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Quote# 68685

This has been circulated in plurk.com. Location: the Philippines. Translation Note: bakla means gay.

Sins that will bring students to hell!, unknown 73 Comments [12/15/2009 10:58:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Lico Reloj

Quote# 68683

Supporting points for my position (Personal God):
-The God of the Bible (and Jesus) is beyond human comprehension; so he could not have been made up. Thus if He did not exist, any thought about Him would not have been possible.
-Those who have accepted Jesus have had radical changes from what they were before.
-Without the God of the Bible, total selflessness would not have been likely since human nature is selfish.

mb, Dragonmount 54 Comments [12/15/2009 10:57:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 42

Quote# 68678

I truly love the idea of atheists giveing out tracts. This will make it much easier for me to spot them and when I beat the c**p out of them nobody will mind because it will stop them from handing out their stupid litter-ature.

Anonymous, IAmAnAtheist 72 Comments [12/15/2009 10:43:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 59

Quote# 68677

[The Ultimate Proof of Creation, Chapter 3]

A debate over biblical creation is a lot like a debate over the existence of air. Can you imagine two people debating whether or not air exists? What would the critic of air say? Whatever the argument, he would have to use air in order to make them. Not only is air crucial to the survival of the critic, but air would have to exist in order for his arguments to be heard and understood. It would seem strange for someone to argue over the existence of air, while simultaneously breathing, and expecting his arguments to be heard as the sound travels through the air. In order for a critic of air to be able to make an argument, it would have to be wrong.

Likewise, the evolutionist must use biblical creation principles in order to argue against biblical creation. In order for his argument to make sense, it would have to be wrong. Ironically, the fact that evolutionists are able to argue against creation proves that creation is true! Evolutionists must assume the preconditions of intelligibility in order to make any argument whatsoever; they must assume things like laws of logic and uniformity of nature. But these preconditions of intelligibility do not comport with an evolutionary worldview; they only make sense if creation is true. Hence, we have an ultimate proof of creation: we know that biblical creation must be true because if it were not, we could not know anything at all.

Jason Lisle, The Ultimate Proof of Creation 57 Comments [12/15/2009 10:40:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: J.T.

Quote# 68676

Mr. Obama you name me one thing that came good from a Muslim nation. One invention that has helped mankind? You cant say oil, because that was placed their by Almighty God!

Jesus freak, Rapture forum 95 Comments [12/15/2009 10:32:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Joel Inbody

Quote# 68669

"Religiously offensive holiday card at Hallmark"
I went into my local pharmacy chain to purchase holiday cards. I picked up what I thought was a cute Channukah card to send to my college daughter. It read (on cover)"Dreidel? Check Latkes? Check Menorah? Check"
The inside reads "The fortitude to put up with all that goyim Christmas music? Oy"

As a Christian as well as a polite person I find this extremely offensive. There were NO Christmas cards making fun of any other religion or tradition. Nor should there have been. Oh, did I forget to mention that this is a Hallmark Tree of Life card?

An apology would be nice but most importantly I feel that Hallmark should pull this offensive card from CVS stores and anywhere else it was distributed. I think this is fair since Hallmark is the premier seller of Christmas cards.

Gail-ann S. , planetfeedback 70 Comments [12/15/2009 10:28:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 68634

Why do the non-religious feel the need to degrade and put down the religious? Could it be that deep down you feel that you are missing out on something wonderful and you are jealous of those that have it thereby producing a need to attack the very thing that you crave?

SamVimes, Dragonmount 68 Comments [12/15/2009 10:14:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 68625

Eventually, under a leftist government, the abortion ruling will be altered somewhat.
Many mothers aren't certain they want to abort their child until it reaches about 15 years old.

At that time, if the child becomes too unruly, or if the mother is dissatisfied with how he or she has turned out she can then exercise her abortion right.

IbJenson, Free Republic 42 Comments [12/15/2009 10:09:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 57
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68623

This might work:

1. Destroy the opium crops.
2. Withdraw all military and non-military personnel.
3. Nuke Kabul, Kandahar, Quetta, Islamisbad & Tehran, and all known nuke facilities in Pakistan & Iran.
4. Quit the UN and chuck those unelected freeloaders off of US soil.

But then, if I was W, I would not have invaded Afghanistan or Iraq in the 1st instance; I'd have invaded Saudi Arabia, flattened the mosques in Mecca & Medina, nicked the oil, and not call it 'War On Terror' but a 'Crusade Against Islam'.
Then again, if I was running the World, 9/11 would not have happened because there would never have been any Moslems in the USA to carry out the operation. Moslems belong in Islamic lands; whatever possible use could there be for Moslem countries other than keeping Moslems in?

wiley, Pharyngula 50 Comments [12/15/2009 10:08:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 68621

God had His hand of GRACE over America, and since we have kicked Him out of America, He is slowing removing His hand......we better wake up and kick the ACLU, the atheists and the Muslims to the curb.

Ann Archy, Free Republic 31 Comments [12/15/2009 10:08:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68619

[M]y dad's family is FROM the middle east. I KNOW these people. You think Abu Ghraib is a RECRUITING TOOL? They LOVE you thinking that.

These "people" understand one thing: power. If we'd have nuked Medina or Mecca after 9-11...I truly mean if we'd have said "OK, you Moslems hit the WTC? Here you go...!" and literally dropped nuclear weapons on Mecca and turned it into Pyrex, I guarantee you two things. First, respect (that's right...RESPECT) from the Islamic world. Second, no more terrorist attacks on the U.S. (And as an added side benefit, no place for Moslems to pray to!)

Harsh? You bet. What I would enjoy doing? No. But we're dealing with a culture you don't understand...one that is brutal beyond your comprehension.

Sorry...I don't make the rules. War is hell.

Wyatt's Torch, Moonbattery 61 Comments [12/15/2009 10:07:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68615

(in reference to obsessive compulsive disorder)

The term is routinely used in liberal psychobabble propoganda attacks against Christianity by undermining the doctrine of Priesthood of all believers and its derivative the Protestant work ethic.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 50 Comments [12/15/2009 9:34:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 68605

Its called science and logic.

I find that a poor excuse. Science and logic are fallible, just like every other thing we study. Look at some of the crazy stuff scientists in the past believed in. Earth being in the center of the universe was perfectly logical, right? It was excepted science centuries ago, just like evolution is excepted science now.

We laugh at past generations for their faults and mistakes, and soon future generations will laugh at us. Science =/= evolution.

EpicGoofy, Gamefaqs 43 Comments [12/15/2009 9:16:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 68603

In referring to opponents of sodomite “rights” as “bigots” , the left may actually wind up giving bigotry a *good* name in the minds of many who have had their fill of self-righteous, politically correct hogwash and the left-wing low-lifes who hurl such charges.

liberalism is suicide, Free Republic 26 Comments [12/15/2009 9:14:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68601

There are many different tools in Satan’s toolbox. Modern dating is one of them. Modern dating will take the young person out of the house of God, will replace God in the young person’s life, will cause division among the young person’s friends and youth group and may possibly lead to the complete destruction of the young person’s testimony. Given the incredible dangers of modern dating, it is no wonder the devil uses the tool of modern dating to destroy so many lives. As we will see, the Lord has a definite plan for us to have a spouse. However, as we will also see, God does not intend for the Christian to take part in the modern dating scene.

Randy (Teens-4-Christ writer), Teens-4-Christ 66 Comments [12/15/2009 9:13:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Prince

Quote# 68599

((A thread about boycotting Jewish stores during Christmas))

Exactly. If the jew has to tell you "Merry Christmas" to close the deal, they will say it. In fact the Talmud openly encourages such deceptive behavior.

This was the same behavior they exhibited in Inquisition-era Spain when they would publically go to Catholic Mass but continue to sacrifice Christian children during Passover for their matzo recipes and other satanic uses.

Caicus, Stormfront 52 Comments [12/15/2009 9:11:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 109

Quote# 68592

the Bible is the only eyewitness account of the creation and origin of life

His4Life, FSTDT Comments 54 Comments [12/15/2009 8:54:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 68591

The Catholic Church expressly calls in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination grave sins for the very reasons being debated in this thread -- messing with human conception, starting with artificial birth control, opens the door to the very problems we face today -- abortion, embryonic research and disposal, etc. The encyclical, Humanae Vitae (1968), has been vindicated to the letter for its wisdom and prophetic vision. It is undeniable that the Church's stance on Human Life is correct moral, ethical, psychological and physical teaching for the benefit of society and the happiness of the individual.

Saw a bumper sticker that I'm sure the lefties here would love: '6 Billion Miracles Are Enough.' That sums up the difference between the two sides on the issue of the sanctity and value of human life. Why liberals need to profess their philosophy in the form of dozens of bumper stickers is beyond me, but this one displayed such hubris that it really stood out. A friend said that the driver (a woman in her 20s) must have had some real issues -- I said that the issue may simply have been that she attended the local university.

It really is a battle between the culture of life and the culture of death. Think about it, the Catholic Church sees fit to utilize 2000 years of true wisdom and deep philosophical history to produce profound writings on the value Life and human happiness. And the cult of progress seeks to alter or destroy life at every turn (abortion, euthanasia, duty to die, cloning, embryonic stem cell research, population control), and writes clever and shallow conjectures that appeal only to the dark mind of self-described intellectual left.

lvb-rocks, Moonbattery 28 Comments [12/15/2009 8:54:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68587

Liberals lied about the Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished the national quota system in favor of lotteries and family reunification. Hart, Celler, Ted Kennedy, and Hubert Humphery claimed that it would not alter the ethnic and racial makeup of this country. It has.

Many of these same liberals lied about the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Reagan signed that one, by the way) - they said it would once and for all end illegal immigration to this country by granting amnesty to the 3 million illegal aliens here at the time. There are now anywhere from 12 - 20 million illegal aliens (no one knows for certain).

Liberals told us that Affirmative Action would not lead to hiring quotas. It did.

Twenty years ago, homosexual activists themsleves laughed at the very idea that the gay rights movement would lead to gay marriage. Now, redifining marriage is their primary aim. Now they claim that redefining marriage to include gay marriage will not lead to legalization of polygamy. This is a transparent lie - hollywood is already trying to normalize polygamy, with shows like "Big Love", just like they started normalizing homosexuality with movies and TV shows thirty years ago.

Left-wing politics is built upon lying.

Mr. Anon, Moonbattery 16 Comments [12/15/2009 8:46:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 68585

The issue is this: did God have any involvement or not? Did God inspire the authors of the Scriptures? When someone claims that the Bible was written by men and not God, this is an absolute statement that reveals something extraordinary.

It reveals that the person saying this is claiming to be transcendent! When one claims that God was not inspiring the human authors of the Bible, that person is claiming to be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent!

Bodie Hodge, Answers in Genesis 31 Comments [12/15/2009 8:41:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 68580

god did not make you gay dumbass, he made you in his image, the devil made you gay which made me sin cause i have hate in my heart for fags
and the bible says no gays will be in heaven
and the bable says gays should die

uhh, Topix 40 Comments [12/15/2009 8:38:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 68577

2010 - The year of "Contact"

Next year, I am sure the government will "Officially Disclose" alien life to the public, and I am sure they will make up a few other stories along with it.

Just know that when we do see this happen, or if we are contacted by alien life, the saying still stands: "Know them by their fruits"

Depending on what they support (Abortion, Homosexuality, Government, etc), you'll know whats going on, and if they're from the evil one. If they won't bow down to Jesus, then they're not of the kingdom. Stand firm.

Goldmoon, Watchman's Cry 28 Comments [12/15/2009 8:37:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: gaijinlaw

Quote# 68576

I have only seen 3:33 in the afternoon, which started more than 20 years ago, but now I mostly see 11:11. As a matter of fact, today I accidentally opened a grammar book to page 111. Then I laughed because it's almost like a joke between me and the Lord. Still don't know what it means, but I'm guessing it has something to do with our Messiah's return to earth.

bowandarrowsparkles, Watchman's Cry 52 Comments [12/15/2009 8:25:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: gaijinlaw

Quote# 68573

This genetic engineering is more than frightening. I think it will cause much of the tribulations in the end days.

But I wonder if you meant to say these words or did you not mean to say exactly this:

"Russian scientists have actually created genetically engineered goat-human hybrid creatures that produce the same milk as a human mother".

While the Russian scientist may have made goat's milk that has this protein from womans milk in it, that is a very far cry from making womans milk. Only God knows what is in the womans milk that is NOT in the goats milk AND only God knows what is in the goats milk that is not in the womans milk.

lounewton, Watchman's Cry 23 Comments [12/15/2009 8:25:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: gaijinlaw

Quote# 68558

[Emphasis mine]

Thats a promise from JESUS if you are ever saved and go to heaven, you will never know or remember the ones you loved. JESUS said he will wipe all tears from our eyes and they will be no more saddness only peace and paradise. You see if we remembered our loved ones we could not be happy even in paradise, so JESUS takes that away from our rememberance.

Jesse James, Normal Bob Smith 40 Comments [12/15/2009 8:23:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: TheDoc
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