Quote# 45994
(Are Skull Shirts Evil?)
This issue started in middle school with my son, and when he would bring me a shirt like that to buy, I said to him, "find one where your not paying due to the devil, and I buy it.", or I'd kiddingly call it a satin worship teeshirt. I joked about it, but he knew I was also serious.
Because we dealt with it early, he knows not to bother to buy one now (17) or I'll throw it away, and I have thrown some garbage type clothes away (things with sayings on it that aren't nice).
Now if I could just get him to STOP listening to some rap music, life would be near perfect, but.....when I find those cd's they disapear, and he doesn't listen to it in the house or around us. We make him miserable by complaining and whining about it, he turns it off.
I can really whine effectively after 4 teenagers, it makes them go insane.
I believe that these tshirts and music are softening to the devil and pay him homage. And skulls are on ALOT of clothes now.
Of course I don't think highly of tattos, peircing or any markings but thats just me.
If you let the kid know how you feel about it and why, (talk to him like an adult) and then let him make the decision on it, maybe he'll make the right one, maybe not. Don't YOU buy the shirts or the bad music, make HIM spend his own money on it.
Then conveniently never wash the shirt, so he has to wash it himself, or if you see the cd laying around, hide it under a book or a shelf, maybe he'll forget about it.
You can always demand and say no, but that usually gets ya rebellion.
Its a tough world out there, and our kids are smack dab into alot of bad stuff our generation and the generation before have created for them.
RaptureReady 62 Comments [8/27/2008 11:18:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Smith