Quote# 43216

[On a thread asking if atheist is spelt 'Atheist' or 'atheist']

I have never met a true atheist. To me, to be an atheist you would have to have PROOF of the non-existence of God. Since you cannot prove it, therefore, there is no such thing as an atheist. That would move them into the agnostic category.

Dispachc..., Yahoo! Answers 57 Comments [7/21/2008 2:49:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 43187

[Comment on an article about the fundie bill for the redefinition of contraception as abortion]

of course life begins at "conception." The issue is the meaning of the latter term. As far as I'm concerned, conception begins when a guy gets a hardon for a chick.........or even thinks of of having sex (a la Jimmy Carter). If truth be told, every guy, straight or gay who's coontempleted sex with the likes of Marilyn M, or for my generation Elizebeth T, and failed to follow through is guilty of murder. I suppose that the chicks that turned us down are equally guilty. Lord save us all.

musicinmay, BuzzFlash.com [comments] 76 Comments [7/21/2008 2:04:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Epic Wolf

Quote# 43212

it's like everything just fizzled out. No really bad weather occurrences or natural disasters lately. It looks like we just missed sailing over a cliff on Wall Street. And even gas prices are going back down -- by a lot.

Hooray, right?

So why do I feel so disappointed?

Jubilee on Earth, Rapture Ready 53 Comments [7/21/2008 2:04:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher Lee

Quote# 43184

[About evolutionists]

Now, what's important to note, more important than the fact that they were wrong, is just how wrong they were. You see, they were wrong by a factor of a few million.

They thought [different types of dinosaurs] lived millions of years apart, they turned out to be living at the same time. Wow. Now, if they're wrong about the man-from-monkey thing, hoho-boy! That's a bad mistake to make. I mean, if God made us in his image, and you think you came from a monkey, that is a baaad mistake to make, I mean that's baaad.

MySweetLordJesus aka VenomfangX, Youtube 42 Comments [7/21/2008 1:32:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 43280

(FSTDT or CTSDT? Read and YOU decide)

Quote from: winstonsmith on Today at 10:01:04 AM
Roll Eyes Says he in the gay bashing thread.

Gays bash themselves by sticking their dick where it's not supposed to be

Quote from: winstonsmith on Today at 10:01:04 AM
Yep, go ahead and condemn the PPTV paying members who give to money bombs, yet don't adhere to Phelpsian doctrine.

I give to money bombs.

Ya know what...conversation over...I've had it with the Christ-hating scum around here

Alex, know them by their fruits. You are courting athiests and anarchists at the expense of Christian patriots. This country was founded by Christians....it can only be preserved and saved by Christians....we don't have time for this "be nice to the athiests and sodomites so they don't get their feelings hurt" bullshit anymore

GentlemanVilain, PrisonPlanet 26 Comments [7/20/2008 11:17:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 43244

Yet Another post that Wayne Doesn't Believe he is a Mammal

"Yes, men DO have mammary glands. So? That STILL doesn't prove to me we are mammals or animals."

Wayne, Topix Christian Forum 60 Comments [7/20/2008 8:14:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Atheist

Quote# 43191

What's wrong with Christianity in schools?

Why can you teech darwins theory but not God's? It might affend someone? boo frickedy hoo! What if im affended by darwin? Does anyone care? I think not. So why should i care if an athiest gets affended by me praying at lunch or having a Bible in the school? Why is it okay for other religions to be taught but not christianity? Wasn't America founded for religios and moral freedom? I want a good reason why it's ok for athiests and not Christians.

Answer : they hated Jesus then.....they hate His followers now.
It's always gonna be that way here...until He takes us home.

E, Yahoo Answers 71 Comments [7/20/2008 7:50:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 43179

History shows us that our country was based on Christian principles, Christian morals, and Christian ethics. Contrary to modern public education, a cursory investigation shows that the Founding Fathers (or Framers, if you prefer) were overwhelmingly Christians, not Deists. Therefore, they would have agreed with most of the "fundies" of today. However, the key is that Fundamental Christians don't want to see homosexuality purged from the land, a la Reconquista. Rather, we don't want to see homosexual civil unions to be treated like heterosexual marriage, because one is a holy union and the other is an abomination (as prescribed by Leviticus 18, and later in Jesus' words).

Truly, the letter of the law giveth death. But Christianity is the fulfillment of the Law through Jesus Christ, and through Him, there is life. Now, that's another discussion for another day, but the point I'd like to make is that in a doom-and-gloom comparison, global warming advocacy beats the southern Baptists any day.

Is there something terribly wrong with displaying such simple rules as "Do not murder", "Do not steal", and "Do not cheat on your wife"? I would think that these are ethical concepts that, for lack of a better example, are the baby thrown out with the bathwater, even for non-religious people. The ethics are good for all mankind, while Christians and the like interpret them as morals. (Also for another fuller conversation)

commandoJAF, Comatose Induction 49 Comments [7/20/2008 5:13:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Sword of Death

Quote# 43180

What were the first 4 original dog breeds?
I heard on TBN that there were 4 original dog breeds that were on Noah's arch. what are these 4 breeds..thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Actually dont' listen to the naysayers there is scientific documented evidence for the flood and for the ark... so you can start researching that too.

I ma not sure how much information was available I know that Aristotle wrote about dogs Molossar (Mastiffs etc) .. that was 350 BC

Pharoahs had dogs... etc...

YOu might have to research some ancient writings etc. to find out more about your specifics.

basham_amanda/Zinger, Yahoo! Answers 34 Comments [7/20/2008 5:05:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jes

Quote# 43256

"Gays" do have the same rights as everyone else. They are allowed to marry a woman, and I am allowed to marry a woman. They are not allowed to marry a man, and I am not allowed to marry a man. Therefore, we have the same rights.

ElijahFalling, Christian Forums 51 Comments [7/20/2008 3:29:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 43242

Babies are, as they say "vipers in diapers", no more worthy of eternal life than the most grievous sinner.

This may seem unfair, but it is only because you and I do not realize how hopelessly wicked our heart is.

carolus magnus, Theology Online 66 Comments [7/20/2008 3:17:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Hamster

Quote# 43175

I'm not afraid by you people. Just like Daneil wasn't afraid. When God'd closed the lions mouths.

LoneWolf1984, FSTDT comments 48 Comments [7/20/2008 3:00:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 43172

[It is NOT IMMORAL for muslims to have non-muslims as slaves and sex slaves; But it is definitely IMMORAL for non-Muslims to own Muslim slaves -- Allah Diya, MTD & NAV;
WHY? None could answer]

Its because Muslims are better.

jbn, FFI 35 Comments [7/20/2008 3:00:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: ixolite

Quote# 43167

Very clear about the catastrophes being warnings sweeping across the USA over the last years. They're intensifying and bringing our nation to its knees economically. Not to mention other problems like oil, gas and rising prices, etc.

But, the recent floodings, killer tornadoes and now the hurricane season is upon us to add to America's current poised status of total collapse economically.

The most recent example of God's warnings is California's March 15th, 2008 Supreme Court decision to allow SAME-SEX-MARRIAGES amongst homosexuals.

God's response? Send an unprecedented LIGHTNING BOLT SYSTEM from the Pacific Ocean igniting the greatest fire catastrophe in California's history.
And where are [still today] ALL of the fires? Exactly. In northern California and surrounding the GAY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD: San Francisco.

It's no accident that on June 24th, 2008 [not even 6 weeks after Calif's Court decision honoring GAYS, March 15, 2008] that 800 lighting bolts struck NORTHERN CALFIFORNIA and ignted an unparalleled fire disaster in the state's history, to this day still attempting to put all the fires out.

Mercifully, almost no lives were lost since it is not God's plan to wipe us out, yet. If He had wanted to do that He would have done it awhile back because of America's wholesale destroying of over 40million babies since 1973's Roe vs. Wade.

1EndTimeVoice, Topix Christian Forum 55 Comments [7/20/2008 3:00:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Atheist

Quote# 43255

I am neither an extremist nor a fundie. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, that everything in it is literal fact, that God did not lie when he said it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man, and that no true Christian could possibly be okay with the liberal takeover of America by a mob of blasphemers who mock God's laws by making homosexuals into higher citizens than Bible-believing Christians.

ElijahFalling, Christian Forums 60 Comments [7/20/2008 2:58:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 43162

You said that if you were God you would make an appearance, the God of the Bible made numerous appearances, do you now believe? No? Then that makes you a hypocrite. You said you'd make your holy book more accurate, a question about that, what part of the Bible is inaccurate? You said the four pillars thing, that means the social world as in society. Other parts of the Bible state that the physical world floats above nothingness. Other parts of the Bible speak about ocean trenches, which until modern times, have been impossible to find, now how could that be?

Spectersparten, Youtube Comments 20 Comments [7/20/2008 2:56:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Malkavian Jeff

Quote# 43110

By the way, God did not give His son, as in to hand over or to command. He allowed Jesus, who from eternity and clothed in divine majesty, voluntarily left his throne in condescension from the companionship of the heavenly hosts, and with the garb of human flesh, died the worst form of execution known to man. Now if sin could have been dealt with in any other manner, do you suppose a loving God, and yes, a loving Father, would have yielded to such a plan? Sin is no minor issue, folks, for in full cooperation with the Father, it cost the Son of God dearly. But in order for the human race to be released from the bonds and consequence of sin, a loving Savior chose to not forebear. What an AWESOME God. God is good. All the time.

smchew3, AOL 30 Comments [7/20/2008 2:54:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: K2D2

Quote# 43174

The apostate is killed, yea, i rather enjoy it, its better than spending 5 million to jail them for 65 years. Its also Eco-friendly. Dead bodies furtulize the ground. Thus, the more dead bodies, the better the topsoil. Also, it helps stop dissent, people are elss likely to doing what they clearly know is wrong. And heretical/incorrect [same thing pretty much] ideas are less likely to spread. Why do you think muslims were the second longest rule on earth? From 6th century to 1911..thats a pretty long rule. Bested only by the egyptians..but really, it was only because the egyptians were never challanged.

Human rights are a through and through myth. Humans have no say in their rights.

jbn, FFI 37 Comments [7/20/2008 10:02:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: ixolite

Quote# 43211

I don't understand why everything has to be FACT with you all!!! let me ask you something, "Have you ever seen the wind?" no, no one has, but you see the effects of the wind, which by that, you know that it is there. This is the same idea with God.. I haven't seen him physically face-to face, but I can see Him moving in my life. How do you think miracles happen? Is there scientific data to explain those? By the way, none of the evolution theory is fact either. Also, if God isn't real, why is our whole timeline named after Him?(B.C. and A.D.) Why is "In God we trust." on American coins? Why to people blasphemy God's name and not Buddha's or Muhammid's names. Also, just what if my idea of Creationism and Cristianity is real? you have nothing to loose by believing in it, but you have everyting to loose by not! God Bless You.

Jennifer, TalkOrigins 45 Comments [7/20/2008 9:52:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 43250

Hello everyone,
This is my first post here and I hope that what I am about to relate will not offend anybody. I am in need of help and deliverance and I hope that we can approach this matter with a mature and Christ-like attitude.

For the last several years, I have been under demonic attack and I have been afflicted by severe bowel disturbances. I have seen two doctors and neither of them have found anything medically wrong with me. They have attributed my gastro-intestinal problems to 'stress.' However, I have done some research into the issue and found that the ancient church often associated severe intestinal distress with demonic activity. For example, Martin Luther linked his chronic constipation to his ongoing struggle with the devil.

I will try not to go into great detail, but needless to say, this issue has caused me a lot of social trauma in the last few years. The timing of the demonic attack is always well-planned to disrupt my ministry and witness. I serve as an elder at the church I attend, and from time to time I will be called up to give a message or teach a Bible study. During these times, the devil always afflicts me with a gas attack, leading to obvious discomfort and embarassment while I am preaching my message. This also seems to happen during social gatherings and when I'm in a meeting with our pastor or other leaders of the church. Often, the rumblings from my gastro-intestinal tract sound like muttered swear words or like voices mocking Jesus. I am not the only one who has noticed this. I suffered an attack in an elevator at a conference I went to a few months ago, and one of the men in the elevator thought that he had heard me swearing at him and using an expletive involving the name of Christ. A sulfuric stench always accompanies these attacks and sometimes they can be extremely painful.

Has anyone here had a similar experience of demonic attack? Would you join me in praying that God would heal me and take this humiliating affliction away from me? If you have any tips on how I can rebuke the demons that are attacking me and prevent such incidents from happening in the future, I would be extremely grateful.

Thank you for your help.

In Christ,
Bert Sanders

Bert Sanders, Ministering Deliverance 70 Comments [7/20/2008 9:47:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 43234

If his holiness would like to crusade the middle east, he would first need to wage war against liberalism, as the cursed EU wouldn't support a new crusade. We would need to reinvent feudalism and righteous monarchies. The holy inquisition would need to be reestablished.

Zealous Zeth, Catholic Answers 49 Comments [7/20/2008 8:13:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By:

Quote# 43181

(During a conversation on "Feeling odd about doing things, knowing Jesus is coming so soon." This particular one actually made me sad.)

This is exactly how I feel! I had always held to my desire to marry and have a family. But I came to realize, through God speaking to my heart, that it may not come to pass. And the desire has diminished over the past two months. And today, it really hit me. I'd MUCH rather be raptured away now than marry and have a family. And I realize that even if we're around for a while, I'm spared having to worry about how to care for my children. But any hopes or plans for the future really don't appeal to me any more. I hear people talking about hoping to marry their boyfriend/girlfriend in the future, and it just strikes me as strange.

I do feel that pull away. People still seem so concerned with their plans, and with having fun. I'm much more interested in looking for Jesus.

Jennifleur, RaptureReady 63 Comments [7/20/2008 2:15:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Smith

Quote# 43141

Well, I don't think pretending sin is OK is a good way to be salt and light. Light uncovers darkness, salt is a seasoning, if it's trampled underfoot it loses it's "saltiness" so we must not let ourselves be trampled underfoot and pretend that sin is OK so that others will "like" us.
Gays and Lesbians can only reproduce by "temporarily" coming back to the straight lifestyle. Biologically it's a dead end, sociologically it's not good for society and according to the Bible it's sin, which is death. Pretending otherwise won't make it otherwise. It's not like they CAN'T reproduce and I'm "hurting their feelings", they reject God's plan for mankind and choose a lifestyle that is not reproductive.
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah must have been extremely unChristlike, by that logic.
There was no anger in my email, I know that corporations don't care about morality so I was using logic to point out the financial folly of choosing 2% of the population over the vast majority. I spent my teenage and college years in gay bars, I know the lifestyle. After seeing everyone I know either die young or end up old and alone, I know firsthand it's not a healthy lifestyle and I'm not going to be "politically correct" and pretend it is, so everyone can be secure and happy in their sinning. I'd rather try to warn and save them, because I believe to the bottom of my soul that we will all answer to God one day, and I'd rather make someone think about their sinful lifestyle and feel uncomfortable with it in the short run, and be saved in the long run, that just let them go to hell so they'll like me, or so that I won't come off as one of those "confrontational Christians" that society is vilifying.

tygerkittn, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [7/20/2008 1:47:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 43205

[QUOTE]The brain of a homosexual has a smaller hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls the 4 "F's" fighting, fleeing, feeding and "reproduction") than a hetero male. It's around the same size as a woman's.]

That's just a myth made up by the same drunk atheist "scientists" who created the fairytale of evolution. You wouldn't be able to convince me even if you gave me a room full of "evidence".

[you can't choose who you're attracted to]

I think General Franco's falangist soldiers would like to have a word with you, Lumen.

Zealous Zeth, CF 40 Comments [7/20/2008 1:42:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By:

Quote# 43197

I'm very Blackcoat Jew on this. I say there should be no 'friendships' with those of the opposite sex.

Adultery doesn't begin with zippers and buttons coming undone. It starts with a conversation.

I call 'getting lunch' with some guy dead wrong. It's a date, it's disrespectful, and it looks bad.

ShannonWallace, RR 64 Comments [7/20/2008 12:42:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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