Quote# 45820

I keep feeling like I have to tell everyone Jesus is coming.. Even when it will embarrass the heck out of me.. like to family members...
Just yesterday I called my brother and was trying so hard to talk to him.. I was failing in a big way... I was shaking and my jaw was shaking so much I could not hardly talk..
The strange things is that he and his wife attend church all the time and their family in in church 3 times a week..
I finally just came out with it.. I've no clue how come I was struggling so hard.. It was the oddest thing I've felt in over three years.. I mean I've been emotional before.. But to be almost unable to speak and shaking and fumbling all over my words... it was pretty strange..

I 'm sure it was the holy spirit working through me.. that was a tough battle for me to fight... God won though.... hehe as if he wouldn't lol

phyrehart, RaptureReady 28 Comments [8/25/2008 1:47:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 45799

The progressive movement had to destroy the idea of a deity because they could not argue against biblical prophesy to promote their ideas of abortion, Global warming dooming mankind instead of the book of revelations. In other words, they do not believe in Divine Will but in moral realitive solutions put forth by secular atheist scholars. Of course the progressives are Machiavellian in their claiming they believe as evangelicals do when we mostly know they are using that bull simply to gain power.

linymo, CBS News 18 Comments [8/25/2008 1:45:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: RavenWood

Quote# 45805


heavenlyangellourdes, God Tube 35 Comments [8/25/2008 1:40:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: doomie 22

Quote# 45796

I've got two questions for Dr. Bradley. Comparing Stalin and Hitler's death camps to Christ's justice of hell is ludicrous. God is a divine being made into the flesh to suffer and feel our pain so He can be a more compassionate and loving God. So how can you compare Hitler and Stalin's judgments with God almighty, the creator of man? Should not Satan be condemned to hell for his pride? How can man try to set himself up as God, above God? Two questions.

Random Psychopath, Craig-Bradley Debate 25 Comments [8/25/2008 1:32:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bill O'Rly

Quote# 45814

God glorifies Himself in two ways. In His grace in saving the elect and in His justice in damning the reprobate.

(So he creates people he KNOWS will fail, just so he can punish them. How is that loving?)

You know, it seems that everyone expects God to be some soft fluffy bunny type deity who just turns a blind eye and refuses to punish people people because he love, all love and nothing but love. You seem to want to require Him to be God almatey rather than God almighty. God is holy, just and righteous. Sin is abhorant to Him and we have broken every one of His laws. God is merciful and graceous if you are still alive and well this time tomorrow. Grace is undeserved. It can't be demanded.

ukchristian28, YouTube 35 Comments [8/25/2008 11:39:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 45879

I am kinda curious. If Obama is elected, what will our flag look like??? And then what will be the new National anthem???? And then I suppose the history books will be re-written saying that the founding fathers were socialists. What have we done?!?!?!?!?!?!

Saved Sarge, Rapture Ready 64 Comments [8/25/2008 6:20:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 45792

"Atheistic" {a.k.a. godless/hedonist} behavior is what lands people in? prison. 100% of the violent crimes are perpetrated by folks who follow no moral code i.e. "atheists."

procommenter, Youtube comment 79 Comments [8/25/2008 3:55:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Enkidu

Quote# 45786

show me someone who has left Islam in "peace". They are 100% guranteed to spread lies and hate about islam to others, which is why they should be killed.

telon5, Youtube comment 34 Comments [8/25/2008 2:35:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Enkidu

Quote# 45741

In an April 9, 2007, posts to her website and the Illinois Review blog, Stanek wrote: "The following, if true, is what abortion and the dehumanization of preborn babies has wrought. It is the most despicable outcome of abortion I have ever seen or reported. Yet, if one is 'pro-choice' and denies that preborn humans are human, there is nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It can't even be considered cannibalism."

She then cited a March 29, 2007, Epoch Times article, which reported: "The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals..."

After a reader questioned the truth of the claims, Stanek wrote: "[A]ccording to Wikipedia, The Epoch Times is an anti-Chinese-government newspaper. Wikipedia compares The Next Magazine, from whence Epoch got its information, to a sensationalist type paper. That said, Wikipedia is accessible by all to skew, including the Chinese government.

And there are good sensationalist news organizations, like Drudge (and even the Enquirer these days), and bad sensationalist rags that boast alien abductions on their front page. But I've read legitimate news stories of the Chinese doing strange things with embryos. So I think this stuff is happening. And that last photo in particular looks real"

Jill Stanek, Media Matters 27 Comments [8/25/2008 2:31:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 45790

"In response to Hallmark now selling gay wedding cards"

er it’s forcing me to explain to my kids why two men or two women are doing what they are doing.

I have to explain that nature did not intend for two of the same sex to be together and that they like to be together for perverted sexual acts

mvpel, FreeRepublic.com 51 Comments [8/25/2008 2:31:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45767

(Homosexuality is the new Hula Hoop...that will destroy the world?)

(Originally Posted by NewWorldOrder
so, if it's the "in" thing right now, will it eventually go out of style? Here's hoping.)

If you are a history geek like me....the unfortunate thing is that it only goes out of style after it has destroyed the hosting city...or realm...or country.

Sometimes knowing history (in order to not repeat it) can be depressing.

Seriously, the only hope is for people who see this for what it is to stand up and say "I will not shut up, this is wrong". If we can't do that, well.....there is nothing new under the sun and history really truly does repeat itself.

funmudder, RaptureReady 34 Comments [8/25/2008 2:31:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 45783

"Reason is Faith's greatest Enemy," i saw this on a church billboard sign in front lawn and?

wanted to know what you guys thought about this statement?

Answer :Reason is not the enemy of faith unless your "reasoning" conflicts with the Word of God. God is always right.

Frankly in order for a person to be an athiest he has to set reasoning aside and accept it in faith.

Athiests reject the laws of thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics make it clear that someting can't just pop into existance from absolute nothing with absolutely no cause yet atheists claim that this is the way the universe came into being. Athiests also claim inanimate matter just began to live even though this has never been observed in a laboratory

Buddy R, Yahoo Answers 33 Comments [8/25/2008 2:31:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 45781

I don't even know why this is a question. Let's see - one candidate wants to given abortions in the school nurses office (but not aspirin), wants to silence the word of the LORD in our churches, promote a muslim agenda by leaving the middle east (even though he claims to be christian!), promote equal rights for women, teach evolution as fact in our schools, and give away our tax money in non-religious programs to people who don't work!

I don't see any other choice, unless you're some kind of homosexual or athiest.

Freed_From_Sin, Rapture Ready 33 Comments [8/25/2008 2:29:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Bill O'Rly

Quote# 45777

I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. My mom likes him because his children are well dressed!

You see, what bothers me most, besides that he is a Communist, and a whitey- hater, (although he is half white), is that he is a LIAR. He pretends to be a Christian and he incriminates himself everytime he speaks about Christianity. To lie about being a believer in Christ is very dangerous. Lightning could strike him at any minute! But seriously, he doesn't have a clue what the Bible says and yet he pretends to be a church- going Christian to win votes. That is sooooo evil.

I know my stance might keep me from LA jobs, since (almost) the whole town is liberal but, some time in a man's life, or a bleach blonde 49 year old woman's life, one must stand for what they believe in, and put truth before popularity.

[there's much more on the site...]

Victoria Jackson (former SNL castmember), VictoriaJackson.com 57 Comments [8/25/2008 2:28:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: funky fresh salad

Quote# 45797

There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children

Ulster Democratic Unionist Party MP Iris Robinson, 365gay.com 43 Comments [8/25/2008 1:46:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Padraigin

Quote# 45747

Of course we could be wrong but I have a strong sense of foreboding involving the DNC or the end of the Olympics. It just seems improbable (for some strange reason) that we will actually have a presidential election. Isn't that a weird feeling?

cynthiann, Rapture Ready 40 Comments [8/25/2008 1:18:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 45750

I think I am so lucky I was indoctrinated by my parents and was born in the right country, those people in muslims countries ,hindu countries or atheists countries will all go to hell, tortured forever.
I AM SO, SO LUCKY, WE CHRISTIANS HAVE THE TRUTH, all the other people are wrong, we have the religion that "saves".
I almost feel sorry for the others that will experience the HORRORS of hell, but not us Christians , we will be spared those tortures.
Thank God I was born in the right country!!!!
Christianity saves, HALLELUJAH!

Smiley, Yahoo! Answers 43 Comments [8/25/2008 12:45:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: doomie 22

Quote# 45770

And most cultist are fully convienced they have the right faith. So anything must be done in Love, with respect, and with God's Word.

Wally, RaptureReady 38 Comments [8/25/2008 12:19:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45746

[Editor's Note: The "emergent church" is a progressive Christian movement rooted in postmodernism. It emphasizes open dialogue and non-traditional models of church.]

The greatest threat to world peace is radical Islam. If not for the United States, millions more would be suffering under the tyranny of sharia law all over the world. Our Muslim enemies know post-Christian Europe has already lost the will to fight. Africa, Asia, and South America seem to be already lost. Russia, China, and India would rather trade than fight…for now. And the United Nations continues to be irrelevant.

Only the United States, and more specifically, only the conservative, evangelical Christians of America are who stand between radical Islam and their quest for global domination.

If the world is to be saved from Muslim conquest, it will be America who does it. And if America is to be saved, only conservatism can do it. And if conservatism is to be saved, it will be those Bible-believing patriots who do it–those conservative, evangelical Christians who are the bedrock of the American way of life.


Which is why al Qaeda supports the emergent church.

The emergent church is an ally in the war against radical Islam–al Qaeda’s ally. Not in the sense they are supplying bullets and bombs to Osama, of course, but in the sense they are weakening our conviction to fight.

Frank Pastore, Town Hall 32 Comments [8/25/2008 12:03:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 45785

If you don't believe God created all living things, male and female, in 6 days....
How many millions of years was it between the first male and the first female?

Unknown, Missing Universe Museum 38 Comments [8/24/2008 11:56:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 45813

I have a funny story on this. Last week at church someone was playing with the replica we have of the shofar, and blew a long blast through it. It was our Bi-monthly pot luck, so lots of people were there. When we all heard the horn the whole place went quiet, and everyone was looking around. My pastor said, "False alarm," and everyone let out a small, but loud sigh...
your not alone at all as everyone here has said.
I was really, really hoping that it was time to go home.
[Makes me want to find a Raptard's house and play a trumpet or shofar outside of it]

colo25, RaptureReady 40 Comments [8/24/2008 11:18:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 45802

[Referring to separation of church and state]

A false, non-existent statement that isn't written anywhere in the Constitution. This is also a liberal policy that I do not believe in.

I do not believe in Separation of Church and State. I'll practice my religion publicly if I want to, Libs!

Republican Warrior, Urban Dictionary 34 Comments [8/24/2008 11:16:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: BigD1987

Quote# 45788

So how many people do atheists have to mock and slander before they think they can make God's Word go away? How many years have you and other atheists been doing this in the last 2,000 years? And where has it gotten you? Nowhere except to increase your anger. If anyone had proven that God doesn't exist, then forums like these wouldn't exist because there would be no point in them.

So let's say your anger turns to murder. How many people would you have to murder to think you can make God's Word go away? Everybody who believes in God? Then what? Then where would you turn your hatred of God? Would you start shooting the air? Or possibly using explosions? Then what? So how can your anger change whether or not God exists? If it can't, what purpose does it serve except to make you more angry and possibly turn you into murderers?Or is your only joy in life expressing hatred? If so, when will it be satisfied?

Carico, FSTDT forum 41 Comments [8/24/2008 10:56:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: starbrewer

Quote# 45818

first thing this morning (not awake) i read, "Obama names Biden as running mate".........and Osama Bin Laden comes immediately to mind..

MovinOnUp, RaptureReady 37 Comments [8/24/2008 10:10:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45727

For anyone who is Christian or has a close relationship with God...please help.?

how do you deal with athiest people?...i mean i dont argue them and i respect their view points but i just want to lead them in the right way if you know what i mean...it hurts me to see people who are athiest...any suggestions to "how to guid them in the right direction?"...like idk what to say when their like "i dont get how people can belive that God came out of no where, but the universe cant?"...I tell them...God didnt just come out of nowhere, hes always exsisted..but they dont listen...they all seem to be so close-minded!...but i guess just talking to them about it plants a seed? right?...and thats the first step, isnt it?.....what are some good ways to plants seeds you guys??? and to maybe convince a nonbeliver to belive?

Casey F, Yahoo Answers 35 Comments [8/24/2008 10:10:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Lola Flores