Quote# 47085

Evolutionists! Why do human women have menstrual cycles that are?
heavy with blood and, if they were mere animals with no access to protection, would make them targets for other predators? How could any species survive that bled heavily every month? Isn't a woman's cycle proof of our Lord?

[This takes the cake!]

I am One, Yahoo Answers 57 Comments [9/9/2008 10:01:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46945

You could make up any preposterous claim you wanted, just let your imagination run completely wild and people would line up to believe your theory before they would even consider that God had anything to do with it.

Silvercord, RR 20 Comments [9/9/2008 10:00:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: k4jun

Quote# 47086

Evilutionists! How can you believe evolution over the Lord God when he has designed you so perfectly?
Even those of you touched by Satan would have been perfect before sin. Now we all have sickness and death. How can Evilution account for Entropy!!

I am One, Yahoo Answers 37 Comments [9/9/2008 9:57:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 47080

Why do Christians claim that Wiccans worship the Devil when Wiccans don't believe in the Devil?

Answer : all that is not of God is of evil

wistful clara, Yahoo Answers 24 Comments [9/9/2008 9:56:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 47098


God is logical.
If he wasn't, then he would have created the grass before the light!
What is the probability God would have gotten all 7 days in the right order if he had no logic?
1 of out 5040 possibilities.

Rinji, RaptureReady 31 Comments [9/9/2008 9:55:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 46939

(Answering the question: Who would you like to talk to in heaven?)

Mary - Jesus' Mom. As a Jewish mother, I'm sure we'll hear all about the cute things He did and said as a baby and child. (Jesus: "Awwww, Mom....not that story!")

abidinginvine, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [9/9/2008 9:55:05 PM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: sooze

Quote# 47030

SingHisPraises has been trying to disrupt a Gay Pride parade:

Well, first of all we were told we weren't allowed to obstruct or disrupt the march route, so we returned to the area where the sodomites were meeting after their walk. We kept being moved by police, and . A riot van, officers everywhere and a dog unit- kind of ridiculous, isn't it? In the end we were even asked to move to the other side of the road and keep away from the actual area! So instead we took it in turns to walk around passing out tracts to people and sitting on benches with people wearing rainbow flags to tell them about how much God loves them but hates what they're doing.

ObsidianFalcon This witnessing opportunity is simply fabulous. Pity the police had to overstep their bounds.

ObsidianFalcon, Teens-4-Christ 40 Comments [9/9/2008 9:49:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 47061

[In response to 'How could all the animals fit on Noah's Ark?]

The animals went on the ark with Noah, there genes were inside Noahs body. After the flood, Noah had many children, and they went out and slowly after generations they evolved into different animals.

T. L. Glen, CARM 79 Comments [9/9/2008 9:49:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: catbarf

Quote# 47002

Atheists cannot quote the bible to "defeat" a Christian's argument because an atheist does not have the gift of the Holy Spirit and, therefore, becomes confused by what the text means because they are not spiritually perceptive. God's spirit speaks to Christians and what has happened to you is that a Christian has answered you but due to your limited understanding of God and non-existent spiritual perceptiveness you could not glean the meaning of their answer. You simply have not understood and you use other passages - out of context - to try and justify your own point of view. You have no recognition of God's spirit and won't until you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour.

Good luck with that.

pepper, yahoo answers 36 Comments [9/9/2008 9:47:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: senorchipotle

Quote# 46967

[when dicussing Sarah Palin]

The lunatic fringe of the Democratic party cannot understand that some people have the morals and honor to step up and do what is right in the eyes of God.

Of course, maybe that's because many, if not most of them, do not believe in Him.

Leigh1917, Rapture Ready 24 Comments [9/9/2008 9:33:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 46943

I have not yet read any other comments, here's my view. It does not matter whether you are a "mommy" or not, the billboard on I-4 is awful. Take it down. You really are forced to view it, I noticed it right away. I don't like evil, satanic, disturbed pictures, especially one that size. There is enough REAL EVIL in the world, quit playing with it.

d lucille, Orlando Sentinel--comments 27 Comments [9/9/2008 9:10:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 47016

We're the Boogeyman. When I was unsaved, I was afraid to hear anyone read the Bible out loud, I'd put my hands over my ears and run from the room. It made my heart pound, it made me break into a sweat, it scared me, although I would never admit it. Instead I made fun of whoever was reading it, I mocked it, to give myself some control back.
That's all they're doing. By posting us up there, out of context, it's no contest, no rebuttals, they can tear it down and mock it until they feel they're in control again and they've "killed" the Boogeyman, what heroes! They really need to explore WHY they fear hearing the Word of God, but they're not very introspective, they'd be saved by now if they were.
They're immature. They'll either snap out of it and get saved, or still be doing that when they're 80 (except we won't be here that long!)
We do need to pray for them. It's their only hope.

tygerkittn, RaptureReady 54 Comments [9/9/2008 8:40:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 47022

If the government tells you that you can't spend voucher money on a religious based school that is prohibiting me from practicing my religion.

Brandon, Republicans for Obama 29 Comments [9/9/2008 8:39:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46981

Wow that there Old Testament can be brutal.

But honestly they did what they had to do. In those days there where a number of reason to kill everything you saw in a city which you where taking.

1.) Illnesses. Foreign people had plagues which would kill you. The Jews knew this and killed them all.

2.) Revenge. The Jews knew full well that if any of the survivors, even the children where to make it to their cousins or ally nations then they'd rat em out and the Jews would be killed.

3.) Slaves. The Jews also did not like slave revolts. If you take a people into bondage then they will rise up and kill you later. So kill them first.

People this was also before the world knew the notions of Peace, Forgiveness and Rational Thought. Seriously those concepts had not been "invented" yet. You did not forgive anyone pre-Christ. Rational Thought made its appearance in the 1500s. We still have mastered Peace.

Olak, WoW off-topic forums 28 Comments [9/9/2008 8:33:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 47010

(In response to an Pro-Choice image)

God's mind

God's body.

God's child.

Our body's don't belong to us.

Freewill is the ability to choose good over evil. Last I checked, murder was pretty bad.

Jonah Rock, Facebook 28 Comments [9/9/2008 8:17:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Rachel

Quote# 47027

IMHO there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat

Democratic party is a treasonous, communistic, anti America, God hating, baby killing, family breaking, pile of poo.

just my humble opinion though :P

Martin, Should Christians Vote for Democratic Party? 42 Comments [9/9/2008 8:17:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 47034

Cho who took out Virginia Tech was a Muslim. Does that make all Muslims terrorists? The difference is Cho's Quran agrees with Cho. The Christian Bible does not agree with McVeigh.

The majority of Muslims DO NOT live outside the Middle East, stupid.

The Quran states, "There is no compulsion in Islam". Sure seems to be compulsion to me when apostates are murdered when they convert and non-believers are either killed or reduced to sub-human status and Jews are taught to be nothing more than "apes and pigs".

[the problem with that is cho seung-hui was NOT a Muslim]

Brielé, WoW offtopic 25 Comments [9/9/2008 8:06:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 46953

Us Christians need to get out there and vote. We can't just forfeit because neither one is perfect. Yes, there will still be abortion and homosexually no matter who gets in. We might not be able to stamp it out with Palin/McCain -- but we can slow it down. Let's not lose ground, it's almost impossible to get it back. Hey, all we can do is choose the one whose ideals line up the closest to the Bible.

What we cannot do is sit on our hands. It could be your vote that keeps Obama from getting into office -- I would think that would mean something.

ByHisGrace, RR 27 Comments [9/9/2008 7:55:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 47138

[Some nutjob on thinking obama is a muslim?]

I'm not running around town in no burka. And I'm not wearing any Halloween hijab. And I'm not letting any of you sickos mutilate my sex or give up my right to vote or any of your twisted, disgusting customs based on some screwed up prophet who saw devils and angels that talked in his ear!!!


Kritzy, WoW offtopic 31 Comments [9/9/2008 7:54:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46935

I like Sarah Palin. She's a God send. I love her stance against abortion. I think she is the most pro-life candidate who has ever run for anything. However, I don't think we will be here to vote nor do I think she will be around after the rapture to become VP. I believe Obama will win simply because all believers will not be around to vote. It isn't a time in history where anything good or positive is going to "turn America around". The tribulation, I believe, is about to be ushered in. I could be wrong, but all the signs are there, all the chess pieces are in place. We're just waiting for the curtain to go up.

OnlyJesusSaves, Crapture Ready 39 Comments [9/9/2008 7:48:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: fritistat

Quote# 46991

[on why "Obama can't win"]

There aren't enough radical muslims, militant anti-American blacks, or communists to vote for him. These groups make up no more than 10% of the population.

J.J., Rapture Ready 39 Comments [9/9/2008 7:40:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 47035

Darwinism is not based on science! Sheeesh. You people that believe this stuff are relentless. Science is based on observation, and repeatable processes.

There is no physical evidence! Show me. It is pure foolishness (well, I have to admit, I have met a few people in my life that gave me a fleeting thought that evolution might be true).

You cannot observe evolution, and you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it). It is the biggest hoax ever foisted on a gullible public. Only global warming comes close.

nononsenseguy, city-data.com 30 Comments [9/9/2008 7:39:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46785

it should be illllegal for them to have "sex" let alone mary. they have a metal problem and cant know what theyare doing. if you support there "right" to mary and have "sex" your guilty of not helping them overcome there sickeness

olivery2k, homosexuals are disgusting 81 Comments [9/9/2008 7:30:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 47006

I always remember what happened to the "group of mocking youths" and Elisha ! Love that story, because God's Word tells us that "God is not mocked;". Anyone who mocks Christians is really mocking God!

A Berean, RaptureReady 57 Comments [9/9/2008 7:04:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 46955

[A fundie finally admits why evolution is not an acceptable explanation for why he/she is here. Emphasis added.]

Sorry my friend but I have to disagree with you,& so the vast majority of the world.Evolution is a faith,& it requires way more faith to think that ALL this came from nothing than ALL this came from a Wonderful Creator.If you want to believe that after U die U'll be recycled to be a fertilizer for the plants,be my guess;but not me,I'm WAY TOO IMPORTANT for this nonsense.Evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. Maybe you should check my videos and see it for your self.GOD BLESS YOU.

esantiago7, youtube 36 Comments [9/9/2008 6:59:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 6