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Quote# 68035

*why teenagers in religious areas have more babies*

Lets see. These kids are exposed to the same over sexualized pop culture as any other kids in any other region. They have more babies which indicates ONLY that they do not abort their children at the same rate as teens in other regions.

The inference the writer wants to make is that more sexualization leads to fewer teen pregnancies. No. More sexualization leads only to more abortions at younger ages not to teens forgoing sex entirely.

Kathy30, FC 41 Comments [12/10/2009 5:37:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 68041

I watch the real news channel and thats FoxNews! Obama is trying to implement the abortion factor in hospitals to where if you are not going to assist a Dr. in an abortion, then you will lose your job! That is obsured! and it dumbs down the freedom of religion factor in the constitution! He does not defend the constitution nor does he defend the United States of America! He isnt even black! He is mixed!

Zack Sproles, Facebook 72 Comments [12/10/2009 5:37:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Tykittää

Quote# 67987

(What's interesting that the biggest global warming scoffers tend to be religious. To them Noah's flood is an unquestionable reality, while the current climate projections are as unreal as, say, a virgin giving birth in a stable. (They even laugh off precautionary warnings; so much for keeping your wicks trimmed.))

The vast majority of the US identifies as being religious. This bodes poorly for global warming zealots such as yourself. By the way, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to proclaim global warming a religion, since its acolytes rely heavily on myths.

berkeleybill , SF Gate Comments 25 Comments [12/10/2009 5:37:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Brian

Quote# 67978

I'm getting to like Sarah [Palin] more every day: She looks and talks like the rest of the normal people in America, and whenever she opens her mouth another hundred or so liberal heads explode.

I'm guessing the libs hate her with such passion because she's a regular American, capable of debunking just about all of the talking points they aim at the drooling, uneducated union goons and community activists. She's not "properly educated" in the minds of the ego-centric leftist propaganda aparatchiks in the formerly main-stream media, and she was a highly effective administrator as Governor of America's largest state.

Duke, Moonbattery 59 Comments [12/10/2009 5:32:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 67975

If this passes therr is a good chance the speaker and her board of panelists will get me killed! Its super scary! I was almost crying the other nite when I heard Ms. Palin saying that she didnt rescind her statement and by golly I still trust her.! Much more than i do Pelosi.

How it will work i think, is if there are too many seniors and due to the strain of retiring baby boomers, they will send a dozen or so off to a panel. then while at the panel they will judge our usefullness to society and if we aren't "able bodied workers", off to the lethal injection station we go!!! We must do anything we can to stop this evil legilature! Democrats will be into human cloning in a few years too, i fear! They'll create a perfect race and well we will be out of luck if we arent in cahoots with the new order!

GrannyHope, Christianforums.com 40 Comments [12/10/2009 5:32:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 67973

Come on now, when are gays ever arrested for anything? It's only a matter of time before ministers will start being arrested for hate speech by simply preaching from the bible - the whole purpose of the Democrats refusing to allow an exception for Christian ministers in their bogus bill. Their intent has always been to silence the Chruch or send those who refuse to jail. No matter what the majority of Americans want and vote for, the Democrats usurp our votes and are determined to ram homosexuality as being normal down our throats. Look how many times the voters vote against gay marriage, and every election it keeps coming up or they find some liberal-loving judge to declare the voters' decision as "unconstitutional" and change it. They only deem things "unconstitutional" when it's something they want, otherwise they walk all over the Constitution like it doesn't exist for those who oppose them and their sinful, idiotic beliefs.

SummerSailing81, RR 29 Comments [12/10/2009 5:31:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 67972

1. Get married
2. Bear children
3. Guide the house
4. Stay out of trouble

That's it. That's what God wants for young women. 1st Timothy 5:15 tells us that women who fail to obey these divine priorities have turned aside after Satan.

God hasn't changed. God's Word hasn't changed. The world has certainly changed in many ways over the past 2,000 years since 1st Timothy 5:14 was written, but God is still the same (Malachi 3:6). God desires for women to be mothers and care for the home.

It is tragic that being a homemaker has become so despised nowadays, which is frowned down upon by career-minded women. A stay-at-home-mom is often viewed by career women as being a slave—a victim and having no life.

The problem is that American society has spiritually deteriorated to the point where motherhood is no longer considered an honor and privilege.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior 77 Comments [12/10/2009 5:31:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 67970

However, evolution is NOT a tool employed by God. Adaptation is, but not evolution. God very specifically, using language that could only mean six callendar days, described His creation in detail. He created the universe in its mature state, the same way that when you created balanced ecosystems in 7th grade science class you started with mature organisms. In fact, the first three chapters of Genesis are referred to over 200 times in the New Testament. You might believe in Theistic Evolution, but it seems that God is a Young Earth Creationist.

Nutrider99, Free Conservatives 25 Comments [12/10/2009 5:31:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Johnny Butt

Quote# 67969

[You can't prove a negative]

That is a phrase commonly used by many people, even agnostics and especially atheists. First point, if that were true then there is something fundamentally wrong with you and your logic. Why? Because atheists spend an tremendous amount of time and effort desperately trying to prove God doesn't exist.

Secondly, I can show you where that statement goes south. I read a good example recently. If existent is a positive, then nonexistent is a negative. So, you and I can probably easily prove we aren't nonexistent.

Remember, nonexistent is a negative. So, with little effort, we just proved a negative. Of course, getting into a discussion or debate over the existence of nonexistence of God would not be that simple, proving your statement is wrong negates any possible use of it during the debate.

Vic, Christianforums.net 38 Comments [12/10/2009 5:31:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 67968

Some attempt to disprove the Bible by arguing the impossibility of Jonah surviving in the belly of the fish for three days. I think there is sufficient evidence that the Bible could be accurately describing the situation.
- - -
Thus, by all accounts, it is entirely possible for a human to be swallowed by a large fish like a sperm whale or a Great White shark or a large fish that was specifically created for this purpose.

Freegrace, Houston Chronicle 34 Comments [12/10/2009 5:31:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: bobbit

Quote# 68006

Cheney is for same-sex marriage, he needs to take a good look in the mirror and figure out what happened in his marriage to cause his daughter to become a lesbo.

There's nothing admiral in encouraging your daughter to live a life of perversion and to corrupt innocents in that process.

whatisthetruth, FreeRepublic 54 Comments [12/10/2009 10:17:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 67991

We believe that every child is born as a Muslim. Religion is not given by the family, but it is a natural religion given by our God at birth. The role of the family is to teach the traditions of the faith. But that faith is implanted at birth.

Sheikh Anwar Mady, Belfast Telegraph 63 Comments [12/10/2009 10:15:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 58

Quote# 67993

If science is empiricism, then science cannot affirm numbers. And if science cannot affirm the existence numbers, then what is science?

History is often far simpler. Science came from the Christian Renaissance, ala the works of good crafted Science. And science surely was not based on Empiricism in the 1600s.

Good News Bob, "christianforums" 89 Comments [12/8/2009 7:17:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 69
Submitted By: Tim Morrison

Quote# 67992

Public schools in the United States are liberal and atheistic government institutions that employ 3 million people and spend $411.5 billion annually at a cost of $10,770 per student.Spoken prayer, the Ten Commandments, and sharing of faith are expressly forbidden in public schools' classrooms during school hours, and teaching of morality is implicitly disfavored. Homosexual indoctrination is common as early as elementary school in more liberal states.

Public school students in America have these characteristics:

30% fail to graduate from high school,and more than 40% of minorities fail to graduate;the real drop-out rate may be 50%
Nearly 70% leave high school unqualified to go on to four-year college.
77% have used illicit drugs. Fatal overdoses are common but underreported; public schools are required to present drug "education" to kids
More than 60% of public school teenagers (in one regional study) watch more than 3 hours of television a day, compared with a national average of 35%
One in three teen girls in the United States is estimated to get pregnant at least once before age 20.
About 10% of the girls become pregnant in a typical school; about half have abortions, and about half give birth; public schools "educate" kids about sex
"About 160,000 students miss school daily because they fear being bullied," and in Hawaii students viciously fight each other and post videos of it on Youtube.com.
20% go on dangerous "binge drinking," and 50% drink illegally
10-20% become addicted to cigarettes[17][18]
35% are overweight
Nearly 10% have mental health problems
More than 10% of public high schools have a pro-homosexual student club
The majority of public school students are completely ignorant about the Bible, even as history and literature
California public schools, largest in the nation, now rank at the bottom in academic achievement.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 87 Comments [12/8/2009 7:13:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 67980

"separation of church and state," wherever that term originated, means freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion.

You know, like Leftists support the right of radical homicidal Muslims and eco-terrorists to practice their faith? American Christians and Jews, by virtue of BEING American, deserve and are entitled that same right. Without harassment or interference.

It's uh, a big part of what the Founders of America wanted: freedom to practice whatever religion you wanted, or to practice no religion. Not having an official state-sanctioned religion like Britain does (the Anglican church) was a main reason why we broke away from them over 200 years ago.

I dunno why Liberals still can't grasp that concept.

Nunya, Moonbattery 62 Comments [12/8/2009 7:09:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 67960

In Perth Australia on Saturday evening one national broadcaster is showing:
1. War of the Worlds
2. Independence Day
3. The Day After Tomorrow

So much preparation is now happening for the day of declaration of the adversary!

barryinaustralia, RR 77 Comments [12/8/2009 5:10:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: macavitykitsune

Quote# 67958

I will tell you all the truth about LIBERALS, and why they refuse to condemn Islam and Muslims... The same Devil, Satan, is in the heart of liberals. I am talking about the kind of people who murder babies. The kind of people who promote THE ABOMINATION of gay marriage. The kind of people who constantly bash Christianity on TV and elsewhere(but not Islam). Jesus said, "Every kingdom divided will not stand...How can Satan go against Satan?"(matt.12:25-26) You see, LIBERALS ARE AGAINST ALL THAT IS GODLY, because through their hardness of heart, they have made the Lord their enemy. And God has given them over to a reprobate mind. "In the last days, people will be...slanderous...treacherous. ..conceited...NOT LOVERS OF GOOD PEOPLE...lovers of pleasure instead of God...Pretending to be Godly and right, but denying the Power of God.(2 tim. 3:2-5) God bless those who delight in that which is wholesome, true, and good. The God hating left is short on time, and in their heart of hearts they know it. Pray.

King Samuel, Topix 49 Comments [12/8/2009 5:10:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 67957

The treat of tripoli is BULLSHIT. I read it in school. It says NOTHING about American not being a Christian nation. Furthermore it is NOT a law, a constitutional amendment, or a bill of rights - it just reperesents the OPINION of one author and the congressmen who signed it at that time. It has NO legal bearing on ANYTHING in America, ok? Don't believe me, go to court and plead your case fromt he Treaty of Tripoli. they will look at you and laugh because the treaty of tripoli is a historical document, NOT a fucking law!

His4Life, Fstdt 54 Comments [12/8/2009 5:10:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 66

Quote# 67956

Historical research on Nazi homosexual power should be pouring out from our institutions of higher learning. That universities are captured by “politically correct” homosexual/feminism only proves how dangerous fraud in science has been and continues to be for our nation.

Judith A. Reisman, Drjudithreisman.com 63 Comments [12/8/2009 5:10:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 67953

Homophobe is a made up word by homos and to say that SMART people who oppose a failure in humanity will themselves be a homo is quite stupid and most pathetic when your kind has? to resort to whipping that out.

It's almost as pathetic as when your kind compares yourself to the animal kingdom. Filthy animals that also eat feces right after they excrete form an anus.

nice and accurate comparison though. Except animals don't force a penis into an anus.

GodGunsGutsGloryVer2, Youtube 49 Comments [12/8/2009 5:10:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 52

Quote# 67948

If [gays] want marriage MOVE out of here and go somewhere they are accepted as a married couple. The US is not ready for that. Maybe the gay's and The Hollywood people could buy themselves an island and then they can all be happy and keep hating America as they do.

Kimberly Lee, Facebook-Glenn Beck Group 59 Comments [12/8/2009 5:09:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 67946

Homosexuals are not a species or any genetic variation thereof... it is a fetish plain and simple... Could you please explain the evolutionary viability of semen leaking out of a man's anus? While fellatio might be a part of a balanced diet for some people, it is still nothing more than a fetish...

Sir Francis Dashwood, FreeRepublic 67 Comments [12/7/2009 12:57:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Son Goku on the Flying Nimbus

Quote# 67945

The increasing Muslim birth rate is an ages old "trick" that has been used throughout the centuries; reduce the population of your enemy - if possible, and increase your own population.

There is GOOD news, however. The "population of Lucifer and his spiritual "forces" have remained about the same since he (and his fallen angels) were cast out of heaven... however, God's army has increased... and since the Day of Pentacost, the number in God's army has increased exponentially! Sure, that number may not be growing quite so fast anymore... but there are still many "recruits" to be harvested into God's army.

Personally, I like the idea of outnumbering Lucifer's forces by about 10,000 to one... when we start kicking butt at Armageddon... Lucifer is going to KNOW what PAYBACK IS!!! BIG TIME!!!

wildography, Rapture Forums 89 Comments [12/7/2009 11:35:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 63
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 67942

Too bad old Carl Sagan didn't know that God? (JESUS) is responsible for the orginization of atoms.

I hope he got saved before he died. He's screaming out for one drop of water right now if he didn't. Too late to pray for him now because there's nothing Pope Benadryl can do.

1lemiul1, Youtube Comments 69 Comments [12/7/2009 11:34:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: Dark Bowser

Quote# 67936

In fact, there would have been less than 1 chance / 100000000 (hundred of zeros) that the Big Bang would not have resulted in a cloud of dust because the result of an explosion without laws is always disorganised. There are no sign of intelligence in explosions contrarily to what evolutionists think. I have never seen a bomb expode and build a temple in the process of the explosion. This is the same thing. Ok, this is the simple argument, I have explained it widely because I know most evolutionists don't want to see that the second law of thermodynamics render the evolution impossible.

hanntonn, Epsilon Clue 61 Comments [12/7/2009 11:33:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 40
Submitted By: Fez
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