Quote# 39883

remember When Jesus died on the cross and rose the third day he got the keys to the grave. If an asteroid hit the earth dont be that surprised if you live through it despite what we might think will happen.

WCG777, RaptureReady 26 Comments [5/25/2008 12:44:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39902

[on gay marriage]

None of these points even remotely address the underlying issue, the actual reason why gays cannot marry. Marriage is something reserved for humanity, homosexuals are a devolved, viral like entity. We simply cannot legislate what this plague does, its the equivalent of congress trying to legalize marriages between influenza viruses.

Remember, oh ye of little intelligence, that we can't deal with the plague in the same way we deal with humanity.

Geheime_Staatspolizei, IMDB 51 Comments [5/25/2008 12:33:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Matt

Quote# 39855

If evolution were real, that would mean God was a liar.

So, if God were a liar, there would be NOTHING. No earth, no stars, no us, no nothing.

ImaSaved1, http://www.teens-4-christ.org/ 48 Comments [5/25/2008 12:22:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 39849

i am sick and tired of all the BIGOTS on this thread who continually voice a negative view towards pedophiles and bestials [sic]. They keep harping upon some happy sex between individuals of the same gender while denigrating that of young citizens and pets with rights.

All you who fail to see the great progress that pedophiles and bestials [sic] can and will make in gaining rights (following gay rights precedent) are small minded bigots.

Do you not understand that pedophiles and bestials [sic] DON'T want to be compared to gays sexually (they are attracted to different RIGHTS groups) they do however, want the SAME rights that gays get.

Why is it fair for a gay to get married by changing laws SODOMY, MARRIAGE? But not for a pedophile AGE of CONSENT, MARRIAGE?

Where is the justice in that? Not to mention, polygamy, necrophylias [sic], bestials [sic], incest,,, etc.....

If we are going to open this marriage thing to gays,,,, let us open it ALL the way for all the different groups rights. Why are the gays so special that they are the only one's getting this treatment?

scooter, Townhall 53 Comments [5/25/2008 12:17:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39881

(A thread about animals acting strangely and how it means the world is ending):

Well, I won't say that I consider this evidence...but, just to contribute to this thread, the other day we were taking our walk down the trail and we saw a very large flock of vultures in the field near us...about 8 of them.

We assume there was something dead and they were feasting...BUT we didn't go and take a closer look (for obvious reasons).

But, they were circling us (including my young children)...and that was kind of wierd.

Resting, RaptureReady 40 Comments [5/25/2008 12:08:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39906

If you’ve been a parent for any time at all, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that your child came into the world with an insatiable faculty for evil. Even before birth, your baby’s little heart was already programmed for sin and selfishness. The inclination toward depravity is such that, given free reign, every baby has the potential to become a monster.

John MacArthur, Grace to You 63 Comments [5/25/2008 9:56:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 39882

There's nothing to be afraid of. Not really. God's not going to let any asteroid or comet hit this planet, at least not before the Tribulation, when we'll be Home.

kgreen20, RaptureReady 30 Comments [5/25/2008 8:16:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 39851

It isn’t just a matter of God wanting more babies. Unlike condoms or the pill, abstinence doesn’t turn a sacrament between a husband and wife, meant to create life, into a self-serving recreational act.

To Hell With Poverty, Free republic 36 Comments [5/25/2008 6:38:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 39852

[Discussion Topic: Spanking Teens]

Important to remember, any law that violates God's law is an illegitimate law. If I lived in Canada I would still spank because God commands it. (prov23:13) God says those who do not use the rod hates their son. (prov13:24)
Some other discipline can certainly be effective for older children but we can never say that another person should never spank their teenager. Only the parent of that particular child knows that child well enough to make that decision but certainly should make that decision in light of Scripture. Sometimes spanking does not get immediate results so it is abandoned too early. We should never grow weary of well doing, even in this area, as God commands corporal punishment. I have a hunch that some parents don't spank hard enough for it hurt. It's supposed to be unpleasant, it's chastening!
Some very determined children need spankings well into their teens; others do not. As boys get older, they do better with fathers applying the rod of discipline but if I, as the mother, were the only one available to do it, I must. Anything else would be disobedience on my part.
We must remember where we get this anti-Christain propaganda about spanking being harmful to their "self-esteem": from God hating humanist psychologists like Freud and others.

shallowtentpegs, CF 47 Comments [5/25/2008 6:32:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 39879

There is currently a push for having homosexuals who want to commit to each other to be called married if they want to. Traditionally marriage has been a word reserved for only men and women who chose to commit to each other. Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?

AutumnLeaf, ChristianForums 46 Comments [5/25/2008 6:29:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: sidhe

Quote# 39862

Yes, watch and wait. There was a woman there who has lived all over the world. She said in Guam and England there are radio commercials talking about legalizing the stuff. (she was pleased) It will be part of the big plan...you know the peace and safety plan...if everyone is whacked out on the drug of choice (legally) they reduce the number of citizens that are aware of the dire condition we're in. We'll have the one world religion and the drug of our choice and Carl Marx can say from his grave with confidence.."religion is the opiate of the people" only this time we will add actual opiates WITH the babylonian religion. This is not too far off. Look at the young...how they will vote for Obama without even knowing who he is or where he came from. When material comes out that SHOULD be ENLIGHTENING about his past etc,etc it seems to steel their resolve to vote for him even more....
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willow, RaptureReady 36 Comments [5/25/2008 4:45:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 39859

TriggerHappy, I find it sad that you would deny what your own heart tells you. It is a plain fact that every human being has innate “God-knowledge”. It is this spiritual aspect of ourselves that connects us all to Jesus Christ. You and Mr Hallquist are merely in denial.

Tristan Shuddery, STR: The Freedom Blog 37 Comments [5/25/2008 4:21:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Patrick

Quote# 39861

Why should God heal amputees? He's the one who allowed you to lose your arm in the first place!

VenomFangX, YouTube 60 Comments [5/25/2008 4:00:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: SeenAndNotSeen

Quote# 39856

[Texas megachurch minister caught in Internet sex sting]

lisa says: (Oh how the Jesus-haters and Christian-haters will play with this one.)

icebear's response:

it dosen't help that we are just as disgusted and disturbed as they are....

actually, i may take that back. usually "they" are not as disgusted as they should be, they are just delighted that someone claiming to be Christian gets caught doing something we proclaim detestable. they don't think its wrong, they just like the evidence of hypocrisy and then pretend to be scandalized...

icebear, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [5/25/2008 3:35:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 39864

What do you do, as a Christian, when you have a co-worker who dresses what I consider immodestly at the workplace? I've already confronted management about it last year and they thought what she was wearing was fine. I'm not sure if the lady is a "professing" Christian or not. Wearing black outfits/clothes all the time and tight fitting clothes to boot I do not consider modest, but immodest. There are also other co-workers who wear low cut tops that are not appropriate either.

I'm at a loss for words what to do. My mind struggles with these thoughts and I try to put them out of my mind as quickly as possible, not to mention meditating upon Scripture, changing my thoughts etc. It is very difficult.

I will try to witness to her when I get the chance. (I know she has already taken one of my gospel tracts). Not to mention management may move me to a desk right next to her...

evjr, RaptureReady 62 Comments [5/25/2008 3:28:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 39857

[ Texas megachurch minister caught in Internet sex sting]

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.......sin is sin weather it be small or great.

If a Christian was involved in a ugly sin such as the one in this story and the rapture happened at the same instant would they be left behind?

We are not perfect just forgiven......and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit.

WindTalker, Rapture Ready 42 Comments [5/25/2008 3:11:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 39854

The demon behind homosexuality is one of the most evil horrible demons every created. I can't wait to judge him and send him to the pit!!

The Red Aaron, Rapture Ready 49 Comments [5/25/2008 2:48:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 39863

Cub scouts, scouting organizations, demolays and masonic organization's ritualism and symbolism all go back to Nimrod. It all leads to the satanic: It is a well known fact that many teachers are practicing witches. One boy from a southern state (he was a high school English teacher) said the head of the teacher training program in that state was the head witch in that state.

Teachers who are witches, usually go to school to learn how to interweave witchcraft into the teaching program without being suspected by the community. Witchcraft is taught in school by the promotion of folklore, study of demons, and study of demonology. The building up of witchcraft as good and white magic as good is commonly taught. The students are always told that witchcraft, the way he's using it, or she's using it is for good. This is a lie of satan because all witchcraft, black magic, white magic, or white or black witchcraft is all bad. In one school the teacher had put a curse on his pupils of "death and hell". The only way to stop this is for it to be broken by overcomers by the power that Jesus Christ has given us.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak, Demonbuster 56 Comments [5/25/2008 12:54:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 39850

The earth we inhabit is not a permanent planet. It is, frankly, a disposable planet--it is going to have a very short life. It's been around six thousand years or so--that's all--and it may last a few thousand more. And then the Lord is going to destroy it.

I've told environmentalists that if they think humanity is wrecking the planet, wait until they see what Jesus does to it. Peter says God is going to literally turn it in on itself in an atomic implosion so that the whole universe goes out of existence (2 Peter 3:7-13).

This earth was never ever intended to be a permanent planet--it is not eternal. We do not have to worry about it being around tens of thousands, or millions, of years from now because God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth. Understanding those things is important to holding in balance our freedom to use, and responsibility to maintain, the earth.

John MacArthur, Grace to You 62 Comments [5/24/2008 8:04:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By:

Quote# 39853

Satan is setting up the UFO phenomenon to have an explanation for the Rapture. It's so interesting that UFO's are back in the news big time when we've seen such a dramatic increase in the birth pangs the last week or so.

The Vatican said it's ok to believe in aliens and UFO's the same week that England releases it's UFO documents. Dateline NBC also did a special on the top ten UFO sightings last night.
All the signs are here.
We are going home very soon.
Come Lord Jesus!!!

Russ, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [5/24/2008 5:34:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 39845

Pastor John Hagee is a true man of God, he is controversial because he speaks the truth, which most people, even some Christians can not accept. Everything that some people have said about Pastor John Hagee have been debuked. Pastor Hagee is not even in the same world as Mr. Wright, it is just the left leaning media trying to make something out of nothing. We Christians should have discernment, all of us need to trust in it, trust in the word of God, trust in the Holy Spirit.
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palmaceae, RaptureReady 32 Comments [5/24/2008 4:41:42 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 39834

(question regarding information in support of evolution)

The reason why you can't find information is because evolution doesn't exist so beleive in creation.

Matthew B, Yahoo Answers 36 Comments [5/24/2008 2:58:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: RFP15

Quote# 39840

Same here Things crowd my prayers. I end up praying in the car as I am driving alot or just talking to Him throughout the day, it has become a habit and people probably think I have an imgainary friend or I am talking to myself if I am not carefull. The other thing that bugs me is at night I often fall asleep right in the middle of a prayer!!!! I apologize all the time for that. I just pray that our Lord understands and try to be better at my devotions.

Heartstorm, RR 45 Comments [5/24/2008 1:29:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: funky fresh salad

Quote# 39844

[Concerning what will happen to the opponents of gay marriage]

You seem to cast the opponents of gay marriage in the image of the Nazis. I see it as the other way around. WE are the lonely voices. WE are the ones that are in danger of being silenced. Don't let the Nazi's persecution of homosexuals (and everybody else who didn't fit their image) blind you. This time the shoe is on the other foot. Or maybe I should say the boot? And the day may come, and soon, when we're the ones getting kicked.

Coaster, The Cat Site 46 Comments [5/24/2008 1:16:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 39832

*In a conversation about ERV's*

It's not deceptive, because it was never God's intention for Darwinism to exist as a scientific theory. Had the ERVs been discovered in these spots without the Darwinian paradigm, scientists would not have assumed that they denote common descent. Instead, scientists would have interpreted the data in a totally different light, and concluded that God made them that way.

huldah153, Christian Forums 29 Comments [5/24/2008 12:08:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Mark Cowell
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