Quote# 57888
Today I saw one for Dennys " Grand Slam" breakfast, which had 2 cowboys sitting at a counter with a bid stack of pancakes with candy on them, maybe inferring Brokeback mountain?
And I saw another one for Revelon(?) with Halley Berry saying " I like it both ways", an ad for a lipstick. That and of course the now famous Arbys commercial, how low will they go?
KY Jelly commercial and the couple stretching and jumping into bed because they now have free time since the 5 kids have gone out.
Subliminal and not so subtle sexual innuendo, double entendre's and other hidden messages are pervasive in all forms of advertising. It's entrenched and here to stay. Sadly, it's the kids that are most affected. Adults can filter out the trash.
Makes for some awkward conversations with the little ones......
And we wonder why our kids are so overtly sexualized at earlier and earlier ages......
waitin, Berean Girl, steve53,
RR 35 Comments [2/8/2009 4:16:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 3