Quote# 42757


For a God that doesn't exist according to religious bigots (people who are intolerant of religious beliefs) you deniers sure spout off a lot of hate in your mockery, demeaning, denigrating, insulting posts about God.

The problem is with the religious bigots,,,,,,,,,,,they rant, rave and rail against something, someone, they claim doesn't exist..........that sounds a bit pathological.*

Of course, sensible people know that most atheists and religious bigots are not motivated by reason but by a kind of cowardly moral escapism which leads to all sorts of illogical blunders.*

Denouncing the existence of God is definitely a form of hate. All the proponents of atheistic humanism hate the very thought of Christianity and their God because it thwarts their man-made utopian goals.

mikpat, AT&T message board 32 Comments [7/14/2008 7:06:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: WMUATimothy

Quote# 42878

"If you weren't so stupid you wouldn't be stupid. You're a Pagan, that's evil. and you are stupid and immature. If you loved Jesus you wouldn't be stupid but you're a Pagan so your stupid. Me and knit and pray know this. Don't try to argue this with me. I'm smart your stupid. You call me stupid and make fun of Mary and her Jesus then your stupid."

Bob, Topix 82 Comments [7/14/2008 7:06:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: RavenWood

Quote# 42789

My brother is an atheist. Help?

I accept what the Bible says and I believe that even though you can be a good person without being a Christian, if you do not accept Jesus as your savior you will go to Hell forever when you die.

This hits home with me especially since my brother is an atheist. He has been one for over ten years. Every SINGLE time I try to bring up religion he shuts off and doesn't listen. I don't know what else to do. He says there is no way he could ever come back to Christianity without any significant scientific evidence.

I am worried about him. He is a good person. He does volunteer work and he is a good father. There is about a ten year difference between our ages and he helped me out when our parents got a divorce. I don't want him to go to Hell. What would happen if he got in a car wreck and died tomorrow?

Has anyone else gone through this?

Answer : I was a good person going to hell.
The only difference between a "good person" and a "bad person" is that a bad person never learned socially acceptable ways of getting what they want.
Neither are "good" in God's eyes without Christ in their lives.

Michael B, Yahoo Answers 32 Comments [7/14/2008 7:04:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42840

I know this sounds crazy, I see people today and they appear not to have a soul. Their eyes are so 'dead'. They scare me, and usually they are into some heavy ungodly stuff.

jumpinforjoy, RR 55 Comments [7/14/2008 5:57:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 42795

How do you feel about the recent attempts by Christians to avoid getting their kids a real education?

Answer : wow!Can Christians take their kids out of public schools?That should be ..gorgeous!

they better are called ''ignorant'then go to school ...and then to hell..if they believe what school says..

As school cannot give birth to a child..nor offer him/her ..the heaven..school shouldn't have the right of giving absolute education..I hope soon..Christian be allowed to take the kids out of schools..and choose what their kids learn..and choose..private teachers..

Laremy, Yahoo Answers 38 Comments [7/14/2008 3:00:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42768

[Christian Luv - posts from Tailgunner Joe...]

"Atheists are more despicable even than muslims."

"Atheists killed more people in the last century than anyone else ever killed in the whole history of the world. Atheists have killed more people than all the world's religions put together.
Atheism is the worst evil humankind has ever imagined and it has caused more misery and destruction than any other idea ever has."

" Communism is a subset of atheism. Not all atheists are communists but all communists are atheist. So technically atheists have killed more people than communists."

"I don't need a theocracy because I already live in a Christian nation.
You have the freedom to be Godless because you live in a country founded upon Christian principles."

[BTW, the thread had nothing to do with atheism]

Tailgunner Joe, Free Republic 43 Comments [7/13/2008 10:36:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 42743

Why Do Some Atheists Say They Are Smarter Than Christians?

Answer : Because you cannot teach or tell an atheist anything. They think they have all the answers and know everything, when in fact they are the most uninformed group in the world.

stullerl, Yahoo Answers 64 Comments [7/13/2008 6:59:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42767

As a Christian, I believe that that gay and lesbians are flirting with danger when it comes to eternity. We were created forever. Therefore, it's not an issue of what happens after we die but rather where we will spend it. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with burning sulfur that fell from the sky for immoral sexual practices and perversion. If you read through history in the Bible, what you will find is that God will send those who participate in this evil practice to suffer the same fate. This is not by His choice but theirs. If you don't believe me, then ask yourself. What would Jesus do?

SCF, The Washington Blade (comments) 50 Comments [7/13/2008 6:58:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Doctor Whom

Quote# 42758

For me, personally, it all comes down to what I know of God from my own personal experience with Him, and what is said of Him in His word. No amount of book-learning and high-IQ-arguing is going to change what the Spirit divulges to our hearts as truth.

God confounds the "wise" and makes all our human knowledge as foolishness, amen

Inkabink, Christian Forums 40 Comments [7/13/2008 6:34:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: WMUATimothy

Quote# 42745

Has society chosen to prove God doesn't exist so sinful acts will be accepted as "natural"?

Answer : I think you have a quite valid question there, and deserves the best answer I can give you, which is yes. They have gotten into our government and trying to tear it a part. They are everywhere, and this is all predicted in the Bible. It says in the last days, theWord will and cannot be found.

stullerrl, Yahoo Answers 31 Comments [7/13/2008 6:33:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42839

I do agree that more people should worship at home in addition to joining in corporate worship with a local church congregation. The idea that home worship should substitute for corporate worship is a scheme of the Devil who twists the Scriptures to separate sheep from the flock so that the roaring lion can find easier targets to devour.

Martin S, Yahoo Answers - Religion & Spirituality 30 Comments [7/13/2008 6:31:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 42788

What do you think Satan likes to see people do the most?

Answer : Be homosexual, masturbate, listen to black metal, not attend church.

rift3r, Yahoo Answers 106 Comments [7/13/2008 5:36:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42842

[When asked by another member what everyone will be doing in heaven]

I am going to ask Jesus for a lightsaber.

The first time I was told about Jesus as a small child, the first thing I asked was if Jesus would give me a lightsaber in heaven. 24 or so years later, I still want one.

The Learner, Rapture Ready 85 Comments [7/13/2008 5:14:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Wilhelm

Quote# 42856

Eight years ago God gave me a very special spiritual gift. It is a gift that allows me to talk with him in a two way conversation. It allows me to physically hear his voice. Over the following years, a relationship has blossomed that is an affair of love. As I have come to know him, my love for him has grown steadily to a point that I have put him above all else in my life.

Jimmy West, GTH Ministries 58 Comments [7/13/2008 5:12:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 42734

"I am 73, my wife is 70 - As much as we have enoyed the golden archers over the years, we will not continue to do so because of your close minded leadership. To call us haters tells us your mind is closed, not open to change. We are amazed that your leadership is taking this stand."

Old people., Boycott McDonalds 50 Comments [7/13/2008 2:20:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: God hates Everyone

Quote# 42775

[Topic title: Why I'll take the bible's word over a scientist's/historian's/etc. word.]

It seems to me that every time we have evidence that seems to prove the bible wrong or contradict the bible, or there's a lack of evidence for something in the bible, that eventually, the bible has always proven true.

For example:

People thought that the Hittites didn't exist, but guess what, we discovered the Hittite civilization.
Also, when Mt. Saint Helen erupted it caused rapid formations that scientists thought took long periods of time.

I will come back with more examples later. But my point is that when the bible has been challenged, with time it has always proved true.

So that's why right now, when there's supposed evidence for an old earth, or something else that scientists say is true that contradicts the bible I'm not going to throw away the bible and say that it's inaccurate. Or start trying to fit an old earth into the creation story.

So some might say that I'm ignoring the evidence, but truly I'm paying attention to the greater evidence, which is the bible, which with time has been faithful to stand up to criticism and prove true.

Ininja2000, GameFAQs 36 Comments [7/13/2008 11:40:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Angus

Quote# 42754

My foot is not hurting and I claim the healing.

About 2-3 months ago I stepped on a Sweetgum ball, and it rolled under my foot toward the back and I had a painful senstion in my heel. About two weeks later I did the same thing again and I almost fainted that time because of the pain. I went to the dr. and he said it was a bone bruise and not much could be done, stay off of it and soak it in epson salt and use a gel cusion shoe insert. He said one week it would be better that was 4 weeks ago and i was still limping on it. I take care of my grandson while my dd and her husband works. He will be 3 in August and there is no way I could stay off of it.

I Have been praying about the pain and this morning i got out of bed and it barely hurt and a few minutes ago grandson and I went out to feed the cats and I realized I was walking without any pain. I began praising God for the healing and when I got through I noticed grandson was just standing there respectful and hands clasped, and then he said "A-men" I know he did not know what was being said or why but in my mind i thought "train a child in the way he should go."

Joyfulnoise, RR 47 Comments [7/13/2008 11:38:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 42776

I'm sad, close friend rejects Truth


Well, after four years, I finally had the opportunity to pour my heart out about the gospel to a very close friend today. I spent all morning writing a personal letter, and leading up to this I was praying for the right oppotunity to do so. Here was the reponse I got back.

"I didn’t think it was insensitive, I just didn’t want to talk about it. While I know you have my best interest at heart, I don’t want to talk about my faith, or lack thereof, right now and I ask you to respect that."

That was the entire reponse, and I wrote for hours ( I was thinking as I wrote so It wasn't an hours long letters, but It took me a couple hours to put it all together). Well, Jesus knows I did my best, and I realize it's usually seed planting, but I am soooo sad, because I love my friend so much. Honestly, I think he thinks I'm nuts and tolerates me b/c he knows I am a nice person who genuinely cares. I've always been very respectful and never pushy, but of course I stayed completely within the gospel today and personalized it and didn't water it down at all. He just lost his grandmother and father in the last couple of weeks so please keep my friend in prayer. I sent him a bible last month, and I did have an oppotunity to refer him to some passages in it in my letter. Maybe he will read them someday. I've lost ALL my unsaved friends over Jesus, and it's all worth it.

WordyTrees, RR 57 Comments [7/13/2008 11:35:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 42772

The point is this: God doesn't need the RCC, the RCC needs God. Just because it was the first doesn't mean its especially blessed by God. The heresies of purgatory, praying to saints, the deification of Mary, and other abominations, have turned the catholic church into a satanic mockery of what it should have been. Christians have no obligation to revere or accept authority from the RCC. Sure it may have been first, but it also left God long ago.

I'm a former catholic. When I witness to catholics, I treat them like I would a cult member.

MrMannn, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [7/13/2008 6:59:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 42750

[Mr. Mohler tells us how archeology has no bearing on the authenticity of the Christian religion.]

Authentic Christianity is based upon the inscripturated revelation of God -- the Bible -- as our authority. In the end, archaeology cannot prove or disprove the biblical text. Nothing can be found, or not found, that should shake our faith in the total truthfulness and trustworthiness of the Word of God. Archaeology can expand our knowledge and understanding, but cannot establish the authority for our faith.

Albert Mohler, AlbertMohler.com 38 Comments [7/13/2008 6:56:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Captain Janeway

Quote# 42759

[To John L. Armstrong:]
Why are though speding so much time on destroying a mans beliefs.
How many of your days have passed annoying others and being pushed off. The faith of so many erks you into locking yourself into your blue little room for days. Its not that you cant believe, its that you wont. and i wonder how to measure your egotistical life. Jesus just knocked on your door man; you came out with a bat, pushed him down your yard and spit on him. even if jesus werent real, thats a mean thing to do. Oh and the
way you blink is very gay.

enzodriver, Youtube 33 Comments [7/13/2008 6:54:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: SeenAndNotSeen

Quote# 42793

How do you feel about the recent attempts by Christians to avoid getting their kids a real education?

Answer : Pros and Cons of Christian School:


1. No shootings
2. No evolution
3. No drugs
4. No cursing
5. No gay


1. I do not get to have sex before marriage
2. No beer
3. I do not get to get stoned
4. I don't get to beat up everyone that makes me mad
5. I don't get to be touched by gay people

Man, you're right i do live a deprived life don't i? I personally think the exact opposite of you.... When creation was taught what was the world like? When the Bible was in public schools what was the world like? But clearly evolution has done more to serve our fellow man....

I might have to deal with all of those things in the future yes, but in my christian school they are preparing me for my walk with Christ and how to react when i encounter those things...

Social skills? So let's see go to a public school with 60 kids in my grade, not be able to play basketball, not many friends become emo.... Good social skills.... Now in my christian school everyone is accepted, everyone gets to play sports, and we learn not to judge other people

Chris, Yahoo Answers 76 Comments [7/13/2008 1:17:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42763

These are some of the things that sum up the contributing factors that I believe are the main reasons children are murdering others:

1. Our national preoccupation with violence that has saturated all forms of the media which desensitizes human emotions by exposure to so much murder and preoccupation with death.

2. The absence of strong parenting due to the increase of both parents working. Also, the lack of a strong father figure in homes due to divorce rising.

3. Ignorance of Biblical truths that show parents how to deal with problem children. Parents don't recognize that their children need deliverance from demonic influences. This is a spiritual problem and cannot be solved by just therapy or medication alone.

4. Lack of prayer for our youth in our homes and our schools. (Since prayer was removed from our schools in 1962 the rate of crime among our youth has escalated).

5. The influence of cultic and witchcraft practices in our society.

6. The failure of Christians to reach out to the misfits in our society with the gospel.

7. Lack of discipline with a permissive humanistic influence toward children.

8.)Lack of teaching our children standards and absolutes as outlined in the Bible.

9. Lack of regard for human life as demonstrated through abortion, euthanasia and evolutionary teachings of the survival of the fittest.

10. The lack of teaching our children Biblical truths that promote character and teach them how to deal with the emotions of anger, hatred and revenge that lead to murder.

Bottom line... our problem has been one of sin and selfishness in this nation and now we are reaping the fruit of that sin. Unless we all take responsibility for repenting and doing our part to change this world for the better, tragedies will continue to increase and get worse. Many have thought the gun and violence issue was the result of poverty in the inner cities or a lack of education, so more money was poured into our education system. It is not a lack of money but a lack of God and character in our society that has produced this violence and until we come back to Christian principles in our world evil will continue to abound.

Your mature thoughts on this?

MrDavid, Gametrailers 48 Comments [7/13/2008 1:13:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Lautsi

Quote# 42746

Theists, does it surprise any of you that most atheists are upstanding members of society?

That we DO NOT worship the devil, eat our young, get pregnant just to have abortions, or kill for fun?

Based on some of the questions lately, I think that some of you actually think most of us do that stuff all the time.

Answer : I would like to see some facts and proof of your statement.

stullerrl, Yahoo Answers 39 Comments [7/13/2008 1:13:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 42807

In Revelation, Jesus is a prize fighter with a tattoo down His leg, a sword in His hand and the commitment to make someone bleed. That is a guy I can worship. I cannot worship the hippie, diaper, halo Christ because I cannot worship a guy I can beat up.

Mark Driscoll, quoted by Steve Wood, www.stevewood.cc 57 Comments [7/13/2008 1:08:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: spinetingler