Quote# 58684

My ultimate reference point is the Bible. What is yours? Ray's evidence and my evidence is the same. We take our evidence and facts from the Bible, which is historical and reliable--it has more manuscript evidence than any other work of antiquity of old. The burden of proof is on you. Please provide proof as to why the bible is not historical, reliable, and why it's not God's authoritative Word.

Trisha Ramos, Fish with Trish 52 Comments [2/13/2009 8:49:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58615

"This really is a great day and a part of moving forward to a time when all Vermont couples will be treated equally under our laws," said a sponsor, Rep. Mark Larson.

ALL VERMONT COUPLES????? Uhhh, I think this is a lie! How about incestuous couples? How about pedophile couples? how about human/animal couples? Will the perversion stop? Since the Bible is no longer the source for moral guidelines, why not just allow it all to happen? Who are they to stop other forms of perversion to occur?

Rolln4Him, The Christian Post article comments 50 Comments [2/13/2009 7:58:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 58441

Who thinks it's funny that people accept spontaneous generation but not Intelligent Design?

Abiogenesis = spontaneous generation

How is it that people believe that this happens by itself? What is the purpose in this? What is the drive? What is the cause for this?

Also, don't you think it's funny how they put the word Genesis in abiogenesis? Tells you where they get their terminology and ideas from. The Bible.

[So... by that logic, did the bible get its terminology and ideas from the Greeks?]

Anthony B, Yahoo! Answers 28 Comments [2/13/2009 7:29:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 58337

A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organising their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame.

Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks.

In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets.

Samira Jassim, Herald Sun 13 Comments [2/13/2009 6:58:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: toth

Quote# 58665

OF COURSE [Hitler's] argument FAILS. Evolution FAILS. Evolutionists are OFTEN wrong, just like the evolutionist Hitler was WRONG.

But evolutionists like the Nazis, Communists and Fascists, never let their errors get in the way of murdering, torturing, enslaving and imprisoning MILLIONS of innocent people.

"Natural Selection" has NO intelligence, so it CANNOT "select" anything. The only way evolution by selection could POSSIBLY be true, is through THEISTIC evolution, but TE has plenty of holes in it also.

Christian Soldier, Christian Forums 48 Comments [2/13/2009 5:37:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Dr. Killjoy

Quote# 58654

IF life is unaccountable to any 'higher power' or GOD...and we have no intrinsic value as human beings (not created in God's image but just random meat-puppet animals) then life has no meaning and there really is absolutely ZERO penalty for living life any way we want to...murder, rape, torture etc...who cares? see what I mean? we can PRETEND to live a 'good' life...but there is absolutely ZERO reason why we should.

Echoes, Harmony Central 60 Comments [2/13/2009 4:15:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: muki

Quote# 58569

[Re: "Stimulus bill to ban religious worship on capuses" (so they claim)]

LORD get us out of here I can't stand this world no more. It's too crazy for me and I don't understand it anymore. My head hurts when I read all this bad news. If you take me tonight in death it's fine with me.

ron4jesus, Rapture Ready 77 Comments [2/13/2009 3:45:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Blago's Hair

Quote# 58444

An atheist will accuse a Christian for what he perceives to be the evil of God of the Bible for the flood and telling Israel to annihilate tribes in Canaan, but if God is not real then these are just events of nature, so the atheist would be accusing naturalism of being evil, but this contradicts the high and mighty morals an atheists purports to have for believing in and accepting such naturalism. Otherwise, the atheist would have to admit that he is a bad person, evil to the core in which case Christianity proves its point that the atheism is evil.

If the atheist reverts back to being agnostic this also will not do, because if he rejects Christianity because of natural disasters, he is rejecting also atheism which has natural disasters. Therefore, the agnostic is not being honest, for he is claiming in one fell swoop both Christianity and atheism to be false and is not open to either of them being true which goes against agnosticism. The agnostic is lying about being agnostic. The agnostic is therefore accusing himself unwittingly of claiming nothing is true which is impossible, for obviously this universe does exist.

Since no other system fits, either atheism is true or Christianity is true. Christianity explains why these things happen and atheism finds itself in a contradiction as was explained, so we are left with no option but Jesus is God.

Churchwork, Christian Forums 62 Comments [2/13/2009 3:00:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TheDoc

Quote# 58284

Recall that the language of Mesopotamia was cuneiform, based on wedge-like characters. Can you imagine such primitive writing conveying the concept of "Holy Spirit" or "sin" or "redemption" or "faith"? It was an inadequate language, far too primitive for the needs of the powerful concepts of Christianity.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 87 Comments [2/13/2009 2:46:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By:

Quote# 58804

(Bitching about public school):

Her grades are acceptable, but not reflective of her ability. Her organizational skills are poor, but none of these teachers will teach her HOW to organize. She has trouble focusing on school work when other students are out of control. She can NOT tune out other children. She does not tolerate fools well, and does not handle teasing well either.

I don't understand why her teachers are teaching what they teach, how they teach etc. She is furious that she has to learn about Ancient Greek gods/goddesses; she is outraged that they use words like 'supposed' and 'allegedly' when discussing Christ.

Finally, she began having visions this summer. She has heard other children's thoughts about their parents' fights. She can see demons. One of her teachers (English/Reading/Homeroom and Homebase) is fascinated by ghosts. She gave my daughter a ghost story, which Maura KNOWS are demons, and told her to read it for class. I wrote back that my daughter has a vivid imagination and that she's not allowed to read those books. Mo did NOT want to read that book. It reeked of evil, and I made her leave it in the car overnight. Well, lo and behold, MANY selections revolve around ghosts. Guess whose classroom has demons in it? Guess who doesn't like my daughter?

BlessedAssurance, RaptureReady 75 Comments [2/13/2009 2:02:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 58485

Abortion is blood sacrifice of innocent blood to the devil. The clinics are like temples, the doctors are like priests, the medical table is like their altar. Its a ritualized sacrifice. They have a dogma called choice, a hierarchy called Planned Parenthood, and guardian angels in the form of police guards that will arrest you if you try to stop them.

companionprayer, YouTube 30 Comments [2/13/2009 12:48:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58313

If there is no Bible I don't think evolution would ever exist. Evolution is just a product of rebellion to the Bible. They make tales just to undermine the validity of the book.

spidermean2, Washington Post: Under God 54 Comments [2/13/2009 12:44:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58583

[Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: Christianity]

"I have no problems shooting most murderers in the head."

"We need to have a deterrent to crime, and the good ol gun solution is just fine."

"Public beheadings on town squares would make an amazing deterrent..." (in fairness, this one's sarcastic, I think)

"Muslim deterrent: soaking them with pig's blood or entrails then executing them."

"I have to agree that this is a good idea. I think more people need to be made examples of."

various, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [2/13/2009 12:15:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: xplicit_UK

Quote# 58596

[About FSTDT]

I always remember what happened to the "group of mocking youths" and Elisha ! Love that story, because God's Word tells us that "God is not mocked;". Anyone who mocks Christians is really mocking God!

A Berean, RR 64 Comments [2/13/2009 12:12:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 58495

"I can't tell you why the good Lord chooses rape to create life, but life sometimes is created as a result of that," he said. "If you go on a web site and Google conceived in rape and you look at all the fine people and they will tell you, 'Why would you say I don't have the right to live?'"

Greg Delleney, GreenvilleOnline.com 48 Comments [2/12/2009 11:32:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 58630

atheism has caused far more death and carnage than religion.

It is Dawkins type reasoning that motivates the scourges such as Stalin and mao.

Survival of the fittest! It is the perfect recipe for genocide.

More than 100 million served.

duane, www.religiousfreaks.com 29 Comments [2/12/2009 11:29:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: seraphicreverie

Quote# 58324

Homosexuality in the clergy

I don't think it should surprise us that there are so many homosexuals in the church hierarchy. I think any institution that symbolizes masculine authority attracts men struggling with same-sex attraction disorder. Few people know that among the military services, the Marine Corps has the highest percentage of gay men. Many of us have struggles with homosexual thoughts and even acted out on them. It in no way means we are gay. That is strictly a political designation. A man can love other men and even sexually penetrate them as an act of male bonding, yet still maintain his heterosexual identity. As long as you don't defend the militant lifestyle like the extremist liberals, then you can be proud of your manhood.

Mateo1970 of NY, USN&WR comments section 58 Comments [2/12/2009 11:21:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 58662

I think evolution comes straight from Satan. If they can reduce us to nothing but mere animals...then why be anything other than that? Evolution is a diabolical attempt to convince mankind that he is not anything more than than a beast, and he needn't strive for anything else. Brute beasts...that's what they want man to believe we are.

Gabby, RR 41 Comments [2/12/2009 11:19:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 58555

Here is your statement:

A man is not intelligent because DNA is intelligent.

So please explain what gives man intelligence.

Carico, CARM 33 Comments [2/12/2009 11:14:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By:

Quote# 58609

Hello, well I have known a lot of homosexuals that have told me, one in particular over the course of his life especially when he was a child that he was raped and molested by his uncles, and others in the family.

Many woman are also raped, molested and physically abused when they are a child then when they are adults they marry into a abusive marriage with a man who is the same as the male who abused them as a child, many of them divorce, then become lesbien because of the fear of abuse, there are 100's probably more of cases of this.

My poor friend as he told me his story, his boyfriend was so physically abusive, he always told me he never felt normal being gay, but it was all he knew in his life, I told him what happen to him was wrong, and no child should go thru their childhood with such abuse, then I asked why he he is alowing those abusers to win? He should take control back for his life and not allow those people to dictate his life! He said I never thought of it that way, through out the weeks I became his friend, he changed, he decided to leave his boyfriend, make a fresh start, find a job and heal, maybe marry and have a family, Jesus was starting, we had set up a time and place to meet to say goodbye, he was afraid his boyfriend would kill him and if I heard something it probably was true, a couple of days later, it happen just as he feared, he was beaten and brutally killed by his boyfriend, it was all over the news, I knew it was him, he told me a lot of stories that only insiders of the gay community would know about, and the male gay community is a little weirder and sicker then the lesbien community. But both is sad, these lost, hurting souls, desperately need Jesus to save them and to turn from the hurting and live, breath again!

Even with all that I know these people are humans but they need to be told the truth, and turn from there sin, asked God to Forgive them, change, repent and make a difference for God with there lives, and make a difference!Instead of being something their not and something they will never be.
with love, compassion, mercy, and Gods grace anything is possible!

4Godisjust, RR 36 Comments [2/12/2009 11:01:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Fangirl

Quote# 58387

As a creationist I have studied biology, geology, astronomy, physics, history, logic, theology, and many other assorted subjects. Yet I am still called stupid, uneducated, brainwashed, deluded, and any other contemptuous adjective. That is evolutionists' favorite argument against creationists.
Most evolutionists are comfortable viewing creationism with contempt. However, if they would study it with a discerning mind, they would find out how rational it is. If someone is convinced that black people are not good writers, why would they read stories by Langston Hughes or Richard Wright? That would contradict their own prejudices.

I have perused "Creationism's Trojan Horse." The book is just one big fallacy. The biggest one is "Appeal to Motive." They don't bother dealing with the premises of ID, they just whine that IDers are just trying to get creationism into the schools.

There is no good scientific evidence for evolution. It is not even a scientific theory or hypothesis. Evolution is much like the dead guy in "Weekend at Bernie's."

kdanley, yahoo answers 67 Comments [2/12/2009 10:00:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: senorchipotle

Quote# 58231

In 2002 Sweden made it legal for fags to adopt children. How much more unnatural can you get than being a fag? When you can’t follow a simple commandment (Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination) you will never be able to raise a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Fags are never happy unless they’re pushing their filth down everyone’s throat. Here is just another example of how fags will stop at nothing to make everyone accept their disobedience to their God. Two publishing companies, Vilda and Olika, are publishing children’s books with the theme that having same-sex parents is a “natural” way of life. WTF? There is NOTHING natural about being a fag! Listen up Sweden, those children are an inheritance from God and this is what you teach them? Not a good idea!

Westboro Baptist Church, God Hates Sweden 68 Comments [2/12/2009 9:24:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58658

Charles Darwin is credited with bringing about a worldwide change in man’s thinking about the origins of life. Although Darwin wasn’t the first to espouse the idea of the theory of evolution, he certainly got most of the credit. When Charles Darwin wrote his famous book on the theory of evolution, he probably had no idea where that ugly lie would take mankind and what a major falling away from faith in God would occur.

Man has been trying to glorify Darwin and promote his theory of evolution even though there isn’t a shred of proof of any of those so called scientific “evolutionary” facts. Man in all his diligence has never found any intermediate fossils. This means scientists have no proof of anything evolving from a lower life form into a higher life form. Man has never found or observed a gradual change in any life form in all the billions of fossils that have been dug up in all the years he has been searching. Mutations and adaptations happen, but there is no observable evidence pointing to a transition form one life form to another. That fact alone demolishes the theory of evolution. If Darwin was alive today, and being presented with the scientific facts we now have, he would not be a believer in his own theory.

Darwin wrote “Intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory [of evolution].”

Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species p. 323

One example we can see is the scientific evidence against the human eye evolving. This is a staggering reality; the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of our Creator God. All secular scientists have is blind speculation.

“Both the origin of life and the origin of the major groups of animals remain unknown”

Ron Graham, Celebrating Darwin’s Birthday 39 Comments [2/12/2009 9:09:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 58356

(describing a woman who allegedly escaped from a "sadistic cult")

1. The sadistic cult has followed her with the aid of the detection devices within her body and thereby terrorizes her. They possess unlimited resources so they are able to travel wherever she lives.
2. The sadistic cult has placed literal animals, detection devices, and other cursed objects in her body.
3. The sadistic cult has broken into the church and cursed several of the rooms.
4. The sadistic cult has visited my home in an attempt to terrorize me, to deter me (they failed).
5. The sadistic cult has infiltrated, via the aid of demonic forces, the church.
6. The sadistic cult astral projects to the young lady on a constant basis to rape, to torment, and physically afflict.
7. The sadistic cult has kidnapped her and forced her to participate in blood rituals in cult meetings.
8. The sadistic cult utilizes her, via her dissociation, for drug deals (the cult has a part in a drug cartel also).
9. The sadistic cult has severely programmed her mind and infused her with occult knowledge from her years of special training in an underground training school on the East Coast.
10. The sadistic cult has involved her in the most heinous activities known to mankind.
11. We have encountered hundreds of thousands of evil spirits and many have been expelled.
12. We have encountered numerous broken parts and many have received miraculous healing (from muteness, deafness, etc).
13. The sadistic cult has created coded personalities that contain information about criminal activities of the drug cartel.
14. The sadistic cult is providing constant surveillance.
15. The sadistic cult has literally taken the core person and locked her up.

Jay Bartlett, Ministering Deliverance 52 Comments [2/12/2009 9:04:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 58462

[Re: Gore to Children: Question Your Parents]

gee, Al Gore is kind of an old guy- at least to a 12 year old, maybe they should question his ideas too- you know the whole global warming, the earth is gonna die if we don't change right now thing.

This is unbelievable, I hope the parents of those children understand what this man is doing? A subtle form of brainwashing- this technique is used by cults everywhere. Undermine the authority figures in someones life. And yes- global warming is a cult IMO.

Resurrection Torchlight, Fulfilled Prophecy 28 Comments [2/12/2009 8:46:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4