Quote# 46876

Q u o t e:
Seperation of church and state was considered very important by the founding fathers, I am going to guess they know quite a bit more about what is good for society than you do.

Teach your religions on your own time.

Seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, it is part of a ruling by the supreme court as a possible interpretation of the law

The founding fathers, whom where almost a vast majority Christian, didn't want the State establishing a church, but in all honesty, I don't think they meant to prevent the church from establishing laws, if it holds a majority vote, etc.

I personally think Religion shouldn't be taught in schools, but then I also think if a group of students want to hold a religious gathering, that they should have full state funding to do so. I also don't think evolution should be taught either nor big bang theory, since they are a full-blow theory that has several massive issues with its formulation that still need to be fixed (and imho are impossible to fix because of the inherent flaws of the theory)

Of course, Seperation of church and state is preached in public schools as part of the constitution, as it is inherent to it, when in fact, it is merely a possible interpretation of the law that several past judges took, a future ruling could easily overrule that law.

/sigh public schools

Potence, WoW offtopic 33 Comments [9/7/2008 12:00:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46906

Here in the liberal state of Oregon, that "Coexist" bumper sticker is everywhere and I hate it. I also have grown to hate the one that says "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention." That one is on a co-worker's car. At one time it made sense, now it's a mantra of the leftist liberals.

Rebecki, RaptureReady 47 Comments [9/7/2008 7:13:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Smith

Quote# 46687

On Stem cells

Right now they are taking the cells from the chopped off heads of fetuses. You wouldn't be able to look at the pictures. It's that horrible.

I'm glad I'm pro-life so I'm not judged on this after more research is done. I honestly believe they have abortion because it's convenient. I think it promotes nothing but irresponsibility for one's actions. It only compounds it with the worst of actions. The more they do it, the more used to it and numb they become to what's happening in this society. Sad, really. No one has a conscience anymore.

And Cambria, you are the worst troll I've ever seen in a thread.

Aliyna, WoW offtopic 46 Comments [9/7/2008 6:47:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46757

You know that there are absolutely no records of thousands of Jews escaping from Egypt in their records? There is no record of a man named Moses doing wondrous things, there is no record of millions of people wandering the desert for "forty years".

Totally false. Egypt very much has ancient records of Israelites in Egypt. One example is on the stele (an upright slab or pillar with an inscription) of Merneptah, the son of Rameses II, who reigned as Pharoah in the first half of the 13th century BC/BCE. It was discovered in Thebes in 1896. This is very important historically, as it shows that the Israelites were indeed present in ancient Egypt in significant numbers.

But aside from the artifacts, historians also say you're wrong. http://www.jstor.org/pss/1452555 at the University of Pennsylvania - An estimated one million Jews were present in ancient Egypt.

Moses' existence is corraborated with books from other independent authors. You never heard of Isaiah and Corrinthians too I imagine, besides the books of Deuteronomy?

Enforcer, WoW offtopic 20 Comments [9/7/2008 6:41:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46705

[Message left on Edward Current's channel]

Let me tell you my friend, God is aware of your deceitful ways. You claim your videos are nothing more than comedies, but what you are doing is twisting up people's perspective of Christianity! You're giving people the impression that all Christians believe in simple "blind faith", and that science cannot prove the existence of God, as an excuse to support the idea that Christians have no valid reasons to believing in God. Science DOES prove God, eg: The lack of transitional fossils; The Grand Cayon( with regards to its rigded, and close to 90 degree angle, cliffs) and many more. So, stop going around making Christians seem as unintelligent and naive individuals.

amplifythenoise, YouTube 41 Comments [9/7/2008 6:31:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 46994


For quite awhile, I truly believed in my heart that Obama, a closet Muslim and black liberationist, was groomed for our politics long ago by wealthy Muslims and by Satan. Now that I see this article, it pretty much sums up what I have always believed about Barack.

He is nothing more than a lying, deceitful, black radical, socialist, Muslim...who has an agenda for America...to destroy her from within! His rise to fame and run for the presidency is an attempt in the Muslim world to destroy America from within our own government. The role of Satan has been to deceive people and to have people worship BHO as their savior of the world.

Obama-nation is truly an abomination.

><>KarateMom<><, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [9/7/2008 6:26:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46824

(Quote: I will not vote for Mcain. I just wish Hillary was running and not Obama.)

Obama and Hillary are both pro abortion. Obama is pro infanticide (google it), and associates with an American terrorist, William Aires. Until recently, after much publicity, he was also a member of a church whose pastor hates America and is a friend of Louis Farrahkkan, of the Nation of Islam.

If you do not vote against Barak Hussein Obama, you are increasing his chances of winning the Presidency of the United States.
Are you a Christian? If so, you should do everything you possibly can to see to it that this man, who supports such evil, does not get elected. The words you want on your bumper sticker are wrong-they are not the same at all! A failure to vote is a vote for Obama.

Third Day, RaptureReady 32 Comments [9/7/2008 6:25:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 46773

Is it true that u have 2 change ur self to become an Atheist?
They told me in order to become an atheist, Guys become gays (like harold) and girls become prostitutes (like all in this section lol)??

i told them it not true, but they told me they can prove it?

Haifa Wehbe, Yahoo Answers 38 Comments [9/7/2008 6:24:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46861

Atheists, the Pope believes in God, so why don't you?
I'm PRETTY sure the Pope has more education then most people on here, which doesn't mean he's better than us though. ^_^ But anyway, if the Pope is well educated and still believes, doesn't that tell you something?

Lion of Judah, Yahoo Answers 72 Comments [9/7/2008 6:23:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46748

Q u o t e:

Hmm, yet religon has been the major cause of death and destruction in world through out history.

The Islamic religion is the reason for that, no other religion. The Islamic religion is not even a religion, but a course of how to achieve worldwide domination. It specifically mocks all other religions and warps the idea of peace written in every other religion.

Enforcer, WoW offtopic 20 Comments [9/7/2008 6:19:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: worldsend

Quote# 46855

And I was told by God, himself, that I must spread the word and, if necessary, force others to believe in Jesus.

Jesuswillsave you, gametrailers 47 Comments [9/7/2008 6:12:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: BloodRose

Quote# 46880

(On a response to Obama supporters bashing Palin)

ahsoisee- 09/04/2008 01:19:48 PM (#1 of 10)
Reply To All

No, it is to be expected. Most of those on this board wanting Barrack Hussein Obama (Osama) as their President are Islamists.

Islam does not respect women nor children. They attach bombs to them and blow them up, stab them or cut off their heads if they do not do exactly as they order.

Islamists have no respect for women. The women who vote for Osama Obama are condemning their own lives to cruel slavery.

Father Time

Father Time, AT&T Religion 30 Comments [9/7/2008 6:01:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 46666

The AntiChrist is here, alive and well, in Washington D.C., the District of Corruption. Truth has many enemies in this country's capital, and in an age of universal deceit, just telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Jesus Christ went to the cross in this world, through temptation, humiliation, rejection, torture and execution by the state at the insistence of the religious leaders. The ones who actually carried out the execution were a gang of Italians. Friendship with the world is enmity with God, the Lord our Creator; we cannot serve God and mammon, but the Republicans know more than God and say they can worship any way they want and He will accept them...ask Cain about that, or ask his son, McCain. The devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, just like the Bush administration has been. Abandon city, everybody over the side, the hour is late, they're closing the gate, no time to decide, abandon city, you better run for your lives.

bender dundat, Alternet 26 Comments [9/7/2008 5:32:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Mycernius

Quote# 47024

I'm just tired of agruing with people. That cause I'm a christian.
Cause the called me dumb and dunce cause I'm a christian.

LoneWolf1984, deviantART 42 Comments [9/7/2008 5:30:24 AM]
Fundie Index: -2

Quote# 46818

[In response to an article about the New York State Supreme Court tossing out a challenge to the new law recognizing same-sex marriages from out of state. Yes, a second. It was too "good" to pass up.]

dont forget when you give gays there 'rights' and stop fighting for the Lord. they will want to teach sunday school, sit in womens dresses next to you, and excuse themselves to use the 'ladies room' at the same time your daughter is in it. So..... if you want to see two men hugging and kissing in your pews and the church picnics, asking for donations to undergo sex change operations, having 'gay single dances' at your church, or how about this asking you to boycott the boy scouts till they admit gay leaders etc... You open the doors to a whole lot and this is only the beginning for them.

igh, The Christian Post article comments, "Judge Tosses Suit Against Gay 'Marriage' Recognition in NY." 33 Comments [9/7/2008 5:24:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 46763

How important is the sin issue? If the CEO of General Motors flies from New York to Tokyo to personally handle a matter, you know it is very important. So how important is an issue that requires God Almighty to leave the perfection of heaven, be born on earth as a baby, then grow up and die a barbaric death on a cross? VERY important!

Rick Jones, chick.com 31 Comments [9/7/2008 3:59:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 46803

From an article describing right-wing propaganda directed at teens:

"Jen Magazine, a publication for Morman teen girls, is filled with tips on how to live and dress modestly -- for example, how to wear two pairs of jeans or a bodysuit under your clothes to make sure not a hint of skin is showing where it shouldn't be -- like your shoulders."

Jen Magazine, Alternet 61 Comments [9/7/2008 1:08:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 46853

I think [Jesus] wouldn't endorse gay marriage, wouldn't want higher taxes, wouldn't want illegal immigration, wouldn't want abortion on demand, wouldn't want the country to have a weak defense, wouldn't want Iranians to take over Iraq, wouldn't approve of socialism, and the list goes on.

antitox, Rapture Ready 45 Comments [9/7/2008 1:07:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 46775

Why can't people see the link between Darwinism and Racism?

Many people don't know that one of the sub-titles for the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection" is:

"The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life."

Herr Darwin is emphatic in his "kampf" that fitter, stronger races will naturally the displace the weaker ones and this is to be seen as a positive development in Nature. His theory of natural selection implies that a "select" group or race will prevail over inferior varieties.

Darwin is far more explicit in the "Descent of Man":

"With savages, the weak in body or mind, are soon to be eliminated"

He extends his definiton of race to include all "maladapted" variants within a population and advocates a form of eugenics:

" we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws......all of which must be highly injurious to the race of man."

We all know where this is leading...and so did the Nazis who justified the extermination of their own inferiors according to Darwinian science.

And the sad thing is that Neo-Darwinists are just as fascistic and racist: Dr James Watson is insistent that African people are genetically predisposed to be less intelligent than whites and favors discrimination against them in the workplace.

How can anyone countenance such hateful and nonsensical talk?

Pastor Winthrop III, Yahoo Answers 35 Comments [9/6/2008 10:48:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46840

[Question: Evolution isn't science. Why is it still being taught in schools?]


Only because the Atheist Mafia have successfully lobbied for its introduction.

There is NO evidence for evolution to account for the origin and diversity of life on earth.

Both the fossil and genetic record refute it.

Pastor Winthrop III, Yahoo Answers 38 Comments [9/6/2008 10:16:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Lola Flores

Quote# 46727

I have to say until Plain was chosen I was really researching the 3rd party tickets. All of them! Even then I was feeling defeated. Now it is not so important I like Dobson feel she is someone I can vote for

Pendragon, Rapture Ready 31 Comments [9/6/2008 9:38:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: atrasicarius

Quote# 46792

where in the OT does God command murder? i've read my bible...have you?

Ms. Lady, Yahoo Answers 29 Comments [9/6/2008 9:30:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Frank V

Quote# 46771

From what I gather atheists don't think anything they do is a sin, this includes murder. Atheists feel that there is no morality therefore they should be allowed to live as animals do, killing and stealing where ever and when ever they feel like it

Willy Will Will You?, Yahoo! Absurdity 43 Comments [9/6/2008 8:24:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: fritistat

Quote# 46868

Most woman do not get pregnant from being raped because of the shock and if a woman does get pregnant then it is the will of God for the child to come to this earth and love is present during any conception.

Anonymous, PTET 71 Comments [9/6/2008 6:50:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 46717

Would a loving God really send people to hell?

According to God's infallible Word, yes.

Rick Jones, chick.com 33 Comments [9/6/2008 6:23:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox