Quote# 55436

I just wish the atheists would attack all religions rather than just predominantly Christianity. They betray themselves as really being anti-Christian rather than atheist in its purest sense.

Would they had the guts to put up banners that say "There probably is no Allah. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

kazbo, Fulfilled Prophecy 60 Comments [1/3/2009 8:04:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Janta

Quote# 55485

Another worthless study by a liberal/secular-progressive college. It’s plain and simple. If you feel sexual urges, read your bible. The bible says that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

RaptureReady, thinkprogress 54 Comments [1/3/2009 8:00:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By:

Quote# 55371

ELAIU: The best definition of democracy (mob rules) is 3 wolves and a sheep sitting down to discuss what's for dinner.

Another one is 51% of the people vote to hang the other 49%.

A Republic is equal protection under the law for all. Everyone's life, liberty, and property. ( at least theoretically) is protected against the mob rules mentality.

Of course this has been misinterpreted to mean that the needs of the many outweigh the individual rights. Smoking is a prime example of this. Smokers are paying huge taxes and not even given any individual liberty to smoke. Taxation without representation.....bar owners are being told that because they have clients that don't smoke that smoking will be banned by order at gun point if need be. Never mind the rights of the property owner to put up a sign that "this is a smoking establishment , if this bothers you stay out." This is socialism/democracy (mob rules). The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few or individual. Individualism is frowned upon by these wretches.

I probably screwed that up but that is the basic premise.

Oldgirl: How do you apply that to Prop 8 out in CA? The majority has voted. And now I am officially confused. As much as I want to agree with your statement, and I do, in a way, this one baffles me though. If it is good for one group, why not for the other?
Clear it up for me, please.

carvet: Unfortunately, Prop 8 is not an example worthy of analysis since it involves a group of persons that subscribe to a blasphemous life style and therefore have rendered their alleged grievance unsuitable for civil discourse.

Carvet, Conservative's Forum 41 Comments [1/3/2009 7:31:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By:

Quote# 55399

[Detectives say the 28-year-old victim was attacked Dec. 13 after she got out of her car, which bore a rainbow gay pride sticker. The men, who ranged from their late teens to their 30s, made comments indicating they knew her sexual orientation, said Richmond police Lt. Mark Gagan.]

Did physical evidence conclusively prove that her story is true. Need i remind you of the recent flap over prop 8...and how many times lefties have taken the opportunity to set up their own little scenarios of victimization only to be shown upon further evidence that it was all manufactured for the purpose of 1) heaping accusations on the opposition and 2) reeling in public outrage for the poor 'name that political group'. Needless to say, at this point, My BS meter is running overtime.

Caroline, Free Conservatives 43 Comments [1/3/2009 7:10:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 55524

[A great long rambling post about how Will witnessed to a Jewish woman on a flight and where he admits he glossed over his homophobia, and it ends with this gem...]

If you fly often (or rarely) the Lord is giving you such a golden opportunity to share the gospel with somebody. Think about it, where are they going to go? They can't leave. The net has no holes in it, the fish can't get away! So, here is my challenge to you. Next time to get on an airplane, be sure to have a conversation with the person next to you, instead of reading a magazine the entire time. The eternity of the soul sitting next to you hangs in the balance.

Will, Fearless Witness Blog 79 Comments [1/3/2009 6:53:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Gressil

Quote# 55448

[Confused fundie quoting something she doesnt know...]

Yes, I believe in angels most of all..
they are mentioned in The Holy Bible like a million times.
and about all other things there's this passage in the Holy Bible that means (I don't know what does it say exactly) that we don't know a dot of what God knows.
there's also the Bless the ones who believe without seeing.
it means that you don't have to see or witness something to believe in it, like God, who has seen God? No one. except for Jesus Christ, and yet we believe in Him, so we are blessed : )
this is what I have to say.
thanks! :)

x.Sunshine.x, Yahoo Answers 24 Comments [1/3/2009 6:53:23 PM]
Fundie Index: -2

Quote# 55545

[On a graph showing number of people killed by God vs. by Satan in the Bible.]

God killed the people during the flood that were under the influence of Satan so it’s Satan’s fault that God killed them. :P

Klishu, Graphjam 41 Comments [1/3/2009 6:42:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 55395

"Athiests have NO religion. They do not believe in your fairytales".

Atheism is a nationally recognized religion.

Dogartdog, Ebay Art and Artist Discussion Board Post #238 53 Comments [1/3/2009 6:42:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 55135

Civil rights issue my ass. This was not some right that was previously taken away from people. You want a new right, the right to marry another man. You are not married. You are a sad person. How pathetic. Just go back to singing and keep your foolishness out of the political world. Your ignorance is shocking. You saying freaky fundamentalists and then saying "im not violent" is hypocritical. I hope the rest of the country follows suit and BANS GAY MARRIAGE.

DragonprinceImrik, Youtube 31 Comments [1/3/2009 6:36:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: BrandonL33

Quote# 55357

Celsete, think about it this way; if you're opting NOT to stay home with your kids, because you love your job, doesn't mean that your putting your wants and needs before those of your children. Yeah, you could be doing something totally worthwhile, but the Bible makes it pretty clear that the most important people for a mother to serve are the ones in her family... and everyone else after that. I know lots of moms who loved their jobs and put them off until their kids were older or grown up. They knew that their kids needed them and that while helping other people was important, raising their own kids to the best of their ability was their JOB.

I have to say I kind of agree with the woman in Liz's comment. Maybe not in such harsh or judgemental terms, but the fact of the matter is; if you're not willing to give up a JOB for your kids, then, maybe your kids aren't a priority. And if you're not willing to make your kids a priority then, you've got some praying to do, because that's what God's asking of you.

Saidahwk, Boundless.org's "The Line" blog comment 38 Comments [1/3/2009 6:35:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 55223

WHy is this stupid governor letting these Atheists put a sign there?? Atheism is not a religion. We all have freedom of religion but not the freedom to mock other people's religion. And these Atheist won't even dare attempt to attack Islam. Christmas is a? Christian holiday and it brings joy of the nativity of Jesus Christ. But the Atheist sign bring ill will not only to Christians but to all God's believers. To Atheists,.. Your freedom ends where my freedom begins!!

DarthMai, Youtube 35 Comments [1/3/2009 6:35:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By:

Quote# 55346

Atheist? Where do your rights come from?

God is the head of this nation and I think this is tough for some atheist and secularist to grasp.

We get our God given rights from our Creator and the government is set up as a secondary appendage to protect those God given rights but the government gets it's power from the people and not the other way around.

I think this is why you see this split.

Many liberals, atheist and secularist don't believe in God so are rights come from the state. This means the government is almighty and they push for a nanny state.

Most Conservatives have a belief in God and they want less government and more individual control because they believe our individual rights come from our Creator and government is there to protect our rights.

The question is if your rights do not come from a Creator then where do your rights as an individual come from?

If there's no God, then you have no rights except those that other men want to give you.

Born Wisdom Allah, Christian Discussion Forums 35 Comments [1/3/2009 6:35:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Henriksson

Quote# 55368

actually stephen hawkings "God delusion"... i don't give a fuck about him and his book... i have athiest friends but what i don't agree w/ him is he is attacking the church and religion... he's science explanatin is a charm to those who are not familiar w/ it... what i want to ask is where did all that raw energy came from and who supplied it i the first place.. thermodynamics explain energy is eternal and can be transform yet where did it came from?

KhalilRavana, Youtube 54 Comments [1/3/2009 6:34:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Andrew

Quote# 55432

Not. It took years with a supercomputer to track the intelligence of the DNA from a most obvious designer. Jeepers, how when you put so much money, human time, and have to use supercomputers all the while trying to do nothing more than map the genome what does that tell you?

Oh yeah, some believe all that intelligence built into such perfect order came from nothing before it all mutated by accident.

It takes billions of times more faith to believe all that intelligence in the genome just happened rather than believing the much more simple conclusion of an intelligent creator who put it together in the first place.

Computers have 1/99999999999999999999999999999999999 of the level of sophistication of the genome and human body, but no one in their right mind would look at the inside of a computer and say it just got here by random mutations and happenstance.

It really is a complete insult to my intelligence to even discuss this topic. It was born out of racism and incomplete scientific thinking, and the initial Evolutionary theories have disproven in multiple ways. All that did though is cause the stubborn faith based evlutionary crowd to come up with new theories and sub-theories all the while spinning out more of their myths along the way before they get blown up by new scientific finds.

I will give you credit for one statemnt. That is that evolution is man made, as in man made up like you claim the other religions are. It absolutely should be classified along with relgions as it has so much faith based theory in it that it surpasses most world religions in that department. I will agree with you though that you are entitled to believe whatevver you want. Free will was always part of God's will, and that is fully explained in nature, and by the Bible.

TB777, Scout Forums 33 Comments [1/3/2009 6:34:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Billywhitesh0es

Quote# 55411

(not sure if this needs to go to RSTDT or FSTDT)

Look at this! Hamas bellyaching over Israel's actions and acting like 'Palestine' doesn't deserve it. Well shut up already!
It irks me to no end how they continually harass and fire rockets into Israel, but can't take a dose of their own medicine.

So called 'Palestine' needs to cease to exist. I can't believe how many people around the world and many of America's leaders support a separate state for these criminal terrorists!

Way to go Israel for defending yourself. You also need to round up every single palestinian and kick thier booty out of YOUR country!

<><KarateMom <><, Rapture Ready 33 Comments [1/3/2009 6:31:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: The Lazy One

Quote# 55291

what childish bs ever gave you the idea that this thoughtless bromide is at all analogous to belief in God?

atheists should be shot for crimes against reason. But us Christians will put in a good word for you.

Metacrock, CARM 28 Comments [1/3/2009 6:31:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Erik Henriksson

Quote# 55573

AnswersInGenesis, AnswersInGenesis 42 Comments [1/3/2009 6:19:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Tom S. Fox

Quote# 55429

You are placing a heck of a lot of faith in an unproven idea.
Your ideas of evolution hold no water.
They are merely wishful thinking that has no scientific evidence to back it up.

Valerie, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [1/3/2009 6:19:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Lex

Quote# 55372

Why is the 13th Amendment never mentioned in relation to pharmacists being forced to serve people wanting to buy the morning after pill and doctors who refuse to artificially inseminate lesbians? Am I the only one who sees that it applies perfectly?

MichaelK, Conservapedia 27 Comments [1/3/2009 6:16:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 55510

[In response to a Catholic using birth control.]

Saying "The world is overpopulated enough" is a pure excuse and alame one. You lack the facts. One main reason there are so many problems in the world is because there are not enough younger people- there is an entire gemeration of people who shoudl be here but aren't! These people could have solved the problems we have today....instead the older people are more in abundance than us younger people and it is getting worse because WE ARE NOT HAVING ENOUGH CHILDREN!!! Do you realize that the muslim nations will take over the world soon if we do not start having more children? You need to wake up- I suggest you call your Diocese immediately so you can be re-schooled in the Catholic Faith.

klery, Catholic Answers 38 Comments [1/3/2009 6:16:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Democritus

Quote# 55359

Tolerance is the furthest these schools promote. You get teachers and principals alike rattling out students whom openly state they don't condone homosexuality. What really occurs is the homosexual community silencing any whom oppose it. You say homosexuality is a sin or shameful and you're labeled bigoted and hateful.

Oroci_Iori, CARM 33 Comments [1/3/2009 6:05:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 55500

Why do people hate God and the Bible, or not believe at all?

Has humanism puffed up your self-esteem so much that you don't need God? Think you're too smart? Why then is the Bible too confusing for you? (You know it was written in the English language in 1611 to farmers of a 5th grade reading level.
College text books change every year yet all are taught as fact for that semester and to question it you are just ignorant. Yet the Bible (KJV1611) which came from the Textus Receptus which comes from the Old and New Testaments written in Hebrew and Greek respectively, which was completed around 90-100AD is not taken seriously as a history book?
Where do people think we got our year from? It has been 2007 years since Jesus birth. He died (and rose again)around 33AD. This is history, the Bible is a very good read and even if you don't believe it, but maybe it will soften your heart and you won't have all this hate towards Christians.

carriespnc, Yahoo Answers 34 Comments [1/3/2009 5:25:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 55509

[This is a Roman Catholic Board]

A woman cannot becoem a priest in a similar manner that a man cannot become pregnant. A woman attempting to become a priest would be an attempt at a homosexual marriage.

Priests are married to the Bride of Christ...not the groom of Christ.

A priest stands in Persona Christi. Similarly it would be like a woman playing the role of Clark Kent in the Superman (woman) movie.

Dicerning, Catholic Answers 58 Comments [1/3/2009 5:24:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Democritus

Quote# 55442

I used to be an atheist, and even then I had a problem with gay marriage. I have always had a problem with secular society, and I much preferred when these people stayed in the closet.

It is disgusting, and revolting as a poster said earlier.

Sincerely, proud bigot. (Before anyone calls me one, I can direct you to a picture of a room full of people who care. If being against something so unnatural as gay marriage makes me a bigot, then woohoo! I'm a bigot! Gonna start my bigot pride parade!)

AaronK, city-data.com 38 Comments [1/3/2009 5:24:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 55507

{responding to a suggestion that Jimmy Carter be banned from the nation}

That's way too soft a punishment for the traitor who helped North Korea get nuclear weapons. He should hang from the gallows while his spirit heads to the afterlife, where the real punishment awaits the enemies of Israel.

EndIsNear, RR 21 Comments [1/3/2009 5:23:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: cc
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