Quote# 40537
I just can't believe how many of us feel like any day could be the day. Not only us, but non-christians as well. I live in Illinois and we have had nothing but rain. When it started and kept going, day-after-day, I started to see that God was "cleansing" the earth! I don't know for fact, for each morning when I looked out the window, I could hear the words "God's cleansing the earth". I was reading this thread again and somewhere back they were talking about Christmas decorations, etc., and I started to laugh because I started selling all my collectible ornaments in January. Everytime I look at my Christmas stuff, all I can think is "I won't be needing that anymore!" Can you believe that! I thought it was just me, but I quite pleased to know that I'm in good company! I don't love anything (material wise) anymore and I've been selling and selling it off, with no regrets and a smile on my face! What is that about? I always buy off-season, but this year, nope, didn't do it. My gut feeling keep telling me "no, you're not going to need it". Also, I've noticed the people God has been putting into my life, crossing paths so-to-speak and each one(s) I meet or reacquaint myself with, somehow turns the subject to the Lord and what is going on. Then bang, I'm in...and by the time we've finished our discussion, they are excited about the conversation we've just had and they start reading the Bible or at least are more eager to learn about the Lord Jesus. My life and family's life took a major turn these last couple of years and at first, I just couldn't figure out what He was doing with my life and why this road and not another. Silly me, shame on me for even wondering that because for the past 2 years, I know and I see the writing on the wall that He wanted me to see. I don't wonder about any of that anymore and I know whatever happens, He's in charge and it's the same with this feeling I have had (and so many others) about what's coming in the very near future. I feel it and I know it's just there, no questions asked. I can't wait till we are raptured and I too pray everyday that the Lord Jesus comes soon. I also pray for God and how sad He must be that this world has had to go this route. I pray for God's broken heart, crying my eyes out just thinking about Him crying and the sadness He must feel about what lies ahead. Anyway, that's my two-cents worth!!!
RaptureReady 58 Comments [6/7/2008 5:28:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5