Quote# 45720

The people of Noah's day had never even seen rain, so the idea of a flood was completely foreign to them.

[See also posts further down in the same thread, agreeing with the idea that the Flood was the first time it ever rained.]

ZeldaCA, RaptureReady 30 Comments [8/24/2008 1:16:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Patrick

Quote# 45710

Even the most brilliant atheist minds can not understand the simple concept God used in Noah and his family. God could have destroyed every animal on earth and started over again without two of every kind but God used Noah for many years as he was building the ark to warn sinful man of the impending FLOOD. NOBODY listened and in fact I'm sure they joked and laughed. Man is NO DIFFERENT today than they were 4000 years ago. God can easily repopulate the earths animals as He sees fit.

bornagain001, YouTube 32 Comments [8/24/2008 1:13:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: randomcollision

Quote# 45707

[NOTE: I've sent other stuff on this, but Hallmark's decision to sell same-sex marriage cards is making the fundies need more waaahmbulances than usual. Maybe someone oughta send them a card to cheer them up?]

Hallmark Greeting Cards has announced it will begin selling same-sex wedding cards, even though same-sex marriage is legal in only two states. The purpose, they say, is to satisfy consumer demand. It appears that their purpose is also to push same-sex marriage. Last year Hallmark began offering "coming out" cards - as in "coming out of the closet" -- a euphemism for announcing homosexuality.

We've all given or received Hallmark Cards – remember their slogan – "when you care enough to send the very best." But promoting same-sex marriage for profit is not the very best for families or our nation.

Hallmark is a private company obviously driven by greed. Let them know you do not appreciate Hallmark promoting a lifestyle which is illegal in 48 states. American Greeting Cards, Hallmark's competitor, does not offer same-sex marriage cards.

AFA Action Alert, American Family Association 44 Comments [8/24/2008 1:12:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 45769

When a cultist approaches me and begins prostelytizing I do not allow them to waste their time or mine by debating.

Instead I politely present the Gospel in the simplest terms possible. I always emphasize how deeply Jesus loves them by sacrificing His life for them. This is usually when the "deer in the headlights" look appears but it's OK -- at least they heard what they needed to hear.

One thing I learned years ago is to NEVER allow cult members, New Age believers, or whatever to go on lecturing at length. We have the AUTHORITY in Christ to lovingly yet boldly cover over their blasphemies with His truth! (nodding smilie)

BarbT, RaptureReady 33 Comments [8/24/2008 1:10:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45703

Loneliness person. I know why you really never married, Its because you are a gay man and you sound like a total sperm burper. I hope that the AIDS will soon strike you and quickly remove you from this planet. You won't be lonely in hell. Peace out whores

d few, Yahoo! Music Comments (Comment #8) 27 Comments [8/24/2008 1:01:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Darth_Toxic

Quote# 45704

Think about it this way - what would Jesus do? Would he forgive me, or would he report me for trolling? Obviously he would forgive me and not report me. So unless you dont believe in God! you will NOT report me, and if you already had reported me, will will retract your report!!

KrazyNinjaman3, Gamefaqs 26 Comments [8/24/2008 12:51:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: That Goggles Kid

Quote# 45763

Considering that Jesus was the first fundamentalist, then "non-fundy" Christians aren't true Christians.

carico, FSTDT forum 38 Comments [8/24/2008 12:12:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45706

[first post]

WWII was based on Atheist ideals. Evolutionism (Racial supremacy), Anti-religion (Holocaust). I guess the Atheists are responsible for the most horrendous atrocities of the 20th century. Stalin was an Atheist too.

And everyone knows that Wars are about money. People can use religion as an excuse, but in the end it's about money.

And Muslims are just as responsible for the Crusades as Christians are. Read a ****ing history book before you make an idiot out of yourself.


So it's the Jews fault that they were nearly wiped off the face of the Earth? If they could have just been smart like the Atheists and not believed in Yahweh then the Nazis wouldn't have been forced to start the holocaust. You're sick.

Piratethingy, Gamefaqs 23 Comments [8/24/2008 12:03:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 45724

{replying to an agnostic poster)

The reason why there is so many reilgions out there is so that Satan can Confuse you and blind you from the truth... Catholic, Christianity and jewish Faith I really had No problems out of Honestly, They Deal with praying too your Jesus Christ.... I will Say this too you though You have some loving parents who Care enough about you too save u from going into a False Religion. Now, I am not forcing you out of what u wanna do That's Entirely up too you o.o..... Like Jesus he gives people Free will and I won't take that from u or Force you. But, I will Say there are parents out there who don't care what there kids do Anymore rather its Gay marriage, Smoke, or Religion.... But, Like I said I think God is telling your parents your heading into the worng direction. Just Think about that and kinda let that settle in for the time being.

AngelNoLight, Teenspot 26 Comments [8/24/2008 12:00:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Thejebusfire

Quote# 45700

" It's not just sex, and it does mean something. It means that the people exercising homosexual activities are;

1. In violation of the Christian God's rules, rules that if consistently ignored can cause the loss of everlasting life.

2. A crime against nature

Isn't it interesting how every homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, I've ever encountered, is unstable, wierd, junkie,unhappy,broke, and normally not a nice person. "

uh uh, Coeur d'Alene Press 53 Comments [8/24/2008 8:20:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: sooze

Quote# 45668

Are YOU one of those who is holding up the coming of the Lord? If YOU are NOT WILLING to REPENT, you are not HIS. If you are NOT His, He will spew you out.

Tarries, jesus is the way 44 Comments [8/24/2008 7:59:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45735

Today, in the car, after picking up my 16 year old son from school, he told me that he will not be attending church this Sunday. Shocked and confused, I asked him why he would say such a horrible thing, and he said it's because he doesn't believe in God anymore. Apparently a child at his school has been going around telling the other children that God is not real, apparently the child is an “atheist”. I asked my son why he would believe such a horrible thing and he said “because there’s no proof that God exists.” I told him that the proof is everywhere, I told him that the proof is in the bible, yet he still believes the horrible lie that child has been spreading around. I spoke to my husband about this and we’re not sure what we’re going to do, but we’ve called the school and the school district and filed a complaint about the lies that child is spreading. It clearly has something to do with the parents of that child, so I’ve encouraged the principal to contact CPS to look into the situation. As for our son, we’re not sure what we should do. It’s horrible to think that our own son is committing a horrible sin by denying the existence of the lord.

Please help, what do we do?

~ Maria ~, Yahoo Answers 65 Comments [8/24/2008 6:06:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 45702

"A two-time candidate for governor who is charged with attempting to “entice” a 13-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister to engage in “illegal sexual activity” says the allegations against him stem from a misunderstanding."

Once again the government ought to be minding its own f'ing business. This kind of anti-men hate campaign really burns my biscuits.

bobx23456, Joking with the Humorless Woman 50 Comments [8/24/2008 6:00:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 45690

Atheists...how do you explain complexity?

In the Cambrian period there appears complex perfectly formed animals. If 'evolution' was true, then wouldnt there have to be more than a few years *PRE-Cambrian* to invent all these perfect species from nothing? You must agree that we can; go from 'NOTHING' and then a few thousand years later have all these wonderful complex creatures withouth CREATION?

If you agree that this then why dont you accept Jesus?

Hugo, Yahoo Answers 34 Comments [8/24/2008 3:52:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 45716

Why is it that the atheist are here?

on this group site and when they answer you can tell they are seeking God their creator yet they are not speaking in love because their answers are always just so mean and at times nasty yet the Christian who are here on this group are always so willing to give good answers and they do it in love. Being an atheist does that religion require you to be ugly?

Jesus freak, Yahoo Answers 37 Comments [8/24/2008 2:59:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 45754

How can they justify having beautiful Christian sentiment cards next to GAY GARBAGE cards? Just goes to show you that they're only in it for the all-mighty dollar. It's a sign of the times.

THIS sign says, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"

SeekingHim, RaptureReady 51 Comments [8/24/2008 2:56:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: 1Burning Stake

Quote# 45714

This same christian girl tells me that her bible class "warned" her about "people like me"(an atheist).

what's up with that ??? we need to be warned about by a bunch of wacko religious zealots???.O I get it we might "convert" you to the "evil" atheism. Have you had an experience like that ??

Answers : satan lives with you and you are directed by him for all that you are doing is in under satan. if you are not for Christ then you are part of the anti Christ movement that is wrote in the bible and Christians are to be warned about the evil that lurks around them.

Jesus freak, Yahoo Answers 27 Comments [8/24/2008 2:33:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 45739

In an March 1, 2007, WorldNetDaily column, during a discussion of a scene in the film The Godfather: Part II in which Al Pacino's character hits his wife after she told him she aborted their child, Stanek wrote: "That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby. Compare that to the modern day cowardly male response, 'It's your choice. Whatever you decide, I'll support you.' "

Jill Stanek, Media Matters 37 Comments [8/24/2008 2:23:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: ninjacat11

Quote# 45773

Sounds like bad news yes but these are the End Times. Gray aliens are the big part of Satan's end times "grand deception". I believe Tribulation starts in 2010. The best news is Jesus returns in 2017 I believe.

JamesBondaka David Kashfi, The Resistance Manifesto 36 Comments [8/23/2008 11:23:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45771

Side note: I have one suggestion on word usage. Illumination is what Satan does. Bringing into the light is what God does. Hence why the illuminati is called what it is. Studying black magic and witchcraft, I came to figure this out.

Note: I studied this so I knew as a Christain what I was up against when I met someone who believed this.

ikester7579, Evolution Fairytale Forum 21 Comments [8/23/2008 11:20:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David

Quote# 45619

Please define the term "natural." Or, perhaps you could leave that to the dictionary.

well, without us normal and more natural hetero's having sex, gay people wouldn't exist.

XenoNinja, fstdt 51 Comments [8/23/2008 10:21:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45657

Last night on the weather channel a panel of people, 3 men and a woman, were talking
about how the weather patterns are changing.
They commented on global warming, and how the hurricanes are becoming more severe.
The woman said she didn't see it that way.

And I thought, "Lady, you just don't read the Bible do you?"

TeachMe, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [8/23/2008 9:57:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 45711

Is my dog Satanic?

I haven't posted in a while, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but...

I've had my dog for about a year now, and she has destroyed two books several months apart. Both of them happen to be Bibles. I have dozens of other books my dog could have decided to destroy, but she only chose the Bibles. Is this just a coincidence, or could there be some kind of demonic influence?

cre8ivmind, 123 Christian Forums 71 Comments [8/23/2008 9:56:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: sooze

Quote# 45631

aChristian: You need to do a little studying about angels and then get back to us.

Amaleq13: You make no sense. I'm just relating how Luke describes the two men and noting that Steve has apparently not read the story since it clearly does involve glowing garments.

aChristian: Oh, it makes sense. You just are too ignorant about angels to understand. Actually, I am afraid you just don't want to understand.

aChristian, Internet Infidels 18 Comments [8/23/2008 9:46:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Headache

Quote# 45658

I hope this question doesn't offend either of you, but would you be angered if there were straight-pride rallies and parades?

[and her next response after someone told her that the question is just like asking blacks if they would be angered by white pride celebrations]

I just think gay pride is silly. But I think all pride is silly. Silly is a stupid word but it illustrates stupidity in a way other words cannot.

BloodRedBlizzard, Flyleaffans.com 29 Comments [8/23/2008 9:44:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 0