Quote# 38549

1. Christian persecution is slowly growing in America.
2. Christians need to start standing up for our rights instead of sitting back and keeping quiet.
3. We must first adjust our lifestyles to reflect the joy and blessings that come with our salvation.

Unknown, Facebook 43 Comments [5/1/2008 2:33:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 38559

Amen Carico...there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth. I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin..

You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him. Remember...they have made the jump from believing a God-->no god...on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..

History has shown the true danger of being absent of God..the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...

Trinidad and Tobago, Christian Discussion Forums 60 Comments [5/1/2008 2:33:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Scion

Quote# 38563


How do you know? Afterall, pluto isn't considered a planet any more. So what defines a planet as opposed to a star? So sorry, until we visit stars, scientists no more know what they're made of than they know how many stars there are in the universe. All we know is that the light from all of them is the same.

Carico, CARM 68 Comments [5/1/2008 2:30:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Scion

Quote# 38569

[Originally Posted by Steezie
You didnt even read the link

So why do they still have these organs? Take whales, they have vestigial legs, they're useless for swimming and whales are FAR too big to walk, so the leg sizes must have changed over time....which sounds like evolution]

I know this stuff and don't like internet links. i've read it a thousand times.

The whales didn't evole but instantly adapted to new conditions. In fact probably within a creatures lifetime. So as long as the legs are out of the way there is no need for more atrophy. Same as birds who don't use their wings.
That few other creatures do not have vestigial organs is great evidence that they did not have different anatomical lives before. Like whales they would of kept bit and pieces of anything they no longer used.

RobertByers, ChristianForums 56 Comments [5/1/2008 2:08:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Bob Sacramento

Quote# 38571

[when confronted with the "We Have The Fossils, We Win" JPG]

You have the ancient pig's teeth, the bones of an old man with a rickets that made his skeleton look ape-like, chemically treated skulls that have teeth plugged with bubble gum, and millions of MISSING transitional skeletons that should be all over the earth.

Somehow I doubt the validity of Darwin's theories.

WingedPegasus, GATEWORLD forum 35 Comments [5/1/2008 2:05:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 38573

Let me just say this, not once has proven science disproven facts about the Bible. But the Bible does disprove certain theories of science. Think about that... proven science doesn't disprove the existence of a deity. You may say that the Big Bang and evolution do, but no, they aren't proven. But, however, the Bible does disprove evolution and the Big Bang. So, as I said, think about that before responding again.

Cameron Mitchel, GATEWORLD Forum 41 Comments [5/1/2008 1:10:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 38510

Every parent, everywhere is responsible for raising their children. Wait, they are not our children to raise, they are the Lord's children. We need to remember that these children have been entrusted to us by God and that we are to raise them in the light of the Word of God.

imasaved1, Who is Your Child’s Role Model 36 Comments [5/1/2008 1:09:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: plue

Quote# 38570

Fine with the teeth. Yes in post flood days we had a more vigourous diet of meat.
Our bodies are fine. I don't know the actual original body of Adam and so some changes may be in order.

For example originaly women were not to have birthpain . However God gave Eve the punishment of birthpain, which female animals don't have, and since this pain comes from womens unique body shape then we must conclude there bodies were changed at the fall.
Still sexy but might of even been better.

RobertByers, Christian Forums 36 Comments [5/1/2008 1:09:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bob Sacramento

Quote# 38544

The kid obviously hasn't thought through the logic of his atheistic choices. Why the need to "fight terrorism"? What makes him think any of the fighting he does is worth anything noble beyond the atheistic Darwinian view of the survival of the fittest? If the kid wants to be worm food let him be the suicide bomber for our side and be the martyr for some nebulous cause. Might as well take a few of the terrorists out while you're at it instead of hiding behind Plexiglas.

It's people like this who shouldn't be in the military. Their confused philosophies lead to indecision. Self preservation is an innate human drive, but there are reasons people override it, and he's clueless.

Elmo Q. Shangnaster, Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear 29 Comments [5/1/2008 1:06:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Syckls

Quote# 38554

The homosexual movement is only part of a much larger movement. It is one of many methods being used by socialists to destroy our democratic republic and replace it with socialism. One effective method is to attack the family, that is the foundation of the country, by making it dysfunctional through a blurring of the gender lines.

Man50D, FreeRepublic 49 Comments [5/1/2008 12:19:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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