Quote# 43410
(in response to a poster who asked if it's OK for his wife to have male friends)
I am also a hardliner on this. When people get married, they do so because they want to spend their life together as husband and wife, not just buds who live together and want to hang out with other opposite-sex "people of interest" which defeats the whole purpose of being married and eventually splits the two apart. I would tell you what I think really about it, but I won't because I don't wan't to discourage you unnecessarily, just in case.
BUT, if my wife ever blew me off to meet with another man to hangout, I think I'd make myself perfectly clear and there wouldn't be ANY mincing of words. I'll just leave it at that.
Rapture Ready 68 Comments [7/23/2008 7:35:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Lazy One