Quote# 45399

Not sure why an atheist would even bother to get married unless they've always wanted a "church wedding" and "white dress". Really what would be the point? Weird.


Annie, Yahoo Answers 54 Comments [8/19/2008 9:51:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 45383

I think since we are a Christian Country, people who are going to become Doctors need to be put through a series of faith based questions to see where they stand on life and the creation of it. If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine. You are dealing with peoples lives and that has to count for something. I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me. If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period. If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!

Samuel, CNN.com 70 Comments [8/19/2008 9:47:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 45434

[In response to the military allowing other religions followers to have their symbols on their headstones]

Not only is this racist, which should be enough to get it out of the manual, it is also, by being in the handbook, an official recognized, legit religion according to the military. It's no wonder we're going down the tubes fast. It's bad enough that there are people who actually believe this stuff much less the military giving it recognition.

Write your congresspersons! Except mine as she was in favor of putting pentagrams on veteran's headstones.

FrankBeMe, Rapture Ready 68 Comments [8/19/2008 9:45:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 45335

Why do you fight with the word of God? How in the world are you saying we are limiting God when God HIMSELF told us already that He created ALL life on THIS EARTH (except angels)? We are not limiting Him because God Himself is telling you what He did for His own purpose. He created life on EARTH. NOT EARTHS. You want to ask Him why He created life only on this earth? You'll get that chance for sure when you meet Him, because you and everyone that ever breathed surely will. But until then, we have His words in the bible and what the bible says.

Better question to you is do you have a problem with faith in believing the word of God? Or better yet, on what basis in scripture do you base YOUR conclusions that there is life in other worlds on? Many people here have given you the reason why they believe there isn't, but you have never given any scriptural evidence to support your assumptions?

PeterSung, RaptureReady 29 Comments [8/19/2008 9:19:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45333

Somewhere way back in my relatively short posting history, I told y’all about my best friend fooling me (for many years!) into thinking he was born again (and here I thought I was fairly discerning). We joined up as business partners and then I found out the truth. He is in fact not saved. He is instead very caught up in, and thoroughly deceived by, the New Age “teachings” so prevalent today. I have of course, tried to witness to him to no avail.

Long story short, the unequal yoke has resulted in very hard times for the business and strained our friendship terribly. I moved my family up here to WNC for what we thought and prayed would be a better life. Everything fell into place so rapidly that we were sure we had the Lord’s blessings.

It has been nothing but trial after trial ever since.

The business has been nothing but a financial drain on my life’s savings which are now gone. I've since started another business on my own and I need some contracts right away. My family life has degenerated as well. My wife’s faith in me as a breadwinner is shattered. Although she has never gone without in all our years together, now that times are tight (Without getting into more detail, please trust me when I say things are bad. Very bad.) she is turning on me. My wife is born again (she even read the Left Behind series and loved them) but is being drawn into Oprah’s deceptions. When I try to talk with her I’m “preaching”. My wife resents my spending time with y’all – and this is only place I find comfort anymore. She calls y’all my “Rapture Ready cult”! These spiritual attacks are weighing me down and robbing me of inner peace.

steve53, RaptureReady 48 Comments [8/19/2008 8:55:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 45386

To my embarrassment and shame, I confess that I've seen the caveman movie where the female had nothing on the top. It was presented like it was no big deal as it was just the culture of the caveman era. No I don't believe in evolution, but do believe in the process of evolution. It appear that the cavemen movie was more a picture of the future.

kkll4ever, Youth 52 Comments [8/19/2008 5:56:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 45357

[Question: Why won't Christians read a science book?]


because it teaches false ideas. get a christian science book....

[Oh, if the irony...]

ben h, Yahoo Answers 38 Comments [8/19/2008 4:35:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45416

(on halal food)

therefore food sacrificed and killed in a prescribed manner and blessed in the "false god's" name would be considered as such...

I prefer to abstain.......

they are taking over here.........

Berean Girl, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [8/19/2008 4:12:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: The Lazy One

Quote# 45342

Does a creator exist?
The sun does not miss its course and does not come down against the earth. Neither does the moon miss its course. Our bodies are so well designed. Are all these the result of an explosion.

God is One, Yahoo Answers 45 Comments [8/19/2008 4:06:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45344

(Thread: Pope benedict xvi: Nonbelievers too can be saved)

And the way is further paved to the one religion; the whore of Babylon is getting ready to ride.

BlessedAssurance, RaptureReady 31 Comments [8/19/2008 3:31:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 45305

Are you a fool sir!? Do not try to use science or logic to prove, or justify your belief in God! You should just have absolute Faith in Jesus. If you indulge in looking for evidence (or lack of) in evolution then you are merely stooping down to the level of scientists. And worse proving that you are without Faith. I suggest you just completely stop talking to these Godless atheists and freethinkers at once. It is always best to just shut your eyes, think only of your absolute Faith in Jesus and let nothing else exist to you, especially the blinding reason of science.

TheChristianPower, Youtube 48 Comments [8/19/2008 3:31:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 45368

Amputation is a last resort of the medical science to save the life of a person at the brink of death. A limb or a foot affected by gangrene may cause the death of a person; but because of amputation, people are saved from death. This is in conformity with the Biblical and scientific knowledge written in the book of Matthew 5.

(Matthew 5:29-30) “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”

Therefore, it is very clear that the Bible was not written by primitive people as these ‘imaginary idiots’ claim; And its content did not come from a primitive mind, but from a scientific and sensible mind that knows that amputation may heal the entire being of a person.

kei27isblessed, yahoo answers 40 Comments [8/19/2008 3:31:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Zipperback

Quote# 45325

I'm christian, question on why people disclaim GOD?
atheist say god (i lower cased it to show GOD is powerful and not to be used for vaine* purposes) doesnt exist. I ask how do we have morals? how do we have experience? why do children love their mothers? how did humans even come up with the idea of a god if there were none? explain to me how the odds show that 1 over three trillion chance of a protein hitting another to create one protein*** in a big bang shows that we evolved? Why do people feel good or bad about the decisions they've made? answer those questions, we did not evolve we were created from a Higher GOD our creator.this really isnt a question just a statement in the form of a question/. Just putin this out there for people to see how rediculous atheism is..Oh and the fact that atheism fights a god they dont believe in ..(WOW think about it)....Not to offend just to clarify the truths

12 G, Yahoo Answers 36 Comments [8/19/2008 3:15:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: WM

Quote# 45371

Proof that God exists!?
33% of the world's population is Christian.
21% of the world's population is Muslim.

Over 50% of the world's population believes in God.

World's top selling book of all time? The Bible.

It's simple economics people. The market proves God's existence.

Magic Goku Ninja, Yahoo Answers 72 Comments [8/19/2008 3:14:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45401

[In response to a message about Michael Phelps winning his 8 gold medals]

I guess the real question is... Is he a Christian? That's what really matters...

evjr, Rapture Ready 58 Comments [8/19/2008 3:13:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Wilhelm

Quote# 45347

[on ouija boards again...]



do your research!

Stephanie is Soundless, Yahoo! Answers 33 Comments [8/19/2008 3:12:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 45334

So then why the phrase, "right hand" or "forehead' if this verse is figurative, not literal? Those are very specific places.

Also, God protects His chosen. The word "force" applies to the phrase that no one can buy or sell without the mark. In other words, the use of the word force in that context means that the only way to buy or sell is to wear the mark of the beast. That doesn't mean that everyone will have to wear the mark any more than everyone is forced to have a credit card if only credit cards could buy or sell. There are some people like the Amish who live away from society and grow their own food. It's quite possible that they could buy and sell what they have to buy and sell from friends who wear the mark.

My only reason in posting this idea is in making sure that we understand that verse and are not being deceived by Satan. After all, most of the world will see nothing wrong with GPS technology which is why the Anti-Christ can very easily fool most people. So as Jesus tells us, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."

carico, Crosswalk 14 Comments [8/19/2008 3:11:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: starbrewer

Quote# 45411

wow your kind of being a little bitch about this whole thing
you dont even know if the earth IS the center of the universe. we dont know if the sun is center of the universe, there is so much we dont know but we take peoples word for it who have an I.Q. of 150. just wow, only god can be trusted

myfaultstudios2, YouTube 33 Comments [8/19/2008 2:26:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 45361

Hey evolutionists if Homosexuality is wrong even to your own beliefs ?
it doesn't help to propogate the species and if the species changed to homosexuality the species would not exist .
Why do you attack the Faiths that do stand opposed to it.

darwin's wrong, Yahoo Answers 46 Comments [8/19/2008 12:50:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 45352

The Bible should be taken literally in entirety. However, this does not mean literalistically, which is different. Taking the Bible literally does mean taking it literally, as well as metaphorically, analogically, and some others that I can't remember at the moment.

AquinasD, Christian Teen Forums 64 Comments [8/19/2008 12:11:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Shogari

Quote# 45331

[Thread: Live Vote: Should "In God We Trust" be removed from our currency? VOTE NOW!]

Here's what I don't get-why are all the naysayers waiting until NOW to whine about it?

They're entitled to their opinion, but why didn't they protest this 50 years ago instead?

BornAgain123, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [8/19/2008 11:51:43 AM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 45293

Vague Prophecy?

Yes, it does tell us who will return. It clearly states it will be the anscestors of Gods chosen people of Israel. WOW, I wonder who that could be? Better get your scientist ready for DNA testing. LOL
And yes, you can distinguish from other events, because at no other time in History has the Jewish nation returned from a worldwide exile, where they first settled in south Israel, and then recaptured Jerusalem second.
The prophecy tells us, they would return from a worldwide exile (ONLY ONCE,) so you don't have to have a date.
The prophecy is only vague in the minds of those who refuse to believe in obvious facts.

1. The Jews in Israel today are the ancestors of the Children of Israel of the past.
2. The vast majority of Jews living in Israel today, have returned from a worldwide exile.
3. When the Jews returned they setteled in southern Israel first, as the Bible said they would.
4. The Jews recaptured Jerusalem second in (1967) and in the order the Bible said they would.
5. The Bible stated that all this would happen in the latter times and in the latter years. Which means it would be a long time, after the writing of the prophecy
6. God tells us in Zec. 12 shortly before He reveals to the Jews living in Israel who He is, God will make the nation of Israel invincible. And God tells us. Even if the (whole world gathers against them to drive them out), God Himself will cut the attacking nations into pieces.
I don't recall anything like that happening in the past.

7. Also, if your really interested in dates, if you do the Biblical math, you would discover that in the exact year that Israel became a nation, which was 1948, that date can be found tabulated in the Scriptures.
Consider the link below.

Bible prophecy, Fulfilled Prophecy, Modern Israel, Early Christians

campbell34, city-data.com 22 Comments [8/19/2008 11:36:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 45327

Christian hate - an oxymoron, if ever there was one.

KapernicusI, Youtube 45 Comments [8/19/2008 9:33:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 45332

(Member LovingChrist is upset that his mother put up a Buddhist altar in the house and wants him to light the candles for her because she suffers from a bone disease. Apparently he made a face at her and she started crying)

Loving Christ, I agree with what Run2Jesus had to say. There is hope for you. Anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ will be saved. I know you love your mother but God loves you more. Your mother may very well be sick but she should not be using this against you to continue in the abhorrent practice of Buddhism. I will be praying for you and your situation. I have never been in a situation like this and can not even imagine what you are going through. Pray without ceasing. God will see you through this.

christnme, RaptureReady 47 Comments [8/19/2008 9:29:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 45284

A prayer group in Washington DC is claiming the credit for the recent sharp drop in the US price of petrol.

Rocky Twyman, 59, a veteran community campaigner, started Pray At The Pump meetings at petrol stations in April.

Since then, the average price of what the US calls gasoline has fallen from more than $4 a gallon to $3.80.

"We don't have anybody else to turn to but God," Mr Twyman told the BBC. "We have to turn these problems over to God and not to man."

(more on link)

Rocky Twyman, BBC News 39 Comments [8/19/2008 9:16:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: CalRC