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Quote# 68870

DNA is what God put in place to prevent evolution, and it has worked perfectly!

No evolution has ever occurred; God’s creation has carried through satan’s storm. Yes, the fallen angels did corrupt it, but the Genesis judgement killed off all their progeny.

editor-surveyor, Freerepublic 68 Comments [12/22/2009 2:59:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 91

Quote# 68867

[In response to a lesbian being elected mayor of Houston]

I live 20 miles south of Houston...I didn’t even know a homosexual was running in the race.

Ya just never know anymore...many suprises...next term a felon murderer may be elected there....unbelievable.

Will she have a parade with all her friends on main street?

bobaloobob, Freerepublic 69 Comments [12/21/2009 12:59:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 63

Quote# 68860

Wikipedia is a like a 3rd grade essay contest that gives points for more words. Here, we focus on learning and teaching, which is why we've helped hundreds of teenagers get into top colleges while I don't think Wikipedia has helped anyone do so.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 88 Comments [12/21/2009 11:14:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 64
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 68852

I remember the scripture that says "Be fruitful and mulitply", I don't remember there being a scripture that says "Be careful with the planet". People need to stop letting science be their lives dictator.

LEedge, ABC News comments 82 Comments [12/21/2009 11:13:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 115
Submitted By: Gah

Quote# 68845

Mystery:Why Do Non-Conservatives Exist?
Conservative principles are based on reason. So why do non-conservatives still exist? Here are some reasons:
* 20%: did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
* 10%: genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
* 10%: refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image
* 10%: believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.
* 10%: fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background
* 10%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior
* 10%: feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers and university professors, and refuse to rise above self-interest
* 10%: harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity
* 5%: like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas
* 5%: are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 63 Comments [12/21/2009 11:13:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 84
Submitted By: Count Zapolai

Quote# 68844

Strange thing – countries or states that seek to deny Christ normally end up as terrible places to be in

[grainsofsand], BBC News | Have Your Say 56 Comments [12/21/2009 11:10:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 53

Quote# 68850

I have a gay adult child. She will burn for it. I don't like the term homophobic as it denotes fear. I do not fear gays, far from it, but I do have a shit load of disgust and a total lack of respect for gays as is my God given right to. My daughters life is one giant train wreck after another. I didn't raise her that way, I was military strict, I blame the public schools mostly, they made it okay to not do as your parents say and actually undermined my authority .
So, if one must call me names, bigot or fag hater fits me better than homophobic and I'm perfectly fine with it.

HolmWrecker, Little Green Footballs 80 Comments [12/21/2009 11:08:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 130

Quote# 68841

An test prohibiting atheists in public office is no more discriminatory than the clauses restricting the Presidency to natural born citizens, restricting other offices only to citizens of the country, or clauses establishing ages well above that of legal majority to attain to high office. The people have determined that they wish to be served in public office by citizens with enough age to have matured to some wisdom. A related qualification stating that such public servants must believe in God differs little in substance, since in essence it is a qualification requiring people to have a rational view of the reality of creation and divine governance of the affairs of mankind, and a future state of rewards and punishments for all men. In this sense, it is like requiring a oath upon taking office or providing testimony in Court. An atheist is obviously incapable of taking such an oath since they cannot make such a promise to a deity they do not believe in.

Furthermore, serving in public office is not a right, but a privilege. As a privilege, it is very rationally subjected to reasonable qualifcations.

Scripture tells us atheists are fools. Can a free people not deny public office to fools?

Heliand, Free Republic 62 Comments [12/21/2009 11:08:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 91

Quote# 68842

[Re: An atheist being denied the government seat he was ELECTED to, because he's an atheist]

The “activist judges” are the ones who will no doubt throw the lawsuit out. The judiciary has, for a leas 45 years, stood against the nation’s solid Biblical foundation. It’s as if Biblical law (the foundation of common law) does not even exist.

North Carolina has a perfect right to defend its Christian heritage. I hope the activist courts stay out of this. But I expect the fascists in black robes to once again strike out against Christianity and moral decency.

The courts in this nation have become a satanic force.

USALiberty, Free Republic 46 Comments [12/21/2009 11:07:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 72

Quote# 68838

All your supposed arguments are wrong, just as any argument supporting a "flat earth" are wrong, because they draw a false conclusion. We don't put falsehoods into the encyclopedia. Hitler practiced the theory of evolution; any evolutionist who does not support Hitler may be morally admirable but lacks the courage of their convictions. Terrorism is not the practice of religious fundamentalism, it is the practice of a very specific kind of Islamic fundamentalism - there is a difference.

JacobB, Conservapedia. 51 Comments [12/21/2009 11:06:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 71

Quote# 68827

People don't like light and prefer darkness when their deeds are wicked. Palin tweaks a lot of people's consciences, and they really don't like it. Palin represents reality and truth, and they prefer myths and lies. Palin is a "winnowing fork", requiring division of wheat and chaff. You may not remain neutral. You must choose, and it makes some VERY uncomfortable to do so.

2 Cor 2:14-17 will tell you why she evokes such an irrational response in some people.

MrB, Free Republic 44 Comments [12/21/2009 10:57:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 55
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68824

Ray Comfort, author of God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, alongside fellow Christian and actor Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains) will butt heads with two ardent nonbelievers using only scientific fact in a debate sponsored by ABC. Comfort says that the evidence will “absolutely” confirm that there is a God.

"Most people equate atheism with intellectualism," explained Comfort in a statement, "but it's actually an intellectual embarrassment. I am amazed at how many people think that God's existence is a matter of faith. It's not, and I will prove it at the debate – once and for all. This is not a joke. I will present undeniable scientific proof that God exists.”

[In the debate, Comfort extensively quoted the bible as proof, and Cameron used the Crocoduck argumen]

Ray Comfort, The Christian Post 51 Comments [12/21/2009 10:55:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: afs189

Quote# 68788

I believe some people are “wired wrong “, they are gay from birth.
But I don’t believe in bi-sexuals. That is a made up term for people without boundaries.

ronniesgal, FreeRepublic 38 Comments [12/21/2009 10:53:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 68785

[Poll on Facebook]

Do you think that Christian-based science and techonology is the most cutting edge science their is?

Christian-based science, technology, and biology are quickly eclipsing the secular sciences. Studies have shown that by 2020 many of todays secular sciences will no longer be relevant and that Christian-based versions will replace them by that year.

(Option 1) Yes, studies prove this

(Option 2) Yes, but secular science is also relevent

(Option 3) No, but I know very little about science

Anonymous, My Polls on Facebook 63 Comments [12/21/2009 10:52:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 95
Submitted By: Tykittää

Quote# 68784

Could it also be though that the [abortion] "doctors" are trying to lie to themselves by repeating the mantra "It's not a baby" (then what the hell is it? A rutabaga?)?

Either way it's all part of the dehumanizing process. Hitler didn't view the Jews as fully human either.

AtomicLibSmasher, Moonbattery 44 Comments [12/21/2009 10:52:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68828

[Christopher Hitchens] rails against Christianity, trying to equate it to Islam and other organized religions. Yet he fails to mention the most dangerous religion(cult) of them all......statism. With it’s 3 gods of government, genitalia, and global warming. The death cults of statism and Islam are the most dangerous threats to the survival of this country. Have another drink Chris.

Electric Graffiti, Free Republic 62 Comments [12/21/2009 3:17:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 66
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68793


Scientific evidence shows that speaking in tongues really is the work of the Holy Spirit, who is the third member of the Christian Trinity.

(1 post down.)

Atheists don't care for spiritual analysis. They want scientific data that's repeatable and testable and concrete, which is what I have provided

(When called out)

What you see on TV is just a scam. A lot of it is, anyway. But a good friend of mine went to Israel and was understood by the locals there when he was praying in tongues. It isn't always gibberish.

And yes it is often not understood correctly by the majority of Pentecostals. Speaking in tongues is only useful if there is someone that can interpret it. Otherwise, it's only for personal use. Note that there's a difference between speaking and praying in tongues. When it's meant for the whole church or for nonbelievers, that's when it should become speaking rather than personal praying.

Crish10_White1_, Gamefaqs 39 Comments [12/20/2009 10:43:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 68798

Look, one way or another, you're all wicked and filthy. Squatting around in full lotus position is a display of depravity and self-centeredness. Christ did not preach "end suffering." Suffering is GOOD. It leads people to God. If everyone were Buddhists, concerned with worldly things, concerned with ending suffering, then this world would be of Satan. Suffering is necessary to bring God's elect into the gates of heaven.

As for the rest of you, I hope you; Jews, Atheists, Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhists, Jains, Hindus...

Enjoy the flames!

God Bless.

MessianicServant , Fstdt 94 Comments [12/20/2009 6:52:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 74

Quote# 68787

Homosexuality is not a disease or a choice. Disorder maybe, but I think it is more of a defect.

I mean, do you honestly believe that mother nature will evolve to a point where there is Homosexuality? Of coarse not. It doesn't make sense! How would we reproduce?

I also think people are born gay, just like people are born with Autism. It is a defect.

Political Correctness will try to make it otherwise though. (like it is natural or something? Like WTF? How can that be natural?)

TheLastOne36, CivFanatics 48 Comments [12/20/2009 6:51:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 68803

shaheem wrote:
why is it that every creature is created in pairs?
why is it that our food is created in pairs?
what part of evolution can explain the creation of plants vs the mamals that eat them?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got eyes and the ability to see?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got ears and the ability to hear?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got a nose and the ability to smell?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got the sense of touch and the ability to feel something?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got the sense of taste?
and what part of evolution decided that the senses above was necessary?
and if evolution was responsible for this, then maybe: are their still senses missing?

and please use critical thinking in your arguments.

shaheem, RichardDawkins.net Forums 84 Comments [12/20/2009 6:33:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: peter

Quote# 68801

What ice age?

Topographical damage attributed to the movement of ice was actually caused by the world-wide Noahic flood.


leroy coolbreeze , BBC R&E 53 Comments [12/19/2009 11:50:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 65

Quote# 68799

I wish God would send me back in time so that I could drown Buddha in the Genghis River. It'd be worth it, because it would prevent him from misleading so many people into atheism.

MessianicServant, Fstdt 85 Comments [12/19/2009 11:48:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 120

Quote# 68795

[In response to the new anti gay bill in Uganda]

It's a sad state of affairs, when African legislators have more common sense than the West.

I hope this law goes worldwide.

Toby T, Y!A 51 Comments [12/19/2009 11:41:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 92

Quote# 68794

None of the Bible's rules contradict. If you think they do, you have not taken the time to educate yourself on Christian theology or the Bible.

TheGreatJiraiya, Gamefaqs 42 Comments [12/19/2009 11:41:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 68792

Denying God exists is still quite simply being against Him.

Show anyone which of the ten commandments is not practical to live by and you'll see why "religion" is injected throughout our society. Without an absolute truth to live by to provide a "moral compass" how can anyone contrast objectively their own belief system against someone else? If I live by and for my own beliefs and they happen to include animal sacrifice, who would have the right to deny me animals to pick up from the shelter to bring home and kill in my honorable ritual? What about societies where human sacrifice is/was acceptable? An atheist draws a value system from somewhere; should it necessarily have regard for law as well? And if that law is based on Judeo-Christian law, which provides most of the basis for our current legal structure, which argument do they then support to deny someone their sacrifice? What if it is their pet or daughter that has been determined worthy to put to death? Do they stand aside and honor their own beliefs?

Somehow I'll bet not...

bleedpurple, The Seattle Times 43 Comments [12/19/2009 11:36:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain
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