Quote# 42530
(Fundie letters to McDonalds in regards to the company supporting the gay and lesbian community)
McDonald's is not my kind of place, for God they have disgraced. No more purchases of hamburgers or fries to support the spreading of lies. What happened to your values - or has it been contaminated by your revenues. McDonalds your arch is not so golden and I am disappointed that corporate sponsors have allowed this action. Thank God there are other fast food establishments to support."
"For years we have eaten at your restaurant. For years have taken teens to Christian functions and ALWAYS stopped at McDonald's. I am sorry to see that you choose to ignore God's teachings against homosexualism. Our world is becoming more and more wicked and this is only making it more so. We will never eat at another McDonald's, we will not take children or grandchildren there. We will see that all of our friends know of this, and recommend they act in like manner. I am sorry that you have chosen not to follow God's laws. I wonder where your future customers will come from since 2 males or 2 females cannot procreate."
"Your success will soon be coming to a halt. There are too many CHRISTians that will read this story and will immediately change fast food establishments. The Golden Arches will fall."
"Dear Mr. Ceo, What you do sexually is between you and God but to take a Restaurant and make it about sexuality is not just stupid it's Crazy! What are you thinking? Look at Ford, don't let your sin blind you, We will pray for you and your company and we won't be back, till you decide to remain neutral which is the only real choice here,"
"It's ashame that McDonald's hates homosexuals by not wanting them to be born again by God's spirit in Jesus, as we all must be to see God's kingdom. How can I continue to give my money to this business?"
"We DO NOT NEED a "BrokeBack" McDonalds further destroying the fabric of OUR NATION !"
"the next thing you know RONALD will be molesting our children. No big macks for this family."
"Dear McDonalds Corp, This is NOT a hate letter directed to you against anyone. It is my deepest sadness that you will not stand for the original family unit which includes a MALE AND FEMALE...the way God intended a family to be. You are standing for perverted sexual preferences which is NOT what made this country strong for over 200 years. There will be no Mc Cafe for our family...something I was looking forward to trying. Please listen to the MAJORITY and quit using your company to further the gay/lesbian agenda which is NOT the voice of AMERICA!"
"I'm so saddened by your stance. Your choice goes against the very "intolerance" that you claim not to support. Your decision tells me you are intolerant to my Christian beliefs." And you call yourself a family place??? We've eaten our last meal at McDonald's! This is something you should not be involved in. Your business is serving the public not being in this kind of ungodly organization.""
anonymous fundies,
Boycott McDonald's-A Project of the American Family Assoc. 73 Comments [7/9/2008 12:14:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4