Quote# 44599

(Tim McLean was the victim of a knife attack on a Greyhound bus.)

Members of a fundamentalist American church group planning to stage a protest at the funeral for a Winnipeg man brutally killed on a Greyhound bus have managed to enter Canada, a spokeswoman told CBC News on Friday.

Canadian border guards are under orders to prevent members the Westboro Baptist Church, a controversial Kansas-based sect, from entering the country.

The group intends to picket the funeral of 22-year-old Tim McLean to tell Canadians his slaying on July 30 was God's response to Canadian policies enabling abortion, homosexuality and divorce and remarriage.

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day's office sent an alert to border patrol to "look out" for people with signs and pamphlets consistent with the messages that the church promotes and to keep them out of the country.

But Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of church founder Fred Phelps, said a group of church members was turned away from a border crossing at Niagara Falls, but a small group did manage to get into Manitoba overnight.

"They were looking for picket signs and they were looking for leaflets. Well, we don't do leaflets, and the picket signs, you know, Fed Ex ships them overnight," she said.

However, Phelps-Roper said the reaction the group has raised from some police and public officials has her questioning whether the planned protest will go ahead.

"The question to my mind [is] whether or not we ought to get them the heck out of that country, because that's some crazy stuff when you've got your officials talking like they are in a back-alley brawl and not government officials who took an oath to obey the law and so forth."

Phelps-Roper said she would advise church members not to go ahead with the protest if she was concerned they would be arrested or harmed.

(A counter-protest is planned.)

Westboro Baptist Church, CBC.ca News 42 Comments [8/10/2008 9:17:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 44612

I am a scientist that has been studying chemistry for six years. I have studied Kent Hovinds ministry for 4 years and feel though he is a man of great knowledge, integrity and wisdom.

Nathan D. Williams, FreeHovind 52 Comments [8/10/2008 8:41:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 44569

(Thread: Marriage is falling apart and I'm ready to leave.)

do you have a life insurance polocy?

if you do i hope it is not your wife as the benifactor..

be very careful - one of her boyfriends might - well you get the point...

people who are not christan are controlled by the devil

i dovorced my wife - it has been the worst year of my life- yet i am still alive and CHRIST helpes me every day-

better to be alone wwith a little and much peace- than to have a lot and have to stay with all the abuse

god luck lol- stephen
Reply With Quote

stephen, RaptureReady 25 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 44596

Call me weird, but I feel the work of the enemy within the whole Green Movement swarming this planet.

Save the Planet. It's my home. - Satan

Brother Timotheus, Rapture Ready 40 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Iason Ouabache

Quote# 44606

How can you know if this group (which you don’t name) is a cult? First, cults almost always claim that they, and they alone, have the truth. They turn their backs on almost 2,000 years of Christian history, and say that other churches are wrong and will deceive you. They point instead to their leader or founder as the final authority, and claim that God has given them a new revelation of Himself.

Billy Graham, ReligionNewsBlog 34 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: nfp

Quote# 44571

Pro-lifers will win. I'm convinced of it. As long as we hold to our values against the world’s dehumanizing trends we will counter this darkening culture with light and eventually prevail.

Here are a few reasons for my hope:

1) Pro-aborts can't call themselves what they are. They call themselves pro-choice. It's a not-so-subtle nomenclature shift meant to appeal to freedom-loving Americans. But in the end, I believe, if your rallying cry is a lie your supporters are going to figure it out after a while. They're not pro-choice. They're pro-abortion. But they can't admit to that. If you have to lie about what you're for, you're going to lose...eventually.

2) Improvements in science continues to enhance our knowledge of what's going on in the womb, putting pro-aborts on the side of being "anti-science." When Roe first became the law of the land pro-aborts argued that the baby wasn't a baby at all but just a clump of cells. Most people know that's not true anymore. People have seen 3-D Ultrasounds. People have seen the photo of the baby reaching out during an in-utero surgery. The numbers of the ignorant are dwindling and that aids our cause.

3) There are no great pro-choice speeches and there never will be any. You can't move people by speaking eloquently of the right to have consequence-less sex with someone you don't love. Think back - how many great speeches in the American pantheon have there been which include the words "rape and incest." I'm thinking it's a pretty low number. "Give me freedom or give me rape and incest" just doesn't work right. Even the great orator of our time Barack Obama could only come up with, "I don't want them punished with a baby" in support of abortion. Pro-lifers on the other hand speak about those things which move us -life, rights and God. In the end, our superior speechifying will win out.

4) We pro-lifers have more babies. It's simple. Those that don't believe in killing babies in the womb typically end up having more babies. Pro-lifers are more...prolific. Go to church some Sunday and you'll hear a chorus of babies attempting to drown out the sermon. You don't bring babies to a NARAL meeting. It's considered rude. In the end, demographics win.

I truly believe we'll win. We have to. We must. And we must never accept that some must die for convenience or that some must be selected to die for the greater good of society. And we must not accept that killing someone is a mercy to them because their life would be difficult due to illness. Until every life is legally esteemed as sacred we should never rest and never give up.

As an example of the shifting tide, ABC News (7/29) covered a heartwarming story of two unborn babies with a terrible problem. The twins were diagnosed with "Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome," a deadly complication that would likely kill both unborn children. The children were saved by a remarkable in utero surgery.

Almost as remarkable as the surgery, however, is the the fact the ABC decided to do a story which so clearly illustrates the humanity of the unborn. Add to that, this introduction by Charlie Gibson.

We have “Closer Look,” tonight, at some of the most awe-inspiring surgery that modern medicine has to offer. It is not an operation performed on a heart or a brain, as delicate as those procedures might be. This surgery is done on the tiniest, most fragile of patients imaginable. Babies yet to be born. ABC’s John McKenzie on a rare procedure done inside the womb. Not just on one fetus, but two.
Were that not enough, the piece included this exchange between John McKenzie and Dr. Kenneth Moise of the Texas Children's Hospital.

MCKENZIE: Using a kind of miniature telescope, doctors enter Kim’s amniotic sack. And there they are, the boys. Their perfectly formed feet and hands.

MOISE: You can see them moving sometimes they’ll reach up and grab the scope.

MCKENZIE: The fetus will grab the scope?

MOISE We’ve had it actually pull on the scope.
As we remember from the famous Michael Clancy photo, nothing illustrates the humanity of the unborn better than their little hands grasping just as newborns do.

Mike, Why Pro-Lifers Will Win 49 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 44580

If he's strong, can't he just fight he's attacker off? Or did he secretley want it?

bigbooboo, How can a man be raped? 61 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 44583

"Utilizing embryos to prevent enormous amounts of actual human suffering is not sick by any stretch of the imagination. If you deem the weighing of a few hundred cells against a sick human being to be a coin flip, your ability to reason enough to reduce actual suffering is seriously damaged."

Not surprised an evolutionist would find this good and moral.

johnmuise, This is SO Sick!! Disgusting! 13 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 44614

Please tell me there is someone else out there with some moral values.
I still think homosexuality is a disease, i'm NOT ok with it. and being openly gay should be a federal crime, and go ahead and shoot back at me saying, that they should be able to express themselves freely, i don't give a damn. What happened to the America i have come to know and love???

Zack, Yahoo! Answers 36 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: tawaen

Quote# 44576

[In response to a question about whether or not Christ's sacrifice was really a sacrifice...]

Get Gwaap: "yes and who are you to test the validity of christ?one who is founded in doubt will only find doubt"

jarjar dude: "u duscust me atheist who dont know if ur athiist and dont know get ur ******** nose out of christions bissness"

Wisdom: "I prefer not to argue but will give you this link to find answers to all your questions (link to Watchtower)"

no1home2day: "And you have the nerve and audacity to mock Him? I'm sorry, but when you stand on judgement day and God says, "Depart from me, into the hell prepared for satan and his followers!" I will feel no agony or pity over one such as yourself!" (this is a snippet from a very lengthy answer)

Various, Yahoo! Answers Religion & Spirituality 22 Comments [8/10/2008 7:47:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: FundieBasher

Quote# 44639

*are there so many instances of God in our government? When we testify in court we swear on the bible. The pledge of allegience is said in God's name. Our money contains the phrase in god we trust. Etc. Isn't it true that as a nation we only claim religious freedom while actually unofficially enforcing Christian law (such as laws against adultry, sodomy, etc.)*

They meant freedom to be Christian

Mr. Nobody, If the United States was founded on the basis of religious freedom why .. 19 Comments [8/10/2008 7:46:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 44595

[Talking about modern-day Loaves & Fishes miracles...]

I personally have seen this happen......

I was on a ladies' committee at a church...at the time we would have no more than 60 lady's come to our meetings. We decided to have cheesecakes for one of the meetings. I did the calling for the cakes, saw the number and divided them to be served. Why we thought at the time, each lady would take one piece only I don't know. This had to be over 15 years ago now.

The lines came to the table and we saw ladies taking 2-3 pieces each and thought what are we going to do there is just not going to be enough to go around. Well there was and many pieces left over......and all ladies were in the line.

All ladies on the committee agreed without a doubt the cheesecake was multipied, there was just no other way there was pieces left over. We still talk about that night.

Believer In Miracles, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [8/10/2008 6:48:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 44665

[First off, you fail at trolling. Second, we're not automatically evil if we don't believe in the Christian God.]

I'd don't care about what you think of me.
Go on an keep on Calling me a Troll.
Old fashion guy.

You are just helping me to go to Heaven.
Christianity isn't easy what you guys think.
Christians have more hard times now.

DanddoSeri(LoneWolf1984), XC forums 36 Comments [8/10/2008 5:25:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 44600

What is the difference between an Atheist, Agnostic and a Satanist?


Atheist - there is no God (contradictory)
Agnostic - doesn't know or doesn't care (fair enough)
Satanist - "I am god." (stupid)

(From the fundie's "about me" information:
"I am a student of theology and philosophy")

ministeringinlove, Yahoo Answers 28 Comments [8/10/2008 5:23:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 44603

[From a page on why Obama is NOT the Antichrist]

Antichrist and his religion will have unbelievable popularity, especially when he teaches the world that SEX IS THE PATH TO GOD AND BECOMING A GOD". This sex cult will sweep the world, a world already obsessed and possessed by sex and pornography. So the vast majority of planet earth will follow Antichrist, less the minority who believes JESUS IS CHRIST.

Obama portrays himself as a Christian, family man, happily married with two children. This is not the leader of a global sex cult (Antichrist) who will teach the world that "THOU SHALL NOT MARRY". Obama would also have to publically renounce his marriage and watch his ex-wife have sex with a host of men, woman, sheep and goats.

Pastor Harry, Satan's Rapture 21 Comments [8/10/2008 5:19:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: AllFather

Quote# 44553

The big bang, eh...So who lit the fuse of it?
To believe in evolution you require more faith. You actually have to bent reality. How is that 'concience' and 'being' came to existance within evolutionary states? i.e.: Bugg flies, sees windshield and thinks "OMG..." splurrrrrr.

John R, Yahoo Answers 21 Comments [8/10/2008 4:29:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pwnzerfaust

Quote# 44562

So your kid turns out to be a gay...

you gotta beat it out of him, right?

forgot.... the power of prayer will take care of it too

the spatula, Chiefs Planet 32 Comments [8/10/2008 3:05:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Dan Onymous

Quote# 44570


I have had an unbelieving brother have a visceral reaction to a discussion about God and what happens when we die and an unbelieving sister go ballistic over just the mention of the bible.

My sense is that deep down they both know God is real, and that there is a judgement coming. They surround themselves with others who validate their atheism so they don't have to deal with any conflict in this area in their daily lives. But when the topic surfaces and the Truth is mentioned, there is a deep negative reaction because the Truth registers somewhere deep inside and I think they can't deal with the reality of that Truth. So they strike out at the messenger. I have been so surprised as well at the intensity of the attacks.

Only the bible, and the name of Jesus and God as creator bring about those kind of reactions. False religions and spiritual ideas don't seem to bother people, and they don't create those reactions. Just the Truth. They don't want to hear the Truth. Its a deliberate choice to reject the Truth whether they realize it or not.

I had another family member reject the Truth recently, and I have been down about it too. I get discouraged as well. However I heard the scripture in my heart where Jesus says, "They are rejecting me, not you." And that just makes me want to cry - both for Jesus and for them. I wish they knew what we know and would say YES to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

[[So people get sent to hell for not having come across certain 'knowledge?']]

pegmo, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [8/10/2008 2:52:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Max W

Quote# 44567

Satan is the father of all atheists. Either Jesus is your Father or satan is your father, because you are either with Him or against Him. Pretty sad and scary (for you) whom you have chosen as your leader.

Emily, Ray Comfort's Blog ("Atheist Central") 44 Comments [8/10/2008 2:47:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Hadron

Quote# 44590

Regarding the murder and decapitation of Tim McLean Jr. on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba:

"God is punishing Canada for passing laws against WBC — by exposing Canadians as cannibals and highway decapitaters,"

Westboro Baptist Church, Westboro Baptist Church 60 Comments [8/10/2008 2:45:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: approximate

Quote# 44577

[In response to the question: "If I wasn't a 'true Christian' then, even though I believed I was, how do YOU know that YOU are 'true Christian' NOW?"]

Tabby Cat NOTW: "Christians don't give up. Regardless of any reason that would cause doubt, we hold to faith and choose to believe. Following Christ is not something to "try on and see if it fits". It is a life-long commitment: no matter what.

LoveChrist: "God convicts your heart,if you have ever really known God it is impossible to turn your back on Him"

Amanda F: "Obviously you wanted to believe but did not have faith or you would have never become an athiest. But now that you are so be it. Being a christian requires faith in God. He gives you a choice and you chose not to believe. "

Mars: "converting from Christian to Atheist is a huge step backwards.. you gone from having hope for tomorrow to no hope at all. from believing that God creating you.. to now believing in science being related to apes.. God created this world and all living things.. and science is trying to figure out how God did it.. but you can't put human knowledge above our creator.. that is why there are many things that science will never be able to answer"

spring_r: (in the midst of a LONG post) " I believe you were and still are a Christian, but you practice atheism."

seekfind: "If you were truly born again you would have a circumcised heart and a new heart that is sold out for God. The fact that you can leave the faith showed that you have not gone through this spiritual experience and know the reality of God." [a circumcized heart? That sounds painful...]

Various, Yahoo! Answers Religion & Spirituality 21 Comments [8/10/2008 2:43:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: FundieBasher

Quote# 44592

Men have one less rib than women. That's a well known fact.

Carico, Crosswalk 62 Comments [8/10/2008 2:40:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 44568

I have seen several people who were born disfigured healed.
one girl without any feet grow feet.
several polio victims straighten. what do you mean by disabled?
I saw brother guy in ethiopia as that brought their dead in wheel barrows and they rose and walked and continued to serve the lord.
there is no manner of "disabled people" God can't or wont heal

ktbug3335, Yahoo Answers 67 Comments [8/10/2008 2:34:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: FundieFinder

Quote# 44579

LOL!!! I didn't give my sentence any thought. Where in the bible was any woman forced to marry a man that raped her? If she was raped in the city, but no one heard her scream, then they where both stoned. If she was rape out in the country then only he was stoned.

And actually in most countries I have never known a woman to be forced to marry a rapist, but was instead killed, whether she screamed or not. Man is the one who changed God's laws and did what they wanted.

And to go as far out as the rest here. Then I guess we shouldn't be punishing child molesters either. I mean to go by everyone's arguement, he/she can't help it that they are attracted to children, is it right for God to punish him/her to a life of lonliness, condemnation, and after all they may have been born that way. I mean after all there are a lot of homosexual men who molest young boys after all. And I did say a lot, not all. So you are telling me that it is unfair for God to demand celibacy for these people, because he made them have this unfair attraction? LOL!!! I mean this is what you people are trying to tell everyone about homosexuals, that they can't choose to be different and it is unfair to expect them to remain celibate. I know the above is ridiculous, but so is the homosexual arguement and the arguement for fornication. You choose to follow your lust plain and simple, just like anyone does to follow any sin they choose to do. You can justify these lies all you want, but the bottom line is what does God Word say and do you believe it?

imluvd, ChristianForums 38 Comments [8/9/2008 11:58:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 44605

The last Olympics I saw was in 2004 before I got saved.

Since being saved my love for this event has dwindled because it is all based in paganism and globalism and false religion of sorts.

Not to mention the words that come out of the mouths of the athletes, never mentioning God, but more about focus and meditation.

Now it is being held in one of the darkest corners of the earth with one of the biggest false religions to boot.

I love sport and the competition but this year I am torn over whether I should watch the opening ceremony as it will probably grieve my spirit.

What say you all???????????//

Berean Girl, Rapture Ready 46 Comments [8/9/2008 11:50:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 3