Quote# 46162
I'm not afraid, I don't hate, and I don't mock homosexuals. But that doesn't mean that I agree with their life style.
How long will people continue to equate disagreement with hate and fear?
If (and that's one big IF) - but if you believe in evolution, then you can NOT believe in homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, unless you think that this mess (called "life") is finally cleaning itself up after all these millennia.
Let me explain: If life originated because of evolution, it was an accident - matter, energy, space and time working in random chaos.
When *I* have an accident - say I spill my milk all over the table, I get up, I go into the kitchen, I grab some towels, I come back, and I clean up the accidental spill.
If life truly IS an accident, maybe homosexuality is nature's way of wiping up the mistake to finally, once and for all, get rid of human life!
But if you DO believe in evolution, then you must understand that homosexuality is counter productive to the propagation of the species, so it is in violation of the evolutionary process.
Personally, I do NOT believe in evolution. I believe that God designed us, and just as you don't go putting peanut butter in the carburetor of your car because it violates the operating specs that Ford Motor Company (or Chrysler, or who ever) wrote to keep the vehicle running properly, likewise, homosexuality is in violation of the operating specs of the human species.
And please, PLEASE don't point to what animals do - if you've already lowered yourself to the level of an animal, I pity you! I'm more than mere animal. I have a soul. Did you lose yours?
So, let's get this controversy over once and for all, and just STOP! (I promise I won't put peanut butter in the carburetor of my car because it violates the design specs of the manufacturer. But you, too, must promise to not violate the design specs of OUR manufacturer!)
Y answers 48 Comments [8/29/2008 4:53:14 PM]
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