terrorists and hate-mongers.
7. Obama will accept terrorist organizations/countries and deal face to face with Hamas and Hezbollah to the detriment of Israel.
8. America's military strength will be weaker as Obama cuts military.
9. Obama would give away our sovereignty to the UN or other global government.

HisdaughterJen, Christian Forums 66 Comments [5/3/2008 9:25:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: LittlePeep

Quote# 38654

We point at nature and life and teach our kids to sing “All things bright and beautiful! The Lord God made them all!” In reality, maybe we should be teaching them to sing “All things maimed and mangled! The Lord God cursed them all!”

Ken Ham, http://www.answersingenesis.org/ 40 Comments [5/3/2008 7:55:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Skeptic Pete

Quote# 38698

[Does evolution stipulate any political attitudes?]

Um...can you stop using fancy phrases and talk plainly? What exactly do you mean by this?

If you mean, "Does belief in the Theory of Evolution affect the way a country is run or what Laws are (or are not) introduced?" then yeah, in my opinion it does. Racism for example used to be a HUGE problem back when people believed that Black folk were not as highly evolved from the monkey as White folk, and were in fact, sub-human. This all ties in with the Slave Trade as well. In the 1800s the Australian Aboriginies were highly persecuted, chased, shot, and displayed in museums, as sub-human "missing links". Presumeably this was all perfectly legal, because the Theory of Evolution dictated that these people were not really human, and therefore did not have human rights. The problem of racism also falls under the last question about moral consequences. Many other laws have also been passed that greatly oppose Christian and other moral teaching, and I believe that these can be linked with the general embracing attitude towards the Theory of Evolution.

Kat, Myspace 45 Comments [5/3/2008 7:39:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: J-Hay

Quote# 38669

How can traits be passed? Hebrews have circumcised their children for thousands of years and you don't see one being born circumcised do ya?

griffinsavard, Theology Online 63 Comments [5/3/2008 7:34:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 38645

[I never attacked you I am questioning your actions. If you believe that's an attack then I feel sorry for you. You should be old enough to know better.

You didn't provide a link {to the site that said a human footprint was found that's older than when humans first evolved} so there's no credibility in your post.]

Darwin never posted links.

coadie, CARM 44 Comments [5/3/2008 7:33:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By:

Quote# 38666

<On Creation in school>

This should be an option in school. Darwinism is a religeon too. I am sorry but in the words of South Park....I am not derived from a retarded fish having but sex with a monkey creating me...a butt sex retard baby...I did not spawn from primortial soup or a monkey.....keep it up Florida...

All of you science based individuals are the ones who are closed minded..

Duh, Topix 49 Comments [5/3/2008 7:33:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By:

Quote# 38633

(in regards to Expelled being sued for use of Lennon song)

Because most people don't understand it. That's how brainwashed this country is. Most everybody thinks they have relatives at the local zoo. Ben Stein has more guts than any other liberal a-hole in Hollywood.

Wayne, Topix 48 Comments [5/2/2008 10:47:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Fek'lhr

Quote# 38638

You who don't believe in God be ready to battle in the last battle of the Earth...Armageddon!?
In the last few years the world has gone from one Earth-shaking crisis to another. While some say that we are on the threshold of a Brave New World Order, others warn that humanity now totters on the brink of unprecedented disaster & chaos!

Reading the news nowadays is not the most cheerful way to start the day! Day by day the world's problems grow more desperate & insurmountable. The question which plagues every thinking person is...What lies ahead?

History has proven the extraordinary unerring accuracy of Bible prophecy. Therefore there can be no doubt that its hundreds of prophecies about the last days of our planet Earth will also be fulfilled just as surely as the ones that have already been fulfilled in the past. The only question is when? Sometime in the far future that we don't need to worry about now? Or are we in fact now standing on the threshold of these final great & climactic events of which all the Bible prophets, including Jesus, spoke?

2000 years ago Jesus

Josephsgrl4evur, Yahoo! Answers 39 Comments [5/2/2008 10:46:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 38634

We are living in a society in which parents are offering their children on the altar of sexuality. Children, even the children in our churches, are being allowed to view the likes of Hannah Montana and High School Musical, pick their role models and they are emulating their harlotish ways.

Did you say you wanted proof?

"In a statement that is a blow to British government's sex education policy, a pregnant 14-year-old says having a baby is now regarded as 'fashionable' among schoolgirls." - www.dailymail.co.uk

Jamie-Lynn Spears, who is sixteen, is proud of the fact that she is pregnant. - 'OK' Magazine

More than 40% of girls become pregnant at least once before the age of twenty.

52% of teens in the United States are reported to be sexually active - 2007 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Recently, a teacher in a local middle school told me that kids are now coming to school dressed so immodestly that the school has to keep clothes on hand to cover the children.

Need more proof? Visit your child's blog or your child's friend's blog.

Imasaved1 (our good friend Bro. Randy), Titles are so restricting 67 Comments [5/2/2008 9:30:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Brian

Quote# 38622

[JesusFreak, after her astounding success with the number of ribs women have, has more well thought out answers to pressing questions]

Question: Do you think that those who don't believe just don't understand the bible?
Answer: i think some people wouldnt believe if God slapped them in the face... they're just that stubborn...
and evolution... my mom has seen arceologists find something that would disprove something, and throw it a way to protect themselves...

Q: What happened to the other angels who agreed with lucifer?
A: God gave lucifer 1/3 of his angles (his demons).

Q: What is the difference between an Orthodox Christian and a born again Christian?
A: born again christians love God, orthodox is kinda... well my parents did it so i do it.

Q: If one is born gay would God still put them to hell?
A: I believe that gay is a passed on sin from parents, yes God does punish parents with their children, but you can turn back from it, you just have to want to.

JesusFreak, Y! Answers 42 Comments [5/2/2008 8:54:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: xplicit_UK

Quote# 38630

Huckabee or Nothing

This is the problem when Christians compromise: you get scandal, you get war, you don’t get an end to abortion, you don’t get respect for our faith, and you don’t get a balanced budget. You get nothing. You get embarrassment and shame. Even if we can’t get him this election, we must get him next election. I suggest we simply don’t vote, unless Mike Huckabee is the Republican nominee.

If Christians won’t even stand up for themselves, how do they expect to keep the atheistic influence from destroying our nation? It’s not enough to talk about evolution taught in schools and creationism spit on. It’s not enough to talk about the horrors of abortion and whine that if only we could get leaders who would stop it. It’s time to do something!

We can vote for good men like Mike Huckabee in the primaries, or we can sit on the couch. We can’t compromise anymore. To compromise between “the lesser of two evils” still gets us a further spread of the atheistic influence in our society.

Why do Christians fear offending atheists so much? Why do they feel they have to respect the beliefs of those who would throw us into mental institutions and take our children into atheistic protective custody? When it comes to atheism: Stand up! Start now! and Stop it!

Edward Gordon, Christian Cross Talk 46 Comments [5/2/2008 8:08:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: AllFather

Quote# 38608

[Crouse goes after Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's former minister. Her fundie reputation precedes her, but she sprinkles a little bigotry in too.]

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the political ramifications of Jeremiah Wright’s hate-filled preaching, rightly so. He deserves all the criticism that people are dishing out. It is unconscionable that a minister would use the sacred Christian pulpit to push his politically driven agenda and use rhetorical techniques to whip up negative and destructive emotions in his congregation. Secularists, people of other faiths and most especially Christians should recoil from such blatant use of the pulpit to spew harsh and mean-spirited demagogery that promotes racial divisiveness and spreads poisonous lies and bitter distortions.

Further, Mr. Wright distorts the issue of American slavery. ...That same gospel transformed the lives of the slaves who became believers so that they were able to rise above their circumstances to accept the equality of the Bible and the freedom that only Christ can give.

After the Civil War, Christian black families and communities were strong and supportive of each other; it was not until the 1960s and its entitlement programs that the black family disintegrated. Sadly, Mr. Wright is not the first black preacher to manipulate black church congregations into victimization rather than salvation; Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others present the same worldview.

Janice Crouse, Concerned Women for America 31 Comments [5/2/2008 8:05:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Captain Janeway

Quote# 38635

Let's face it - sexual perversion is a Canadian virtue - and Canada is no longer a free country - with no freedom of religion, freedom of association or freedom of speech. It's a liberal sodomitic secular tyranny.

Anonymous Commenter, OneNewsNow 84 Comments [5/2/2008 7:45:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By:

Quote# 38639

[Comment on an article talking about HP implementing the 4th passive circuit element]

Very interesting - too late the save the planet though, with all that "now proven" unecessary leakage current out there. Now we just need the evolutionists to admit their theories are wrong too, hopefully that will be 30 rather than 2000 years

TimN, EETimes.com 26 Comments [5/2/2008 7:45:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 38628

[Topic about an Iraqi father who killed his own daughter for falling in love with an American Soldier].

"let me put it this way....
if my daughter or sister was to fall in love with an enemy soldier..Israeli or American...
i will make sure i send her right to hell....

this is not Honor killing..this is cleansing the earth from traitors...
you juts find my words weird because i am talking about women..

let me put it in other words....if my son fell in love with an enemy female soldier I'd kill him..

it isn't honor killing or a crime against women..it is making sure we have no traitors on our side..
a stupid person in love is valnurable to manipulation...

couldn't any one just love a good person?? why always seek the worst of hell's"

Scorpion Black, Ummah Forums 43 Comments [5/2/2008 2:25:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Skavau

Quote# 38620

(Totally ignoring the fact that women in Islamic countries wearing hijabs and burqas get raped, but are charged with having sex outsides the confines of marriage)

If the Islamic Shari'a is applied in America, if every man, whenever he sees a woman, would lower his gaze, if every woman is asked to cover herself completely, except for the face and hands up to the wrist, and if there is capital punishment for the rapist – will the rate of crime go up, remain the same, or come down in America? Of course it will come down! Islam gives dignity and protection to the women in Islam, and that is just the reason why Islam has prescribed the hijab.

Indian Cleric Ashraf Mohamedy, MEMRI 50 Comments [5/2/2008 2:14:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Nowonmai