Quote# 57615
[On "No Name-Calling Week" in public schools]
"Is respect for Christians part of these 'no-naming-calling' lessons?" asked Linda Harvey, head of Mission America. "Or does this effort in reality create more division by labeling and stereotyping objections to homosexuality?"
Mission America's Harvey, however, insists it's not hate that is behind opposition to homosexuality.
"There is in fact, grave concern for these kids, lots of prayers, etc.," she wrote.
The only hate around, Harvey said, is homosexuality itself.
"It hates the natural human body and spirit, and opposes truth at every level. It fights gender integrity as marvelously designed by God. It 'uglifies' a person, preventing the full blossom of natural beauty as a young male or female. It is a dead-end affection, fruitless, never creating new life," she said.
"All who enter it will be plagued by troubled spirits, anxious thoughts, unsatisfied desires, and insecurity, including separation from God and hostility and suspicion toward those who try to warn them," she said. "It is poison in any human life and it is poison in schools."
"'Gay' student clubs only add fuel," she said, "by dwelling on supposed discrimination while urging entry into the behavior. The enemy? Traditionalists – students, teachers, parents – who know how harmful homosexuality is."
She said bullying students who are acting out homosexually cannot be excused.
"But the solution is not to endorse homosexuality. Instead, we need to get counseling for these troubled kids to help end their self-destructive behavior, at the same time schools should consistently punish all uncivil and unkind treatment by bullies."
Harvey said such programs "assume that homosexuality as a behavior is something worthy of respect and defense, and that it's harmless. It's not. Let's get it out of kids' lives."
Linda Harvey,
WorldNetDaily, "Does 'No Name-Calling' Campaign Reject Believers?" 45 Comments [1/29/2009 11:28:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo