Quote# 39937

What is Faith? to me being married and trusting that my wife will always be faithful to me is a good definition of Faith.although I’m on my third marriage now,i feel that I have more Faith than ever.Having Faith in believing in God and the bible have become more important to me as I grow older and wiser.Dinosaurs? Cavemen? maybe partially the devils work.How else can We possibly explain our existence without God?sure the evidence is there in black and white but that evidence doesn’t explain our Spirit and what happens when we die.I can feel god but I cant feel a fossil or a dinosaur bone.

Norf !, Ye are gods 49 Comments [5/26/2008 6:45:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Steve

Quote# 39939

Read this if you think Christians are not persecuted in America

For the privacy of those involved I am not going to say who of course, but I recently recieved many threats from a man who is going across youtube preaching that God is hateful.

I just wanted to ask for your prayers and to give an example that even in a country such as America there is still persecution sometimes. I have recently begun my own online devotional ministry, I do not even have my website completely and online yet. And I have already been contacted multiple times by an individual who is not only taking verses out of context to form a false view of God and Christianity, but he is actually gaining a following of non-believers by doing so.

Please pray for this man and those who believe his lies. He pulls verses out of the Bible, mostly the Old Testiment, parts such as when the firstborn of every child was killed in Exodus, and when adultrers were stoned, etc., and pulls these verses out of their context to bend them into forming this false view that God is hateful, and that churches today preach just what it is they want to, while leaving out the bad. He is generating hatred toward Christians in general over the internet. I replied calmly to his messages toward me, but I admit I'm a bit concerned that he may start directing this hatred toward me or others inparticular because of my new ministry.

SolitarySoul, Christianforums.com 64 Comments [5/26/2008 6:44:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Brendan

Quote# 39936

The homosexual agenda has infested American culture, corrupting our nation. From the Food Network to Home and Garden TV, homosexuals are being featured to maintain political correctness. The tragic result is that society is being desensitized to the evils of homosexuality. Gay-marriage is rebellion and sin against God. No one is born gay, because God doesn't make mistakes.

No doubt, it's just a matter of time until gay-marriage becomes allowable under federal law. God will not bless a nation that honors homosexual marriages. Gay marriage is a grim act of rebellion against the God of the Bible. Sin always undermines a nation. America is damned of God because of our nation's slaughter of nearly 50,000,000 human beings by abortion, because of our nation's warmongering and bloodshed of innocent people in other countries, and for our tolerance and promotion of homosexual marriages. We are a wicked nation of booze, gambling, lewd dancing, and materialism. Television is rightfully called "hellivision." We've even renamed one of our biggest cities "SIN CITY" to spite God. Yet we hypocritically sing... "God Bless America!" No Sir! ... God Damn America! We certainly deserve to be punished severely for our wickedness.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 92 Comments [5/26/2008 3:03:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39927

[Among the war-torn nations, the poverty, and the human rights abuses, the one goal that gets you people fired up more than anything else is to make sure a certain group doesn't have rights?]

Apparently it does not bother you that among the war-torn nations, the poverty, and the human rights abuses, the one goal that gets you people fired up more than anything else is to make sure marriage is redefined for the queers?

[Look at the balancing test: "Hmm, what should I do today? Send money to Darfur? Research eco-friendly energy? Nah! I think I'll try and take people's rights away!"]

Look at the balancing test: "Hmm, what should I do today? Send money to Darfur? Research eco-friendly energy? Nah! I think I'll try and sue same-sex marriage into law in defiance of majority will.

Michael Ejercito, Fundie Watch 37 Comments [5/26/2008 12:37:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By:

Quote# 39940

You can not put Science and the supernatural into one. The Bible even says that. Demons cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it. Everyone I know...which some are Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by demons. You can not deny that.

mrguitar, Christian Forums 76 Comments [5/26/2008 12:26:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Brat

Quote# 39924

*will we remember our unsaved loves ones in heaven*

I think we will know where they are, but we will have a different view on God's judgments, and will actually praise Him for it. We will see how they chose not to follow Him, and we will love Him so much with our new glorified bodies that we will feel that even the fate of our unsaved ones is totally justified.

When sin is stripped from our souls all together, we will see sin as a disgusting malignant plague. We will not see our loved ones as "we knew them," but rather, we will see them as people who have rejected the love of God and were sentenced fairly.

When someone is infected by zombies, they aren't themselves. They cease to be the person we knew them as. Likewise, in Heaven, we will pray for sinners and things, but we will see them as "infected" with the virus we have been cured of. They aren't the people we knew them as on earth, for we will then see sin and damnation as it really is: a conscious rejection of Jesus Christ and God's mercy that was free all along. We will then praise God for His fairness and mercy and justice.

Not Perfect, But Forgiven, Do you think we will remember family in heaven? 53 Comments [5/26/2008 12:25:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39922

Sigh. Its been one of "those" days. Yesterday was the last day of school, and I let my oldest stay at one of his friends home. The dad is his Sunday School teacher....and we have known this family for a long time.....

Son comes home today and tells me that he watched "Stardust"
It is full of pagan rites and rituals, premarital sex, and lots of killing of animals to read their entrails. I asked if any adult watched the movie with them, and he said that the dad did(Sunday School teacher). I am so saddened....and ds has been crying since he came home....he says that he doesn't know what is really wrong...but the movie left him feeling horrible. What is with people? Are there no people left with the direction of the Holy Spirit to say..."THIS IS WRONG"?????????? BTW, my 11 yr old watched this, along with his 3 boys(11, 9, 7).

House of Light, Who do we trust with our children? 64 Comments [5/26/2008 12:05:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 39928

god created us sinless but the only way to do this was to keep us knowledgeless. He told us not to eat from the tree of knowledge and after being tempted by the serpent eve did. thats when man started to sin, because they had acquired(sp) free will. man chose to sin god did not create us to sin, we brought sin upon ourselves. god then seeing that we lived lives of sin sent jesus his only son, to come save us from our will to sin. so in actuality we jumped in the river and jesus is here to save us.

karatekid07, TeenSpot 40 Comments [5/25/2008 11:59:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39917

'Witches' burnt to death in Kenya

Eleven elderly people accused of being witches have been burned to death by a mob in the west of Kenya, police say.


The BBC's Muliro Telewa in the region says the gang had a list of the victims and picked them out individually.


Anthony Kibunguchy, the provincial police officer, told the BBC that the eight women and three men were all aged between 80 and 96 years old.

The mob dragged them out of their houses and burned them individually and then set their homes alight, our correspondent says.

Residents have been ambivalent about condemning the attacks because belief in witchcraft is widespread in the area, he says.


The victim's families have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives.

Murderous mob in Kenya, BBC News 36 Comments [5/25/2008 11:32:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 39923

In my experience there are very few true atheists, but rather anti-theists. Everyone knows that God exists. They can try to convince themselves that He doesn't because of their own personal stubborness or rebellion, but His Law is written on the heart of every man. Of course, they don't act like this and they will NEVER admit it, but they know God exists deep deep down, but they are just trying to ignore Him.

hilhill, Is there an effective way to reach Atheists? 49 Comments [5/25/2008 11:21:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 39904

The entire western world is based on Christianity. Without Christianity, civilization like ours will not exist! Scientists made the bomb, not G-d!

Christislord12, Evolved and Rational 53 Comments [5/25/2008 10:35:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39930

[On Fred Phelps, the famous anti-homosexual activist who protests at funerals]

He doesn't label himself democrat, he VOTES democrat, he DONATES to democrats, he even participates in democrat funding events.

He is not a Christian conservative, he is a homophile coddling liberal democrat pretending to be a Christian conservative.

Humanum Genus, Catholic Answers Forums 45 Comments [5/25/2008 8:42:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39919

I know the God has everything until control, though I still wonder what will happen before the rapture. How bad will it get before we are out of here.
Will this site still be here two years from now if Obama should get elected, will my site still be around, unless I sing My Obama tis of Thee.
I worry that he will not keep his word to Israel.
I worry that Congress will rubber stamp everything Obama wants until it is too late.

Southern Lady, Why I'm Afraid of a President Barack Obama 29 Comments [5/25/2008 8:39:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39934

But yoga enthusiasts have been warned by a leading Roman Catholic clergyman that they are in danger of being possessed by the Devil.

Father Jeremy Davies, exorcist for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, the leader of Catholics in England and Wales, says that activities such as yoga, massage therapy,
reiki or even reading horoscopes could put people at risk from evil spirits.

In a new book, he also argues that people with promiscuous lifestyles could find themselves afflicted by demons.

And he says that the occult is closely linked to the scourges of ‘drugs, demonic music and pornography’ which are ‘destroying millions of young people in our time’.

Father Jeremy Davies, Daily Mail 42 Comments [5/25/2008 8:09:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Doctor Fishcake

Quote# 39891

"I'm not interested in fossil evidence. Anyone can make stuff like that up...as we know many of these fossil evidences and bones have been proven to be fake. I'm just fascinated at the fact that these atheist scientists claim to be more logical than those who believe in God and yet fail to show transitions of species that are alive. For if they were telling the truth, transitions of living species would be observable.

I stick by my belief that the theory of evolution's origins lie in racism and atheism, despite what the political beliefs of todays evolutionists may be.

The reason why I say that atheists grow in arrogance when studying the creation is because by studying the intricate details of this beautiful creation, (which is in wonderful working order) it should humble them to acknolwedge that there is something greater than them (i.e. The Creator), but instead they marvel at their own so-called 'intelligence' and reject The Creator and grow in arrogance regardless of which 'top' university they may be at."

Umm_Hanzalah, Ummah Forums 32 Comments [5/25/2008 7:58:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Skavau

Quote# 39929

Seriously, is there even a plausible reason? or are you just stupid? [im going with the latter on this one] and yes i just called you stupid if you dont believe in God. My God. Yes im narrow minded but those of us who are right are allowed to be narrow minded. And if you dont believe in God, youll wholeheartedly agree with me when your in hell that you are an idiot. no offense or anything. oh and if your gonna be rude then dont post back, i was just wondering how anyone could ever not believe in a God, im not trying to force anything on you, so be nice!

ashlhee, TeenSpot 59 Comments [5/25/2008 7:55:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 39895

I'll recommend a book that has helped me greatly.
"Created to Be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl.
Man, I've made so many mistakes over the years! Did so many things all wrong!
Once you get into the Word, tho, and start obeying God and putting your husband in his place (as honored head of household), the changes are miraculous.
I was telling my husband about it. He said, "Yea, but what if your husband's a real a*hole?" I said with a smile, "Even so!"
One of our big problems in my mother. She's always hated him. Now I know why. Of course she hates him - he's what Debi calls a "visionary". He's a musician. He's a little different. My mother wanted me to marry a steady man. My man isn't that. He never will be. And that's ok.

Maggie, RaptureReady 39 Comments [5/25/2008 7:50:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 39915

There is a controversy brewing at the Mount Abraham Union High School in Bristol, as students there had the temerity to display a statuette of Jesus.

Even though the justification was promoted that this statue was not an exclusively religious display, but was well within school policy because its presence served as commentary on an academic issue, the students were instructed to remove it.

In the world of academia, only displays of Christianity are taboo; all other religions are acceptable, and this asks a fundamental question, "Since atheism, which meets the standard definition of a religion, is the faith and belief that there is no God, would the absence of any and all religious artifacts within a school be a testimonial that the school supports atheism as a state religion?"

JOE BRADLEY, Rutland Herald 33 Comments [5/25/2008 7:40:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 39918

Many parents write us saying that they are trying to protect their children’s innocence. They don’t want them to know about the evil in the world. I understand their concern. It is a sad thing that we live in a world where evil has such free reign, where child porn is a legal and accepted part of society. It is sickening. I hope the Lord returns for us soon and breaks the teeth of the ungodly before He casts them into the lake of fire, where they will be in torment for eternity.

Rebekah and Gabriel Anast, No Greater Joy 60 Comments [5/25/2008 5:55:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 39890

if evolution were true, you should still see some half monkeys

half colored zebras

some tadpoles who still havent evolved into the frog state

as a matter of fact, how did a tadpole evolve? you cant do that over time, you would just die

most of their theories are just nonsensical ideologies that do not hold up to any scrutiny. the same logic they try to battle religion with, if you apply it to their thought processes, you get blanks"

Abu Mubarak, Ummah Forums 43 Comments [5/25/2008 1:22:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Skavau

Quote# 39901

Well I'd have to say Revelation. But I also have other favourites.....Romans, Ecclesiastes, 1 John and Isaiah. But Revelation is my favourite of all, because its so full of hope!!

ChristIsKing2008, Rapture Ready 54 Comments [5/25/2008 1:21:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39896

Homosexuals deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both, an Iranian leader told British MPs during a private meeting at a peace conference, The Times has learnt.

Mohsen Yahyavi is the highest-ranked politician to admit that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality after a spate of reports that gay youths were being hanged.

President Ahmadinejad, questioned by students in New York two months ago about the executions, dodged the issue by suggesting that there were no gays in his country.

Britain regularly challenges Iran about its gay hangings, stonings and executions of adulterers and perceived moral criminals, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) papers show.

The latest row involves a woman hanged this June in the town of Gorgan after becoming pregnant by her brother. He was absolved after expressing his remorse. Britain said that this demonstrated the unequal treatment of men and women in law and breached Iran’s pledge to restrict the death penalty to the most serious crimes.

Mohsen Yahyavi, Dhimmi Watch 31 Comments [5/25/2008 12:51:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Scion

Quote# 39908

To me, the Gospel of John was vandalized by the liberal adulteress story, which is used today to oppose the death penalty, make light of promiscuity, downplay Hell, and undermine Christian teaching about tasking for and receiving forgiveness. The story pretends to be an eyewitness account, but was added long after all the eyewitnesses had died. No big deal: I'd do the Lord's work by "reverting" the vandalism.

Andrew Schafly, Conservapedia 56 Comments [5/25/2008 12:51:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: David Gerard

Quote# 39913


As I have said time and time again, I have seen demons and done battle with them on countless occasions. If I am not doing battle with demons either I am lying or crazy. Which is it? I know dozens of people who have experienced the same thing as I have. I challenge you the next time you get creeped out to say out loud "the Lord rebuke you" and see what happens. The creepiness will leave the room.

Scott, Faith 68 Comments [5/25/2008 12:47:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39892

There is a huge difference between angels and fairies. There are sane people who believe in angels, and I'm not so sure a sane person would believe in fairies. Angels are messengers from God, and some of them have wings and some of them don't. They are strong, powerful, spirit beings. Fairies are just magical and someone's imagination.

Joy, Yahoo!Answers 51 Comments [5/25/2008 12:45:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: TheOutsider
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