Quote# 46884

SUPER VOLCANOES? christians only?
My science teacher Mrs. B aka Ms. Frizzle behind her back, loves torturing us with scary stories about Super Volcanoes, and Masssive Rocks, and Global Warming. As a CHRISTIAN, I am not scared. Jesus says in the bible that the Followers of Christ will be taken before the rest of the world is destroyed. So I have that piece. But why am I still scared

JillyBean, Yahoo Answers 27 Comments [9/8/2008 7:03:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46867

[Excerpted from what seems to be a "letter to the editor" sort of thing.]

When God sent the rain on this Earth for 40 days and nights, all this water had to go someplace so the Earth would be dry again.

Remember, God is the Creator and controls the universe.

God tilted the Earth from its original position and caused all the excess water to rush to the poles, and there he instantly froze the water into the ice formations that exist today.

Time is ticking down on God’s time clock. With all the nuclear bombs that are made and stored for the fast-emerging last battle, this Earth would burn up when these nuclear bombs are set off.

We are not creating global warming – God is tipping the Earth back to its original position on its axis and thus getting all this ice to get ready to move and extinguish the nuclear destructive fires man will create.

Butch Dallman, InForum Opinion 29 Comments [9/8/2008 7:03:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: David D.G.

Quote# 46786

why do the alleged "Palestinians" want Israel?

why do so many hate the Jews?

why are whole countries and ideologies so bent on the takeover or destruction of one country about the same size as the state of New Jersey?

there is no logical explanation (at the deepest levels that i can understand), there is no reason for the hatred.... i venture that it is demonically inspired.

icebear, RaptureReady 54 Comments [9/8/2008 7:03:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46807

"Wow, the answer to this problem was right before our eyes the whole time, and no one knew it. Put all gays/homosexuals on a reservation. Now wasn't that simple enough?"

Unknown, OneNewsNow 48 Comments [9/8/2008 6:57:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: RaptorJesus15

Quote# 46859

Occult infiltration into Christianity is the infiltration of people from occult groups into Christianity. It is people from the occult world entering Christian circles, particularly leadership and influential positions, with a hidden agenda against Christianity.

There are many false teachings that have marks of people in the occult trying to destroy Christianity from within. The most prominent among them include the materialism “gospel” that has worldliness packaged with a Christian face by using selective bible verses that are itchy to our ears. Another is the homosexual “gospel,” that God loves us all and accepts each person the way he/she is unconditionally.

These are largely marks of people in the occult trying to destroy Christianity from within. Once the core foundational bases of Christianity are destroyed Christianity loses its power to change people’s lives. In the materialism “gospel” there are some preachers that are merely wolfs in sheep’s clothing. They are therefore not sheep (Christians) but are wolfs preying on innocent Christians with their teachings of worldliness.

The big wolves are those in the homosexual “gospel.” They have been fighting to force their teachings on Christianity for decades. So far a few denominations have succumbed and are now ordaining gay pastors. We’re also seeing a rise in gay musicians in Christian music. They work from the top influential positions in order to choke Christianity’s spiritual power.

Is this just a mere development of an evolving church? Certainly not. It’s a calculated effort from those in the occult to silently chock Christianity.

Eric Gondwe, Spiritual Warefare and Deliverance 21 Comments [9/8/2008 6:57:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 46809

Okay, as a spouse of a recovering porn addict I can offer some support. There are programs you can download that will email you the entire list of whatever was looked up and looked at on any computer you load it into. This little program can not get around it as I know what gets googled as well. Anytime the screen changes, the link is recorded before the cashe is deleted.

I ended up having to go to his work place (got permission after speaking with employer) and downloading it onto every computer he had access to as well as our home computer.
It might sound invasively crazy, but my husband has told me many times how knowing I would find out helped him in weaker moments to turn away. This was at the beginning of the recovery and I could tell you stories that would make a brick weep. Did not stop him all together, many falls off the wagon, but steady progress was made.

funmudder, RaptureReady 50 Comments [9/8/2008 6:56:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 46836

Is it a sin to have someone blowing smoke all over your Bible?
My BF smokes sometimes, especially when we do bible study. I hate smoking, but if we sit outside it is ok.
The other day he was blowing smoke all over the Bible and I was furious with him. He said that there is nothing wrong with it and I must shut up.

[I'm sure it won't be a sin, however, if you put the Buybull down like you smoke]

Bride of Jesus, Yahoo Answers 29 Comments [9/8/2008 6:56:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46885

The wheat and the tares are growing up together. Some of the Catholics are coming out of Babylon in a ripening process just as the Protestants are. ALL of the organized religions are falling into Babylonian worship. At this time I reject both Protestantism and Catholicism and stand on the Bible and the Bible alone.

OEJ, PrisonPlanet 24 Comments [9/8/2008 6:56:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 46913

Why do atheists always say that America is not a Christian nation when indeed we are?
I don't care about Abraham Linkin or those other atheist presidents in the past. We came to accept Jesus into our country and since we accepted Jesus our country became powerful and blessed with wonderful gifts.

Today we are the biggest Christian nation in the world.

I just wonder why atheists think it is not a Christian nation? Why do they use the dead presidents as an excuse. We dont live for the past we live for the future and our Christian Values makes us the most sucesful contry in history!

[Abraham Linkin is priceless and for everything else, there's religion!]

Bride of Jesus, Yahoo Answers 46 Comments [9/8/2008 6:55:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46941

[Marquee in front of Havens Corners Church, Blacklick, OH]

"I kissed a girl
and I liked it
then I went to hell"

Rev. Dave Allison, The Columbus Dispatch, "'Loving warning' about homosexuality isn't a hit with all who see it" 47 Comments [9/8/2008 2:19:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 46892

Well there isn't really any proof of evolution, so its easier to disprove evolution than it is gravity....

Silleh, WoW offtopic 43 Comments [9/8/2008 1:12:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Worldsend

Quote# 46852

Many skeptics claim heaven doesn't exist, but their disbelief does not change reality. During a blizzard one frigid December night, a Minnesota farmer was watching the TV news. When he saw sunbathers basking in 85 degree Hawaiian sunshine, he snickered to his wife, "I don't believe a place that beautiful really exists." Well, Hawaii does exist, whether he believes it or not. So does heaven.

Rick Jones, chick.com 60 Comments [9/7/2008 9:14:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 46777

Christians did you Know Mohammed prayed to a stone, and he kissed it. Christ never prayed to a Cross?
That is why today there may be SOME Christians who pray to a cross

But ALL Muslims pray to the stone the IDOL

They are truly Pagan

KingofCrusades, Yahoo Answers 41 Comments [9/7/2008 9:07:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46815

Why do atheists celebrate christmas and easter?

Halloween is the promotion of evil that christians have no connection with.

Why have halloween in schools when christmas,easter,and thanksgiving are being forced out of schools and public life.

Who did the Pilgrams give thanks to?

Robert P, Answers 65 Comments [9/7/2008 7:06:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 46865

Apart from the questionability of the UNILEVER Company itself, as its part of income goes to the ZOINIST state of Israel, and it has huge industrial net work all over the world with production of consumer products including edibles.
WALLS ice-cream is a well-known brand in the world that is widely consumed in the Islamic counters as well.
UNILEVER has confirmed HARAM ingredients of the WALLS ICECREAM.
Please check for yourself and forward as part of your Islamic responsibility.
Also i would appreciate if any brother or sister can provide the confirm figure of UNILEVER contribution to the Zionist state.

Unknown, pak.net 39 Comments [9/7/2008 2:50:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 46904

We don’t have to prove that God exists to the professing atheist. This is because he intuitively knows that He exists. Every person has a God-given conscience. The Bible tells us that this is the “work of the law written on their hearts.” Just as every sane person human being knows that it’s wrong to lie, steal, kill and commit adultery, he knows that God should be first in his life.

Ray Comfort, Atheist Central 51 Comments [9/7/2008 1:50:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Tehpogo

Quote# 46848

I just had to say it seems like the news events are slowing down quite a bit. A breather perhaps. I don't know if my heart can take another round of contractions. I am worn out. (scared smiley covering face)

I just want it all to be over so badly. I am ready to crawl up in the father's lap and nuzzle my face into his shoulder. I want to breathe in his aroma and feel his undescribeable love. I want to sit under the Tree of Life with Jesus and just laugh. I want to learn everything He is willing to teach me, with my glorified mind, in my glorified body.

This world is getting darker and colder by the moment.

Come Lord Jesus, please come soon.

Cheryl4Christ, Rapture Ready 79 Comments [9/7/2008 1:47:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 46902

[On Why fags Should Be Shot on Sight]

I couldn't even look at it.

For as long as medical professionals have studied the human psyche, homosexuality has been considered a mental illness. . . Until the 70s at least. Then it became an acceptable 'lifestyle choice'.

What happened in the 70s you say? Was a new gene discovered? Was some earth shattering medical study put forth that reversed 300 years of science? No. In the 70s, jews decided that it would be politically incorrect to refer to faggotry as anything other than an acceptable (if not preferable) lifestyle choice.

And so it is.


General_Lee, VNN Forum 48 Comments [9/7/2008 1:44:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 46752

Q u o t e:

No, but you do. How could you support a God that would commit these atrocities?

Also, I would like to point out that there are so many different sects of Christianity, all cherry-picking "God's Word" to suit their own ideals.

If there really was one true "God's Word", wouldn't there only be one version of Christianity? How do you know that *you* have it right? Especially when God contradicts himself in the very book you are using to base your morality.

If you read the Bible, evil people are going to hell. Why are you so surprised that God judges the world continuously now? I don't call them atrocities. You do, because you want to do whatever evil you want and God says there are consequences when you do.

Face it, you didn't read the Bible. You are the ones who are easily led. I can tell by the way you write.

Enforcer, WoW offtopic 24 Comments [9/7/2008 1:07:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46819

[in reference to bumper stickers that say, "God is not Republican"]

That's about as silly as the "Co-exist" bumper stickers I've been seeing.

Tio-Peregrino, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [9/7/2008 12:55:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: KatAutumn

Quote# 46694

About demons appearing as people, I wonder if that is what happened, when I was college and I was suspected of stealing things from the room next to me...and my roommate banded with the girls in the next room to get me out of the dorm...it was sooo bizarre, they claimed they saw me in their room or someone looking like me....I had to find another place to live, and it turned out for good, because I think really think the LORD meant for me to be alone with Him, it was too stressful having roommates at that time...

I later heard of the doppelganger, and I figured its a demon disquised as you, doing bad things.

I used to not want to know what demons look like, and used to close my ears to learning about the whole ufo thing, etc. But then, came to a point, where I'm not as fearful anymore...I learn some of these things...especially about reptilians, etc, and I'm not as fearful anymore. Now I sure don't want to run into one of them. The only demonic sightings I've had was....a black cloud in an apartment I used to live in, that had a demon in it....I did everything I could to get it to leave, but it wouldn't...I don't know why...I would be harassed in my sleep...one morning i was being harassed, and I then heard the LORD telling the demons to leave me alone, and when I woke up, instead of seeing a black cloud, I saw a beautiful gold cloud in the corner of my room...I knew it was the LORD rescuing me... Maybe, it was before I had gone thru some deliverence,...ther eason for the demonic being in my apartment, I don't know...but anyway...
Another thing I saw, was a dark brown cat in my present day house...I only saw it one time and it scurried off.

Then, I saw a blue orb on my porch a few weeks ago...

I've also seen a demon's face on a person one time....just a different being rising up in her...

One lady I was acquainted with, had invited me to come visit her and her husband in Indiana, and immediately, I felt Holy Spirit Warning bells go off in me...I felt that if I did go, I would be in the midst of something evil, occultic and demonic, so I turned down her offer.

Later I found out from a second hand source, that the lady and her daughter had been 'abducted' by 'aliens' and it was a constant thing, and that her daughter was impregnated and gave birth to a 'demon possessed baby"

cherokeehippie, Ministering Deliverance 46 Comments [9/7/2008 12:43:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 46744

Q u o t e:

Revolution in Earth Science, end of the world as we know it, goes unnoticed...

The findings that changed the world as we knew it, were published in the March issue of the journal Geology after two months incubation time, brought to the world by the news agencies: Land Speed Record: Mountain Moves 62 Miles in 30 Minutes.

But why were there no "Revolution in Earth Science, end of the world as we know it" headlines? Here is the answer...

This is a premiere: for the first time, official paleogeology, which is in fact "junk science", with the purpose of selling the illuminati core lie, evolution, tests the audience reaction to a paradigm change. Required because the old paradigm is getting too grotesque and the old lies need an upgrade.

Proof that AT LEAST one of two (evolution, ice age) KEY theories is false



Hectic, WoW offtopic 25 Comments [9/7/2008 12:42:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46828

comment by: libsaretraitors on 08/28/2008 at 8:57 a.m.

Don't be silly - of course homosexuality is a disease.

If I could cure a child of it, I would do so in a heartbeat. No greater kindness can be shown to someone than to free them from the burden of sin.

libsaretraitors, Sign On San Diego 30 Comments [9/7/2008 12:35:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46881

"During the 2004 election season, he praised President Bush's performance during a debate with Sen. John Kerry, then offered a not-so-subtle message about his personal candidate preferences. "I'm not going tell you who to vote for, but if you vote for this particular person, I question your salvation. I'm sorry." Kalnins added: "If every Christian will vote righteously, it would be a landslide every time."

Months after hinting at possible damnation for Kerry supporters, Kalnins bristled at the treatment President Bush was receiving over the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina. "I hate criticisms towards the President," he said, "because it's like criticisms towards the pastor -- it's almost like, it's not going to get you anywhere, you know, except for hell. That's what it'll get you."

Ed Kalnins (Sarah Palin's pastor), Huffington Post 43 Comments [9/7/2008 12:14:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Smith

Quote# 46857

Have you ever been in a restaurant that had loud music, and after a short while, you started to get nervous, and wished they would change the dial, or you just had to get out of there?

God made our bodies with a natural rhythm (tempo) - the heartbeat.

Music that you listen to that does NOT make you nervous is in this order -

FIRST, the RHYTHM; SECOND, the MELODY; THIRD, the BEAT. (Some people use different words for these three.)

Much music has these three items out of sequence by putting the beat first. This upsets the natural rhythm in our being, as God created it.

Rock and roll does this, and most all music, including some so-called "Christian" music. One sure sign is the BEAT of the drum (usually starting out the song) is just out there in front most of the time. The drum sound (beat) is very obvious. Ever wonder why drums are such a part of satan worship services? They "drum up" the demons. The witchdoctors in Africa and other places "drum up" the demons. (When was the last time you said you were going to "drum up" business or something else?)

Next time you are listening to "Christian" music, listen for the BEAT. The words might be about Jesus, but if the BEAT is in the wrong place, the enemy may be involved. Find this hard to believe? Do some DELIVERANCE on it.

Stan and Elizabath Madrak, Demonbuster 55 Comments [9/7/2008 12:12:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 12