Quote# 45557

"We are a small, rural district in the Bible Belt with strong Christian beliefs and feel like homosexuality is wrong," said Steve Griffin, Holmes County's school superintendent, who keeps a Bible on his desk and framed Scriptures on his office walls.

a federal judge reprimanded Davis for conducting a "witch hunt" against gays. Davis was demoted, and school employees must now go through sensitivity training.

And despite all that, many in this conservative Panhandle community still wonder what, exactly, Davis did wrong.

Steve Griffin, MSNBC Article 34 Comments [8/21/2008 8:26:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Ramble81

Quote# 45519

Atheists: Is evolutionary theory concerning the origins of a man really science?
It seems to me that the fossil record is not favorable for scientists and since real science requires firsthand observation... Well, we certainly haven't obesrved this accidental transformation, did we?

Shamgaur, Yahoo answers 26 Comments [8/21/2008 8:22:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Fundiesniffer

Quote# 45498

God wants you to choose Him. (That means everyone from Mother Theresa to (serial killer) Peter Sutcliffe. He has no favourites.)

But if the pathway to Him was paradise, He would hardly be a choice.

The pathway to God is a 100 mile vale of deep shit with broken glass at the bottom, that you have to walk barefoot. That's how God is a Choice. If you think that all the disasters, murders and brutality in the world are a sign that there is no God, you are very much mistaken.

BrussellsLout, CommentIsFree 34 Comments [8/21/2008 8:16:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Scooby71

Quote# 45466

we don't care about your living arrangements. you're simply trying to get "married" a term that has always been guy and girl. i hate how things are always referred to the bible. take it from the stand point of stats. there are more percentage of kids being raped in homosexual couples than hetro. and who's posting comments of hatred? no one is hating on gay people. we just want the insitution of marriage to be strictkly male and female

flirtstar, Youtube 36 Comments [8/21/2008 8:04:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45524

Those who wear wedding rings will also backslide in the wearing of apparel and eventually on all matters of Christian holiness

N/A, Dictionary Of Christian Words 35 Comments [8/21/2008 7:20:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Fat Chick

Quote# 45472

jesus would be hanging out with them...showing them the error of their ways. Look i dont want to sound like a jesus freak but flat out homosexuality is wrong. if you want to say we're just animals then why isnt there gay animals. fact is i know gay people, i dont agree with their choices, and if anyone asks me ill tell them i think it should be illegal. besides, its not natural, you can tell that by the human anatomy.

tmsaber2, Youtube 44 Comments [8/21/2008 6:57:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45477

You are thinking of playing with powers that you know nothing about and will wish you left alone. Demons are no joke! I have done battle with them and won because I have power over them in the name of Jesus Christ, but I would never deliberately invoke them to come to me.

jiloth7, Yahoo! Answers 22 Comments [8/21/2008 6:55:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: tawaen

Quote# 45461

remember that sex is the what makes people gay, or any other combo of men or a woman

if there is no sex it's called friends.

remember that sex is the whole problem here. and how it is done, in a gay world is against God and Nature, what else is there after that-- nothing.. maybe Satan?

lowballmasta, Youtube 34 Comments [8/21/2008 6:55:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45483

[Question: Why didn't god save Innocent children & babies during the flood and Gomorrah?]


Because that negates free will. The question shouldn't be why didn't God do something about a situation, but why didn't we? Why didn't the people involved do what needed to be done to create a better environment for everyone?

Asha, Yahoo Answers 29 Comments [8/21/2008 6:55:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45439

[in response to my question asking what made former christians turn from christianity]

"you're a retard! only smart people know the true power of God unlike you! you just condemned yourself to hell"

sandstorm, yahoo answers 28 Comments [8/21/2008 6:54:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: senorchipotle

Quote# 45534

Why are the Atheists becoming increasingly desperate and embittered?

So much so that when a Knight of the Truth like myself lays out the facts about the Atheist mindset, the sinister forces of repression, that lurk behind a veil of dark secrecy, delete my questions?

Do the Atheists accept that the end is nigh for their evil ideology and that the Atheist Empire is on the verge of total collapse?

Pastor Winthrop III, Yahoo Answers 67 Comments [8/21/2008 6:54:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Catherine

Quote# 45484

[Question: Why didn't god save Innocent children & babies during the flood and Gomorrah?]


He did. Innocent children and babies will live eternally in heaven. Children who grow up to be lust filled idolators will not be in heaven. Had God allowed these children to live, they would have grown up just like their parents and would have been lost for eternity.

Instead, God who knows the end from the beginning chose to save these little ones by allowing them to die in this life so that they can be saved in the next.

[This is truly sick!]

19jay63, Yahoo Answers 38 Comments [8/21/2008 5:47:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45573

"I will not eat halal as long as I know it is halal. Halal spelt another way is allah.

I prefer to eat regular food or kosher."

Berean Girl, RR 41 Comments [8/21/2008 5:31:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: maanantai

Quote# 45590

(on Christmas being in the winter)

As for the winter solstice thing: in December, celebrating the onset of winter is like a celebration of death. Creatures die from the winter cold and starvation. That's what evil celebrates.

antitox, Rapture Ready 46 Comments [8/21/2008 5:06:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: The Lazy One

Quote# 45541

Saying that you have never sinned is just plain arrogant. Here is a small portion of things that will get you into hell.

Reasons include:
Pot Smoking
Cigarette Smoking
Alcohol Drinking
Guitar Playing
Having a Tattoo
Showing Cleavage
Showing Bellybuttons
Girls Showing Their Knees
Girls Showing Their Elbows
Girls Wearing Tight Pants
Girls Wearing Miniskirts
Being Blonde
Being Fat
Kissing on the Mouth before Marriage
Holding Hands before Marriage
Groping Breast before Marriage
Having Premarital Sex
Having Anal Sex
Having Oral Sex
Being Homosexual
Judging People (He wasn't though, he was being honest)
Being Selfish
Playing Sports
Women Working
Watching BET
Watching MTV
Watching VH1
Watching TNT
Associating With Hollywood
Listening to “Gangsta Rap”, Techno, Christian Bands, and Rock and Roll
Believing in Evolution
Being Catholic
Being Jewish
Being Buddhist
Being Methodist
Being Protestant
Being Mormon
Being Muslim
Being Hindu
Being Agnostic
Being Atheist
Being a Woman (they're still paying for Eve's sin)
Being In a Sorority or Fraternity
Owning a Pet
Sin, Have Sinned, or Plan on Sinning in the Future

Don't Worry. Hell is Going to be a Party. Based on Micah’s prediction Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Tupac, Biggie Smalls, and Martin Luther King are already there.

^ I love that list. When people see, there are abashed by the amount of logic :)

Trinity, Yahoo Answers 219 Comments [8/21/2008 4:56:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 45501

[NOTE: This is my first time submitting, so please be gentle. A few halfway rational people have snuck through to comment on the Boundless.org blogs, but most are just proving that, among other things, fundies really need to stop watching and commenting on the Olympics!]

...being a woman, i'm not personally bothered by the women's beach volleyball attire. but that's just because i'm a girl. just the same, i don't think it's right, either. if i had a brother, i would NOT have let him watch their games.

the thing i personally had a BIG problem with was the men's diving duos. now THAT i had a hard time with. we women don't typically have the visual problems like men do - i sure don't - and i'm not opposed to a guy with his shirt off or anything, but a speedo? why can't they wear the suits that the swimmers do? or at least streamlined swim shorts? for one, speedos show WAY too much skin. two, did anyone notice where every guy's hands flew once the camera showed them under the surface of the water? and it's not just under the water... they're CONSTANTLY checking to make sure the thing is in place. now THAT is hard for me to take.

oh, and while i'm at it... did anyone hear the brief interviews of the two american guys? how gay did THEY sound... SO. DARN. GROSS.

for me, michael phelps is INFINITELY more interesting to watch. he's classy, gracious, doesn't talk like a fruitcake, and if the whole thing comes down to attractiveness for nbc... if you ask me, as a woman, michael phelps is absolutely irresistible because he's kind and is properly covered.

and he WINS!!!!!!!!!

Heidi, Boundless.org's "The Line" blog 49 Comments [8/21/2008 4:10:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 45474

The proof is on the internet you can look it up yourself if you wish unless you want me to then I shall.Marriage was made by a spiritual being no man could create a covenant so beautiful when its between a man and a woman. They are not in love they think that they are in love due to hormones racing through them. And lastly, "Where's your sacred marriage now?" you ask.... well ill tell you its with the other 50% that were in true love and knew that marriage was intended to never be broken. !

WoWuser27, Youtube 31 Comments [8/21/2008 3:47:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Topaz_Witch

Quote# 45505

If the world is billions of years old then why is it only 2008?

Matthew Taber, Facebook 79 Comments [8/21/2008 3:36:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Rob Walker

Quote# 45499

Seriously, what's the big deal with rape? I can't stand how women flaunt rape around like it's the worst thing in the world, it isn't. Maybe if you were strung up and had your skin peeled off and were bathed in salt water I might have some sympathy, but I don't. The problem is that most women really are just dumb, they don't know about the world and how it works and they turn themselves into victims at every chance.

Do you know why hardly any men report rape? Because we're not dense as hell, we know how the world works. We're used
to living in a dominating society, we aren't suddenly shocked when someone expresses our dominance over us, it happens every day. We report for work, our boss chews us out, cops screw us around, people take advantage of us men all the time one way or another. We recognize this as the hierarchal society we live in every day and adapt to it. A guy gets raped he toughs it out instead of crying and whining like a blubbering child. Women on the other hand have this fairy tale notion that they're special little princesses who deserve everything handed to them if they bat their eyelashes a couple times, if that. Now when some guy comes along and rapes them their whole world is shattered. Well whoop-dee-doo. If a guy gets raped, he gets over it. Shit happens.

Besides that, a huge number of women are just plain bitches, women lie their asses off every day. Do you even realize how huge a percentage of rape reports are false? Millions of men are victimized by these women who throw "the worst crime" in men's faces because other people who are dumb as crap have sympathy for them. All a girl has to do is cry a little and she can get some dude she doesn't like thrown in prison. And even if it later comes to light that she's a lying piece of trash, the worst she's get is a slap on the wrist for ruining some poor guy's life.

Now I'm not saying I condone rape, it's a horrible thing that should be severely punished, but women have underdeveloped brains and can't be trusted. We really should kill more women, put them in their place for a while.

Tsiadad, deviantart 89 Comments [8/21/2008 3:16:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Vocie of Logic

Quote# 45462

Hi Ho....four horsemen....away!!!!
You know even a few years ago you would have to strain your ears to hear the hoof beats of the four horsemen but just in a short period of time they are getting rather deafening.

Make way! Make way! the horsemen are coming! the horsemen are coming!

DerRickster, Rapture Ready 76 Comments [8/21/2008 2:40:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 45412

[in response to "Is Satan all that bad"]

His one goal is to see you die. To see your family die. To see your world die. You figure it out

Wish I could., Yahoo Answers 45 Comments [8/21/2008 1:28:46 PM]
Fundie Index: -3
Submitted By: Fundiesniffer

Quote# 45480

"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us."
(Carl Sagan, from the incredibly amazing Pale Blue Dot video, look it up if you haven't ever seen it. However, RaptureReady got it...)

Thats so not true!!!!!! Hallelujah!! Help is coming!! The Creator of it all is coming!!! He has already saved us from ourselves!!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!

Allforhim, RaptureReady 37 Comments [8/21/2008 1:24:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Smith

Quote# 45444

Over 120 blogs have been credentialed as members of the media for the Democratic National Convention; those who have received credentials are allowed to cover the Convention at the Pepsi Center. While most of them offer legitimate commentary, some do not.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue is protesting two of the blogs:

“The list of credentialed blogs include radical sites like The Daily Kos. Worse are blogs that feature anti-Catholic and obscene material. The two most offensive are Bitch Ph.D. and Towleroad.

“On the home page of Bitch Ph.D. there is a picture of two children: one of them is shown flashing his middle finger. Today’s lead post, which was written August 17, is called ‘Jesus Christ.’ It begins with, ‘I’m a really crappy Catholic who hasn’t been to mass in ages because most parishes around here ‘will’ insist on being aggressively anti-abortion….’ The writer then objects to some children’s toys on the grounds that they are more offensive than desecrating the Eucharist. The toys are actually balloons that have been made to depict Jesus in various poses, including a crucified Christ; one of these images shows Jesus with a penis. Several who commented on this image made patently obscene comments.

“Towleroad describes itself as ‘A Site with Homosexual Tendencies.’ Accordingly, it shows men in jock straps and underwear. It also has a post on Pope Benedict XVI that takes him to task for wearing a cape with ermine. Some of those who commented on this described the pope in a vile and profane way.

“Both of these blogs should be cut immediately from the list of credentialed sites. Neither functions as a responsible media outlet and both offend Catholics, as well as others. To allow them access to the Democratic National Convention sends a message to Catholics they will not forget. We look for Leah Daughtry, CEO of the Convention, to nix them ASAP.”

Bill Donahue, et al, Catholic League 33 Comments [8/21/2008 1:23:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Scion

Quote# 45440

[Thread title: California Top Court: Doctors Cannot Withhold Care From Gays]

Another criminal attack against religion by the powers in California

peregrinus_WA, Catholic Answers Forums 37 Comments [8/21/2008 11:00:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45421

Why are most Christians giving into the world ?
they are blindly accepting new age ideas (yoga, meditation based on buddhism, karma) they think loving everyone is more important that preaching Jesus is the only way to heaven. This is the falling away the bible describes will happen in the endtimes.

Even Christian music is now dominated by rock bands (gross darkness), coarse music in which people are complaining about their lives instread of rejoicing in the LORD and singing with JOY (what the angels did when God created the earth).

(And later...)

"what are you whining about? would you have every book in the world burned aside from your bible?"

yup. the bible says "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we MUST BE SAVED".

grmike28, Yahoo Answers 24 Comments [8/21/2008 7:53:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Caboose