Quote# 40696
God won't allow himself to be mocked forever
I realize that atheists think think they should be able to; deny God, deny that Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save you from death, mock Jesus (which is evident on all atheist forums, especially those without rules against it), get away with sin or deny that sin exists, think they are qualified to judge God but can't admit they themselves are guilty of sin, curse their fellow man, eat food that could have been given to the hungry, taken money that could have been given to the poor, envy their neighbor's houses, cars, intelligence, lie to themselves and others, call God evil, desecrate His creation and/or deny he created it, call the authors of the bible liars or deluded, break God's laws, desecrate the way God created the sexual union between a man and a woman, and not be held accountable.
Well sorry guys, but God gives all of us 365 days times the number of years we live to simply apologize and accept his unconditional forgiveness even though none of us deserve it ( which no earthly judge would even do). So he cannot hold us accountable until we die. And since God will not allow himself to be mocked forever, or he would be a wimp and not to be respected, he has a cut-off point which is your own death. After that you have no more chances. So anyone foolish enough to throw away a free pardon for breaking God's laws, deserves what he gets.
So sorry, guys, we all gotta grow up sometime and accept the consequences for our actions. Better now then after it's too late because none of us gets off this earth scott-free. Sorry.
CARM 57 Comments [6/10/2008 1:21:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
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